HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-29 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, January 29, 1981, at 9:00, A.M., in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Andy Calloway, L. 0. Ferguson, Dennis Burrack, Kenneth Wagner. Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Don Bunn, Larry Poage, Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones. Harry Gray, Ervan Wimberly, Larry Bittle, Dennis John Becker. The first item of business was the FINAL PLAT final plat of Cambridge Place Addition, CAMBRIDGE PLACE ADDITION Phase I. Located South of Highway 45 East, PHASE I and West of Highway 265. Lots 1 and 2 are zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential District, Lots 3 thru 18 are zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. Frank Parrish is the Owner and Developer and Northwest Engineers, Inc. - Engineers. Ervan Wimberly and Harry Gray were present to represent. 1. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Asked what the driving radius is around the culs-de-sac. Harry Gray replied it is 45 ft. on the outside, and 7-1/2 ft. on the inside. Brt asked if containerized service would be utilized. Gray replied that it would be. Gray informed Brt that at the preliminary level, the Planning Commission had limited Phase I to one point of access off Highway 45. 2. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that at the preliminary level, the Planning Commission had requested a median be placed in the center of the access point. He asked how wide the lanes would be. Harry Gray stated that the lanes would be 18 ft. from flow line to flow line, with a 9 ft. landscaped island separating the lanes. Clayton said he would reserve his other comments until he had a chance to review the engineering plans and profiles. Clayton stated that however, the Plat would have to reflect that the medians will be maintained by a Property Owners Association, including those located in the culs-de-sac. Clayton recommended a barricade be placed at the South end of Cambridge where it terminates until such time as Cambridge is extended in Phase II, to prevent through traffic from other subdivisions. Bobbie Jones stated that she cannot set this plat up for final review by the Planning Commission until she has received approval of the engineering plans and profiles from Clayton Powell and Don Bunn. Larry Poage (City Fire Department): Stated that since the Multi -family lots ( Lots 1 $ 2) will be self contained, with their own laundry facilities 1 • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting January 29, 1981 Page 2 for each unit, that he had no comments. 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated he would reserve comments until such time as he can review the Engineering plans and profiles. Bunn asked if sewer will be brought in from Highway 265. Gray replied that it would. Bunn asked if all lots other than 1 and 2 will be developed single family. Gray replied that they would. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Requested that the 10 ft. easement on the South side of the development be enlarged to a 25 ft. easement. He stated that 12-1/2 ft. could be dedicated with Phase I, and 12-1/2 ft. with Phase II. Wagner said this can be conveyed either on the final plats, or by separate instrument. Harry Gray asked if the utility companies needed the designated drainage easement shown between Lots 3 and 18. Bobbie Jones replied that the utility companies had requested that easement so it should be designated on the plat as a utility and drainage easement. Bunn stated that if the easement was to be a drainage and utility easement, that he would request a 10 ft. separation between drainage and sewer. 6. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Requested a 12-1/2 ft. easement to be placed either between Lots 3 and 4 or Lots 15 and 16 to serve the street light to be located in the cul-de-sac at the end of Bristol. Burrack stated that SWEPCO will absorb 40$ per foot for the installation of service, and will charge each utility sharing a ditch with them 25* per foot, any cost incurred by SWEPCO over these charges will be charged to the Developer. Burrack asked what the soil was like in the subdivision. Ervan Wimberly stated it appears to be solid lime stone. Burrack stated that service would be "loop type", it will start on the West side of the subdivision, cross between Lots 15 and 16 and 4 and 5 to the 25 ft. utility easement North of Lots 4 and 5, turn East and back up to Highway 45. He stated that where the service crosses between Lots 15 and 16, and Lots 4 and 5, that he will require a 12-1/2 ft. easement if SWEPCO is the only utility in that easement, if it is shared with other utilities, 25 ft. will be required. Burrack asked if standard street lighting would be desired. Wimberly stated it would be.. Burrack stated