HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-19 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, February 19, 1981, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Dick Shaw, Ivan Bromley, Dennis Burrack. - CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones, Al Rukgaber, Wally Brt, Don Bunn. OTHERS PRESENT: General Bruce Kendall, Harry Gray, David Lashley, Paul Mattke. The first item of business was the review PRELIMINARY PLAT of the preliminary plat of a subdivision 0. E. LUTRELL located outside the City Limits, but inside OUTSIDE CITY the Growth Area, West of the Highway 71 By -Pass, South of Highway 16 West, and East of County Road #650. 0. E. Lutrell - Owner and Developer, Northwest Engineers, Inc. Engineer. Harry Gray was present to represent. 1. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Submitted his continents by phone. He stated that service would be overhead and that he would need a 20 ft. easement along the South lot line of Lot 3. 2. General Bruce Kendall (County Planning Representative): Asked if an easement had been obtained from the McDonnell's for the cul-de-sac proposed on the South side of the Subdivision. Harry Gray replied that it had not. Gray stated that the easement for the cul-de-sac would be obtained, and the cul-de-sac would be built to County standards before Lot 5 is sold. Gray stated that the new street and the cul-de-sac will be constructed to County Standards. Kendall asked if the Developer's side of the County Road 650 was paved. Gray.replied that it is paved, but it is not constructed to County Standards. Kendall to advise City Planning of what County improvements will be required on County Road #650. 3. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Requested a 25 ft. utility easement outside the proposed right-of-way for County Road 650. Wagner asked that the 20 ft. easement requested by Crownover, along the South lot line of Lot 3 be increased to 25 ft. He stated that could be split to 12-1/2 ft. on either side of the lot line. Wagner requested a 10 ft. easement along the North line of Lot 1. He stated Arkansas Western Gas Company would relinquish if they did not locate in the easement. 4. Ivan Bromley (Warner Cable Company): Stated that easements as requested by Ozarks Electric and Arkansas Western Gas were sufficient. 13 • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting February 19, 1981 Page 2 5. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): Stated that he would not need to locate phone service in the easement requested along the South lot line of Lot 3, and that the Developer may want to negotiate a smaller easement. Shaw stated that he would need a 25 ft. easement on the South side of Lot 4 to extendioutside the right-of-way, around the cul-de-sac and terminating at the South lot line of Lot 5. Shaw requested a revised plat before this Subdivision is reviewed by the Planning Commission. 6. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Harry Gray stated that the Developer plans water service to be by individual wells. Bunn suggested that the Developer work up a cost estimate for providing water service to the Subdivision prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which this subdivision will be reviewed. Bobbie Jones stated that where water is reasonably accessible to a subdivision, it shall be installed. Where water is not reasonably accessible, the water supply must be approved by both the County Sanitarian and the City Engineer. Bunn stated that the easements as requested by the other utility companies are adequate. 7. David Lashley (Parks Board Representative): Stated that this subdivision is too small to be desirable for a land contribution, therefore, the Developer will be required to contribute $105.00 per lot. 8. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Pay fee. B. Provide proof of notification of property owners within 100 ft. of the Subdivision prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which this Subdivision is to be reviewed. C. Name the Subdivision and note the name on the Plat. D . Include graphic scale on the plat. E . Include acreage on the Plat. F. Provide approval of the Water, Sewer and/or Septic system from the State Board of Health or City Engineer (whichever applies) before the Final Plat is submitted for approval. G . Name the proposed street (cul-de-sac). H. Provide copy of the dedication of the South half of the cul-de-sac, to be obtained from the McDonnell's to the Office of City Planning. I. If the proposed cul-de-sac is not to be constructed immediately, check and see if there is a contract or agreement to be entered into with the County to insure construction of the cul-de-sac. I1- • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting February 19, 1981 Page 3. J. Dimension right-of-way of County Road 650. K. Include name of the County Road 650 on the plat if there is one. L. Submit revised Plat to the Office of City Planning no later than March 2, 1981 if the Developer wishes the Preliminary Plat to be reviewed at the March 9, 1981 meeting of the Planning Commission. The next item of business was PRELIMINARY PLAT the Preliminary Plat of Camelot CAMELOT ADDITION Addition, located East of the PAUL MARINONI $ SONS Highway 71 By -Pass, South of Highway 16 West, and West of Porter Road Paul Marinoni and Sons - Owner and Developer, John E. Mahaffey and Associates Engineer. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. Paul Mattke was present to represent. 1. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that if there are not going to be islands in the culs-de-sac, that he will be able to navigate his vehicles. He said that serving the Subdivision will be no problem. 2. Al Rukgaber (City Street Department Representative): Drainage from Lancelot Court to Highway 16 West exceeds the maximum requirement for storm drainage. The cul-de-sac, Lancelot Court, should be storm drained to tie into the storm drainage easement of Aberdeen (between Lots 5 and 6). The intersection of Camelot Avenue with Highway 16 West and Lancelot Avenue with Highway 16 West will have to be approved by the State Highway Department. Camelot Avenue and Lancelot Avenue exeed the maximum requirement for dead end streets. Rukgaber recommended construction of Cleveland so that there will not be such long dead end streets. 3. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Stated that he felt that there may be some voltage problems if the whole Subdivision is served underground. Mattke stated that the developers want full underground service, but would go with overhead if necessary. Burrack stated that perhaps, with a double loop design feed, the subdivision could be served underground. Dennis Burrack stated that the 16 ft. easements on lot lines for street lights would have to be wider if other utilities want to share them. Burrack stated that the building setback on the North side of Lots 22 and 23 in Block 4 be designated building setback and utility easement. Also, the West side of Lot 13, Block 3 be designated building setback and utility easement. Burrack requested that the setbacks between Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, be designated building setback and utility easement. The rest of the easements are adequate. IS Plat Review Committee Meeting February 19, 1981 • Page 4 • • 4. Kenneth Wagner(Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that easements are fine, and requested that the Gas Company be given 90 to 120 days advance notice before the Developers are ready for gas service in Phase I. Gas lines will be installed at the owner's expense under a standard gas company contract. Service will be from the rear of.the lots. 5. Ivan Bromley (Warner Cable Company): Requested that 2" pvc be layed for conduit for a road crossing before Lancelot Avenue is paved. 6. Dick Shaw (MaBell): •Requested that the 20 ft. easement between Lots 23 and 24, Block IV be moved between Lots 24 & 25, Block IV. He felt this would leave more buildable area in Lot 23. Dennis Burrack of SWEPCO said this would be fine with 'him. Shaw asked that 3" pvc conduit be placed in the road crossing between Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, and Lots 13 and 14, Block 3 for a road crossing on Lancelot Avenue. Ivan Bromely of Warner Cable said this conduit would be fine for the cable crossing. Otherwise, easements are fine. 7. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated that where sewer is shown along Wedington, that he would like it to be placed on private property outside the Highway 16 West right-of-way. Mattke stated that property is owned by the Church, and that he did not know if he could run it across their property. Bunn asked that Mr. Mattke try to obtain permission, and if he could not that the Water and Sewer Department would help him negotiate. Bunn stated that it does not appear that Lot 18, Block 2 is served by sewer. He stated that sewer should be extended to Lot 18. Mattke asked if the sewer line could be ended in a clean out. Bunn stated that he wanted a man -hole. Bunn stated that at the rear lot lines where sewer and other utilities are located in the same easement, that he would like as much separation as possible between sewer and other utilities, and a 10 ft. minimum separation between gas lines and sewer lines. Dick Shaw asked that if an easement is obtained across the Church property, that he would like it designated as a utility easement. Mattke asked Bunn if he could dedicate an easement across the South property line of the Church property if he is unable to obtain an easement across the North line. Bunn stated he had no objection with that request, but that he would prefer to be on the North side of the Church property outside the Highway right-of-way. Dick Shaw stated that if the easement is run that way, he would not need to be in it, and it could be designated sewer easement. 8. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Include graphic scale on the Plat. B. The Planning Commission will have to grant a waiver of the requirement that a street light be placed in the culs-de-sac, Camelot Court and Lancelot Court. Also where the spacing between street lights l.b • • Plat Review Committee Meeting February 19, 1981 Page 5 exceeds 300 ft. a waiver will have to be obtained. C. Dimension radii on the lot corners at intersections. D . Note owners name and address and, also, the name and address of the Engineer. E . Certificate of Dedication will have to be included on the Final Plat. F. Note acreage on both the Preliminary and Final Plats. G . Note zoning and proposed use at the very top of the Plat on Preliminary and Final.. H . On Final Plat, note book and page on which covenants are recorded. I. Waiver of maximum length of dead end street will have to be obtained from the Planning Commission. J . tPark requirements will be as per ordinance, $105.00 will be required for each lot if cash is contributed. The Parks Board will take land contributions in no smaller than 5 acre tracts. K . Legal Description is called from the SE corner of Section 7, reference on plat where the SE corner is located. 9. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated he was opposed to the variances and waivers requested by. the Developer of Camelot Addition. This tract of land had a preliminary plat submitted at one time. This current plat does not conform to anything previously submitted. The final plat was never submitted, none of the subdivision became a public dedication except separately negotiated Water and Sewer line easements. The street that was supposedly constructed was never used as a street or road, but has been used as a drive for the Church which was a lot sold off the tract. In early 1960, standards were not the same, the street does not have the currently required SB -2 base material. Powell recommended that the street be torn out and installed to current City standards. In Powell's opinion installing culs-de-sac is not an acceptable alternative to the construction of Cleveland. He recommends that Cleveland be installed the full width of the subdivision. Without the construction of Cleveland, the streets within this subdivision will not meet the maximum or minimum block requirements, nor the restriction on the maximum length of a dead end street. (Powell submitted his comments by phone after the Plat Review Committee Meeting.) I7