HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-27 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, August 27, 1981, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Dick Shaw, L. 0. Ferguson, Dennis Burrack. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart, Don Bunn, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Crafton, Walter Turnbow, Larry Robbins. The first item for discussion PROPOSED INTERSECTION OF was the proposed intersection �f Millsap MILLSAP ROAD WEST Road with the West side of Highway 71B, OF HIGHWAY 71B submitted by Steele Investment Company. Walter Turnbow and Bob Crafton were present to represent. Bob Crafton stated that this plan was originally submitted to the Planning Commission and approved for that portion West of Highway 71 B only, the portion proposed to intersect with the Highway 71 bypass was sent back to the Technical Advisory Committee. The proposal went before the Board of Directors August 18, 1981 and they approved the access off of Highway 71 bypass with a revision to move that access 600 ft. to the West to an access point originally granted by the A.H.T.D. 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated this plan coincides with what was recommended by the Owner and Developer and the Technical Advisory Committee. Clayton Powell stated the radius for the Western intersection of Millsap Road should be included in the Plat. Bob Crafton stated this plat shows the ROW only, and the radius will be included with the detailed street plans. Powell stated that if the street is constructed from Highway 71B West, that it should be developed in segments no less than. 500 ft. in length into the property. If the road is developed from the bypass East, then it should be constructed at least through the intersection for the first segment. 2. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated there is a 16" water line on the West side of North College Avenue It is old and is probably lead jointed. Care should be taken not to damage it. Also, it may be located on private property. Crafton stated nothing has been platted as far as lots or tracts. When there is a use for the property a plan will be submitted and utilities will be platted at that time. 3. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Stated there is an existing line on the East side of Highway 71. He stated there is sufficient power available to serve whatever type development'is proposed. There is a street light at the intersection of the proposed Millsap Road and Highway 71. When street construction begins, it will probably have (XJ Plat Review Committee Meeting • August 27, 1981 Page 2 to be relocated. Dennis Burrack asked if the City would require any street lighting on the new road. Bobbie Jones stated street lights will be required at 300 ft. intervals and, also, at all intersections. Jones stated she sees three intersections that will have to be lighted in addition to the 300 ft. intervals. Crafton stated he would work with SWEPCO. He stated the street will be constructed in stages. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated there is an existing 4" high pressure gas line immediately West of Highway 71. It turns back West into a 6" high pressure gas line. Before gas service will be installed, a plat will have to be submitted showing easements. The gas company will work with the developer in reducing pressure into the development. Wagner stated that when the plat is prepared, the Gas Company will require 25 ft. easements. 5. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated the cable service will be located in the same route as telephone service. Service is available if desired. 6. Dick Shaw (MA BELL): Stated there is an existing pole where the street will be going in, which will have to be relocated. Easements will be requested at the time the usage is known. He suggested that an approximate load requirement be figured out at this time, so that the load can be anticipated and conduit placed prior to the paving of the proposed street. Service will come from the West side of the Highway, South of the Whitfield Motor Company. The proper size of cable needs to be placed, as it will be very expensive if it has to be resized. He stated a high figure would be preferred. Shaw requested advance notification of moving of the pole and the construction of the proposed street. 7. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Indicate Subdivision name on the preliminary plat. B . Designate street lights every 300 ft. and at major intersections. Spacing may be waived by the Planning,Commission C. Sidewalks will be required on the proposed street 5 ft. wide. D . Indicate proposed use of the property. Bobbie asked if the A-1 property will be rezoned. Walter Turnbow stated he plans on petitioning for rezoning for that portion of the property zoned A-1 to make the entire tract commercial. rlb • • Plat Review Committee Meeting August 27, 1981 Page 3 E. Asked if the developer plans to construct the whole street. Walter Turnbow stated that he does plan to construct the whole street, but at this time, the street adjacent to the C-2 will be the only portion constructed at this time; the Highway 71 bypass access will be constructed, but only to furnish access to the farmland. F. Indicate topos on the plat. G. Furnish Office of City Planning with a copy of any proposed covenants. H. Indicate easements abutting the property. I. Depending on the amount of property sold, a Large Scale Development plan may have to be submitted with development. The next item for consideration was the concurrent plat, a replat of Lot 6, Block 3, Kantz Place, located West of East Oaks Drive and North of Highway 45 East. Property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential District. Fred B. Hanna, Jr. and John Maguire Owner and Developer. Bob Grafton was present to represent. CONCURRENT PLAT REPLAT LOT 6, BLOCK 3 KANTZ PLACE 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that emptying of surface drainage from the parking area into the street should be discouraged. Water should be emptied into the storm drainage in East Oaks, if not it should be emptied into the curb and gutter line. 2. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that since this concurrent plat contains only 4 units, cans will be sufficient to serve the quadraplex. 3. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Asked if the units are existing. Crafton stated they are, this plat is to locate property lines as the units are for individual ownership. - Burrack stated that the way the lines are run into the units, the utility lines may cross lot lines. He stated that an easement or something in the deed should be drawn up since these will be for individual ownership and the service lines to the other units may cross lot lines. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Wagner stated there is a gas loop serving these lots. He wondered if it would be acceptable to leave the line as is. Crafton stated he has no problem with that request. 5. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated that he believes the cable company served the units along the lot lines. He stated he has no problems. 6. Dick Shaw (MA BELL): Stated he has the same problem with service being run across lot lines as SWEPCO. He suggested showing an easement between Lots A $ B and Lots C $ D. '71 Plat Review Committee Meeting August 27, 1981 • Page 4 • • 6. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Submit a copy of the deed restrictions referred to on the plat to the Office of City Planning. B. Bobbie Jones stated that the corporate resolution may not be needed as no corporation is referred to in the ownership block. Crafton stated it would be removed if it is there in error. C. Add Medium Density Residential District after R-2, in the zoning classification. D. Where the Plat states Concurrent Plat, add "to replat Lot 6, Block 3 Kantz Place". The next item for review was the concurrent plat, a replat of Lot 1, Block 3, Kantz Place. Ball Family Trust - Owner and Developer. Located North of Highway 45 East and West of East Oaks Drive. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential District. Bob Crafton was present to represent. CONCURRENT PLAT REPLAT OF LOT 1, BLOCK 3 KANTZ PLACE 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that the four ft. wide sidewalk designated adjacent to Highway 45 should be located at least on the right of way line and extending towards the developers property and not on State Highway Department right of way. Sidewalk should be built to intersect with East Oaks Drive, the property owner to the West should tie into the terminal point of this sidewalk. If there are terrain problems, the sidewalk may be graded to a gradual slope. Since this is a multifamily development, make a wheel chair ramp at the corner of East Oaks and Highway 45 into the sidewalk. 2. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that if gas service is desired in the future it is available to the site. 3. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): All facilities are in at this time. He stated that the same thing applies about services crossing lot lines in this replat. He said he would like something in the deed to cover these services. S. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated that service is buried down the lot lines. Dick Shaw (MA BELL): Would like easements to cover service lines into the buildings as service crosses lot lines. 6. Bobbie Jones(City Planning Administrator): A. Furnish copy of deed restrictions to the Office of City Planning. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting August 27, 1981 Page 5 B. Add Medium Density Residential District after R-2 on the plat. C. Add "Replat of Lot 1, Block 3" in the title block. D. The wrong scale has been used on easements and building setbacks. E. Landscaping is required between the parking area and the street consisting of 10%. F. It appears that a portion of the parking lot is in violation of the setback requirements. The parking area should be no closer than 10 ft. to the property line. G. There must be some type of resolution since this is a trust The next item for consideration was the Final Plat of Royal Oaks Estates a Planned Unit Development a replat of Tracts 1 - 6, Kantz Place. ROYAL OAKS ESTATES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that all open space is designated as utility and drainage easement. Powell stated he did not want a blanket drainage easement.on that open space. Designate specific easements to control drainage, otherwise, property owners will want the City to maintain the blanket easements shown as drainage easements. Since Kantz Lane has been extended, the additional right of way that was contained in the cul-de-sac may be reverted back to the property owners. If sidewalks are required along Highway 45 with this development, they will be built on the property line and extend toward the developer's property not into the Highway Departments right of way. Construct wheel chair ramps into the sidewalks at the intersection of Ball Avenue and Highway 45. 2. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that Lot 30 will have to be containerized. He stated that either a 75 ft. turning radius will have to be provided in the cul-de-sac, or permission will have to be granted in writing to the effect that Sanitation and Fire Vehicles have permission to travel on the private property. Brt asked how many units would be constructed on Lot 30. Crafton stated it has a potential for 39 units. Wally stated it would require two 6 -yard containers to serve Lot 30. Grafton and Brt discussed densities for each lot. Wally said he would like to containerize the whole PUD. He stated he would work with the developer. 3. