HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-02 Minutes•
A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00, A.M. in the
Board of Directors Room, on Thursday, October 2, 1980, City Administration
Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Jim Crownover, L. 0. Ferguson, Dick Shaw,
Kenneth Wagner, Dennis Burrack.
Jim Napier, Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Bobbie
Jones, Cynthia Stewart, Freeman Wood, Don Osburn,
Wally Brt.
OTHERS PRESENT: Bill Lazenby, Gail Mainard, Wade Bishop, Tom
The first item for consideration
was the proposed development by Bill Lazenby
for apartment units to be located South of
Highway 16 West and West of Betty Jo Drive.
The property is zoned R-0, Residential Office
District. The Planning Commission granted a conditional use for Medium Density
Residential Development at their meeting September 22, 1980.
Bill Lazenby was present to represent.
• 1. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated that water and sewer are available to this
development. He stated that Mr. Lazenby should be sure and check the grades
on the sewer, as there had been some problems in this area.
2. Jim Napier (City Street Department): Stated that the Developer would
have to be very careful where he directs on-site drainage, so that it does
not empty onto the street or the highway. Lazenby said that there is a
storm drain located on the site. Napier said such a drain should be designated
on the plot plan.
3. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that any on-site drainage
would have to be piped into the storm drain on Betty Jo Drive. He said there
should be a drop inlet close to the site, but that he was not sure.exactly
where it lies.
After some discussion, it was determined that sidewalks for this
development are required on the opposite side (East) of Betty Jo Drive
by the Subdivision Plat; however, the Master Sidewalk Plan shows them on
this (West) side of Betty Jo. Clayton Powell felt they should be constructed
on both sides of the street. Bobbie Jones felt the matter should be clarified.
Bobbie Jones stated that electrical service will be split, the East 140 ft.
of the development will be served by SWEPCO, and the balance by Ozarks Electric
4. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Stated that there is an
• existing line on the West side of the development which is overhead. He
stated that the poles are presently where Mr. Lazenby shows paved areas.
Lazenby asked Crownover how much room he would need. Mr. Crownover said that,
Plat Review Committee Meeting
October 2, 1980
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normally, a 30 ft. easement is required with overhead service. Lazenby asked
if the service could be moved to the South property line. Mr. Crownover stated
that in order to place service there, the neighbor's trees would have to be
removed. Crownover said he would check the existing easement to see where
it lies in relation to Mr. Lazenby's lots.
Crownover asked if the units would be all electric. Lazenby replied
they would be.
Crownover asked Lazenby if the units would have driers. Lazenby replied
they would have washers, driers and dishwashers.
5. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Stated that the existing service for the area
was designed for an R-1 neighborhood, with a secondary pedestle between
Lots 6 F, 7 and Lots 4 $ 5, he stated with the extra load it would be necessary
to tie into SWEPCO's primary line South of the development. To the South
of Lot 7, there is a 15 ft. setback to roof overhang, he asked that that be
dedicated as a utility easement.
Burrack asked that the 30 ft. building setback across the front of
Betty Jo Drive be dedicated as a utility easement also. Burrack said that
transformers would have to be placed along the front of the lots, he could not
serve from the back as it would be Ozarks Electric's territory. SWEPCO's
service will be underground.
Burrack stated that the road crossings are in and consist of 2" pvc.
Because of the additional load, the transformers would have to be rearranged
to some extent but that one would be placed between the two South structures,
one between the central structures and another near the North structure.
6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated there is presently
service to this development. He asked Mr. Lazenby if he would like the
service he will not be using retired. Mr. Lazenby stated he would.
(The apartment complex will be all electric.)
7. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Stated that the Telephone Company's
main feeder cable is presently situated in the utility easement and
service lane located on the West side of the Development. He stated that
he would not have his line under pavement. He informed Mr. Lazenby that if he
plans on paving that easement and service lane, that the Developer would be
required to bear the cost of relocating the telephone cable, or providing
hand holes and conduit for the entire length of the back of the lots.
Lazenby said in that case, he would drop or relocate the paved service
8. Don Osburn (City Water Meter Foreman): Asked Mr. Lazenby if he plans on
having individual meters to each unit. Mr. Lazenby stated that is correct.
