HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-11-20 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday November 20, 1980, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Dick Shaw, James Crownover, L. 0. Ferguson. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart, Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Don Osburn. OTHERS PRESENT: James Vizzier, General Bruce Kendall, Jim Hill, Bud Allen, David Lashley. The ohly item for review was the PRELIMINARY PLAT preliminary plat for Washington Mountain WASHINGTON MOUNTAIN PUD a Planned Unit Development located West JAMES VIZZIER of Highway 71 By -Pass, South of Highway 62 West and East of Finger Road. James Vizzier was present to represent. In introduction, Mr. Vizzier said there are still some tentative aspects to the PUD. He stated that, depending upon negotiations with FAA, 20 to 30 lots may be lost in the center of the development due to height restrictions. According to the PUD Ordinance, 30% or 51 acres of this development should be devoted to open space, the Developer proposed only 24 acres devoted to green or open space. The Developers will request some other waivers .from the Planning Commission also. A waiver of sidewalk requirements will probably be sought, and a waiver of some of the setback requirements, also, a waiver of the maximum distance between street lights. Private streets are planned.for this development. There are about four places where the grade exceeds 10%, and they are basically located over the bluffs. One to four family units are planned for the steep lots on the sides of the development and one to two family units are planned for the top of the development. The lot sizes are slightly below half an acre. There are 173 acres in the development and 189 lots are proposed. There are two or three lots that will be lost due to terrain. 1. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Was unable to attend the meeting and gave his comments verbally to the Office of City Planning. If Lo -Dal containers are desired, the radii oii the cul-de-sacs must be 75 ft. Individual can service can be provided Either way, Wally will need written permission, in the covenants that he is permitted to travel on any of the private streets within the PUD. The Developer is requested to contact Wally Brt when a decision is reached on which type of service is desired. 2. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Clayton said he would like to plan on the maximum number of units. Mr. Vizzier said that the maximum Plat Review Committee Meeting November 20, 1980 • Page 2 • number of units would be 524. He stated that would be written into the restrictions. Bobbie Jones said that the reason that General Kendall and Bud Allen were present at the meeting was that part of the proposed PUD is presently outside the City Limits. Mr. Vizzier said that the Developers plan to annex the portion of the PUD that lies outside the City Limits. He stated that there is an area on the South bluff that can't be sewered. He stated those lots will be an acre and one half to comply with requirements for lots on septic tank systems. General Kendall stated that since the larger portion of the PUD is within the Fayetteville City Limits, and the portion not within the City Limits is contiguous to the City, that the County will require that the PUD meet all City Standards. Clayton stated that according to the plat, there is only one point of ingress and egress to the PUD. He stated that he felt three points of access are needed on a development of this density. East Farmers Street is being improved by..Community Development. West Farmers Street is an unimproved road. Clayton recommended that it be brought up to current City Standards, or at least to minimum PUD standards, from Highway 62 West to the perimeter of the PUD. He recommended that Finger Road also be brought up to City Standards, or at least, minimum PUD standards, it being given back to the PUD and maintained as a private road. Jim Vizzier said the Developers are considering Root Avenue as another possibility. Clayton said that out of East Farmers, West Farmers, Finger Road, 15th Street and Root Avenue, three of the streets should be improved by the Developer for access to the PUD. Clayton said that there would be steep terrain to deal with in the construction of streets within the PUD. He stated that street specifications allow streets with an excess of 15% grade for a distance of 300 ft. only. The only variance in street specifications within a PUD is in width of pavement and the elimination of curb and gutter with the installation of bar ditches. Clayton said he does not recommend the waiver of the sidewalk requirement with the reduced width on the private streets. The minimum street width within a PUD is 22 ft. and the maximum is 24 ft. Clayton recommended the streets within the PUD be 24 ft. wide, with 2 ft. shoulders and adequate bar ditches, back sloped. Clayton recommended that storm drainage be designed to utilize existing natural drainage. Any open space where there is a natural ravine, creek or drainage ditch should be aligned to stop erosion. Clayton stated that any construction not started within one year is subject to review and compliance with current specifications. Clayton requested formal engineering plans and specifications, including drainage and sidewalks, for approval and review. Clayton recommended two access points be provided with the first phase of development. Streets will be constructed with standard sub -base, base and asphalt surface to City requirements, except for width. