HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-16 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, April 16, 1981, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Dennis Burrack, L. 0. Ferguson, Kenneth Wagner. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones, Wally Brt, Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Don Bunn. OTHERS PRESENT: Gail Mainard, Tom Mathias, Dr. John Andre., Harrison Davis. The first item for consideration was PRELIMINARY PLAT the preliminary plat of Happy Hollow Addition, HAPPY HOLLOW ADDITION located East of Happy Hollow Road, North of HAPPY HOLLOW $ FOURTH Fourth Street, and West of Ray Avenue. Tom.Mathias - Owner and Developer. Zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. Tom Mathias and Gail Mainard were present to represent. 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Dedicate 40 ft. from centerline East on Happy Hollow Road. Dedicate 25 ft. from centerline West for Ray Avenue. Recommends that this subdivision comply with full subdivision regulations, including either constructing or posting a bond for the construction of Happy Hollow with 31 ft. of pavement back of curb to back of curb, and installation of storm drainage. Clayton stated there is a natural drainage ditch running across Lots 4 and 5, and it carries a considerable amount of water off the hillside to the West. He stated that if the natural drainage is rechanneled, he recommends concrete lined drainage ditches on every lot line, or storm drainage. The drainage must exit this subdivision at the same point the natural drainage exited if it is rerouted. These drainage easements must be dedicated. Mr. Mathias stated he plans to leave the existing drainage as it is so it will stay with the creek. Clayton stated in this case, the future property owners should be made aware that there is a natural drainage ditch across their property. This will be noted on the plat. 2. Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector) A fire hydrant will be required at the corner of 4th Street and Happy Hollow Road. 3. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Burrack stated that this subdivision is split between SWEPCO and Ozarks Electric Cooperative. Burrack said that SWEPCO's territory includes that part of the subdivision starting 10 ft. North of the North lot line of Lot 5 and extending to the Northern boundary of the subdivision, including most of Lot 6. The subdivision is not of sufficient size to warrant underground service. Service will be brought in overhead from existing power on Happy Hollow, a pedestle will be placed and service to the house will be underground. 36 Plat Review Committee Meeting April 16, 1981 Page 2 Service will be installed under contract with a regular subdivision agreement. Developer to contact SWEPCO if there is a conflict in the widening of Happy Hollow Road and the existing pole line. 4. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Cable service exists at the front of the lots, it is presently on the SWEPCO power poles. Notify Warner Cable, if the poles have to be relocated. Lot 6 will be a problem to serve. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): A. 12-1/2 ft. easement running the full East/West length of the subdivision on both the North property line and the South property line. B. 25 ft. all along the East property line outside the Ray Avenue right-of-way. Record above requested easements as separate instruments and furnish Ma.Bell a copy. Note requested easements on the plat. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Notify Arkansas Western Gas if the pavement for Happy Hollow Road is widened. Service is located at the Southeast corner of the development. If this line has to be used, an easement may have to be negotiated with Bill Rogers. Easements as requested by Dick Shaw are adequate. 7. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. As requested by Clayton Powell, dedicate 40 ft. from centerline East on Happy Hollow Road, and 25 ft. from centerline West on Ray Avenue. B. Before this preliminary plat is reviewed by the Planning Commission, the developer must notify property owners within 100 ft. of the subdivision that a development plan for this property has been submitted, and furnish proof of notification to the Office of City Planning. C. There are places in the legal description and the drawing that do not jive. Revise the plat so that they match. D. Include proposed use of the property on the revised preliminary plat. E. If there are to be covenants, prepare a place on the plat for the book and page on which they will be recorded. If there are to be no covenants, state this on the plat. F. This subdivision will be subject to the ordinance requiring developers to contribute to the acquisition of park lands Either a land or cash contribution will be required. Discuss with David Lashley. The cash contribution will be $105.00 per lot, since this is a single family development. 