Don Osburn asked when Mr. Lazenby anticipated starting construction, Mr.
Lazenby replied, hopefully within the next thirty days.
Osburn asked that the meters be set by the plumber in a North South
Loop so that they will be in order with the order of the apartments.
Osburn said that in the case of the larger units (8 and 9 units) that
they would be assigned one house number and each individual unit would have
an apartment number. Before the meters will be set, both the house numbers
and the apartment numbers will have to be up.
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October 2, 1980
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Osburn asked if Mr. Lazenby was planning anymore multi -family type
units across Betty Jo Drive. Bobbie Jones stated that Bryce Davis had
requested that the lots across the street from these be rezoned to R-2, so
it is likely that more multi -family development will be going in.
9. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Wally and Bill Lazenby discussed
alternate ways of arranging the parking so that the City Sanitation vehicles
would have access to the sanitation containers. Lazenby stated that with
the omission of the service lane, there would have to be some rearrangement
of the parking areas. Wally said that any revision of the plans must be
cleared with him.
Bobbie Jones stated that by putting landscaping between the buildings
and the streets and between the parking areas and the street, he would be able
to reduce his building setbacks to 25 ft. and parking could be moved to
within 15 ft. of the street right-of-way. Bobbie said that the width of the
parking spaces could be reduced to 9 ft. with the exception of one parking
space per building that would be 12 ft. wide. This would enable him to move
both buildings 5 ft. closer to the street and move his parking areas 5 ft.
closer to the street, but it would require some landscaping. Also, she
said that Lazenby could reduce the width of 15 of his parking spaces to 7-1/2
ft. wide for compact vehicles, and they would have to be so:.marked. Bobbie
said this would further enable Mr. Lazenby to move everything to the East.
Dennis Burrack had requested that the 30 ft. building setback on
the plans be designated a utility easement. He stated that if he was the
only utility in that easement, he could get by with 15 ft.
Wally stated that the Development could be served with three containers
and that they would require a 15 ft. wide approach. Wally said he would
like to see the revised plans before they are finaled up.
10. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator):
A. Nothing should overhang into the 12-1/2 ft. utility easement on the
North side of the property.
B. If building height exceeds 20 ft. on the South property line, there will
be additional setback requirements. ( 1 ft. for each ft. over 20 ft.
of height.)
C. One 12 ft. wide parking space is to be provided for each building. One
may be placed between the two South buildings as there are fewer
than twenty-five parking spaces.
D. 15 of the 75 required parking spaces can be 7-1/2 ft. wide by 15 ft.
long and marked for compact cars. The balance of the parking spaces
will be 9 ft. wide by 19 ft. long.
E. A 24 ft. wide aisle will be required between the parking spaces.
F. No screening will be required other than the landscaping suggested to
reduce setbacks of buildings and parking areas. (10% on parking areas
and 10% on buildings)
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October 2, 1980
• Page 4
G. With the exception of the four unit structure, the plumbing in all
structures will have to be approved by the State Board of Health.
H . Each page of the plans will bear a paragraph as well as the stamp and
seal of an Arkansas registered architect or engineer.
I. Plans will have to be certified that they comply with the State Energy
J . Each structure will require a separate building permit.
K . Upon completion of the project, an as -built plot plan will be submitted
to the Office of City Planning showing all buildings, parking, driveways
and utility lines, including individual service lines. If the first
building is completed, and a building permit has not been obtained
for the additional buildings, an as -built plot plan will have to be
submitted upon completion of that building in case the development is
never finished.
L. The revised development plan will show a vicinity map and the lot numbers.
M. Revisions must be submitted to the Office of City Planning by Monday,
October 6, 1980, in order to be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee at
it's meeting October 13, 1980.
11. Freeman Wood (City Building Inspector): Asked if the furnace would be
electric. Mr. Lazenby stated it would be. Freeman said that there may
be problems with the energy code, and a heat pump may have to be installed.
Freeman said that Mr. Lazenby should consult an architect.