he would work up an estimate and submit it to the Developers. Burrack stated that the enlargement of the easement on the South side of the Development as requested by Kenneth Wagner would be sufficient for SWEPCO. All other easements are adequate 7. Andy Calloway (Ma Bell): Stated that where• phone lines cross streets, 2" pvc encased in concrete or metal conduit will be required. Calloway stated he concurrs with the South easement as requested by Kenneth Wagner. Calloway asked if Lots 3 thru 18 were firm in that they would be developed single family. Wimberly stated that is correct, that there are buyer's covenants to that effect. Also, Lots 1 and.2 are restricted to no more than ninety units. Plat Review Committee Meeting • January 29, 1981 Page 3 • • Wimberly asked if any other companies wished to place utilities in the telephone company easement at the front of the development. Kenneth Wagner stated that he may need to be in there. Wimberly stated he would make it a utility easement subject to the existing Southwestern Bell Telephone easement. Calloway stated there is an innercity cable located underground there, and that it should not be disturbed. 8. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Stated he would like 2" pvc laid for cable service at all road crossings. He stated'he concurrs with the 25 ft. utility easement on the South side of the development as requested by Kenneth Wagner. 9. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Asked that the certificate of owner and title, also, the certificate of dedication for streets, drainage and utility easements be modified. She said that a copy of the new certificates can be obtained in the Office of City Planning. B . Under the zoning classification on the plat, R-1 should read, Low Density Residential District, and R-2 should read Medium Density Residential District (they are reversed). C. Add to the Final Plat a place showing the book and page on which the protective covenants will be recorded, and furnish recordation information to the Office of City Planning when they are recorded. D . Designate concrete monuments in the legend. E . Add widths of sidewalks in legend, 5 ft. along Highway 45 East, and 4 ft. along Cambridge. F. Plat should state that it is a Final Plat of Cambridge Place Addition, Phase I. G. Submit a copy of the final covenants to the Planning Administrator. These will have to be submitted before the Final Plat goes to the Planning Commission for approval. H . Note on the Plat that the City is a third party to the protective covenants. (So the City can enforce the limit placed on the density in Lots 1 and 2, and for providing for maintenance of the medians.) I Final Plat will show a vicinity map designating major streets according to the Master Street Plan. J . Submit notes from City Street Superintendent and City Engineer. stating that the Engineering Plans and Profiles have been approved. This information must be submitted before the final plat will be placed before the Planning Commission for approval. 3 • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting January 29, 1981 Page 4 K . The Developer will enter into a contract (Developer's preference over posting a bond) with the City to insure that all improvements are installed and completed to City Standards. L. Submit 10 copies of revisions to the Office of City Planning no later than ten days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the developers wish this plat to be reviewed. M. Note any waivers requested on the Final Plat. N . Designate what Cambridge and Bristol are (lane, street). O . Note on Plat that the Board of Directors waived the sidewalk requirement on Bristol at their meeting March 4, 1980. P. Note in covenants that the Board of Directors did not want parking on Cambridge. Q• Note on Plat that the Planning Commission waived the street light spacing requirement February 25, 1980. The next item of business was the review LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT of the Large Scale Development Plan BITTLE APARTMENTS for Bittle Apartments. Larry and Nancy EASTERN AND NETTLESHIP Bittle - Owners, Dennis John Becker - Architect. Property is located South of Nettleship, West of Eastern, and East of the undeveloped right-of-way of Lewis. This property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential District. Dennis John Becker and Larry Bittle were present to represent. 1. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Asked the Developer if he preferred Master or Individual meters. The Developer had no preference. Bunn stated that if Master metering is desired, it can be brought in from Eastern Avenue. If individual meters are desired, Bunn requested that the meters be placed in a grassy area. If the Developer wishes to run a 2" main into the development, an easement will have to be dedicated and plans and specifications will have to be submitted for approval. Bunn stated that sewer is available. Main extension fees will be $1200.00 for sewer and $800.00 for water, in addition to tapping fees. If a main is run, the main extension fees will not apply. 2. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Brt stated that the one trash container shown on the plan would not be adequate for the number of units proposed. After some discussion, it was decided between the Developer and Mr. Brt that another container would be placed immediately East of Unit 1 $ 2, and that it would be 15 ft. deep x 10 ft. wide. Both containers will have a four yard capacity. Brt stated that he would like to see this development "master metered". u Plat Review Committee Meeting • January 29, 1981 Page 5 • • Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that an additional 5 ft. of right-of-way would have to be dedicated by this developer on the South side of Nettleship. Also, the developer will dedicate 5 ft. of additional right-of-way for the West side of Eastern. The City code provides for a developer of a multi -family development to bring any streets abutting his development up to City Standards. In regard to Nettleship; the developer will pave Nettleship and install curb and gutter. Pavement will be extended 15 ft. 6 inches from the centerline of Nettleship to the back of the curb towards the developer's property, for the full length of his development. Storm drain, consisting of 18" concrete, reinforced pipe will be installed along Nettleship for the full length of the developer's lot. It was Mr. Powell's recommendation that these improvements take place immediately, rather than the Developer posting a bond. Regarding Eastern; Eastern consists of 18 ft. wide pavement. The developer will widen his side of Eastern and install curb and gutter. Pavement will extend 15 ft. 6 inches from the centerline to the back of the curb towards the Developers lot. If the natural flow of drainage flows East on Nettleship and turns the corner to run South on Eastern, the Developer will also install a junction box to control drainage at the Southwest corner of Eastern and Nettleship. It will be the developer's responsibility to furnish engineering plans for streets and drainage and to construct the streets and drainage. Bittle asked if Clayton wanted only half a street on Nettleship. Clayton stated that since no street exits there at all, half a street will be the best way to go. Clayton stated that the existing pavement on Eastern may be used, and simply widened towards the Developer's property. Clayton stated he is not interested in the improvement of the unimproved :right-of-way of Lewis Avenue, and stated that the Developers may want to petition to get it vacated. Bobbie Jones asked the feasibility of requiring the Developer to pave the whole width of Nettleship to the intersection of Hartman, a paved street, and tying those two together, rather than installing one-half a paved street for the full length of the development. Clayton stated he would prefer to see half the street paved for the whole length of the development. Clayton stated that a four ft. sidewalk will be required on the West side of Eastern. 4. Larry Poage (City Fire Department). Stated that two stairways are not shown on Units 1-6. Becker stated it was his understanding that, according to the building code, when there are three or fewer units, that the additional stairway is not required on the second level. Larry Poage stated he would check into that and get back with the Developer. Poage asked what the distance from the doorway to the stairway is. Becker stated 50 ft. Poage stated he would like to see a 10# fire extinguisher placed in the laundry room. Also, the larger buildings should have two 10# fire extinguishers, and the smaller buildings should have one 10# fire 5 Plat Review Committee Meeting January 29, 1981 Page 6 extinguisher. Bittle stated he is planning on placing one 2-1/2# ABC, dry chemical fire extinguisher in each unit, and asked if that would be acceptable. Poage stated it would be. Poage said he felt that all buildings could be reached with the fire department equipment. Mr. Bittle stated that there is a 15 ft. alley to the South of the apartments. Bobbie Jones asked if it is open. Mr. Bittle said he was not sure. Poage requested that electric meters be numbered to the apartments, so that if they need to be shut off in the event of a fire, the respective meters will be easy to find. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that in the designated 25 ft. easement on the Northwest side of the development there is a high pressure gas line. He said that when road work begins in Nettleship, that the Gas Company should be notified before any digging is done. Also, any permanent building must be located a minimum of 25 ft. away from the gas line. If the Developer wishes to close Lewis, Wagner stated he wants a 25 ft. utility easement retained as this same gas line turns South at the West side of the development. Wagner stated he would like" gas line easement on the North, West and South sides of the development if gas service is desired for the development. for a small distribution line. Wagner stated that there is an existing gas line on the West edge of Eastern. If Eastern is widened, he wants a 10 ft. easement outside the pavement. He stated the developers could place their drive over the line. Becker stated that if the gas line is located centrally within the gas line easement on the Northwest side of the development, his buildings will be within that 25 ft. minimum setback. He asked if there was any way to get relief from the 25 ft. minimum setback requirement. Wagner stated that a request could be submitted to the operating manager at Arkansas Western Gas Company. 6. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Asked if the Developer wished to have overhead or underground service. Becker stated that overhead would be preferred. Burrack stated that overhead is available and there is no need for any additional easements. Burrack asked that the 15 ft. alley on the South side of the development be clarified on the plan. Burrack stated that if the alley is closed, he would want to retain part of it as a utility easement. Burrack said that units 1-6 will be served off of Nettleship and the other units will be served off the East/West alley located on the South side of the development. Burrack asked if the development would have gas or electric service. Bittle replied that the development would have electric service. Burrack suggested a gang meter rather than individual meters. Burrack stated that there may be poles in Eastern and that if there are to contact SWEPCO. Burrack told the Developers to contact SWEPCO's service department if temporary electrical service is required during construction. 6 A Plat Review Committee Meeting • January 29, 1981 Page 7 • • 7. Andy Calloway (Ma Bell): Asked that the 25 ft. area designated on the North, West and East sides of the Development be designated building setback and utility easement on the plan. Also, the eight foot setback area on the South side of the development should also be noted as a setback and utility easement on the plan. Calloway stated that if fire walls are installed between units, that the developers may want to plan where the outlets will be and locate a common point for telephone wires to enter the units. Otherwise a mess will be created. A fire wall cannot be pierced unless conduit is provided. Kittle stated he had discussed this with Dick Shaw and that the units will probably be prewired. 8. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated that since the units will be served overhead by the electric company, his service would also be overhead. Ferguson stated that Warner Cable would prewire the units at no charge, but that a "right of entry" agreement would have to be signed in order for the servicemen to have access to the grounds. Warner Cable will install four outlets per unit at no charge, after four a charge will be chargedper outlet. 9. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Harold Lieberenz had found a discrepency in the lot width. The Plan shows 158 ft. and it appears to be 148 ft. wide. Bobbie stated this will have a direct effect on the number of units permitted on this piece of property. If the true dimension is 148 ft., then only 21 units can be constructed on the site. (The developer proposes 23). B. If Lewis is not closed, an additional 2-1/2 ft. of right-of-way will have to be dedicated, this will further limit the buildable area of the tract. C. Designate 10% landscaping between parking and the street on the plan. This landscaping will extend from the Southeast corner of the parking area around to the Northwest corner of the parking area and will be designated on the plan. D. Only 10 ft. of setback is required between the parking area and the street right-of-way. The developer is showing 25 ft. This may help off -set the additional right-of-way required for Lewis. • E. The City Board of Directors passed an ordinance for the provision of City Parks. On a Large Scale Development, .01 acre of land is required per unit, or $85.00 per unit. 1/3 of this amount will be deposited when the plan is approved, 1/3 within one year of approval of the plan and 1/3 within two years of approval of the plan. A contract must be entered into if the developer wishes to pay the fee in this manner. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting January 29, 1981 Page 8 F Wheel stops or bumper guards will be required along the outside of the parking lot. G. Parking lot must be paved and striped and landscaping must be installed before the building can be occupied. H. Show the 15 ft. alley located on the South side of the development on the plan. I. On revised plan, show required sidewalk along Eastern, additional right-of-way required and easements requested. J Easements will have to be filed as separate instruments in the court house. K. Furnish utility companies, Clayton Powell and Don Bunn with revised plans. The meeting adjourned at 11:30, A.M. 8 PAGE APPLICANT DATE 1 Cambridge Place Addition (Final Plat - Phase I) •4 Bittle Apartments (LSD - Eastern & Nettleship) 9 Jim Hatfield (Cato Springs Estates - Outside City) O .E. Lutrell (Prel. Plat - Outside City) Paul Marinoni $ Sons (Camelot Addition - Prel. Plat) West Wind Phase III - A Planned Unit Development) Industrial Park Central (Prel. Replat - Lots 5 $ 6, Fay.) Fayetteville Housing Authority (LSD - Between Willow $ Wood) Cato Springs Estates (Final Plat - Inside Growth Area) Gottlieb Corp. - Appleby Acres Addition (Final Plat) Schneider (East Oaks Addition - Final Plat Ph. II) Happy Hollow Addition (Prel. Plat - Happy Hollow $ Fourth) Dr. John Andre (Willowghby $ McCollum - LSD) Northwest Financial Services. (Park Place Subdivision - LSD) O .E. Luttrell (Final Plat - Inside Growth Area) I.B.I., Inc. (Final Plat - Meadowridge Subdivision) F.I.D.C., Inc. - Marshalltown Tools, Inc. (LSD) Kantz Place (Concurrent Plat - Lots 11-13, Block 3) I.B.I., Inc. (Prel. Plat - Meadowridge Subdivision, PH. II) E -Z Mart Stores, Inc (LSD - Hwy 62 West) Meadowridge Subdivision (Final Plat - Ph. II) Hailey, Powers, Froning, Ltd. (Proposed Parking Deck) Dr. Brian W. Buell (LSD - Penney's Access Road) J .B. Hays (Northview Hights - Commercial Pud) Paul Marinoni $ Sons (Final Plat - Camelot Addition, Ph.I) Fayetteville Housing Authority (LSD) Proposed Intersection of Millsap Road West of Hwy 71B Kantz Place (Concurrent Plat - Replat Lot 6, Blk 3) Kantz Place (Concurrent Plat - Replat of Lot 1, Blk 3) Royal Oaks Estates (Planned Unit Development) Larry Robbins (Lot Split - Deane St.) Kantz Place (Concurrent Plat - Replat Lot 8, Blk 3) American Air Filter/Allis-Chalmers Expansion (2355 Armstrong Rd./Ind' Park) Hebberd f Haines - Happy Acres Addition (Prel. Plat) Stone Gate - Bill Martin Owner $ Developer (Prel. Plat - Hwy 45 East) Lindsey $ Rutledge (Oakland Meadows - Final Plat) Steele Addition (Final Plat - Hwy 71B u 71 Bypass) Safeway Store (LSD - North College And Lafayette) Paradise Gardens Condominium (Final Plat) Jim Lindsey (Harb-Co Place - Hwy 265 $ Zion Rd.) Community Development - Improvement of 7th, 9th, llth, 12th, $ 13th Sts. Charter Vista Hospital (Hwy 265 S. of Zion Rd.) Colony Shop of Fayetteville (LSD - Front St.) Minimum Excavation Standards for Utilities Located within St. R -O -W Mexican Originals (Proposed Addition - LSD) Fayetteville High School (LSD - 1001 Stone St.) Prop. Amendment to the Code Regulating the Installation of Utilities(ROW) Commercial Building (LSD - 2100 North College Ave.) S $ J Company (Final Plat - Southern Heights, Ph. I) Leverett Gardens II (Chestnut Ave. - LSD) Park Lake Apartments (LSD - Zion Rd.) Pond Addition (Revised Plat - Hwy 16 W) Arkansas Western Gas Co. (LSD - Industrial Park) Rogers Product Company (LSD - 15th St.) Barnes Cattle Trucking Co. (LSD) 13 15 18 21 25 29 31 33 36 38 43 47 48 51 54 55 58 61 63 64 67 71 73 75 •78 78 79 81 83 85 87 92 96 98 101 104 105 109 111 116 119 121 125 126 129 132 134 138 143 •144 147 150 01-29-81 01-29-81 02-05-81 02-19-81 02-19-81 02-26-81 03-05-81 03-12-81 03-19-81 04-02-81 04-02-81 04-16-81 04-16-81 05-07-81 05-14-81 05-14-81 05-21-81 05-21-81 05-28-81 06-11-81 05-18-81 06-25-81 07-09-81 07-30-81 08-06-81 08-06-81 08-27-81 08-27-81 08-27-81 08-27-81 08-27-81 09-17-81 10-01-81 10-15-81 10-29-81 11-05-81 11-25-81 12-03-81 12-17-81 01-07-82 02-04-82 02-11-82 02-25-82 03-18-82 04-01-82 04-08-82 04-08-82 04-15-82 04-22-82 05-06-82 05-13-82 05-27-82 05-27-82 06-03-82 06-17-82 PAGE APPLICANT DATE 152 Omni -Shelter, Inc. (Brophy Subdivision - Replat of Bronze Tree) 06-17-82 • 155 Prod. Credit Assoc. & Federal Land Bank Assoc. Office Bldg. (College$Millsap)6-24-82 157 Mud Creed Addition - Arkansas Western Realty (Unit 1 - College $ Stearns) 06-24-82 159 Johnnie $ Ora V. Bassett (Winchester Square Subd. - Prel. Plat - Hwy 16 W) 07-08-82 164 Sequoyah Land Co.(Prel. Concept Plat - Seq. South - Prel. Plat, Ph. I) 08-12-82 172 Dr. Miller Williams (Req. to Release Easement - 1111 Valley View Dr.) 09-30-82 173 Hamestring South Addition (Final Plat - Hwy 16 West) 09-30-82 177 J.B. Hays (Final Plat - Ph. I - Northview Heights Addition) 10-14-82 180 Arthur T. Miller (Miller Addition - Concurrent Plat - Replat of Lots 8 & 9) 10-14-82 181 A.W. Realty (Boundary Survey) 10-14-82 182 Lindsey $ Sexton (LSD - Township Plaza - Lot 1, Blk 1, Colt Square) 10-14-82 187 Sarah's Country Store (LSD - Hwy 71 B Across from K -MART) 11-12-82 191 Gordon Wilkins (East Oaks - Ph. II) 12-23-82 • •