HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-10-01 Minutes• • © • • 1:61 ca eti GQ G3 eJ v C3 O • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee October 1, 1981 in the Directors Room, City • Arkansas. was held at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, Administration Building, Fayetteville, UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Avery Auten, Kenneth Wagner, Dennis Burrack. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart, Clayton Powell. OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Hughes. Don Bunn, The Committee reviewed the AMERICAN AIR FILTER/ALLIS-CHALMERS Large Scale Development Plan EXPANSION for a proposed expansion to 2355 ARMSTRONG ROAD/INDUSTRIAL PARK the existing American Air Filter Plan located in the Fayetteville Industrial Park, South of Pump Station Road and West df Armstrong Avenue. American Air Filter Co. and Allis-Chalmers - Owner and Developer. Property is zoned I-2, Heavy Industrial District. Tom -Hughes, Plant Manager, was present to represent. 1. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Asked if the existing water system would be used Tom Hughes stated that is correct, that very little water is used in the manufacturing operation. Existing mains should take care of the expansion. 2. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Stated this expansion will almost double the present usage. Voltage is in the process of being stabilized. There is presently 750/820 service to the site now, however, service will probably have to be changed to 1000/1240 to accomodate the expansion. He stated this could be performed on a weekend so that it will not be terribly inconvenient. A substation is in the process of being constructed at this time and in 1984 there will be a new substation constructed just North of Pump Station Road and West of Armstrong Avenue. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company). Wagner asked what is expected as far as increased gas usage. Hughes stated he expects gas usage to double. Wagner stated service is available. 4. Avery Auten',(MA BELL): Hughes stated as far as phone service, the phone company needed to get with the Architects on the load increases and placement of conduit. 5. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated drainage is already controlled on the site. He stated care should be taken so no drainage empties out onto drives. Additional tile for drainage needs to be layed under the proposed drive to control drainage into the bar ditch behind the curb and gutter. Sidewalks will be as required by the Board of Directors. Pump Station Road is built to current standards along this property's boundary and the same applies to Armstrong Ave. 35 • • Plat Review Committee Meeting October 1, 1981 . Page 2 Bobbie Jones stated she was not sure there was curb and gutter on Armstrong Avenue. Powell stated he believed there is asphalt curb and gutter. If there is not he did not recommend this developer install the curb and gutter as drainage is adequately controlled by the existing bar ditch. 6. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Sidewalks will be required where property abuts Pump Station Road and where property abuts Armstrong Avenue. A waiver of this requirement will have to be sought at the Board of Directors level. B. Asked if there would be any outdoor storage in connection with the expansion. Hughes stated only during the construction of the addition. C. A driveway permit will have to be obtained from the City ''Engineer's Office and an inspection performed by the City Street Department on the proposed drive. The inspection by the Street Department is to be performed before the driveway is poured. D. There are not enough parking spaces shown on the plat for the additional square footage to be added. A waiver of the parking requirements will have to be sought from the Board of Adjustment. E. If cable.,television is desired, contact L. 0. Ferguson at Warner Cable Company. F. No revisions of the submitted will be required. This proposal will be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee at 1:30,P.M. Friday, October 9, 1981 and the Planning Commission at 5:00 Monday, October 12, 1981. The meeting adjourned at 9:30.A.M. 86