Bobbie Jones said that the largest building would have about 6000
square feet of floor area for one floor. Freeman said in that case a
one-hour fire break would have to be installed every 3000 feet.
The next item for consideration PRELIMINARY PLAT
was the preliminary plat for Meadowridge MEADOWRIDGE SUBDIVISION
Subdivision, located West of Old Missouri GAIL MAINARD, ENGINEER
Road and South of Zion Road Ben Isreal
Owner and Developer, Gail Mainard - Engineer.
Gail Mainard was present to represent, he passed out a revised preliminary
plat which showed Sunflower Circle extending a shorter distance.
1. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Gave written comments. There is a 6" water line
available on Old Missouri Road and a 10" sewer line available to the West
of the property. The water and sewer layout appears to be satisfactory, both
being in the street right-of-way. The Engineer for the project will submit
detailed plans on water and sewer to the City Engineer, there is a possibility
of oversizing on the sewer.
At the intersection of Frazier Terrace and Old Missouri Road, the water
line will be kept out from under the intersection.
Mainard said the tap could be made further South. Bunn said he had no
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• October 2, 1980
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problem with utilities being run in the street.
Mainard said he would run them between the pavement and the right-of-way
2. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Asked if there would be an island
in the middle of the cul-de-sac. Mainard replied there would not be an
island in the cul-de-sac, but there would be an island in the entrance to
the subdivision.
Bobbie Jones stated that this property is zoned R-2, Medium Density
Brt asked Mainard if he desired containerized sanitation service.
Mainard replied that he did. Bobbie Jones stated that Lots 7 $ 9 would
allow for the construction of no higher density than duplexes, Lots 10, 11
$ 12 would allow for a maximum of six two-bedroom units.
Brt suggested setting containers in the area marked for future street
construction at the West end- of Frazier Terrace. He said that he would be
unable to manuever his sanitation vehicles in the cul-de-sac.
Clayton Powell said that Wally would have to turn around in the cul-de-sac
because c'. the size of Lot 8 would allow for several multi -family dwellings
and they would need service. Wally said in order to turn around in the
cul-de-sac, he would need 75 ft. radius from curb to curb.
Mainard said that if he had to increase the radius of the cul-de-sac, it
would wipe out four lots. Mainard said he would rather utilize Wally's
idea of using the area reserved for future construction for the placement of
Wally said he would like the minutes to reflect that he will be contacted
before any containers are set in this subdivision.
Mainard suggested constructing driveways on the East and West sides of
Lot 8 of the cul-de-sac so that Wally could get his trucks down to the cul-de-
sac, but would not actually have to turn around, he could come in and back
out on the opposite side. Wally stated that would be feasible.
The Developer will work with Clayton Powell and Wally Brt when designing
his driveway into Lot 8.
3. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that the condition of
Old Missouri Road is poor. Since Old Missouri Road is a collector street,
an additional 10 ft. of right-of-way will be dedicated by the Developer on
the West side of the Old Missouri Road, and the street will be brought up
to City Standards, including curb and gutter, storm drainage and sidewalks
on the West side. The Developer will bring Old Missouri Road to 15' 6"
from the centerline, West to the back of the curb.
Concerning the divided threshold at the intersection; a local street
(Frazier Terrace) requires 50 ft. of right-of=way. Since Frazier Terrace
will be a divided street with a median, each lane will be 20 ft. in width
from flow line to flow line, with 10 ft. of right=of-way in back of curb on
each side. The median itself will be at least 10 ft. wide. The threshold
will have a 300 ft. depth. (Tom Hopper told Clayton Powell, he had constructed
medians only 50 ft. in depth) Landscaping on the median will have to be
upkept by property owners and set out in a bill of assurance or some other
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October 2, 1980
Page 6
Clayton stated that this being an R-2 development, sidewalks will be
required on both sides of Sunflower Circle, but will not be required for
the North side of Frazier Terrace
General street specifications will apply. Clayton suggested that
the developer make maximum utilization of whatever natural drainage ditches
there are. Mainard stated that there is a creek 317 ft. West of the develop-
ment, and there is a sewer line which is on the West side of an existing
creek. Mainard said the Developers plan on draining the site along the
future street easement. Claud Prewitt will be developing the property to
the West, and he will take the drainage down to the creek.
