HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-02 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, April 2, 1981, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Dick Shaw, Dennis Burrack, L. 0. Ferguson. Clayton Powell, Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones, Don Bunn, Wally Brt. Harry Gray, Ervan Wimberly, Butch Pappon, Vic Pepper. The first item for consideration was the final plat of Appleby Acres Addition, a Subdivision located West of Highway 71 North, and North of Appleby Road. Gottlieb Corporation - Owner and Developer. Property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial District. Butch Pappon, Vic Pepper, Ervan Wimberly and represent FINAL PLAT APPLEBY ACRES ADDITION GOTTLIEB CORPORATION Harry Gray were present to 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that he had approved engineering plans and profiles for off-site.. improvements in connection with this development. Sidewalks will be required on both sides of Appleby Road. Contact Powell about approval of location of sidewalks on Appleby Road Clarify „through State Highway Department, location of sidewalks required on Highway 7.1 (on public or private property). The sidewalk on Highway 71 will be S ft. wide, this being a commercial area. Bobbie Jones stated that Wal-Mart will be issued a building permit before. the final plat for Appleby Acres is filed. Ervan Wimberly stated that is correct, they will probably be starting construction in a week or two. 2. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): Stated that the fence constructed between the existing residential subdivision and this subdivision lies between this'subdivision and existing phone service. Shaw said the developers will have to provide the phone company with some kind of access under the fence. Vic Pepper stated that the developers would help the utilities get under the fence. The residents of the existing subdivision had requested the fence be constructed prior to the beginning of construction associated with the subdivision, and the Planning Commission had required such. 3. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that gas service is also located on the West side of the fence and that he would need the cooperation of the developers in getting service into the subdivision. Wagner and Wimberly discussed the location of a gas meter for the Wal-Mart building. 51 • • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 2, 1981 Page 2 4. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Installation of service will be per agreement with SWEPCO. • .Burrack said that a proposed lay -out for location of transformers and lights had been submitted to the Developers he asked that they review it and work out these locations with SWEPCO. 5. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Service is existing on the West. side of the above mentioned fence. Cooperation in getting under the fence will be appreciated. If cable service is desired, some conduit will have to be laid. It should be no problem getting service into the subdivision. 6. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated that water and sewer plans and profiles had been submitted and approved for this subdivision. Wimberly stated that State approval had also been obtained. 7. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. The existing septic system cannot be built over. Harry Gray stated it will be located in the parking and fill area of the development. B . Clarify the 15 ft. easement on,the South and East side of the Development as a water easement. C. Asked if the property lines shown are outside the right-of-way dedicated for ApplebynRoad and the widening of Highway 71. Wimberly stated that is correct. However, the radius at Appleby Road has not been dedicated by separate instrument, but it will be dedicated with the the final plat when it is recorded. D . As stated previously by Clayton Powell, sidewalks will be located as required by the State Highway Department where they are constructed next to Highway 71. Bobbie asked Clayton if he would require a sidewalk easement if the Highway Department requires that sidewalks be placed on private property.rather than in the Highway right-of-way. Clayton stated that by ordinance, the sidewalk is to be maintained by the property owner whose property abuts the sidewalk. Due to this requirement, he did not feel it necessary to have the developers dedicate a sidewalk easement. Clayton further stated that where the sidewalk is placed on private property, he had no objection to the developers meandering the sidewalk to avoid the destruction of existing trees or other natural vegetation. E . Note on plat that the Planning Commission waived the requirement that Lots 3, 4, and 5 have frontage on a public street at their meeting August 25, 1980. F. Bobbie Jones asked if a waiver would be sought in the spacing of street lights. Wimberly stated that is correct. 3.2 • • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 2, 1981 Page 3 G. Requested a copy of the protective covenants. Wimberly stated there are no covenants. Bobbie requested that the final plat state that there are no protective covenants. H. Where the legend identifies sidewalks, note that they are to be 5 ft. in width. I. Bobbie said she would run the contract and letter of credit submitted by the developers by the City Attorney. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Requested written permission to travel within the development with his sanitation vehicles. Suggested that the areas that will be travelled by his large sanitation vehicles be constructed such that they will not buckle or break down under the weight of the trucks. The last item for consideration was FINAL PLAT PHASE II the Final Plat of Phase II, East Oaks EAST OAKS ADDITION Addition. Located West of Highway 265, SCHNEIDER East of Old Wire Road and South of the proposed Township Street. Billy and Jamie Schneider - Owners and Developers. Zoned R-1, Single Family Residential Area. Harry Gray was present to represent. 1. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Requested that Bois de Arc Lane be opened up to make a through street between this Phase of East Oaks and Jerry Sweetser's Subdivision to the West. He said that as the two subdivisions are designed now, it will save both gas and time not to have to travel out 45 and down Winwood to serve the two subdivisions. He said he would be servicing this subdivision twice a week and this will save a lot of time. Gray stated that the opening of Bois de Arc Lane would make a good connection as all of the traffic from this subdivision will not go out through Sweetser's subdivision. With the construction of East Oaks in the first phase, there will be two egresses. 2. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that since this subdivision changed ownership, he had reviewed the street construction and drainage profiles for the subdivision, and found that the original design for 50 square feet of drainage area could be reduced to 30 square feet of area, this will be more than adequate for the subdivision. Powell stated that he concurrs that Bois de Arc Lane should be constructed to connect with the street stub in the subdivision to the West. This will save travel in the energy crises, and, also, provide better access to the area for emergency:vehieles. Bobbie Jones asked about connecting Azalea Terrace. Powell said he is recommending that the cul-de-sac and barricade be removed at Azalea Terrace North of this subdivision, and that the standard 30 ft. of pavement, back of curb to back of curb be installed. Clayton further stated that this developer should be required to perform 33 Plat Review Committee Meeting • April 2, 1981 Page 4 • • this improvement. Gray took exception to this as it would be off-site. He stated it will be expensive to tear out the cul-de-sac on Asalea Terrace. Clayton Powell said he felt the cul-de-sac should not be left and that Azalea Terrace should be continued. Gray stated that his firm did not do the original plat on this subdivision. He asked that the utility companies consider the utility easement that covers the whole rear part of Lots 11 and 12, in Block 11. He stated that if it is agreeable, he would like that easement. reduced. He was not familiar with the reason this large utility easement had been dedicated. 3. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated that easements as requested by the other utility companies will be sufficient. 4. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Requested easements as follows: A. 25 ft. or 12-1/2 ft. either side of lot lines in Block 10, between Lots 5 and 6 and Lots 8 and 9. B. 25 ft. or 12-1/2 ft. either side of lot line in Block 15, between Lots 6 and 7. C. 25 ft. or 12-1/2 ft. either side of lot line in Block 16, between Lots 8 and 9. Asked if the proposed usage; single family, was firm. Gray replied to the best of his knowledge it is.. Bobbie Jones said that there are a couple of lots that would have square footage enough to qualify for a conditional use for duplexes. Gray replied that to the best of his knowledge, there would be no greater density than single family constructed within this subdivision. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Asked that the building setback of 25 ft. in Block 11, Lot 14, on the South side be designated building setback and utility easement. 6. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): Stated that he had no objection to reducing the utility easement at Lots 11 and 12, Block 11 to the normal 25 ft. Bobbie Jones stated she would check with Don Bunn and see if he any objection to reducing that easement. None of the other utility companies had any objections.to the reduction of this easement. 7. Bobbie Jones, (City Planning Administrator): A. Includeadditional easements on final plat as requested today. has B. Requested that the easement located on Lot 9, Block 10 be clarified as anutility easement. 34 • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 2, 1981 Page 5 • • C. Requested that the width of the easement that crosses Lot 10 be clarified as 10 ft. lies on one side of the lot line and 15 ft. lies on the other side of the lot line. D . Add the sidewalk that is required on the South side of Bois de Arc. Make sure that the sidewalk lines up with the sidewalk existing in Sweetser's subdivision. E . Note on plat that there will be no driveway access to the future Township Street. F. Note on plat that the street light spacing as shown on this plat was approved by the Planning Commission at its meeting March 12, 1979. G. Whether new covenants are drawn up, or the covenants from Phase I duplicated, make the City a third party to them. H . The sidewalk is shown stopping at the radius on the East side of Azalea Terrace. This sidewalk shall be extended to match up with existing sidewalk on the East side of Azalea Terrace in Brookside East Subdivision. I. There should be a statement in the covenants to the effect: "The sidewalk will be constructed by the owner of the lot at the time the lot is built upon, and, if the lot remains vacant for five years, after the date of Planning Commission approval, the developer will install the sidewalk." J Revisions must be submitted to the Office of City Planning no later than Monday, April 6, in order to be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee Friday, April 10, and the Planning Commission, Monday, April 13.