HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-30 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, July 30, 1981, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Avery Auten, Dick Shaw, Dennis Burrack, L. 0. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart, Don Bunn, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Larry Poage, OTHERS PRESENT: Al Harris, Ervan Wimberly. The Committee discussed the Preliminary NORTHVIEW HEIGHTS Plat of Northview Heights, a Commercial COMMERCIAL PUD Planned Unit Development, located South of J. B. HAYS Rolling Hills Drive and East of North College Avenue. J. B. Hays, Owner and Developer. Property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial District. Ervan Wimberly and Al Harris were present to represent. 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that since this will be a Commercial PUD, he would prefer to see the streets privately maintained. He did not think the City should maintain the streets. Wimberly stated that when the Concept Plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission they stated they wanted the streets to be public and built to City Standards. Powell stated that he wants complete engineering plans and profiles on the proposed retaining walls in connection with street construction. These engineering plans should show stress of the retaining walls and stress the streets will be capable of maintaining. Powell stated he was very concerned about the radii on to Highway 71. He did not think that a tractor trailer could make the turn without getting out of the right hand lane without a.radius of 50 ft. Powell stated that commercial zones require 5 ft. sidewalks on both sides of the street. Powell stated that if the streets are public, they will not meet the length criteria on a dead-end street. The maximum length for urban, hilly terrain is 1000 ft. Powell stated it appears that there will be about 2,750 linear feet of dead end street. Wimberly stated that in future phases, the street will curve back into Highway 71. Powell stated if that is the case, he wants a bill of assurance as to the time table for completion of the street back out to College Avenue. Powell said that the ordinance does permit streets in excess of grades of 15%, but only up to a distance of 300 ft. This has been waived by the Planning Commission in the past Grades in excess of 10% must be concrete. Wimberly said the street would have heater cables to melt ice and snow. C7 68A Plat Review Committee Meeting July 30, 1981 • Page 2 • Powell requested a copy of all correspondence from property owners in the area who have been or are affected by the construction. He stated he has had complaints about drainage being diverted on to property of adjoining owners. He stated he is anticipating problems with the proposed detention pond. Wimberly stated the pond would have a pipe in the bottom of it and would have water in it only after a rain. Powell stated that the vertical embankments within the site concern him. Wimberly stated he did not anticipate heavy eighteen wheel truck traffic on the site. He said he did not see how he could get a 50 ft. radius in the entrance, as the Highway Department does not want the curb torn out. Powell stated that drop inlets are constantly being broken down by heavy trucks driving over them due to insufficient radii. Wimberly said he is trying to get along with the property owner (Cornett) to the South of the proposed entrance for this development. If a 50 ft. radius is installed, it would completely wipe out his existing driveway entrance. Clayton Powell stated that if the Planning Commission does require the dedication of the street, from the intersection of the new street with the drive through the drive and parking area will be the responsibility of the Property Owner's Association to maintain. Also, the access drive on the North side of the proposed buildings for fire protection will be maintained by the Property Owner's Association. Maintenance of the proposed detention pond will be the responsibility of the Property Owner's Association. Powell stated that in the past, there has been some controversy as to when the City Maintenance begins on public improvements. Clayton stated that a one-year warranty is required after final inspections have been made on the improvements, and he has approved them for City maintenance. Powell said this includes public utilities. Wimberly said that he has known of occasions when the Developer has installed required improvements, and the utility companies have come back in to do work and damaged improvements. He felt that in situations like that, the utility companies should be held responsible for repairing the damage. Wimberly stated an engineer can control installations such as water, sewer, streets and street lights, but they have no control over utility companies. Wimberly said the developers will do all the sidewalk and parking lot improvements. 2. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent):Stated that he would like the radius as requested by Clayton Powell (50:.ft.) because he felt the development would need to be served by containers. Brt stated that anything that can be done to decrease the grade on the street within the development would be appreciated. Wimberly stated that the street would be expensive to build, and that he would prefer to have the development served by cans in lieu of containers. He felt that the large container truck would tear up the road. Wimberly stated he would be meeting with the representative of the Highway Department and would see if perhaps the inlet could be eliminated to produce a wider entrance. It was decided that the container would tentatively be set South of Lot 3. • Plat Review Committee Meeting July 30, 1981 Page 3 3. Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector): Compact and create area on North side of buildings where a fire truck could pull in to fight a fire. Wimberly stated this could be accomplished as there will be a sewer line located on this side of the buildings. Bunn stated it would be alright to pull the fire trucks over the sewer line. They should keep other traffic off this area. One hydrant will be centrally located on the North side of the buildings, and one fire hydrant will be placed in the parking area. Fire extinguishers will be required for each building. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water service will be off the existing High Pressure, system. Water meters will be set in the sidewalk area in front of the buildings, not in the parking area. Dedicate 15 ft. easements for both water and sewer lines. Bunn repeated that there would be no problem with the fire trucks using the easement on the North side of the buildings if there is an emergency. 5. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Service will come up the access road overhead, then dip underground to serve the buildings. All common area will be designated utility easement. Where the section line leaves this plat, a separate instrument will be needed to designate utility easement. On commercial Subdivisions, the developer lays the underground conduit and SWEPCO will pull lines a maximum of 250 ft. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Common area will be designated utility easement. A separate instrument will be required where utilities are laid outside this phase in the future development portion. A road crossing will be needed at the horseshoe bend in the road. Call the Gas Company before any paving begins, and they will install the road crossing. Dedicate 25. ft. easement along the North line of the Development where it states future phase parallel to the sewer line. 7. Avery Auten (MA BELL): Service will come from Highway 71 and will be on the power poles, then dip underground. Road crossings will be installed (3" pvc) West of the horseshoe bend, in the middle of the horseshoe bend and East of the horseshoe bend at the entrance to the proposed parking area for this phase of development. Every other building will have to be sleeved. 1" pvc will be adequate for this sleeving.. 8. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated he would locate his road crossing in the same ditch as requested by the phone company, Warner Cable will require 2" pvc at the crossings. Buildings will have to be sleeved, 1" pvc will be adequate. 9. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): • A. Street light spacing looks fine, but perhaps a light should be placed at the bottom of the last curve. • • P1at_.Review:_Committee ; Meetijng July 30, 1981 Page 4 B. Show existing easements, if any, on the East property line adjacent to the existing subdivisions. C. Furnish Planning Administrator with a copy of the protective covenants. Covenants should state how the Property Owner's Association will be handled. D. Check parking requirements and if a waiver of parking requirements is:desired, request it. You may be able to get more space by incorporating the compact spaces allowed by the ordinance. You will be required to furnish some handicapped parking spaces which are not shown on this plat. E. Clayton Powell has stated that in commercial zones, 5 ft. sidewalks are required on both sides of the street, however, I cannot find this in any of the ordinances. At any rate, sidewalks will be required unless waived. You may want to request a clarification to see if sidewalks are required on one side of the street or both sides of the street. • r(0