37A • O Plat Review Committee Meeting April 16, 1981 411 Page 3 • G. Indicate street lights on the plat at the required 300 ft. intervals. If a waiver of this requirement is desired, it will have to be sought at the Board of Directors level. The Planning Commission can waive spacing only. H. The Planning Commission will determine what improvement needs to be made to Happy Hollow Road and what this developer's share of the expense will be. The Planning Commission may determine that improvements be made to 4th Street and Ray Avenue. Submit revised plat to the Planning Office no later than Monday, April 20, in order for this plat to be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee, Friday, April 24, at 9:00, A.M. and the Planning Commission Monday, April 27, at 5:00, P.M. Dick Shaw stated that if the drainage is rechanneled along Happy Hollow Road, that a utility easement may have to be negotiated. Utilities and drainage cannot be located in the same ditch. Clayton Powell stated that regarding the North end of Ray Avenue; if the Planning Commission sees fit not to require any improvements to Ray Avenue, redesignate as a street easement not subject to City maintenance until improved to City Standards. Clayton Powell said that Happy Hollow Road should be designated on the plat as an arterial street. He felt that it should be known that the owner of the lot South of Lot 5 was the same owner as the developer of this subdivision. He stated that the building permit had been obtained in the name of the builder and felt that in the future, both the name of the builder and the actual owner should be included on the building permit. The next item of business LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT was the consideration of the Large DR. JOHN ANDRE Scale Development Plan for property located WILLOUGHBY AND McCOLLUM East of Highway 71 South, South of Arkansas Highway 156 (Willoughby Road) and West of McCollum Road. Dr. John Andre - Owner and Developer. Zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial District. Dr. John Andre was present to represent. 1. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that he could see problems with the 25 ft. access. He stated the 25 ft. width was sufficient, but he needs a radius for turning into the drive. Andre said he would get with the State and see if the radius could be built on the right-of-way. He said he would provide the radius, but he does not own the land either side of the drive. Wally said the trash pick-up area looks great. He said that the drive and approach and turnaround area for the trash truck should be constructed to support the weight of the sanitation vehicles. • 2. Clayton Powell ( City Street Superintendent): Stated that if sufficient dedication had not already been made, to dedicate 40 ft. from the centerline 3? • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 16, 1981 Page 4 of Willoughby Road (Hwy. 156) South, by separate instrument. Dedicate by separate instrument sufficient right-of-way for McCollum Road. 50 ft. where entire road is on property and sufficient right-of-way to make McCollum consistent for remainder of road. 5 ft. sidewalks will be required where designated on the Master Sidewalk Plan. Provide radius at intersection of #156 and Highway 71. This developer may be required to improve McCollum Road for the full length of this development. The Planning Commission will decide what this developer will be required to bear as far as cost. 3. Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector): Asked the height of the proposed dome. Andre stated it would be 60 ft. tall. Poage stated that any building over 50 ft. high, and over four stories must be sprinkled on all floors. Andre stated he would reduce the height of the dome and the number of stories. He stated manufacturing will take place on the ground floor and that this area will be protected by sprinklers. Poage said that some fire extinguishers will be required, and that he would work with Andre on the placement of them. All upper floors will require two exits to the outside, with enclosed stairwells. 4. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Asked what type of power would be desired. Andre stated three phase. Burrack stated that the service would be brought in by SWEPCO, and a pedestle set, the developer will lay 4" conduit from the termination point to the building. SWEPCO will bear the cost of the first 250 ft. of wire after that, the developer will be charged for wire. Burrack said that the overhead lines will be built or rebuilt when #156 is widened. Don Bunn interjected at this point that the Highway Department is planning on making #156 a 120 ft. right-of-way. Andre looked faint. Burrack stated that there is an agreement that the developer will enter into, whereby SWEPCO can locate anywhere on the property in the conduit laid by the Developer, SWEPCO will not require any easements. S. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Asked if the Developer desires cable service at this time. Andre stated he did not, but he would provide conduit in case it is desired in the future. 