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 20, 1980 Page 3 Clayton requested that the Developer submit a schedule of assessments per lot for maintenance of private streets, etc. Vizzier asked if there would be any objection to putting the walks in the green space instead of along the streets. Powell said he felt the sidewalks should be along the street. Vizzier said the Developers may want to face houses toward the green space and use the streets for access only. Clayton said he would not substitute a walkway for a sidewalk. He stated that if anything other than a sidewalk is approved, that he wants to review the plans. He again stated that the Developer will submit plans and specifications for drainage, streets, utilities, and sidewalks for him to review, as well as a schedule of assessments for each lot. Clayton said that if there will be on -street parking that a 30 ft. pavement width will be required as well as shoulders. 3. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated that at the present time, there is no cable service in this area. There is cable on Finger Road. Vizzier said the Developers want cable service if there are no major problems in servicing the PUD. He said that they plan to put electric, cable and phone service in the same ditch. Ferguson stated he did not see any dedicated easements on the plat. Vizzier stated that the Developers want utilities in the street to serve lots from the front, and that easements would be dedicated. Ferguson said he could not see any problem with servicing the development. 4. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Crownover said he does not recommend underground service as some places within the development are so steep. He stated that there may be problems with erosion in installing ditches. Crownover suggested the Developer dig the ditch. Crownover said that there may be problems when people start digging for their driveways. He said it might be a good idea to designate driveway entrances on the lots, otherwise the Developers will have to dig an eight foot deep ditch for cable. It would be important for the utilities to know the maximum density for each lot so they can compute load. If utilities are in the road, transformers will have to be set at every other lot line. Bobbie pointed out that street lights are not shown on lot lines. Crownover stated he would prefer street lights to be on lot lines. If the Developers wish street lights to be in the middle of the cul-de-sac, 1-1/2 inch conduit will have to be run in the road. Bobbie said she did not believe the City would pay the electric bill for street lights within a PUD. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Said that by with 25 ft. easements on both sides of the streets. Wagner said that if the requested waiver of sidewalks sidewalks are installed, that he wants the 25 ft. utility behind the sidewalks. he could get is denied, and easement • • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 20, 1980 Page 4 Gas service is existing on East Farmers Road and on Finger Road. There followed some discussion as to the location of the gas meters. Wagner said that the gas line would be installed under contract, and that the gas company would need 3 to 4 months notice. 6. David Lashley (Chairman of the Parks Board): Jim Vizzier stated that he knew the City is looking for a park in this area. They would like a playground on the lower part of the development and a look out on top. Since they will not be connected, it would be easy to work out a trail between the two areas. Vizzier said that at the Community Development meeting, Delvin Nation had mentioned something about a ball field. Vizzier doubted that would be feasible due to the terrain, it would be hard to find a flat area large enough for a ball field. Lashley said that, going along with the ordinance, the City would like to have six months from the time the preliminary plat is filed in which to purchase acreage in Block 10. Bobbie Jones said the preliminary plat could be approved as soon as December 8, 1980. Jim Vizzier said that his customers were interested in the park. He said that the old name for the point is "Moose Mountain", and thought that might be an appropriate name if the park does become a reality. Lashley said that the areas the Parks Board is interested in are Lots 1 - 8, Block 10, and Lots 25 and 26, Block 7. 7. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Requested that both sides of the streets and all around the cul-de-sacs be designated as utility easements. Also, he requestedan easement between Lots 17 and 18 in Block 7, to extend across the common area to come out between Lots 6 and 7 in Block 10. The easement will be 25 ft. wide, and can be split 12-1/2 ft. on each lot. He said he would like these easements dedicated, and if the park becomes a reality, the easement can be vacated. Shaw said he is greatly interested in which area of the PUD will be developed in the first phase, and he also needs to know the maximum density. Shaw said that some conduit will have to be laid at road crossings, and that Mr. Vizzier should contact all the utilities so they can get together and figure out where the crossings should go. He said the developers have the option of digging the trench for telephone cable and trying to preserve trees, or, if the phone company does their own trench work, having it cleared of all trees first. 8. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Don Bunn asked if the open space would be designated utility easement. Vizzier said that is possible. Bunn said he would need access to the sewer lines. Bobbie Jones pointed out no building could be located in an easement. Bunn asked if sewer would be the only utility not along the street. Vizzier said that is correct, unless there are problems. There may also be side lot easements. Bunn said he would require a 15 ft. easement if sewer is the only utility in the easement and more_it otheriutilities1arei_ih with:•sewer. He does not want sewer run under pavement. Plat Review Committee Meeting November 20, 1980 Page 5 Bunn said thatcseaer.is:existing on Root Avenue, East Farmers Road, and the North side of Highway 62 West. There is an 8" water line on Highway 62 West which is being modified into a 12 inch line, when it is relocated with the improvement of Highway 62 West. There is also an 8 inch water line going up Finger Road. Bunn said that the elevation of this development will require a booster station or a stand pipe. There is a great deal of difference between the minimum density, six to seven hundred people and the maximum density,eighteen hundred to two thousand people. Vizzier said that he figures about fifteen hundred people,tops. 9. Don Osburn (City Water Meter Foreman): Asked when the Developers anticipate starting construction. Vizzier said hopefully, next summer, on the first phase. Osburn asked the Developers to be careful not to duplicatestreet names with those in the City or within the Development. Osburn requested that where streets curve from North/South to East/West that the Developers break it up somehow so that street numbers will be consistent. Vizzier said that should be no problem. 10. Bobbie Jones(City Planning Administrator): A. Submit proof that the Developer::had the capacity to maintain open space until such time as the Property Owners Association can take over the maintenance of the open space. B . Asked if there would be any non-residential structures within the PUD. Vizzier said that a recreation building may be constructed, and some small storage..buildings of an accessory type. C. Bobbie asked for a clarification of reserved spaces on the plat. Vizzier said they are to get the open space up to requirements, and some areas of reserved space have no access to them yet. Bobbie said these areas should be noted on the plat, that any future use will have to be approved by the Planning Commission. D . Submit information regarding establishment, perpetuation and operation of the Property Owners Association before the PUD is reviewed by the Planning Commission. E . Submit proposed covenants with the City made a third party to the covenants. F. List any variances requested in writing. 1) Sidewalks; 2) Setbacks; 3) Street Lights; 4) Private Streets; 5) Grades on Streets (If grade is over 10%, concrete must be installed and the length cannot be over 300 ft., anything over 15% grade requires a waiver.) 6) Open Space. A • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 20, 1980 Page 6 G . Private streets containing 21 or more units with two-way traffic must be 24 ft. wide, if no more than 20 units are on the street, a 22 ft. width is permitted. H . If containerized service is desired for trash pick-up, cul-de-sacs must have a 75 ft. turning radius Check with Wally Brt on radius for island curb in cul-de-sac. I. On a loop street, the maximum number of units that can be constructed is 80 units. A maximum of 40 units can be constructed on a cul-de-sac. This can be waived by the Planning Commission. I feel your main interior streets are loop streets. J. You show the maximum density is 4 units to a structure or four units to a lot. K. When a PUD has a common perimeter with an A-1 or R-1 district, the exterior perimeter will have a setback of 25 ft. for single family, 50 ft. for a duplex, 75 ft. for a triplex, 100 ft. for a quadraplex, and 150 ft. for other multi -family. Check the buildable area this leaves you. L . Add address of Developer, Owner and Engineer on the plat. M. Date the plat. N. Show sections and quarter -sections on the plat. O . Notify adjoining property owners. P . Street lights and sidewalks will be as per City Standards unless waived. Bobbie said that the street lights are not shown on lot lines on the plat. She said that it would be better to locate street lights on lot lines. Also, a street light is required at the end of the cul-de-sac. Q. Submit proposed street names at this time. R. Submit in writing arrangements for property owners, other than developer, that will have to travel across reserved space for access. S . Intersecting streets will come to a four-way intersection, or they will have a 150 ft. jog. 11. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): should be on the plat that any street be the responsibility of the Property costs and monthly fees. If street lights are waived, a note lights installed in the future, will Owners Association for both installation