HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-10-29 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, October 29, 1981 at 9:00, A.M., in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. E3 UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Jim Crownover, Avery Auten, (off L. 0. Ferguson. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: John Durham, Don Bunn, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart. 1415u OTHERS PRESENT: Carole Martin, Harry Gray. E3 J The Plat Review Committee reviewed PRELIMINARY PLAT C3 © the preliminary plat for Stone Gate, STONE GATE an addition to the City of Fayetteville, HIGHWAY 45 EAST located North of Highway 45 East and East of Highway 265. Bill Martin Owner and Developer. Property zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District • Carole Martin and Harry Gray were present to represent. • QOGQ[T£ v (3 gEM:30 C'G=IIgG,ic 1. John Durham (City Fire Inspector): Asked what the radius on the culs-de-sac will be. Gray replied 50 ft. Durham said that is an adequate radius Durham asked the width of the entrance gates. Gray replied they will be at least 15 ft. wide. Durham stated the three proposed fire hydrants would be sufficient. 2. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Asked that the plat be revised to show the 8" main on Highway 45 as being 6". Designate private drive as utility easement. Gray stated this area is fairly wooded and that he would make utility easements as wide as necessary. Gray said he would like to preserve as many trees as possible. Bunn requested the design plans for the proposed lift station be submitted to him. Bunn said the lift station may have to be approached from the standpoint that it has to serve more than just the subdivision. Bunn asked if the water service would be installed by contractors similar to the way Fox Run's water system was installed. Gray said that is correct, it will be installed by contractors. Bunn stated the 4" lines to serve lots off Stone Gate Terrace may be reduced to 2" with the amount of density to be served. 3. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Gray stated he would like the power to be underground and located along the private road. Crownover said he would not locate in the road right of way. Crownover requested 1-1/2 inch conduit be installed to serve the islands at the entrance to the subdivision. Crownover requested a 15 ft. easement between Lots 12 $ 13 which may be split between lot lines. as � Plat Review Committee Meeting October 29, 1981 • Page 2 • • 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated the meter serving the existing house will probably have to be moved back up on the lot to avoid its being located on another lot. Wagner requested a 25 ft. utility easement between Lots 2 & 3 which may be split between lot lines. He requested this to be in addition to the existing sewer easement. Other easements designated on the plat are sufficient. Road crossings will be worked out at a later date. Wagner said the Gas Company would prefer to be located on the West side of the road. 5. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated he would locate in the easement requested by Kenneth Wagner Otherwise, easements as designated on the plat are fine. 6. Avery Auten (MA BELL): Stated there is an existing termination box on Joe Fred Starr Road and that service will come from that point. He said service would be located along the road Phone service will locate in the easement between Lots 2 & 3 requested by Kenneth Wagner. Auten requested a 15 ft. utility easement along the entire East property line of the subdivision for future service. A road crossing will have to be installed at Stone Gate Terrace. Auten. asked if there would be a building located in the park area. Harry Gray stated one is not proposed. 7. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Asked if drainage will be controlled by open bar ditches or curb and gutter. Harry Gray replied curb and gutter. Powell said this is a dead end street. The maximum length of a dead end street is 1000 ft. This street exceeds that maximum and should be specifically waived by the Planning Commission. The intersection at Highway 45 East must be approved by the Highway Department. Powell requested a copy of the request for the drive, the drawing to be submitted to the Highway Department as well as the Highway Department's response. Call the Street Department for an inspection during construction as though this were a public street. Include in the covenants that this street will be maintained by the property owners within the subdivision. Make the City a third party to the covenants so that the City has the power to enforce the maintenance of the private street. Provide a one year guarantee on improvements. Powell stated he did not like the idea of having the street right of way dedicated as utility easement. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Asked how much room there will be between Highway 45 East and the entrance gate. He stated he wants enough room to be able to pull his truck off Highway 45. Harry Gray said there will be 75 to 100 ft. from the Highway to the entrance gate. Brt stated he would have to have a letter of permission to travel the streets within the subdivision. Brt stated the 50 ft. radii on the culs-de-sac would be sufficient. 43 Plat Review Committee Meeting October 29, 1981 • Page 3 • • Brt said depending on how far from the street individuals decide construct their houses, they may have to curb their trash Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): to A. Check with SWEPCO to see if there is an existing easement on the East side of this property. B. Work out easement with Don Bunn to cover the proposed sewer main across the back of Lots 18, 19 and 20. Also, the other sewer line should be -covered by an.: easement. Gray assured Ms. Jones that all mains will be covered by easements. C. Work with Don Bunn on covering the lift station, whether by.dedication to the City or by easement. D . E . Designate Flood Plain on the revised plat. Note the width of the existing SWEPCO easement. Designate the park as private if it is to be so. Also, show the area of the park. G. Show the tennis courts as existing. H . If spacing on street lights will exceed 300 ft. you must request a waiver on the street light spacing from the Planning Commission. I. Show sidewalks along culs-de-sac, private street and Highway 45. Gray said the sidewalk may have to be placed outside the Highway right of way on Highway 45 due to terrain. Bobbie Jones stated Jim McCord has advised her that where sidewalks are placed on private property, they must be covered by an easement, J Request specifically from the Planning public street requirement, the spacing the maximum length of a dead end stree Any waivers shall be itemized on Commission a waiver of the of the street lights, and t. the final plat. K . Submit at least an outline of the proposed covenants, making the City a third party to them, with the revised plat to be reviewed by the PlanningCommission. Include in this outline assurance that the property owners within the subdivision will maintain the private street. Also, that the private street will not be turned over to the City without the City's permission. L. If the lot width on Lots 9-14 is not 70 ft. 25 ft. from the street right of way, a waiver will have to be sought for minimum lot width from the Board of Adjustment. Plat Reivew Committee October 29, 1981 Page 4 M. Show easements requested today. N. Show street lights along Highway 45 East 0. Notify adjoining property owners within 100 ft. of the property of the Planning Commission meeting at which this preliminary plat will be reviewed and submit proofcof"notifidation to the Office of City Planning. P. Contact David Lashley to see if the Park Land contribution will be cash or land. If it is determined that the contribution will be cash, the fee will be $105.00 per lot. Q. Revisions must be received in the Office of City Planning no later than November 2, 1981 in order to be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee November 6, 1981 atJ1:30, P.M. and the Planning Commission November 9, 1981 at 5:00, P.M. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00, A.M. 95