HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-05 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, March 5, 1981, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Kenneth Wagner, Dennis Burrack. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt. OTHERS PRESENT: John Quinn. The only item for review was the preliminary replat of Lots 5 $ 6 of the Fayetteville Industrial Park and a portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22. Owner and Developer - City of Fayetteville and Fayetteville Industrial Development Corporation. McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. - Engineers. Property is zoned I-2, Heavy Industrial District. John Quinn was present to represent. 1. Don Bunn ((City Engineer): In the absence of Mr. Bunn, Bobbie Jones gave a report on his comments as submitted to her. The sewer line which crosses part of old Lot 6 gets outside the sewer easement as shown, dedicate at least 10 ft. of additional easement North of the existing sewer line easement. Are developers planning on converting the 6 inch water line existing on Pump Station Road to an 8 inch water line? Mr. Quinn stated that is correct. However, it will not be for the full length of the development, it will be installed across the South sides of Lots 12, 11 and 9, at this time, and eventually for the full length of the development. Bobbie asked when the proposed improvements to water and sewer are to be done. Quinn replied that they would like to make these improvements in a segmented fashion, as the lots are sold. Bobbie Jones stated. Mr.,(.., Bunn has requested a cost estimate on the portion of the improvements the City shall be expected to pay on the improvement of water and sewer. Clayton Powell stated he would also like a cost estimate of the amount the City will be expected to pay as far as streets are concerned. INDUSTRIAL PARK CENTRAL PRELIMINARY REPLAT LOTS 5 F, 6, FAYETTEVILLE INDUSTRIAL PARK PLUS. 2. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Submitted his comments by phone. He wondered why the Combs Cemetery had been left out of the plat. Mr. Quinn replied that there is an existing agreement that for as long as the Combs Cemetery is utilized, it will remain unaffected by any improvements around it. Mr. Wood also wanted an explanation of the 100 ft. utility easement crossing Lot 13, he said it does not appear to tie into anything. Quinn stated that SWEPCO has purchased the New Lot #3, and that Bob Waldren had requested this easement for running primary service from a location to the immediate North. Mr. Waldren requested 50 ft. either side of the Section Line. Quinn believed that there was also an agreement with MCWW Corporation to continue the easement North. 21 Plat Review Committee Meeting March 5, 1981 • Page 2 • • Bobbie Jones asked Dennis Burrack what was proposed. Burrack stated SWEPCO is installing a transformer station, and that the 100 ft. easement is to run a 161 KV transmission line in. Bobbie Jones requested that she be furnished with a copy of the drawing for the proposed relocation of Pump Station Road for herself and for Clayton Powell. 3. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that Pump Station Road is currently under construction to the Section line between 26/27. With the addition of the cul-de-sac to the East, some provision for drainage will have to be made. Clayton stated that drainage and an underdrain is being installed in the West side of the drive into Warren Tool to carry drainage South along an existing earthen swale. Show drainage input and compute it for the area. Some provision must be made now to control drainage between City Lake Road and Armstrong Avenue. As far as the proposed relocation of Pump Station Road South of the existing gas regulation substation, Powell stated there is a low spot there, and if the road crosses the gas line, a tremendous amount of fill work will have to be done, and a transition will have to be made to take the road back up. The existing gas lines are high pressure, and a lot of excavation will have to be done to install sub -base sufficient to support the weight of the trucks that will be serving this area. Clayton stated that he is recommending 60 ft. radii instead of the proposed 50 ft. radii at intersections. He stated that the 40 ft. tractor trailers are currently breaking down curbs, gutter and drainage structures. Powell requested a cost estimate from McClelland for construction of roads. 4. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Requested that the 25 ft. building setback down the West side of Lot 9 be designated building setback and utility easement. Requested that the 50 ft. building setback on the South side of Lot 8 also be designated building setback and utility easement. Burrack stated that there is an existing easement on the South side of Lot 7. He would like this easement to match up with the requested easement on the South side of Lot 8. He stated that if some additional easement is needed to match them up, that he would also like that dedicated. Burrack stated that his utility lines would have to cross the gas lines at the section line between 26/27. If this is a private easement, some provision must be made so that he can cross it. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that Burrack should see Frank O'Donnell, Operations Manager about crossing that easement. Wagner stated that easements as requested by SWEPCO are find. Wagner said that the plat shows two gas lines next to:PumpStation Road running East/West. He stated that the gas line furthest South is along the edge of the road right-of-way, and there is a gas regulator setting over it. It follows the road to the Section line 26/27, then angles back into private property, this line contains a 2" high pressure gas line. The gas line shown North of the above mentioned line has been retired. Wagner requested that the 50 ft. setback along the South sides of Lots 9, 11 F 12 be designated setback and utility easement. He said however, only 25 ft. would probably be utilized for utilities. Plat Review Committee Meeting • March 5, 1981 Page 3 • Wagner said that if the two gas lines running Northeasterly were to be crossed, that Frank O'Donnell, Operating Manager should be contacted. Quinn stated that Arkansas Western Gas Company has a blanket easement on Lots 2, 7, 8 and parts of Lot 3, he said the developer is in the process of executing a release for that blanket easement. According to the conversations he has had with the Gas Company, the easements as shown on this plat are adequate 6. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): Asked that 25 ft. of utility easement be dedicated on each side of the road that goes between Lots 9, 10 and 11 Dick Shaw asked what access would be provided to Lot 8. Quinn stated that the Developers have acquired a right-of-way immediately North of the Gas Regulator. Pavement will be installed for access to Lot 8. Quinn stated that if Pump Station Road is relocated, or Combs Chapel reverts back to usage, that access may come off Pump Station Road. Shaw requested that the 25 ft. easement requested by the Gas Company be extended all the way around the cul-de-sac between Lots 9, 10, 11,r.:._: 3 $ 4. Quinn said that if the easement around the cul-de-sac is to be 25 ft., there may be a problem getting around the Revolutionary War Monument on the West side of the street. It was agreed that on the West side of the street, the whole 50 ft. of setback would be designated so that the monument would not be disturbed. Bobbie Jones asked Clayton Powell if the 40 ft. of right-of-way for Pump Station Road that is reflected on the plat is adequate. Clayton stated that he feels all streets within the Industrial Park should be 80 ft. rights-of-way with a minimum 60 ft. radius within the culs-de-sac. He further stated that the 40 ft. tractor trailers that will serve the industries within the Industrial Park cannot manuever around on 40 ft. streets. 7. Wally Brt. (City Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that he agrees with Clayton Powell, that the street width on the culs-de-sac should be 80 ft. with a 75 ft driving radius in the cul. Clayton Powell stated that Lots 13 and 5 look land locked. Bobbie Jones stated that these lots will have access to Armstrong Avenue. Quinn stated that the Parks Board has expressed some interest in developing Lot 13. Since it lies in the Floodway and the 100 Year Flood Plain, it is unsuitable for any kind of development. Wally Brt stated that the Developers of these lots may as well build streets that will support the tractor trailers that will be serving them. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): A. Part of this subdivision lies in the Flood way and in the 100 Year Flood Plain. B. There is an ordinance which states that all buildings in the Industrial Park will have a floor elevation of 1193 MSL. • C. Bobbie asked if the Developers are planning on doing any regrading, P3 • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting March 5, 1981 Page 4 or rechanelization in the Flood Plain. Quinn stated that some fill work may be done. Bobbie Jones stated in that case, a Flood Plain Permit must be obtained from the City Inspection Department. D. Dimension the right-of-way on Pump Station Road from Armstrong Avenue to the Section Line 26/27. E. Clayton Powell is recommending an 80 ft. right-of-way and the Master Street Plan requires a 60 ft. right-of-way for Pump Station Road. Quinn stated that there is only one area along the street that is not 80 ft. that portion lies at the Southeast Corner of the Combs Cemetery and extends West for about 150 ft. at this point it is 60 ft. and then it goes back to an 80 ft. West of that point. F. Bobbie Jones stated that a lot split is being processed on some of the property along Pump Station Road. She stated that a provision must be made as far as dedicating right-of-way for the proposed relocation of Pump Station Road Clayton Powell stated that construction of Pump Station Road has already started and extends to the West side of the Warren Tool Company property. If the right-of-way for Pump Station Road is altered, drainage structures will have to be redesigned, and, also, the road that has been constructed will have to be partially torn out to accomodate jogs. G. The Developers have requested a waiver of the sidewalk and street light requirements even though Pump Station Road does not show sidewalks on the Master Sidewalk Plan. These waivers will have to be sought at the Board of Directors Level. Clayton Powell stated it was his understanding, under current policy, all new streets will have sidewalks. Clayton said he felt that sidewalks are definitely needed in -the Industrial Park. Also, he did not recommend a waiver of the street light requirements as crime and breakins and robberies have increased. Powell further stated that he felt that the selling price of the lots within the Industrial Park were much too low, in some cases, the cost of improvements exceeds the cost of the lot. H. Bobbie Jones said that the legend should designate the 100 year Flood Plain (legend states simply Flood Plain). I. Regarding the possible donation of land in the Floodway and 100 Year Flood Plain for parks lands. The Parks Board will have to accept this land before that can be done. 2+