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated it would be a good idea to anticipate maximum densities when requesting water taps. Otherwise, if there is an insufficient amount of taps, it will be very expensive to tear the street out and install additional taps. 71 • • Plat Review Committee Meeting August 27, 1981 Page 6 4. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): A. Dedicate B . Dedicate C. Dedicate D. Dedicate 12-1/2 ft. 12-1/2 ft. 12-1/2 ft. 12-1/2 ft. either either either either side side side side of the of the of the of the lot line between lot line between lot line between lot line between Lots 36.;$ 37. Lots 44 $ 45. Lots 51 & 52. Lots 34 $ 35. Burrack stated that installation of service is going to be very expensive in this PUD due to the large amount of rock. Burrack stated that any cost incurred by SWEPCO in digging trench over 40¢ per foot will be charged back to the developer. Burrack stated he would like to see the development plan on the larger lots. S. L..O. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated he would try to follow the same line as SWEPCO. Ferguson stated crossings are in but cable is not. Also, on the preliminary plat there was a pool designated on the back side of Lots 26, 27, 28 and 29. He stated he will need 25 ft. of clearance at the back of these lots. If that is going to be too near the pool he needs to know. 6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): to be 10 ft. of easement between Lots 53 and 54. not 10 ft. to dedicate 10 ft. there. Wagner stated gas service will be installed Stated there does not appear He stated that if there is under the regular contract, with extra charged due to the amount of rock involved. 7. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Asked if improvements will be installed under contract or bond. Crafton stated under contract B . Show vicinity map on plat. C. Suggested that the Developer request the additional right of way left over from the extension of the cul-de-sac on Kantz Lane be relinquished and reverted back to the property owners. D . Where the zoning district states R-1, add "Low Density Residential District." E . Title block should state "Royal Oaks Estates a Planned Unit Development". F. Add note on the plat that the Planning Commission waived the street light spacing October 13, 1980. G . Designate sidewalks South of Lot 54 and Lot 1; also designate sidewalks along Highway 45 on the South side of the common property South of Lots 47 and 48. tO • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting August 27, 1981 Page 7 H. Submit details on the recreational facilities before this goes to the Planning Commission. Remind the developer that no more than 8 building permits will be issued prior to the construction of recreational facilities. J. The original concept showed duplexes around the perimeter of the PUD. Since this preliminary was submitted, the ordinance on PUD's has changed. There is now a 250 ft. setback from R-1 for anything other than a single family structure, and duplexes are a conditional use within the 250 ft. setback. Bobbie stated she did not think this would apply since the preliminary plat has already been approved. K. Submit revisions to the Office of City Planning no later than September 4, 1981 in order for this to be reviewed by the Planning Commission at its meeting September 14, 1981. The next item for consideration LOT SPLIT was a proposed lot split submitted by LARRY ROBBINS Larry Robbins for property located DEANE STREET West of Lewis Avenue, South of Deane Street and East of Sang Avenue. Property is zoned R-3, High Density Residential District. Larry Robbins was present to represent. The Planning Commission referred this item to the Plat Review Committee at its meeting August 24, 1981 to see if the 25 ft. proposed access to the rear portion of the property would be adequate. 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated he has no objection to the splits nor the 25 ft. access to the property South of the duplexes. However, he felt that Deane Street should be widened to City Standards where it abuts this property. If 60 ft. of right of way has not already been dedicated, this developer should dedicate 30 ft. from the centerline towards his property to bring Deane Street up to City Standards according to the Master Street Plan. The pavement should be widened to the required pavement width (15 ft. from the centerline toward the property in question. Clayton stated that in a small parcel like this he would not require engineering plans and profiles for the widening of Deane Street, as long as construction plans are submitted to City Standards. In addition to the above mentioned improvements, Powell stated that sidewalk should be installed if required as well as storm drainage where necessary. 2. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Stated he was not sure this was in his territory. If it is, he stated SWEPCO could provide service. 3. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Submitted his comments via Clayton Powell. Wally felt that the 25 ft. access is very restrictive. He stated he would need turn around space as well as permission to travel on the private drive and the private property. 81 • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting August 24, 1981 Page 8 Robbins stated he could provide more than 25 ft. if necessary. Wally would like to speak to Mr. Robbins individually. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that service is available to the site. 5. Dick Shaw (MA BELL): Dedicate 8 ft. building setback on the West side of the property as utility easement. Dedicate 17 ft. along the East property line as utility easement. Provide 2" conduit and a 4 x 4 x 3 pull box at the front and rear of requested easements. Dedicate 20 ft. outside Deane Street right of way as utility easement. 6. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated that Warner Cable Company can use the same pull boxes as the phone company, however they will need separate 2" pvc conduit. ga