A meeting of the Plat Review
November 6, 1980, in the Board of
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Committee was held at 9:00, A.M., Thursday
Directors Room, City Administration Building,
Dick Shaw, Kenneth Wagner, L. 0. Ferguson,
James Crownover.
Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart, John Durham,
Don Bunn, Clayton Powell.
Dr. G. A. Sexton, Jim Lindsey, Gary Carnahan,
Mel Milholland, and Carl Russell.
The first item for consideration
was a Large Scale Development Plan
for Northwest Center, located at the
Northeast corner of the intersection
of Stearns Road and North College Avenue.
Jim Lindsey and Dr. G. A. Sexton - Owner/Developers and Smith and Russell
Jim Lindsey, Carl Russell, Dr. G. A. Sexton and Gary Carnahan were
present to represent.
Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated that water and sewer are available
to the site. Easements as shown are adequate.
2. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Co.): Site can be serviced with no problem.
The cable line is shown in the easement on the West side of the Development.
Service is available at the Northwest corner of the development, and, also,
along the front of the Development where the property abuts Highway 71
When building construction commences, place conduit from the point
where the Developer desires service to enter the building, out to the
easement. Bobbie Jones asked if the existing easement on the platted
portion • . of the site is an Ozarks Electric easement. Carnahan
said the easement is a "blanket type easement", and that it is Ozarks
Electric's. Lindsey said he would try to get the blanket easement changed
to a dedicated utility easement.
Gary Carnahan asked if the entire site could have a North College
Avenue address. Lindsey said that the maximum number of offices or
spaces would be twelve. Each unit would have separate utility meters.
He said however, someone may want to incorporate two or more offices into
one. Bobbie said she would discuss the idea of having a North College
address with Don Osburn, the City Water Meter Foreman.
Carl Russell said that the Developers are considering a court or
some alternative separation to a fire wall.
3. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Stated that service
would be brought into the development at its Northwest corner. The
transformer is existing at the Northwest corner of the development. He
asked the Developers to submit electrical plans to him if anything
Plat Review Committee Meeting
November 6, 1980
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unusual goes into the proposed office buildings.
Carl Russell asked if there would be any problem with enclosing the
meters in a room. Crownover said that he would rather have access to the
meters. Russell said he would like to have the meters in a locked meter
room, and that Ozarks Electric would be furnished a key.
Crownover said that if the developers desire three phase service,
that there is about a six month lead time in ordering the transformer.
Lindsey asked Bunn if two taps were brought into the development,
if he would be charged two tapping fees. Bunn replied that he would be
charged two tapping fees if two taps are installed.
4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that he felt the
development should have an address other than Frontage Road, as there will
eventually be 25 Frontage Roads.
Wagner said that there is an existing gas line along the West
side of the Development running North and South with College Avenue,
on the East side of College Avenue. He said that service could be
extended to the site with no problems. Wagner asked if the development
would be multiple offices. Lindsey said there would be a maximum of
twelve offices.
Wagner said to give him 6 to 8 weeks lead time on running service to
the development.
5. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Shaw said his lines
are located in the same easement as the Gas Company, that is; on the
West side of the Development, the East side of Highway 71, running
North and South. Shaw said he would like to reserve comments on phone
service until he sees the floor plan of the office buildings.
Shaw said that an interior room for phone service is fine.
Shaw requested 6" conduit placed from the point where service is to
enter the building out to the easement.
6. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that he concurs with
the Developer's request for a North College Avenue address.
Adequate right-of-way has been dedicated for Highway 71 B, and it
is built to existing City Standards, except for sidewalks. Stearns,
Joyce and Frontage Road also have sufficient right-of-way dedicated.
Sidewalks exist on Frontage Road
Clayton complimented the Developer on using the South drive as an
entrance only and closing the North drive completely.
Clayton said that he could not see putting sidewalks along Highway
71 on the West side of the property, without extending them down Stearns
Road. Lindsey asked if sidewalks would be required along Stearns Road,
or on his property where the hedge is drawn on the Plan. Lindsey said
he considers his frontage on Frontage Road and not Stearns. Clayton
said this developer could be required to install sidewalks on Stearns
Road according to the off-site improvements ordinance.
Bobbie Jones said that sidewalks will be required along Highway 71
North, and that the Planning Commission could require sidewalks all the
way around the development.
Plat Review Committee Meeting
October 6, 1980
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Clayton stated concerning sidewalks along Highway 71; that the
Highway Department wants sidewalks constructed on private property. The
City wants the sidewalks immediately in back of the curb, in the right-of-way.
Bobbie said that in the past, when sidewalks have been constructed
adjacent to a State Highway, that they can either be constructed within
the Highway Department's right-of-way, with a Highway Department permit,
or outside the right-of-way in a 5 ft. easement dedicated to the City.
Clayton said the sidewalks could be constructed in the 25 ft.
building setback and utility easement, if it's okay with the utility
companies, and if it won't be broken up when the utility companies do
repair work on their lines.
Lindsey said there is a wide ditch where the sidewalks are to be
located. Lindsey asked if conduit were placed in the easement, if the
utility companies would have to tear up the sidewalks if repairs were needed
on their lines. Dick Shaw said that he could not see having to tear up
the sidewalks, he said he would prefer the sidewalks were not in the
easement. Shaw said that the phone company replaces sidewalks if they
tear them up.
Crownover said he would rather not have sidewalks in the easement,
but that if they were placed there, he could not see having to tear
them up, unless someone does some digging and breaks a line.
