HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-12 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, March 12, 1981, in the Board, of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Dick Shaw, Dennis Burrack, Kenneth Wagner, L. 0. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones, Larry Poage, Don Bunn, Al Rukgaber, Don Osburn. OTHERS PRESENT: Don Froning, Chad Kumpe, Paul Duell. The only item for consideration LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT this morning was the review of the FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY Large Scale Development Plan for the BETWEEN WILLOW AND WOOD Fayetteville Housing Authority, located North of the Highway 16 By-pass (15th Street), East of South Willow and West of Wood Avenue. Property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential District. Chad Kumpe, Don Froning, and Paul Duell were present to represent. Wally Brt (City (anitation Superintendent): Phoned in his comments. The Housing Authority is to contact Mr. Brt about locations of containers. Three, six cubic yard containers will be required for this development. They will be placed on concrete pads 15 ft. wide by 12 ft. deep. 2. Larry Poage (City Fire Department Representative): At least two fire plugs will be required for this development. One will be located at the Northwest corner of the central five space parking area. The other plug will be located at the Southern parking area on the North side of the drive. Poage stated he would need a letter of permission stating that if there is a problem, the Fire Department dan.travel across the private streets as well as the project grounds. 3. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Sewer service will be off Thirteenth Street. Sewer must be separated from water by at least 10 ft. Water will come off Wood Avenue.. 15 ft. easements will be required for water lines. In order to accomodate the fire plugs, a six inch or an eight inch water line will be required. Bunn stated that normally on a dead end, an eight inch water line is required, this is a high pressure area, and a six inch line may be all that is required. Two inch plastic lines may be used to run water to the units from the main. Contact Don Bunn when location of water lines is firm. Bunn requested that the Housing Authority retain ownership of sewer lines. 4. Al Rukgaber (City Street Department Representative): Bobbie Jones stated that Community Development funds will be used for the construction of Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets. Since the Developer's property description reads to the centerline of ' the right-of-way for Wood Avenue, the Developer must dedicate 25 ft. from the '25 Plat Review Committee Meeting . March 12,. 1981 Page 2 • Centerline of Wood Avenue West. South Willow should be either vacated or sufficient right-of-way obtained to bring it up to standards. Bobbie asked if the persons using the parking area in the most Northeastern part of the Development would be entering and exiting off of Wood Avenue. Kumpe stated that a barricade would be constructed to prevent ingress/ egress out to Wood, but that at some time in the future, Wood would be paved and used for access. Bobbie said that the Board of Directors or the Planning Commission would have to decide if they ever want Eleventh or Thirteenth extended to Wood. If they do, the Developers are not allowing enough setback for the extension of Eleventh. Rukgaber stated that he and Clayton had discussed the possibility of a cul-de-sac at the end of Thirteenth to prevent traffic from coming in and using the private streets within the development as a turn around. He said there had been no discussion about Eleventh Street. Kumpe stated that two houses would have to be moved in order to extend Eleventh Street. 4. L. 0. Ferguson (Wainer Cable Company): Stated he had no comments, that he would use easements as requested by other utility companies. 5. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Requested the following easements: A. The twenty-five foot setback all the way around the perimeter of the development will be designated setback and utility easement. Also, at the Southwest corner of the development, an additional 25 ft. of easement will be required outside the drive so that the easement is not on the access drive. B. A twenty-five foot easement running East/West from South Willow to Wood Avenue between the duplexes and triplexes South of the proposed Twelfth Street. C. A twenty-five foot easement running East/West from South Willow to Wood Avenue between the parking area and structures North of proposed Twelfth Street. A twenty-five foot easement connecting the two East/West easements to run North/South between the four bedroom unit and the two bedroom triplex and to run West of the drive into the parking area North of proposed Twelfth Street. E. A twenty-five foot easement beginning at the North edge of the development between the two bedroom triplex and the three bedroom duplex; thence Southwesterly to the edge of the parking area; thence directly South to tie into the Northern most East/West easement. • Requested a load estimate and a revised plat showing these easements. 26 Plat Review Committee Meeting March 12, 1981 Page 3 6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): as requested by Dennis Burrack were sufficient. meters would be used, Kumpe replied they would. Gas lines will be installed under contract or by a contractor qualified to install plastic Stated that easements Asked ifiindividual by Arkansas Western Gas pipe.. 7. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): Stated that easements as requested by SWEPCO are sufficient Requested conduit as follows: A. 35 ft. of 2" pvc to be placed under the Northern drive. B. 35 ft. of 3" pvc to be placed under the entrance drive. C. Place 2" pvc, 55 ft. long at each of the three South buildings to get back to easements under sidewalks. Requested revised plat. Advise phone company about load capacities. Shaw stated that all easements will be cleared to final grade. Kumpe stated he did not want to remove the trees. He felt that the removal of the trees would cause an undesirable impact on the neighborhood to the East especially. Shaw stated that in that case, the developers could provide the ditch and meander around the trees if they wished. 8. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. The Board of Directors and the Planning Commission will have to decide whether or not Eleventh, Thirteenth and South Willow will ever be extended, the required dedication of right-of-way could affect setbacks. B. Dedicate 25 ft. off the West side of this property for Willow. (Property owner on West side of Willow should also dedicate 5 ft. to bring Willow up to the required 50 ft. of right-of-way). C. On the East side of the Development, the property description reads to the centerline of Wood Avenue, dedicate 25 ft. from the centerline West for Wood Avenue for the full length of the development. D. Unless waived by the Board of Directors, an $85.00 fee will be required for the acquisition of parks land. Kumpe stated that he planned on a land contribution. E. Sidewalks are required on the West side of Wood Avenue, this developer will be responsible for the construction of sidewalks the length of his development. A waiver of this requirement must be sought from the Board of Directors. F. The 43 ft. setback from the West property line does not allow for the 50 ft. of right-of-way required for South Willow. G. The North setback does not allow for the future opening of Eleventh £ Plat Review Committee Meeting March 12, 1981 Page 4 Street, a 50 ft. right-of-way. H. 80 parking spaces are required for this development, four of which must be 12 ft. wide by 19 ft. long to accomodate the handicapped, these spaces must be identified with an above grade sign and striped off. 20%, or 16 spaces may be 7-1/2 ft. wide for compact cars, they must be striped off and identified with an above grade sign. I. 10% landscaping will be required between the parking area and the street at the Northeast corner of the development adjacent to Wood. Avenue. J. Submit proof that this piece of property has not been split since June 29, 1970. K. Submit revisions to the Office of City Planning by Monday, March 16, 1981 in order for this plan to be reviewed at the March 23, 1981 Planning Commission Meeting. L. Requested 10 revised prints. Don Osburn (City Water Meter Foreman): A sign will be placed at the main entrance of the Development by the time the buildings are completed with the name and address of the apartments. Since individual metering is desired, each apartment will have to be numbered with a permanent number over the door. 10. David Lashley (Parks Board Representative): Submitted his comments by phone. He stated that the Parks Board will require cash in lieu of land in this case, $85.00 per unit. 28 A