Engineering plans on street construction will have to be cleared
through the City Engineer, and Street Superintendent.before beginning
4. Don Osburn (City Water Meter Foreman): Don asked Mainard if Claud Prewitt
had indicated whether he is going to develop his property to the West
multi -family. Mainard said that Mr. Prewitt had not indicated how he would
develop his property.
Don Osburn asked what the maximum amount of units would be on Lot 3.
Bobbie Jones replied that the maximum number of units that could be
placed there would be eleven two-bedroom units, or thirteen one -bedroom
units. Osburn asked the maximum number of units that could be placed on
Lots 10, 11 $ 12. Bobbie said that the maximum would be six two-bedroom
units, or seven one -bedroom units. Lot two would accomodate a maximum
of five two-bedroom units and six one -bedroom units. Lot one has two
existing duplexes constructed on it, and no other units can be built on this
lot unless the existing structures could be structurally tied together in
some way. Bobbie Jones asked Mr. Mainard if Frazier Terrace would exceed
10% grade coming off of Old Missouri Road Mr. Mainard said the grade would
not exceed 10%.
Don Osburn asked when construction is scheduled to begin. Mainard
said that construction of water and sewer would begin as soon as the
Developers get their plans back from the State Health Department, and that
construction on the stree”,other than rough grading, would probably not
begin until late next spring.
5. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Stated he could come across
the front of Lots 1, 2, $ 3, and place a pedestle between Lots 1 & 2. He
said he does not need the 15 ft. easement on the South side of Lots 1 $ 2.
Mainard said there is a 6 ft. chain link fence around Orville Smith's
property to the South of the development. He stated that the Eastern part
of the development is fairly clear, and that it starts getting wooded to the
West of Lot 3.
Crownover said he would run his lines along the street in front of
Lots 1, 2, & 3, and then turn South between Lots 3 & 4, and run in back of
the lot lines the rest of the way.
Crownover requested that where the jog in the utility easement on the
West side of lot 6 occurs, be extended North about 15 ft., so that the
easement is not less than 25 ft. wide at any point.
r 1
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October 2, 1980
Page 7
He requested, in order to form a loop, 2" metallic conduit to be placed
at the North end of Sunflower Circle, at the intersection with Frazier
Terrace, from back of curb to back of curb.
Bobbie Jones asked if the street light shown on Lot 6 is moved to the
lot line between Lots 7 $ 8, if Ozarks could serve it without an easement.
Crownover said the existing location shown would be best, but he
would need a 15 ft. easement running East between Lots 6 $ 7
Bobbie said it should be located at the end of the cul-de-sac.
Crownover said, in that case, he could come between Lots 7 & 8 and would
need a 15 ft. easement there.
6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated the gas company has
a line to the duplex on the South side of Lot 1. Wagner said the gas line
would probably have to be in the easement to the South of Lots 1, 2, F, 3.
If he is the only utility in that easement, the 15 ft. width would be
Where the radius in the threshold occurs at the South of the intersection
of Old Missouri Road and Frazier Terrace, there is a double gas loop. Wagner
said it is possible that may have to be moved. Mainard said he was sure
it would be moved to the street. Wagner said this could be worked out when
the contract is negotiated. Wagner said the North meter loop would probably
have to be moved back also
Wagner said he would appreciate 90 to 120 days notice before construction
begins on utilities
7. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone):' Stated he could go in the same
easement with Ozarks Electric; that is, along the North side of Lots 1, 2, F, 3
then South between Lots 3 F, 4 and around.
Shaw requested that a piece of property on the North side of Frazier
Terrace, along Old Missouri Road, be designated utility easement.
He requested 80 ft. of steel conduit be laid across the entrance to
Frazier Terrace, or 2" pvc encased in concrete.
8. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): At present there is no service available
to this subdivision. He said the easements requested by the other utility
companies would be sufficient if service is ever made available.
Ferguson asked Crownover how he would get service to the property.