Lindsey said that the whole development will be combined and have
the same legal description, he wondered if that would have any affect
on the sidewalk requirements. Bobbie Jones said that any waiver of the
sidewalk requirements will have to be sought at the Board of Directors
7. John Durham (City Fire Inspector): Asked if any of the buildings would be
windowless. Jim Lindsey replied they would not.
Durham asked Lindseyiif building "B" would be specifically retail.
Lindsey said he was not sure what type of business was to go into the
offices, but that the parking arrangements have been made to accomodate
retail. Lindsey stated that the Developers intend the West 2/3 or
9200 square feet to develop commercially, and the East 7215 square feet
to develop as offices. Durham said, should the building develop into
two different uses, a one hour fire wall will be required between the two
different uses. 5/ 8", type X, fire -guard sheet rock can be used in
construction of the fire wall. The fire wall will extend upwards to the
8. Bobbie Jones (City Planning:Administrator):
A. The Planning Commission has already approved the access on the South
end of the Development adjacent to Highway 71, and the closing of
the North entrance.
B. The setback requirement will be 25 ft. from College Avenue right-
of-way, with no parking between the building and the right-of-way,
and the installation of 1O% landscaping by the Developer.
Plat -Review Committee Meeting
November 6, 1980
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C. The sidewalk requirement along North College Avenue can only be
waived by the Board of Directors.
D. Bobbie said that if the office space is split between offices and
retail, there are enough parking spaces provided. If the development
goes entirely retail, there will be additional parking requirements.
Handicapped parking spaces are adequate as drawn. The Developer
could install up to 20% compact parking spaces.(7-1/2 ft. wide by
15 ft. long) .
Lindsey asked if foundation work could begin while an appeal is in
process for the sidewalk requirements. Bobbie said it would be okay
to proceed, if the Developer acknowledges in writing that sidewalks are
required unless waived by the Board of Directors.
Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Submitted his comments to the
Office of City Planning by phone. The pad for the sanitation container
is fine as drawn on the plan. Wally said he doubted one container
could serve the entire development. He suggests an additional container
on the West side of the Development. He said it is possible that the
proposed container could serve adequately.
The next item for consideration LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN
was the Large Scale Development for the APOSTOLICCENTER-OF.EVANGELTSM
Fayetteville Apostolic Center of TOWNSHIP ROAD
Evangelism, located East of Highway
71 B, North of Township Road and West of
Old Wire Road. Paul Milstead - Owner/Pastor, and Mel Milholland - Engineer.
Mel Milholland was present to represent.
Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Was not present at the
meeting, but submitted his comments by phone. He said he did not see
any provision in the drawing for a dumpster. If the Developer wishes
can service that will be fine. If a dumpster is desired, the Developer
should contact Wally Brt about the location of the pad He said he sees
no problem in serving the development.
2. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Clayton said he did not
think widening of pavement is feasible adjacent to this lot.
The Developer will dedicate 40 ft. of right-of-way from the
Centerline North on Township Road. Sidewalk will be required.
Clayton felt -that the 12 ft. drive for access, indicated on the plan,
is insufficient. In order to use the existing drive, the developer will
improve it with drainage across the drive. Clayton recommended an 8 ft.
swale to control drainage from East to West so that drainage will continue
East on Township Road
The drive must be setback 12-1/2 ft. from the side property lines.
Any improved parking lot drainage will have to be approved, to insure that
drainage does not empty out onto Township Road.
Bobbie Jones said that according to ordinance, sidewalks will be
required when the use of the building changes and not when construction
begins on the new building.
Plat Review Committee Meeting
November 6, 1980
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3. John Durham (City Fire Inspector): Stated he would become involved in
this development when construction begins, at this time, he has no
4. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable Company): Stated that there is an existing
overhead easement on the West side of the property, and that service
will be no problem.
5. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Stated that power is
available with existing three phase at the front of the development,
and existing single phase at the side of the development.
James Crownover asked that the Developer submit electrical or
mechanical plans to him before construction is begun.
6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Asked that the 25 ft.
building setback on the North side of Township, adjacent to this site,
be designated building setback and utility easement. Service to this
site is no problem.
7 Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Stated that the 25 ft
building setback and utility easement will be sufficient for his
purposes, and that it should be filed and recorded as a separate instrument,
with copies furnished the utility companies.
Service to this site is no problem.
8. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Requested a 25 ft. access easement through
the aisle in the parking area to the City water tank just East of the
development. Bunn requested a letter or some type of assurance to this
He said the Developer should contact him if he desires another
size tap.
9. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator):
A. Agreed that a 12 ft. drive for access may not be adequate.
B. The ordinance calls for sidewalk construction to be done in
connection with the change of use.
C. Neither the existing or the proposed building meet setback requirements
from residential property (50 ft.). The existing building is only
36-1/2 ft. from the residentially zoned property, and, from the
drawing, the proposed auditorium is only 30-1/2 ft. from the
residentially zoned property. The Planning Commission can waive the
50 ft. setback requirement for residentially used property from
non -residentially used property.
D. The drive is supposed to be 12-1/2 ft. from theside property line,
the Planning Commission can waive this requirement.
Plat Review Committee Meeting
November 6, 1980
Page 6
E . Waivers in the parking requirements can only be granted by the Board of
Adjustment. The existing house or temporary auditorium, will require
35 spaces, the developer is requesting a waiver from the required
35 to 10. With the future development, 78 parking spaces will be
F. Screening will be required, either view obscuring fence or vegetation,
between _ residential uses and non-residential uses. The
Planning Commission can grant a waiver of this requirement..
G . Furnish the Office of City Planning proof that this parcel has
been a lot of record since June 29, 1970.
H . The Conditional Use for a Church in R-1, will be addressed by the
Planning Commission Monday, November 10, 1980.