HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-14 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was called to order at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, May 14, 1981, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, James Crownover, L. 0. Ferguson, Dick Shaw, Avery Auten. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart. OTHERS PRESENT: Karl Thiel, Gail Mainard. The first item for consideration was the final plat for 0. E.Luttrell Subdivision, located inside the Growth Area, South of Highway 16 West, East of County Road 630. 0. E. Lutrell, Owner and Developer. Karl Thiel was present to represent. FINAL PLAT 0. E. LUT.TRELL INSIDE GROWTH AREA 1. Don Bunn (City Engineer): No Comments. The Board of Directors ruled that this subdivision be waived from the requirement that public water be provided. 2. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Since this is located in the County's jurisdiction, county conditions will prevail. 3. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Stated that Mr.Luttrell requested the easement on the South side of Lot 4 be eliminated. Crownover stated as far as he was concerned, an easement between Lots 1 and 2 and between Lots 3 and 4 would be sufficient to serve this development, and the 10 ft. easement designated on the North side of Lot 1 could be eliminated also. Crownover stated that the easement between 3 and 4 is fine, that he requests a 20 ft. utility easement between Lots 1 and 2 to extend all the way to the rear lot line. This easement will serve Lot 5. 4. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): Stated that he was not sure what Mr. Luttrell wanted to do on the South side of Lot 4. At the preliminary level, a 25 ft. easement was shown. This plat designates 10 ft. of easement. Shaw stated if the proposed road can be dedicated as utility easement (25 ft.) he would have no objection to the vacation of the 10 ft. utility easement on the North side of the proposed road. Shaw asked if this proposed road would be public or private. Karl Thiel stated it would serve Lot 5 of this subdivision, and also, the property South of this subdivision. Bobbie Jones stated that is correct, this road will serve two lots. Shaw stated that he would like the proposed road dedicated as utility easement so he can run utilities to the East if that property should be developed. Thiel asked if Shaw needed the 10 ft. easement North of the proposed road. Shaw stated he would not need that easement as long as the dedication is made in the road. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting May 14, 1981 Page 2 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company) the 10 ft. easement on the North side of Lot 1. other easements look fine. 6. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Submit mailing address of owner. Stated that he would need Other than that, all B. Name the proposed street to serve Lot 5 and the property to the South of this subdivision. C. Note on the Plat whether the proposed street South of Lot 4 will be a public or private street. D. Check on the modification of the cul-de-sac and see if it is acceptable to the County Planning Board. E. Add scale to the Plat. F. The Street certification will be made by County Officials., see if the title block is adequate. Also, check to see what the County's building setback requirements are from a street right-of-way. G. Reflect the waiver granted by the Board of Directors, April 7, 1981, where they waived the requirement that public water facilities be provided to this subdivision. H. This subdivision will be required to contribute $105.00 per lot for the acquisition of parks. The next item for consideration was the Final Plat of Meadowridge Subdivision, located South of Frazier Terrace, West of Old Missouri Road, I. B. I., INC. Owner and Developer. Zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential District. Gail Mainard was present to represent. FINAL PLAT MEADOWRIDGE SUBDIVISION I. B. I., INC. 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated he has approved the street engineering plans and profiles for this subdivision. Also, he has discussed with the Engineer, the street stub -outs for subsequent phases. Before these streets will be accepted for City Maintenance, engineering as-builts, certification that streets and drainage meet City Standards, and certification of final costs must be submitted and approved by the City Street Superintendent. 2. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Submit as -built plans, certification of cost estimates Engineers certification that facilities are constructed to City Standards, and certification that there are no outstanding liens against improvements. Plat Review Committee Meeting May 14, 1981 • Page 3 3. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Submitted his comments to Bobbie Jones. Wally asked Bobbie to have Clayton Powell comment on the turning radius in the cul-de-sac. Clayton Powell replied that according to code, 50 ft. of radius must be dedicated, but only 40 ft. of cul has to be constructed. Clayton stated that if Wally Brt needs the 50 ft. of constructed cul, he must go to the Board of Directors to have the requirements modified. At this time, all the City Street Superintendent and the City Sanitation Superintendent do is make recommendations. Wally had also requested that the shaded portion of Frazier, West of the intersection of Frazier and Sunflower Circle be constructed at this time so the sanitation vehicles will be able to turn around. Clayton Powell stated that he has no problems with Mr. Mainard's engineering. The streets can be either continued to the West or to the North. He did not know if the West end of Frazier would have enough depth for the sanitation trucks to turn around or not. However, the Planning Commission could support the extension of Frazier to the West property line. Clayton Powell felt that as long as the right of way is dedicated, the property owner to the West can construct the West end of Frazier if he chooses to develop his property. Mr Mainard stated that Claude Prewitt is managing the property to the West of this subdivision for the actual owner. Mainard stated he had discussed the West end of Frazier with Prewitt and they agreed that if and when Mr. Prewitt develops the property West of this subdivision, he will take Frazier on over to the West property line. , Powell stated that requiring this portion to be extended to the West property line, when there is nothing in the Master Street Plan would only benefit the adjoining property owner. 4. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Requested that the street light shown on the Northwest side of the intersection of Old Missouri Road and Frazier Terrace be moved to the Southwest corner of that intersection. Requested a 15 ft. easement which can be split either side of lot line to run between Lots 7 and 8. Otherwise, easements are adequate 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that he had no comments, everything looks good. 6. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): Shaw stated that everything looks good. 7. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Verify sidewalk along Old Missouri Road. B. Unless as builts, certification of final costs and certification of no liens against improvements is submitted, a contract will have to be entered into with the City, prior to the final plat being recorded. 49 • • Plat Review Committee Meeting May 14, 1981 Page 4 C. Add legend to street light symbol. Note that monuments will be 4' x 4' x 30", and iron pins 1/2" x 30" on,plat, as well as their location. E. Where it is shown that Lot 14 is unsuitable for building, the final plat may say, "unless combined with another lot". F. Dimension the easement that runs up the East side of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Both between Lot 3, and Lots 4 and 5. Also, down the East side of Lots 7 F. 8. G. Dimension the South side of Lot 8 and 9. H. If the statement on the Final Plat pertaining to the requirements for the construction of sidewalksis not in the protective covenants for this subdivision, it must be added to them. I. Submit revisions to the Office of City Planning no later than Monday, May 18 in order to be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee Friday, May 22 at 9:00, A.M., and the Planning Commission May 26, at, 5:00, P.M. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:15, A.M. 50