Crownover stated service would be brought in overhead, a pole set, and then
run underground.
Ferguson said the nearest service is on Zion Road, and that Sweetbriar
addition is also served. Ferguson said that if the subdivision is served,
service will probably be brought in from the North. He stated that if Mr.
Mainard wanted to anticipate service, he should lay 2" pvc under the entrance
to the subdivision at Frazier Terrace and Old Missouri Road.
Mainard asked if, since the gas company is the only utility in the
easement on the South and East side of Lot 3, if the width of that utility
easement could be reduced. Mr. Wagner stated that 15 ft. would be fine.
Bobbie Jones asked if it could be reduced to 12-1/2 ft. Mr. Wagner said that
would be alright. The other utility representatives did not object.
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October 2, 1980
Page 8
Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator):
A. Asked what the elongated, triangular piece of property is for on the
North side of the intersection of Frazier Terrace and Old Missouri Road.
Mr. Mainard stated that is property that cannot be utilized. He said
it is steep. Bobbie said the maintenance of that property will be the
responsibility of the Developer, unless there is a property owners
association. She said it should be assigned a lot number and it should
be noted that maintenance will not be done by the City of Fayetteville.
B. Note on the Plat with other comments the acreage (5.75 acres).
C. Correct discrepency in the legal description and drawing at North property
D . Sketch in existing structures in Lot 1.
E . Notify all property owners within 100 ft. at least seven days prior to the
Planning Commission Meeting at which this Subdivision will be reviewed.
That includes property owners within 100 ft. and acorss Old Missouri
F. Note on Plat that the proposed use will be R-2, Medium Density Residential.
G . Show sidewalks along Old Missouri Road on the plat.
H . Sidewalks on Frazier Terrace and on Sunflower Circle will go down one
side of the street and all the way around the cul-de-sac, and will be so
noted on the plat.
I. Developer will be required to install sidewalks along the West side of
Old Missouri Road where it abuts the subdivision and one side of
Frazier Terrace.
J . Bobbie suggested the street light noted on the plat to the West of Lot 6
be moved to the required end of the cul-de-sac, and then a waiver will
have to be obtained from the Planning Commission on the spacing.
K . Street lights as well as sidewalks will be in the street right-of=way.
L. The vicinity map will indicate Zion Road and Old Missouri Road as
Collector Streets, and Highway 71, Joyce and Stearns as Arterial Streets.
M. Show right-of-way dedication of 30 ft. from the centerline of Old
Missouri Road. The original legal description should be carried on
the plat with notations to indicate existing street right-of-way,
dedications and total width from existing centerline of right-of-way.
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October 2, 1980
Page 9
The next item for consideration HERITAGE EAST SUBDIVISION
was the Final Plat for Heritage SOUTH OF HUNTSVILLE ROAD
East Subdivision, Phase I. Located EAST OF CURTIS AVE.
South of Huntsville Road (Highway 16 East)
and East of Curtis Avenue. Charm Homes, Inc.
Owner and Developer; Crafton Tull $ Associates,
Wade Bishop and Tom Hopper were present to represent.
Tom Hopper stated that the streets are presently under construction, and that
they will be paved within two to three weeks. He said that utilities are being
placed in easements at this time.
1. Freeman Wood (City Building Inspector): Stated that caution should be used
in construction as the soil is spongy both to the West and to the East of
this property.
Mr. Hopper stated that the Developers had installed base and a tremendous
amount of fill under the streets.
Freeman said that due to the condition of the soil, the developers may
want to go with a different type of footing for the housing, rather than the
standard size and design.
Bobbie Jones interjected that Mr. Bishop had requested a rezoning of
Block 1 Lots 9 through 31, and also, Block 4, Lots 12 through 22. She
asked if the balance of the lots would be developed single family residential.
Mr. Bishop said they would be.
Bobbie asked if Fairlane Street would connect with Highway 16 during this
phase. Mr. Hopper replied that it would.
2. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that if anything more than
duplexes is developed in Block 1, that Evalyn Circle cul-de-sac would need
to have a radius of 150 ft Wally suggested that as the subdivision progresses,
the Developers contact him, unless the Developers wish to have strictly
can service.
3. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Asked if covenants would restrict
the development of the lots to duplexes or if there would be a bill of
assurances with the City. Mr. Bishop said he would covenant that nothing
of higher density than duplexes would be built in the R-2 areas of the
Bobbie Jones said in that case the City of Fayetteville should be made
a party to the covenants so that they could be enforced by the City.
Clayton stated that the sidewalks shown terminating half way around
Evalyn Circle should go all the way around the cul-de-sac. The same
thing applies to the semi -cul-de-sac abutting Lots 10, 11 $ 12 on Emily
Drive. Sidewalks should be shown on the South side of Fairlane Street
abutting Lot 12. Clayton stated he would like the length of Fairlane
Street to be constructed by Mr. Bishop clarified - both for Phase I :as well
as for future phases.
Clayton said there is a considerable amount of drainage coming out of
the drainage easement between Lots 11 and 12, Block 1. He said he would
hate to be responsible for any utility lines that may be in that drainage
easement. Mr. Hopper stated he did not believe there are any utilities in
Plat Review Committee Meeting
• October 2, 1980
Page 10
that easement and that the drainage is
4. Don Osburn (City Water Meter Foreman):
in the development of this subdivision.
two phases.
Osburn asked if the maximum number
be two. Mr. Bishop replied that he was
single family.
Asked how many phases would be involved
Mr. Bishop replied there would be
of units on the future phases would
planning on developing Phase II in
5. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Stated that street lights would
be installed as soon as the ditches are dug. He requested that the street
light located at the corner of Sherman Avenue and Sandy Drive be moved to
the East side of Sherman to avoid cutting the street with trenching.
Crownover stated he is a bit concerned about the drainage ditch and
power line located at the corner between Lots 11 and 12. He said some
special precautionary measures may have to be taken to protect the line.
6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Thanked Mr. Bishop for
informing him of the change in density as soon as he did. Wagner said that
he had switched service from the lot lines to directly in back of the lots.
7. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Also thanked Mr. Bishop
• for information concerning density, that it had helped in ordering cable.
Shaw said the easements are all fine.
8. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator):
A. Asked for confirmation on the width of Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25 in Block
1 at the setback line.
B .
Sidewalk on Evalyn Circle will be continued all the way around the
C. A street light will be placed at the intersection of Curtis Avenue and
Sandy Drive.
D. Asked if the Developer would install sidewalks from the Subdivision to
Highway 16 on Fairlane. Hopper replied they would not.
E . The Planning Commission waived street light spacing to a maximum of
325 ft. on May 22, 1978. The light at the intersection of Emily
and Fairlane exceeds that distance from the one on the Northeast
corner of Lot 31, Block 1. Hopper replied that he would request a
variance on the spacing of the street lights at this location.
F. Note on vicinity map that heavier lines denote major streets on the
Major Street Plan. Morningside Drive must be made a:heavier line.
Bobbie asked Mr. Bishop if he would rather post bond, or enter into
a contract with the City to insure that improvements are completed.
Mr. Bishop said he would enter into a contract for Phase I.
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October 2, 1980
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H . Submit a copy of the covenants to the Office of City Planning. Note
on plat how the covenants will be recorded.
I. Include new certificate of dedication on the plat.
J . Note on plat that the Planning Commission waived the street light
spacing requirements.
K . Furnish proof of notification of adjoining property owners.
L. Reference my letter of October 24, 1979. The Planning Commission must
decide on the percentages of future costs of the construction of the
balance of Fairlane this developer must bear and how it is to be
The next item for consideration REGENCY NORTH PHASE II
was the final plat of Regency North Phase FINAL PLAT
II, a subdivision located North of Appleby CHARM HOMES, INC.
Road and West of Highway 71 By -Pass Charm
Homes - Owner and Developer, Engineer -
Crafton, Tull & Associates, Inc.
Wade Bishop and Tom Hopper were present to represent.
Bobbie Jones asked if Street and Drainage plans had been approved. Clayton
said they had, however, there is a problem with an abutting property owner on
the West side of Appleby Road. Clayton said the problem with the property owner
would have to be resolved.