6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): the site. Requested a 25 ft. utility easement on the of the development to go all the way around. Andre stated he would rather wait and see what the St as far as right-of-way before dedicating these easements. could not commit as he did not know how much building area left when the State got finished with him. A 25 ft. easement will be required from the Northeast Dome building to the East side of the proposed building at the site. Gas service is available to North, West and East sides ate He he will require stated he would have side of the the Northwest of 39 Plat Review Committee Meeting April 16, 1981 Page 5 The easement on the West property line will extend North/South for the full length of the tract to connect with the 25 ft. drive. 7. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): Stated he would locate in the same easements as requested by Mr. Wagner, he stated he would wait and see what was determined between Dr. Andre and the State Highway Department and work with him. The developer will lay 2" conduit from the dome building to the West property line easement. A 3 x 3 x 3 ft. hand hole will be placed at the termination point. 2" conduit will be laid from this point to the easement requested South of the Willoughby Road right-of-way. Conduit should be laid at this time to provide service to the proposed future buildings. All easements will be signed and recorded as separate instruments. 8. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated there is an 8 inch water line along the South property line (entrance drive). He will check and see what kind of arrangement had been made when water was run as an easement does not appear to be there. Bunn later commented that there was a 25 ft. strip off the South side of this property dedicated or reserved for roadway purposes by a previous owner. The existing water line was placed in that 25 ft. With the knowledge of the owner at the time it was done. Sewer is available and is located adjacent to Highway 71. • 9. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): • A. Furnish documentation or execute easements for the right-of-way required by this developer to be dedicated; 40 ft. from centerline South for Highway 156 (Willoughby Road) and 50 ft. for McCollum where the entire road is located on this tract and sufficient right-of-way to make the road consistent with City right-of-way standards for the remainder. B . Mark rights-of-way on plan. C. Contact highway department as soon as possible and relay any information obtained as to the proposed 120 ft. right-of-way and location of said right-of-way to the Office of City Planning. D . Sidewalks will be required on the South side of Willoughby. Contact Highway Department and check to see if they can be constructed in the right-of-way, or if they will require them to be constructed on private property. E. If additional right-of-way is required for Willoughby Road, it may affect setbacks as drawn on the plat. F. Show width of proposed future drive off of Willoughby. It must be located at least 40 ft. from the intersection of McCollum and Willoughby. qO • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 16, 1981 Page 6 G . A waiver of the safety zone requirement will have to be sought from the Planning Commission for the entrance drive off Highway 71. The requirement is a setback of 12-1/2 ft. from side property lines and the drive itself is the property line in this case. Also, if the drive into Ichiban is closer than 25 ft. from this drive a waiver from the 25 ft. separation between drives must be requested from the Planning Commission. H . A lot split will have to be performed, and the easements requested or required by the utility companies, and the City will have to be recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit. I. Bobbie stated she would check with David McWethy about the future of McCollum Road. J . Identify areas that will be paved on the plat. K . Each parking space will have to be striped and wheel stops will have to be installed to prevent vehicles from getting outside the parking area. L. Identify handicapped parking spaces and ramp. M. Show all existing easements on the plat. N . Upon completion of the first phase, if construction of the second or future buildings has not commenced, submit to the Office of City Planning, an "As Built Plot Plan" showing what is presently on the drawing, as well as individual connections from buildings to the utility easements. O . Revisions must be submitted to the Office of City Planning no later than Monday, April 20, in order to be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee at 9:00, A.M., Friady April 24, and the Planning Commission Monday, April 27, at 5:00, P.M. 10. Freeman Wood (City Building Inspector): This development lies in the Airport Approach zone The proposed dome structure cannot exceed 60 ft. in height. The Developer is to work with the Building Inspector as far as any temporary lights that may be required during construction, as well as any permanent lights that may be required. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:00, A.M. 4'