HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-06-11 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., June 11, 1981, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Arkansas. Thursday, Fayetteville, UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Dennis Burrack, Kenneth Wagner. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones, Bill Boudrey, Don Bunn, Clayton Powell. OTHERS PRESENT: Earle Young. The Plat Review Committee reviewed the Large Scale Development Plan for an E -Z Mart Store to be located North of Highway 62 West, West of Gabbard Avenue, and East of Phillips Avenue. E -Z Mart Stores, Inc. Owner and Developer. Zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial Medium Density Residential District. Earle Young was present to represent. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT E -Z MART STORES, INC. HIGHWAY 62 WEST District and R-2, 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated he was pleased with the beautification of Highway 62 West. Stated that since this was in the State Highway Department's jurisdiction, that he had few comments. The sidewalks look fine. The Developer shall check with the State Highway Department about where to run drainage. Phillips Avenue is shown on the vicinity map. Clayton clarified that Phillips Avenue is a private street where it intersects Highway 62 West, and will not be maintained by the City Street Department until such time as it is constructed to City Standards. 2. Bill Boudrey (City Fire Department Representative): Asked what the developer proposes for construction of the underground gas tanks, since the City Sanitation vehicles will be traveling over them. Mr. Young stated that the normal construction for underground tanks is 6" of concrete with wire mesh over the gas tanks. He stated this construction bears the weight of 10,000 gallons of gas plus the weight of the gas truck, and felt it would bear the weight of the sanitation vehicles. Boudrey stated that if the surface over the gas tanks ever breaks up, their location will have to be changed immediately. There will be no parking permitted with 10 ft. of the entrance of the store. (This is straight ahead of the entrance.) Boudrey said that where the exit is shown in the rear of the storage area; that area will be kept clear for exiting purposes from the store to the exit door itself. A panic bar will be installed so that persons can exit without the .use of a key. 58 • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting June 11, 1981 Page 2 3. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Asked what the previous Young replied it had been a car wash, but he it. Don Bunn stated that if the site is not is available to the site. Bunn asked if a larger water meter will existing water meter will be sufficient. use of the lot had been. is in the process of disassembling tied to sewer it shall be. Sewer be required. Young stated the 4. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Discussed load requirements and service desired by the developer. Burrack stated power is available to the site, the developer is to contact SWEPCO's engineering department whenever service is desired. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated there is an existing gas meter at the corner of the lot. He asked if a larger service would be desired. Young stated that standard service will be all that will be required with this development. It will consist of a store and gas service but no car wash operation. Young asked if pvc pipe could be used. Wagner stated that would be fine. Wagner stated that a tracer wire should be installed, Young replied that is standardprocedure in the construction of E -Z Mart Stores. Wagner and Young discussed the location of the meter. Wagner requested the following easements: 1. Dedicate a 10 ft. utility easement along the East side of the property. 2. Dedicate a 20 ft. utility easement along the South property line. 6. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): Stated that easements as requested by Kenneth Wagner would be fine. Stated that easements will have to be filed and recorded as separate instruments. Shaw stated that the requested easement on the South side of the property should be investigated. He said he believes the City has an easement outside the highway right of way. If so, the developer will have to dedicate the requested 20 ft. easement outside that easement or negotiate with the City to have their easement, if it exists, made into a standard utility easement. Contact the phone company when service is desired. 7. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Submitted his comments to the City Planning Office prior to the meeting. He requested someone from the Fire Department investigate construction of the underground gas tanks. Contact Wally Brt on construction of the pad on which the Developer wishes his sanitation container to sit. The pad does not appear to be adequate (7 ft. x 7 ft.) a 15 ft. wide by 12 ft. deep pad is standard. The Sanitation vehicles will need 25 ft. clearances between overhangs of canopies and roof overhangs.for maneuverability. Wally Brt stated he would work with this developer as development progresses. 59 Plat Review Committee Meeting • June 11, 1981 page 3 • • 8. Bobbie Jones (City Planning. Administrator): A. Furnish the City Planning Office copies of recorded easements as requested by utility companies. B. Where 20% shrubbery is indicated on the plan; it should be no less than 18" in height at the time of planting, and should be maintained so that it does not reach a height in excess of 30". C. Confirm that the Highway Department has all the right of way that they require. D. Make sure the canopy over the pump islands is located such that the overhang of the canopy is no less than 20 ft. from the edge of the highway right of way. E. Revise drawing to indicate easements as requested by utility companies this morning, and submit revised drawings prior to the Planning Commission Meeting at which this development plan will be reviewed. F. This item shall be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee June 19, at 9:00, A.M. and the Planning Commission June 22, 1981 at 5:00, P.M. Since no waivers are requested, the Subdivision Committee has the power to approve the Large Scale Development Plan and this developer may not have to appear before the Planning Commission. G. Notify adjacent property owners on the North, East and Northwest corners of the development by either placing an add in the paper, having each individual sign a copy of the site plan, or sending notification by registered mail, return receipt requested, and furnish proof of notification to the Office of City Planning prior to the Planning Commission Meeting at which the developer wishes this plan to be reviewed. H. If the Developer wishes this item to be reviewed at the June 19, 1981 Subdivision Committee meeting and the June 22, 1981 Planning Commission Meeting, submit revised drawings and notification of adjacent property owners no later than Monday, June 15, 1981. The meeting adjourned at 9;45, A.M. do