HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-10-15 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE FETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, October 15, 1981, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Dick Shaw, Dennis Burrack, L. 0. Ferguson. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: John Durham, Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart. Paul Mattke, Robert Young. The Plat Review Committee reviewed PRELIMINARY PLAT the Preliminary Plat for Happy Acres HAPPY ACRES ADDITION Addition to be located West of Old HEBBERD $ HAINES Wire Road, North of Ash Street and East of Juneway Terrace. Oleva Hebberd and Lerene Haines, Owner and Developer.' Property zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. Paul Mattke and Robert Young were present to represent. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Ash Street is designated a Collector Street on the Master Street Plan There is presently 40 ft. of right of way and 60 ft. of right of way is required. This developer will dedicate an additional 10 ft. of right of way on his side of Ash Street to bring it into compliance. Old Wire Road is also designated a Collector on the Master Street Plan, there is presently sufficient right of way dedicated for Old Wire Road. This developer will be required to widen Ash Street to 15-1/2 ft. from the centerline towards his property and required to construct curb and gutter, storm drainage and sidewalks.: -The Storm drainage will e*tend from Old Wire Road West to the creek. Clayton stated flooding occurs in this area. There are existing underdrains in the Caudel Subdivision. He stated there should be two concrete lined drainage ditches one to be located on the lot line between Lots 9 $ 10, West of Schell Place and the other will be worked out between the developer and Clayton Powell. Powell stated 25 ft. easements will be required with the drainage ditches. Mattke asked if culverts were installed, if the easement width could be narrowed. Powell felt that would be reasonable. Powell stated that if Ash Street is required to be widened, there is property along Ash Street owned by the City and also by the Gas Company. He stated the developer should check to see if the City and the Gas Company can be expected to participate if Ash Street is required to be widened and improved. Powell stated storm drainage will also be necessary in connection with any improvement to Old Wire Road. Interior streets will be built to standard street specifications. Dewey Drive topography and street grade will determine if storm 27 • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting October 15, 1981 Page 2 drainage will be required. Schell Place will be expensive to construct if only 7 lots are to be served. The creek appears to separate the street from the lots. Sidewalks will be as per Master Sidewalk Plan and new streets in connection with this subdivision will require sidewalks on one side. Powell stated the Developer may want to consider making this subdivision a PUD and Schell a private street. Powell felt that in this situation, Schell being a dead end street serving only 7 lots, a less than 31 ft. street would be acceptable. Bobbie Jones stated that if this subdivision is submitted as a PUD there would be a 30% green space requirement. 2. John Durham (City Fire Inspector): Stated that everything looks fine, fire hydrants as proposed are adequate Bobbie Jones stated if this subdivision is submitted as a PUD,the City would have to be made a third party to the covenants so that emergency vehicles as well as city service vehicles wouldihave the right to travel the private streets within the PUD. 3. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated he would not pay for any street improvements. Bunn said it looked like everything was covered on the plat. He stated he would review the final plans when they are out. He asked what other utilities would go in the sewer easements. Robert Young stated there would be gas service in some of the easements on the North side of the subdivision. Bunn stated if other utilities are located in the same easement with water or sewer lines there should be ample separation. 4. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Stated service will be overhead. There may be some trees that have to be trimmed located in easements. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated the Gas Company should be contacted before any tractors or backhoes start digging. Requested the following easements: 1. Designate building setback and utility easement on the North side of Ash Street. 2. Designate building setback and utility easement along the East side of Dewey Drive. 