Mr. Hopper stated that the Developers are presently constructing a box culvert
on the existing right-of-way. Clayton said the box culvert should be constructed
on the right-of-way and taken to the West perimeter of the right-of-way and around
the perimeter of Appleby Road.
1. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Asked if this subdivision would
be developed single family residential. Wade Bishop felt that the lots up
and down Appleby Road would be developed into apartments. The Lots to the
East of this on Appleby Road are zoned R-0. There is one apartment building
on Lot 1 of Block 4. He said that there:.is a bill of assurance that there
will not be any apartments built inside the subdivision, but that the
Developers have reserved the right to build apartments up and down Appleby
Wally asked what is the maximum number of units that could be constructed
on the lots up and down Appleby Road. Bobbie Jones stated that nine two
bedroom or 11 one -bedroom units could be built per lot.
Wade said that it would be a good idea to make calculations more towards
the maximum capacity of the lots for utility purposes, as there may be a
great need for apartments in this area with the shopping center being constructed.
Wally asked if the multi -family development would have separate or
combined drives. Wade said at this time, he felt the drives would probably
be separate.
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October 2, 1980
Page 12
Wally said it would be difficult for him to advise Mr. Bishop as to
what will be required as far as sanitation service with so many variables
involved. He asked Mr. Bishop to work with him as far as the development of
density along Appleby Road.
2. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Stated that
line, and service will be underground
had not worked with this subdivision,
everything is served from an overhead
in the subdivision. Dennis said that he
that he would check with John Parker.
3. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that the
has two high-pressure gas mains going through the Subdivision.
is concerned about the high-pressure gas line sign that the gas
has installed being torn down. He reminded the Developers that
maintain a 25 ft. setback in relation to these gas lines.
gas company
He said he
they must
4. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked how the developers
felt about an easement between Lots 4 & 5, Block 4 in order to serve the
lots along Village Drive from the front. Mr Bishop said he would prefer
to have the pedestles set in the rear of the lots.
Shaw said he could serve from the rear of the lots, but his pedestles
will be far into the lots from the back property lines because of the
5. Don Osburn (City Water Meter Foreman):Said there may be a problem with
street numbers on Malinda Drive. He said that since it runs both North/South
and East/West, the numbers may be confusing. Mr. Bishop said he could change
the name of the North/South street. Don Osburn said that the street numbers
on the new part of Malinda should be different from the street numbers on
that part of Malinda Drive that is existing. He suggested making the new
East/West portion of Malinda "East Malinda Drive".
6. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water and sewer construction is completed, and
accepted for service. As-builts have been submitted to the Water and
Sewer Department.
7. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator):
A. The revised certificate of dedication must be on the plat.
B. Will assurance of the improvements be by contract of bond? Hopper
said the Developers will go with a contract.
C. Submit as-builts to Clayton Powell, and certificates that there are
no outstanding liens against the improvements and that they were done
to existing City Standards.
D. Individual builders- will be required to install sidewalks on Appleby
Road. She said she would check with the City Attorney to see if a note
to that effect should be included in the plat.
E. Submit a copy of the covenants to the Office of City Planning.
Plat Review Committee Meeting
October 2, 1980
• Page 13
F. Submit copies of the revised plat no later than Monday, October 6, 1980
in order for the final plat to be reviewed by the Planning Commission
at its next meeting October 13, 1980.
G. Note on Plat next to zoning; R-2, Medium Density Residential District.
The next item for consideration REPLAT OF KANTZ PLACE
was the preliminary plat of a:replat of tracts PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT
1 through 6 of Kantz Place, located BALL FAMILY TRUST
North of Highway 45 and West of
Highway 265. Ball Family Trust - Owner and
Developer, Crafton, Tull 8 Associates, Inc. - Engineer.This is a replat of an
existing Subdivision.
Tom Hopper was present to represent. He stated that the Developer is
proposing to note the maximum number of units that can be accumulated on each
lot. The project will be developed in two phases All streets will be public,
built to City Standards The PUD will have 35% open space, which will allow
7.5 units per acre, for a maximum of 272 units. Additional facilities will include
a swimming pool and one or two tennis courts.
