HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-17 Minutes5. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Be sure that water and sewer service lines, that may cross lot lines within the structure are covered by some type of easement. B. Note the private patios designated on the plat. C. Tie drawing back to the quartersection corner. D. The developer may have to contribute $85.00 per unit for acquisition of parks E. Submit copies of any covenants or easements to the Planning Office as well as revised copies of the plat no later than September 21 for the next Subdivision Committee and Planning Commission Meetings. 83 I coWarner Cable and SWEPCO have no comments, services are in place. • 1. Q c3 e9 3. Al Rukgaber (City Street Department): No comments. 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Asked how many meter services will be located on the lot. Mainard replied probably four. Mainard stated water service is already in place on the lots. MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:20,A.M., Thursday, September 17, 1981, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Avery Auten. Wally Brt, Don Bunn, Al Rukgaber, Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones, Wally Brt. Gail Mainard. Reviewed this morning was the Concurrent Plat, a replat of Lot 8, Block 3, Kantz Place, located West of East Oaks Drive and North of Arkansas State Highway 45. Gordon Wilkins - Owner and Developer. Property is zoned R-2,Medium Density Residential Gail Mainard was present to represent. CONCURRENT PLAT REPLAT LOT 8, BLOCK 3, KANTZ PLACE District. L. 0. Ferguson and Dennis Burrack submitted their comments by • phone. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated he believes these units are to be all electric. However, if gas service is desired in the future, it is available. 2. Avery Auten (MA BELL): Requested two 15 ft. easements which can be split between lot lines to be located between Lots 8-A and 8-B, and between Lots 8-C and 8-D. These easements need only be dedicated from the rear of the lots to the building. �. SH A • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 17, 1981 Page 2 6. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Stated the owner and developer should be directed to inform the owners of these units they will have to provide their own trash cans. He stated the container located on East Oaks should not be utilized by this fourplex. If the developer owns any lots adjacent to this lot, it may be more convenient to place a container on the lot line to serve both lots. A four yard container would be sufficient to serve this lot and an adjacent lot. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 A.M.