HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-07 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:30, A.M., Thursday, May 7, 1981, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burrack, Kenneth Wagner, Dick Shaw, L. 0. Ferguson. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Wally Brt, Larry Poage, Freeman Wood, Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones. OTHERS PRESENT: Gary Carnahan, Jim Lindsey and Harry Vandergriff. The Plat Review Committee considered LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT the Large Scale Development Plan of Lots NORTHWEST FINANCIAL SERVICES 806 through 812 of Park Place Subdivision PARK PLACE SUBDIVISION and the South 20 ft. of vacated Ohio Street. Located East of Virginia Avenue, North of Stone Street and South of California Boulevard. Northwest Financial Services - Owner and Developer. Zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential District. Jim Lindsey and Gary Carnahan were present to represent. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Stated he would need written permission to travel within this development since it is privately owned. Brt stated that container pick-up can be handled two ways: A. Place container where it is presently located on the plan with the installation of a turn -around directly East of the container with adequate radii; or B. Place the container at the Southwest side of the Development the plan currently indicates "No Parking Sanitation Truck Turnaround". If option B is used, the South radius on thecurb from Stone;Street must be cut back so that the Sanitation Vehicles may approach the container. Brt said he would work with the Developers as construction progresses, and that he would prefer Option A. Brt recommended a waiver of the 12-1/2 ft. setback requirement from side property line for the Southwest Drive at Stone Street. 2. Freeman Wood (City Building Inspector): Discussed construction of structures (frame), and elevations of proposed buildings. No comments. 3. Harry Vandergriff (Superintendent of Fayetteville Public Schools): Stated that the school system will be an adjoining property owner. He said that his main concern is in the proposed vacation of Delaware Avenue right-of-way. He said that if the right-of-way is vacated, that access to property owned by the School System will be cut off. He stated that as long as the School has assurance by easement or some other manner, that they will be allowed to continue to have access to that property, the School System has no objection to the vacation of Delaware Avenue nor the development of the site. 43 Plat Review Committee Meeting • May 7, 1981 Page 2 • • 4. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that he has no objection to the closure of the right-of-way for Delaware Avenue, as long as the School District officials are satisfied. Jim Lindsey asked Mr. Vandergriff if he would have any problem with utilites locating service in the access easement. Mr. Vandergriff replied he did not. Clayton Powell stated that the radius of the drive on Stone Street, at the Southwest corner of the development appears to extend into the 12-1/2 ft. setback from property line for a drive. He stated the developers must have this waived as that 12-1/2 ft. setback should be measured from the end of the radius, and that this could be considered a recommendation to the Planning Commission that the 12-1/2 ft. safety zone for drives from side property lines be waived in this case. Clayton Powell asked what the Master Sidewalk Plan indicates adjacent to this site. Bobbie Jones replied that sidewalks are required .on the South side of Stone Street and will not be required adjacent to this development. Powell stated that North and West sides of this location are a big drainage area. He wanted the site preparation and grades to be constructed so as not to empty out any drainage through driveways on to Stone Street. He stated this problem has always existed, but he did not want it worsened. Powell stated that Stone Street is a concrete street at this location, and is in a state of poor repair. Since the frontage of this development on Stone Street is so limited, he is not recommending any improvements be made to Stone Street at this time. However, he recommended a Bill of Assurance be entered into whereby if Stone Street is widened or upgraded, this developer will participate in their share of expenses. Bobbie Jones stated she had been contacted by Larry Wood in regard to this development plan, and he wanted Clayton to address the two drives on Stone Street. Mr. Wood wondered about the steep grade of Stone Street. Clayton Powell stated that he really did not have any problem with the two access points on Stone Street. The only other alternative would be the improvement of Delaware Avenue for access at the Northeast corner of the development. Powell felt that, as designed, there was adequate site distance between drives. The required separation has been maintained between the two accesses on Stone Street. S. Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector). Bobbie Jones stated that Larry Wood had also wondered what the Fire Department's thoughts were on fire protection to the two structures to the back of the development. Larry Wood stated that it may be hard to protect the rear two structures with the Snorkle Truck without the use of Delaware Avenue. Jim Lindsey stated that it could be provided that fire trucks may traverse Delaware Avenue after it has been closed. Powell stated that since the drive will be provided for the School system, perhaps the developers should give some thought to closing the Eastern Drive on Stone Street and using the access in tandem with the School System on Delaware Avenue. Lindsey stated he would perform a cost analysis. Larry Poage stated he would use the proposed easement at Delaware Avenue for fire protection. 