HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-26 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, February 26, 1981, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Andy Calloway, Kenneth Wagner, Jim Crownover, L. 0. Ferguson. Don Bunn, Wally Brt, Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones. Harry Gray, Ervan Wimberly. The only item for review this morning WEST WIND PHASE III was the Final Plat of Phase III of West Wind, A Planned Unit Development, located North of Township, East of College Avenue, and South of Rolling Hills Drive. Jim Younkin and Johnnie Bassett - Owners and Developers; Northwest Engineers, Inc. - Engineers. This Final Plat also includes a replat of Lot 13 of Phase I, and a replat of Lot 23, of Phase II, of West Wind, A Planned Unit Development. Ervan Wimberly and Harry Gray were present to represent. 1. David Lashley (Parks Board Representative): Was unable to attend, and submitted his comments by phone. He stated that the land area is too small to require a land contribution, therefore, $105.00 per lot will be the required contribution for parks. Bobbie Jones stated since this has already been through the preliminary level of review, she was not sure that the park requirement would apply to this Final Plat. She stated she would check with City Attorney, Jim McCord. 2. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Was unable to attend and submitted his comments by phone. He stated that his main concern is that two points of ingress and egress be kept open. The primary access is Township Road, the secondary access is a road which meanders North, down the hill to Sheryl Street in David Rose.Subdivision. Since this is a Planned Unit Development, the Property Owners Association will be responsible for keeping the secondary access in passable condition. Since this PUD was originally platted in 1977, former PUD requirements should apply. In Clayton's opinion, the PUD should be completed under the PUD requirements under which it was initially platted. Clayton said he would go along with the Planning Administrator's recommendations. A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 3. Andy Calloway (Ma Bell): Stated that he would need easements as follow: a. Designate 25 ft. setback and utilityeasement running East/West on the South side of Lot 30. Plat Review Committee Meeting February 27, 1981 • Page 2 • b. Extend existing 25 ft. utility easement on the East side of Lot 30 and part of 29 that runs North all the way across Lots 29 and 28. c. Tie easement from the Northwest corner of Lot 28 to the existing easement at the South end of Lot 36. d. 20 ft. utility easement for full length of Lot 36 on the East side if easement is to be shared with other utilities, dedicate 25 ft. e. 20 ft. utility easement for full length of Lot 36 on the West side. If utility easement is to be shared with other utilities, dedicate 25 ft. 4. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Requested that the 20 ft. easement requested by Andy Calloway on the East side of Lot 36 be increased to a 25 ft. utility easement for the full length of the lot. Harry Gray stated that the 25 ft. utility easement designated on the plat on the West side of Sherwood Lane will be 50 ft. This easement will contain a sewer line, and will cross the front of Lots 33, 34 & 35 only. 1Gr4y said that Lots 28, 29 & 30, Phase III are a replat of Lot 28, Phase II. Also, Lots 31 & 32 and 40 ft, of Lot 33, Phase III is a replat of Lot 13, of Phase I. The development will not have a Lot 13. Crownover stated he would need a 27.2 ft. wide easement off Lot 24 of Phase II. Crownover stated this would have to be executed by deed as it will be off-site. 5. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated that easements as requested by other utility companies would be sufficient for Warner Cable. 6. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Along Lots 28, 29 & 30, Phase II, the outside boundary call should read North and West, rather than South and East. B. Make outside lines at bottom of plat agree with description. C. One of the Quarter:Section;corners is wrong. D. Submit approval of water and sewer plans by the City Engineer and the State Board of Health to the Office of City Planning. E. Change the protective covenants block on the Plat. F. Furnish the Planning Administrator with a copy of theprotective covenants. G. Bobbie Jones said that some new regulations are in effect for PUDs and that she would check with Jim McCord to see if any modifications should be made to this Phase. l9 • • Plat Review Committee Meeting February 27, 1981 Page 3 H. Bobbie said she would check to see if any of the park regulations will apply. I. Ms. Jones will check on the sidewalk and street regulations. J. Ms. Jones said she would inform Northwest Engineers of any of her findings. 7. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent)• Stated that since this is a PUD, he will need a letter giving him permission to travel on the private streets within this Phase of the PUD. 20