HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-05 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review February 5, 1981, in the Board of Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Committee Directors was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday, Room; City Administration Building, Dick Shaw, Kenneth Wagner, L. 0. Ferguson. Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones. OTHERS PRESENT: Neal Albright. • The only item for discussion CATO SPRINGS ESTATES was the Preliminary Plat for Cato OUTSIDE CITY Springs Estates, located South of JIM HATFIELD County Road #200, and West of State Highway 265. Property corners City Limits, but is outside City and inside Growth Area. The property has no zoning. Jim Hatfield - Owner and Developer, Neal Albright - Engineer. Neil Albright was present to represent. 1. Bud Allen (County Planning Administrator): Submitted his comments by phone. He requested an additional 10 ft. of right-of-way for State Highway 265 for a total of 40 ft. from the centerline of Highway 265 towards the property. 2. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Was not present but submitted his comments prior to the meeting. He requested a 25 ft. utility easement outside the proposed right-of-way for Highway 265, on the East side of the subdivision and the West side of Highway 265 right-of-way. 3. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that since this subdivision is outside the City Limits, that there will be no trash pickup. He had no further comments. 4. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Designate the County Road adjacent to the North boundary of the subdivision as County Road #200. B. Designate Highway 265 as State Highway 265. C. Designate existing right-of-way for County Road #200, and any additional right-of-way required by the County. D. Show existing right-of-way for State Highway 265 and the proposed right-of-way as requested by Bud Allen. E. The legal description for the West Boundary of the subdivision reads 1360.61 ft. and the drawing shows 1316.20 ft. Check this and revise drawing if in error. 1 • • Plat Review Committee Meeting February 5, 1981 Page 2 F. Show City Limits on vicinity map. G . The Preliminary Plat is drawn to a scale of 1:200, submit at least one copy of the plat drawn at a scale of 1:100. H . The Code calls for topography lines on the Plat unless waived. I. There are two existing buildings in this subdivision and another under construction. Designate these buildings on the plat. J. Provide the Office of City Planning with the names and mailing addresses of adjoining property owners at least ten days before you wish this subdivision to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. H . Mr. Hatfield will be required to notify the adjoining property owners of the date and time of the Planning Commission meeting at which this subdivision will be reviewed at least seven days prior to the meeting. I. Show proposed use of this subdivision on the plat (single-family, multi -family). J . Developer may have to show on the plat or submit a letter of approval from the State Board of Health on percolation data. K . All persons owning property within this subdivision must sign the plat. L. Bobbie Jones stated that it is unlikely that the Planning Commission will grant the waiver that the subdivision be exempt from City jurisdiction as requested. This waiver was granted in one case only, the property consisted .of 77.8 acres and only 5 acres were in the City of Fayetteville Planning Area. Th property was on rural water out of Prairie Grove. M. Revise the dedication certificate on the plat, as revised by Jim McCord. N . Proof of notification of the adjoining property owners, and revisions as requested by the Plat Review Committee must be submitted to the Office of City Planning before this Preliminary Plat will be submitted to the Planning Commission and Subdivision Committee for review. O . Show private Ozarks Electric easement existing between Lots A-1 and B on the plat. 5. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that since this Subdivision only touches the City Limits at the Northeast corner and is not contiguous, the County standards will prevail. Plat Review Committee Meeting February 5, 1981 • Page 3 • • The County requires 60 ft. of right-of-way on County Roads, the developer should check to see if County Road #200 has sufficient right-of-way dedicated to meet County Standards. Each individual lot that does not have an existing drive onto Highway 265 will need to obtain a driveway permit from the Arkansas Department of Transportation. Highway 265 does not have curb and gutter, so bar ditches will be required on each side of the Highway consisting of 18" inside diameter tile for driveway underdrains. 6. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated that this subdivision is out of Warner Cable's area but that service has already been extended to two lots in this subdivision. Lots D and B are already being served. Warner Cable will serve the area, but if persons building in the subdivision wish to have cable service, he requested that conduit be placed underneath the driveway or that Warner Cable be notified prior to the pouring of concrete for the drive. 7. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that there is not gas service available to this subdivision. There is an existing high pressure gas line about one mile South of the subdivision, running East/West. In order to serve this subdivision an easement would have to be obtained. Wagner said that Arkansas Western Gas Company would work with the Developer on obtaining an easement to the Subdivision. Wagner stated that any easement would have to be cleared by the Developer. He said that nothing would be added to this high pressure gas line before the middle of the summer. Wagner concurred with the 25 ft. utility easement outside the proposed right-of-way for State Highway 265 as requested by Don Bunn. He also requested a 25 ft. utility easement on the South side of County Road #200, where it abuts the North side of this subdivision. Neal Albright asked if anyone present needed the contour lines as required by the Code. None of the utility companies needed the contour lines. Bobbie Jones stated that the developer should check with the County to see what their building setback requirement is from a right-of-way. 8. Dick Shaw (Ma Bell): Stated that the easements as requested are adequate for the phone company He asked Mr. Albright to check and see if there are any existing easements held by either the City Water Department or Ozarks Electric Cooperative. Shaw said he would like a copy of any existing easements submitted to him and the other utility companies before this plat is reviewed by the Planning Commission. Shaw also pointed out that the modified Certificate of Dedication should be on the Plat. 9. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Submitted his comments by phone. He stated that the easements as requested by the other utility companies are fine, • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting February 5, 1981 Page 4 In addition to those easements he requested a 30 ft. easement between Lots A-2 and A-3. This can be split 15 ft. on each side of the property line. Ozarks Electric has a private easement existing. between Lots A-1 and Lot B. Don Bunn stated that since this Subdivision is outside the City Limits, Fire protection will not be available, and a hydrant is not required. 12