3. If gas service is the only utility located in the easement, a 15 ft. easement along the North side of Lot 1, Block 1 will be sufficient. Wagner asked if the two existing sheds would be torn down. He stated in Phase II, the sheds will be located over a necessary service easement. Robert Young stated the buildings will be torn down when Phase II is developed. Wagner stated that if Ash Street is widened, it will put the street right up next to the gas setting. He stated the Developer will be required to construct some type of protection for the setting. gg • Plat Review Committee Meeting October 15, 1981 Page 3 Mattke asked if the Gas Company would be willing to dedicate additional right of way in connection with the widening of Ash Street. Wagner stated that would have to be discussed with the Vice President of Operations. Wagner stated it may be necessary to set the setting back. Regardless of which way it goes, the developer will be responsible for the relocation of the setting or the construction of the guard rails. Wagner stated gas service will be installed under the Gas Company's regular contract. Wagner asked that all easements be cleared and that the Gas Company be contacted before any digging is done. Clayton Powell stated it should be resolved whether or not the Gas Company and the Water and Sewer Department will dedicate additional right of way for the widening of Ash Street, before this goes to the Planning Commission in case they require it be widened. 6. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated service will be overhead from poles on the South side of this property, along the West side of the property and along the front on the East side of the property. 7. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): 1. Designate 25 ft. building setback and utility easement along Ash at Lot 9, Block 2. 2. Designate 25 ft. building setback and utility easement along Lots 4-8, Block 2, on the West side of Dewey. 3. Designate building setback and utility easement along Old Wire Road. 4. Increase easement between Lots 1 $ 2, Block 1 to 25 ft. 5. Between Lots 3 P, 4, Block 2, designate 25 ft. utility easement. This may be split 15 ft. easement on Lot 4 and 10 ft. on Lot 3. Shaw stated he was in agreement with Kenneth Wagner in that the two existing sheds need to be torn down. Also, he felt the easements should be cleared.. Be sure the proper title block for easement dedications is on the final plat. 8. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): 1. A parks dedication will be required with this subdivision. If land is not dedicated, the cash contribution is $105.00 per single family lot. 2. Mr. Lieberenz commented this is a critical flood plain area. Part of the subdivision is in the flood plain, and part is in the Floodway where no construction is permitted. He raised the question of how Schell can be constructed without massive rechannelization of the creek. 21 Plat Review Committee Meeting October 15, 1981 Page 4 3. Show existing easement in Caudle Subdivision, and also, any existing easements that may exist in Hillside Addition at the Northwest corner of this subdivision. 4. Ash Street does have an existing right of way of 40 ft:; 60 ft. of right of way is required by the Master Street Plan. Dedicate 10 ft. of additional right of way to meet the Master Street Plan. Whether or not additional right of way is dedicated by the Gas Company or the Water and Sewer Department, the Board of Directors is the only body that can waive the requirement. 5. Sidewalks are required on both sides of Ash Street. Also, the developer will be required to widen Ash Street, and install curb and gutter. Ash will be widened 15-1/2 ft. from the centerline. 6. Old Wire Road has sufficient right of way dedicated at this time. It will be widened to 15-1/2 ft. from the centerline toward this development and curb, gutter and sidewalk installed. 7. Any waivers.requested for street lights or street light spacing, will have to be requested from the Planning Commission. 8. Show additional easements as requested today, on revised plat. 9. Show actual floodway on this subdivision plat. 10. The two sheds on the North side of the subdivision have been addressed, the barn on Lot 3 and the garage on Lot 1 would be nonconforming. Mattke said the garage would probably remain, but the sheds and the barn would probably come down. Ms. Jones stated the distances from lot lines should be shown on the garage. 11. Ms. Jones stated the buildable area on Lot 8, Block 2 looked very restricted. 12.. Designate the zoning as R-1, Low Density Residential District, with a proposed usage of single family residential. 13. Jones stated the way Lot 1 and Lot 5 in Phase I are laid out, they will have frontage on at least two streets and Lot 1 will have frontage on three streets. She stated the buyers of these lots should be aware of the sidewalk requirements. Lot 5, as proposed, will have sidewalks constructed on two sides and Lot 3, as proposed, will have sidewalks on three sides. Lot 3 will also have setbacks of 25 ft. from each right of way. Ms. Jones stated there had been a situation at a recent Planning Commission meeting where a private street had been tentatively approved in a subdivision that was not a PUD. She stated the Developer may want to pursue this avenue. However, a property owners association would have to be formed with a schedule of assessments to adequate cover maintenance of the private street. Plat Review Committee Meeting October 15, 1981 Page 5 Also, the City would have to be made a third party to the covenants so that the City could force the property owners to maintain the private street if the need arises. The reason she was mentioning this is that it would be difficult for this subdivision to be submitted as a PUD and meet the 30% open space requirement. Out of the 30% green space, no more than.50% can be located in the flood plain. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M.