HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-09 Minutes6� • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Plat Review Committee met at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, July 9, 1981, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Ark. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Larry Poage, Don Bunn, and Bobbie Jones. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, L. 0. Ferguson, Dick Shaw. DEVELOPER'S REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Steven B. Miller, Architect. The only item for discussion at this meeting was a DR. BRIAN W. BUELL large scale development plan submitted by Dr. Brian W. Penney's Access Road Buell to construct a building for offices and some Large Scale Development retail rental spaces on property fronting on Penney's Access Road, a private road owned by the Northwest Arkansas Mall owners. Bobbie Jones advised that the Planning Commission has already waived the requirement that this lot have frontage on a public street. Steven B. Miller was present to represent Dr. Buell. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): The street on which this fronts is not a public street. The City Board of Directors were asked to accept it as a public street; but it,was their feeling that it would be of advantage only to the owners and lessees of the Mall and not of advantage to the general public. The Master Street Plan calls for a major street to be located South of here, between Nelson's Funeral Home and Ramada Inn. There needs to be a property owner's association established to maintain these private streets. The developer proposes emptying his surface drainage out to_run 190 feet on the surface of this private street. I am not in favor of that. I would like to see it storm drained and piped to one of the existing drop inlets, either to the East or West. Private streets in large scale developments are supposed to meet all drainage requirements. Steven Miller pointed out that there is a ridge in the private road surface and that drainage will be going both ways. He also pointed out that there is a drop inlet only 25 ft. West of the property. Mr. Powell pointed out that in the winter there is a problem of not only water freezing on the roads, but that sometimes a fine mist will rise and freeze forming a clear glaze which cannot be seen on the roads. Mr;.Powell recommended they install slotted drain pipe across each driveway and storm drain all drainage to the Southwest to the drop inlet. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): After discussing the matter with Mr. Miller, Mr. Brt said that he saw no problem with the proposed location of the trash pads. 3. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): Will there be any rear exit doors? Mr. Miller said that there would be rear exit doors out of each separate leasing unit with the exception of one small one. He said there would be one-hour fire walls between the separate units, plus a one-hour ceiling. Plat Review Committee July 9, 1981 - Page 2 Mr. Poage asked that they not park the cars too close to the rear exit doors. He said it is sometimes difficult to interpret the "no parking within 10 feet of an exit" when one can come out of a door and then walk along a sidewalk along- side the building. Mr. Poage asked if the Fire Department would be able to drive a truck around behind the building. Mr. Miller said they should be able to do so. Mr. Miller said that they were thinking of sprinkling the building because of the insurance rates and that there will be a fire extinguisher in each unit. 4. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Do you anticipate needing TV cable? Mr. Miller said he did not know but wanted to go on and take conduit into the building just in case. Mr. Ferguson said the only place they have cable available is at the Southeast corner of the property. He said they cannot run cable through a fire wall. They cannot extend one tenant's service line off another tenant's service line. There must be an individual conduit for each tenant run from a central location outside the building. Or, if there will be an equipment room one conduit can be run from the existing source into the equipment room, then run individual conduits from the equipment room to each unit. I need to see a copy of the building plans when they are further along in design. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas)• Mr. Wagner said the Gas Company does not presently have a gas line where one is shown on the plans, about 20 ft. behind the building. The existing East-West gas line is up the hill on the East-West Mall drive. Mr. Miller said that Dr. Buell is proposing to have the line shown on the plans put in. Mr. Wagner said it will have to be installed according to the code requirements. He suggested it is possible to make arrangements to have the Gas Company install the line and be reimbursed. Mr. Miller said they plan to set the gas meters at the rear of the building. Mr. Wagner recommended that the service lines that will be under pavement be enclosed in a casing to make it easier to replace them if they should break. 6. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Mr. Shaw asked about the fire walls. Mr. Miller said there would be a gyp board fire wall in the center. Mr. Shaw said he cannot go through a fire wall. Mr. Shaw said he would need a copy of the plans for the building when they are further along. Mr. Miller said they would have a mechanical room somewhere near the center back of the building. Mr. Shaw said they should run a conduit to it with 90 degree turn -ups in the room and where the pedestal will locate. They will need to also run conduit under the slab from the mechanical room into each separate unit. Or, it can be run outside the building and along the wall to get into each unit. Mr. Shaw said he and Mr. Miller can work this out. There must be some electrical power into the mechanical room so the telephone equipment can be grounded. The location for a telephone pedestal was discussed. Mr. Miller did not want it against the back of the building and suggested on top of the retaining wall on the North property line. Mr. Shaw said this would not work. It was agreed to move the location of the Western trash pad a minimum of 3 ft. off the West property line so the pedestal could be set behind the container on the Northwest corner of the property. 7. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Mr. Miller said they wished to have one master meter for all the water service for the entire building. Mr. Bunn said it will have to be set at the Northeast corner of the property and not against the building. A water tap would cost approximately $175.00. That sewer line you are proposing to connect to to the West is a public sewer. You may run a private service line to it, but no one else will be able to connect onto it. Also, in that case the easement would have to be written from the Mall 66 • • • Plat Review Committee July 9, 1981 - Page 3 owners directly to this property owner. No other public utilities could use that easement in that case. This arrangement is acceptable to the City, but the property owner would have responsibility of maintaining that line. I would recommend that you consider putting in a 6 -inch sewer main with a manhole where you tap into the existing public main and another manhole on your end of the main. The City could then accept the main and be responsible for its maintenance. I would have to approve the plans for this main. If you tie into our sewer main with a service line you will have to pay a $1200.00 main extension fee plus $170.00 tap fee. If you install a 6 -inch main with the manholes, you will not have to pay the $1200.00. In this case the easement would have to be written from the Mall owners to the City of Fayetteville, all utility companies and for cable TV. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Revisions need to be submitted to the Planning Office (10 copies) no later than July 17 for the Subdivision Committee Meeting of July 24 at 1:30 P.M. and the Planning Commission Meeting of July 27 at 5:00 P.M. Before we will issue a building permit, you need to decide which way you are going on sewer and have the easement executed. We need a copy with recording information for our files. The plans must be certified to meet the State Energy Code. Each page of the plans must have the paragraph on them certifying they meet the building code, as well as an Arkansas registered engineer or architect's seal and signature. You must have State Board of Health clearance in writing on the plumbing. Upon completion, the parking areas must be paved, striped and have wheel stops for each portion of the building as it is completed. You must submit an as - built plot plan which shows the building, paving, driveways, signs, and all other improvements on the property including individual service utility lines into the building. This should be dated and signed and marked "as -built". The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 A.M. 66