4� Plat Review Committee Meeting • May 7, 1981 Page 3 • • Poage stated he would be in favor of a waiver of the 12-1/2 ft. setback requirement for a drive from a property line at the Southwest corner of this development. Poage asked if the doors leading to stairways on the structures that are over one story high will open to the outside. Carnahan stated they would open to the outside. Carnahan stated that all windows and doors will be on the East and West sides of the structures. Poage stated he would like to see the 18 ft. drive increased in width. Gary Carnahan stated he could increase the width to 20 ft. Poage asked if the fire plug shown on the plan is existing. Carnahan stated it is. 6. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated he has no objection to the closure of Delaware Avenue. However, if water is brought into this development from Delaware Avenue, he would like an easement of sufficient width dedicated to give adequate separation from the water line and any other utilities that may be located in that easement. Carnahan asked where the existing water line is located. Bunn stated there is an existing 6 inch water line all along the North side of Stone Street. Bunn asked if individual metering would be used Lindsey stated that since these units will be individually owned, it would be up to the buyers. Bunn said the fewer meters the better. Bunn stated that since all units are within 500 ft. of the existing plug, that he would not recommend a fire hydrant be installed. Bunn asked where the developers plan on running sewer. Carnahan stated it would come from the North and run along the West edge of buildings B$C to building A. Main extension fees were discussed. 7. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Stated that he had no objection to the closure of Delaware Avenue. He stated that an easement may have to be dedicated. Requested that the 22 ft. building setback from the West edge of Delaware Avenue be dedicated as utility easement. He does not want to locate in the access easement to the school property, where there would be vehicular traffic over the power line. 8. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): Stated he would like to locate in the 22 ft. easement on the East side of the Development as requested by Dennis Burrack. Shaw asked if there would be any sidewalks. Gary Carnahan stated there would be a 12 ft. x 14 ft. patio. Dick Shaw requested that conduit be run under the patio. Shaw stated that he has no objection to the vacation of Delaware Avenue as long as an easement is dedicated for utilities if it is discovered one is needed. Requested a 15 ft. easement along the North side of Building A. Requested that the 22 ft. separation running North/South between buildings B and C - 4/S • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting May 7, 1981 Page 4 be dedicated a utility easement. 9. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): No objection to the closure of Delaware Avenue, will check to see if an easement is needed Wagner stated there is an existing 2" gas line about 2 ft. North of the curb line for Stone Street. Carnahan stated that if gas is run it will be run in from the front of the buildings, and that there would be no need to run gas in the 22 ft. easement requested at the East edge of the development. Wagner requested that each unit be individually numbered. Gary Carnahan stated each unit would have a separate street number. Carnahan stated that gas service will be run to Building A only, and the meter will be placed along Stone Street, private lines will be run to the other buildings. 10. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Plan indicates that this property is zoned R-3. This property is zoned R-2, change Zoning District on Plan. B. Delaware must be vacated, or setbacks will be affected. C. Bobbie Jones asked what the height is on the buildings. Gary Carnahan stated that the highest exposed point will be the Northwest corner of building C, which will be 26 ft. in height. D . There is sufficient parking shown on the plan, but indicate that these parking areas will be paved. Wheel stops will be required as well as striping of the parking spaces. E . Landscaping will be required at the front of the development. It should be kept low so as not to obscure vehicular and pedestrian vision.. F. Request waiver of the setback requirement for a drive from a property line for the Southwest drive in writing. G. Submit written notification of the School District of the development plan. H. Upon completion, submit an "As -Built Plot Plan" to the Office of City Planning showing individual utility lines to buildings and easements, parking spaces, etc. I. The parks requirement for this development will be $85.00 per unit. J . Submit State Board of Health approval. K . Submit revisions of this plan no later than May 18, 1981 plan to be reviewed at the Subdivision Committee meeting Friday, May 22, and the Planning Commission at 5:00, P.M. in order for this at 9:00, A.M. , Tuesday, May 26. q6