HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-21 Minutes• • • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, May 21, 1981, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Avery Auten, Kenneth Wagner, Dennis Burrack, L. 0. Ferguson Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart, Don Bunn, Jim Napier, Larry Poage, Wally Brt. Johnny Quinn. The first item of business was the Large Scale Development Plan for Marshalltown Tools, Inc. located South of proposed Pump Station Road, West of Armstrong Avenue and East of City Lake Road (Morningside Drive). Marshalltown Tools, Inc. - Owner I-2, Heavy Industrial District. Johnny Quinn was present to represent. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT MARSHALLTOWN TOOLS, INC. F. I. D. C., INC. and Developer. Zoned 1. Jim Napier (City Street Department): This developer has been working with Clayton Powell, City Street Superintendent, and should continue to do so. 2. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Don Bunn submitted his comments to Bobbie Jones prior to the meeting. Bobbie Jones stated that the City of Fayetteville does.. not own any interest in the property. It has been tentatively agreed between Dale Christy and Don Grimes that the City will furnish labor and equipment to install improvements and the owners will supply materials. This agreement is not firm, it has not been approved by the Board of Directors. Don Bunn stated that sewer will be provided into the development from the East, it will consist of extending a 12 inch sewer line. The City will also have to do a water main extension to serve this property. This extension will come off Pump Station Road. This will require at least a 15 ft. easement outside the right of way for the proposed Pump Station Road. Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector): Johnny Quinn stated that the development will be sprinkled. A fire plug will be installed at the South end of the building proposed for Phase I. 4. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent). Discussed the location of the 6 yard container for trash pick up to be placed in the storage yard designated at the Southwest corner of the Building proposed for Phase I. Quinn stated the container will be easily accessible. Brt suggested the construction of a 15 ft. x 12 ft. concrete pad on which to set the container. Brt asked what type of hard surface would be provided for heavily travelled areas within the development. Quinn stated that areas that will be used by heavy trucks will be constructed with 6" of SB -2, 4' of black base, and 2" of asphalt. 5, • • Plat Review Committee Meeting May 21, 1981 Page 2 Quinn stated that the entrance drives are proposed for over 40 ft. width. Bobbie Jones stated that 40 ft. is the maximum width for a drive, but a waiver of that maximum requirement may be sought at the Planning Commission level. 5. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Asked what the estimated load capacity would be for this development. Quinn stated those estimates are not completed yet. Burrack requested a copy of this information when it is completed. Requested the 25 ft. building setback on the East side of the development be dedicated as a utility easement and building setback. This easement will have to be dedicated by separate instrument. This easement will be extended to the South property line. Stated he would like to know what restrictions there are on the 100 ft. railroad easement designated on the plan. Burrack and Quinn discussed costs for running line from the requested easement to the building. 6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Asked what the use of the first phase would be. Quinn stated it would be basically manufacturing, but offices and restrooms would also be installed in the building. Wagner asked if there would be furnaces. Quinn stated with this phase, furnaces would be only for heating the structure. Wagner stated there is a high pressure gas line located in the 35 ft. right of way easement on the East side of the proposed Industrial Drive. Any building must be set back from the line itself 25 ft. Wagner said that a setting will have to be placed in the island located between drives on Industrial Drive to bring the pressure of the high pressure line down before running it to the building. Quinn stated that 50# of pressure should be sufficient. Wagner stated that Quinn should contact the Operations Manager at Arkansas Western Gas Company and see if other utilities could be located in the 35 ft. right of way easement that is presently used for that gas line. Wagner stated that all other easements look fine. 7. Avery Auten (Ma Bell): Stated that easements as requested are fine. Requested that conduit be laid across Industrial Drive consisting of 2" pvc, 40 ft. long in order to run telephone service from the West side of Industrial Drive to the development. This conduit will be installed by the Developer. Shaw asked that the Developer check and see what restrictions are on the railroad easement, he said if possible, he would like to have an easement across the railroad easement. Auten requested copies of the recorded easements requested. 8. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Industrial Drive will have to be dedicated and accepted by the City Board of Directors, after it is built. 52 • Plat Review Committee Meeting May 21, 1981 Page 3 B. Asked if the existing house on the South side of Pump Station Road would be removed. Quinn stated not immediately, probably in 2-3 years. C. Quinn asked if it would be possible to take development directly to the South property line in order to back up against the railroad right of way. Bobbie Jones stated that in the past this has been permitted, as long as the railroad is in agreement. D. AskedJf Industrial Drive is to be storm drained. Quinn replied it will be. Bobbie Jones stated that Clayton Powell will require that drainage from the parking area be drained into the storm drainage. E. Bobbie stated that parking looks sufficient, but that the developer should double check and make sure that sufficient parking is provided for each phase as it is completed, the break down is: 1) One parking space for every 1200 square feet of floor area with a manufacturing use; 2) One space for every 300 square feet of floor area for office use; 3) One space for every 1000 square feet of floor area with a warehouse use. F. Parking areas will be paved, wheel stops will be installed and each space will be striped before the building is occupied. G. Provide sufficient number of handicapped parking spaces with ramp and signs, and note them on the plan. H. Upon completion of the first phase, if the next phase is not under construction, provide an as -built plot plan to the Office of City Planning which is to include, everything shown on this plan as well as service lines for each utility company to the buildings. I. Since the width of the drives is over 40 ft., the Developer must request a waiver of the maximum width of a drive in an Industrial District from the Planning Commission. J Floor level must be 1193 MSL for all buildings in the Industrial Park. K. .What will the proposed overall height of the buildings be? Quinn stated 23 to 24 ft. Bobbie said that would comply with the airport zoning height restrictions. L. A driveway permit will not have to be obtained if the drive and the street construction are performed at the same time. M. If the building is over $50,000.00 in cost, each page of the plans must have a paragraph, seal and signature of an Arkansas Registered Engineer or Architect. • N. Certify that plans meet the Arkansas Energy Code. This will be a separate certificate • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting May 21, 1981 Page 4 0. State Board of Health approval of the plumbing plans submitted before a building permit will be issued. P. Easements and right of way dedications must be permit will be issued. The next item for consideration was the concurrent plat for Lots 11-13, Block 3, Kantz Place, located North of Highway 45 East, West of Highway 256. Lindsey, Elsass and Hungerford, Owners and Developer. There was no one present to represent. There being no comments from either the utility companies (utilities are already in place) or the City representatives, the meeting adjourned at 10:30, A.M. will have to be recorded before a building CONCURRENT PLAT LOTS 11-13, BLOCK 3 KANTZ PLACE 54