Hopper said he could submit a plat to the utility companies that would show
the maximum number of units that could be developed on each lot for the_purpose
of running utilities.
1. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that with the number of
units involved, the PUD will probably have to be containerized. Wally said
he would need letters of permission to travel within the PUD from respective
property owners. He said that he would work with the developer to containerize
as much of the PUD as possible.
2. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent). Clayton asked Mr. Hopper if
the cul-de-sac, Kantz Lane, would be continued when phase II is developed.
Mr. Hopper stated it would be. Clayton said in that case the balloon
(existing cul-de-sac) would have to be removed along with the curb and gutter
to make a straight, continuous street.
Any street that connects or intersects with Highway 45, will have to
have a permit obtained for its construction from the State Highway Department.
Clayton Powell said that he would work with the Developer when
engineering plans and profiles are submitted to him for the streets.
Wherever a street is terminated, Clayton requested that a cul-de-sac
or turn -around be constructed.
3. Don Osburn (City Water Meter Foreman):
needing water service
be under construction
Don asked when Mr. Hopper anticipated
in the area Mr. Hopper said he hoped the project would
in about a month. Mr. Hopper said he hoped to have
utilities and streets in by April 1981.
Don requested two copies of the plat that designates
of units for each lot.
Osburn said he thought there may be difficulties in
so many different streets with the name Kantz.
the maximum number
that there are
Plat Review Committee Meeting
October 2, 1980
Page 14
4. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Burrack said he would hold his comments and work
with the Developer. Burrack said that with the density,more than one loop
would probably be required.
5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Wagner said the gas lines
would probably follow the street around the Development. He stated that if
the gas company sticks with that plan, he would request that the building
setback be designated "building setback and utility easement".
Hopper said he saw a problem with that plan, in that the line would
have to go under the drives. He wondered if the lines could be run
around the back of the lots rather than along the streets.
Wagner said he would hold any further comment until he could look at
the site and see which will be the best way to go. He said that if he
decides to follow the street he will want the building setback designated
as he mentioned before.
6. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Shaw said that if the
open areas are going to be utilized as utility easements, that they should
be so noted on the plat. Shaw said that he could see two places where he
would need conduit laid. He said he would note that on the plat that Mr.
Hopper said he would submit to the utility companies.
7. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Both water and sewer lines are available within
• the subdivision. The preliminary water and sewer layout indicates water
lines will be run in the street right-of-way and sewer to be run partly in
the street and partly in the back lot lines. We need a 15 ft easement for
the sewer if it is along in the right-of-way. If another utility is to be
in the same right-of-way, we need a minimum of 20 ft. All sewer line is to be
terminated with a manhole.
8. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator):
A. Where street light spacing will exceed 300 ft., a waiver must be
requested, in writing, and can be granted by the Planning Commission.
1) On Ball Avenue from the intersection of Kantz Lane up to the North
line of Lot 41; 2) from the intersection of Kantz Lane and Ball Avenue
on the North end to the street light on the West side of Lot 36; and
3) a waiver of the light required at the end of the cul-de-sac, Kantz
Cove; 4) the light placed at the South side of Lot 27 and the North side
of Lot 29.
B. Subdivision title should state !'Planned Unit Development."
C. Prior to issuance of more than eight building permits for any PUD,
all approved non-residential facilities shall be constructed. In the
event the developer proposes to develop the PUD in phases, and the
non-residential facilities are not proposed in the initial phase, the
developer shall enter into a contract with the City to guarantee completion
of the non-residential facilities.
D. The City is to be made a third party to the PUD covenants. The covenants
are to expressly provide that the City of Fayetteville is a third party
Plat Review Committee Meeting
October 2, 1980
Page 15
beneficiary and shall have the right to enforce the requirements for
open space, irrespective of the vote of the other parties to the
E. The ordinance calls for information relating to the establishment,
operation and perpetuation of the property owners' association at this
time, and proof that the developer has the capacity to maintain the
open space until assumed by the property owners association. This
proof should be submitted to the Office of City Planning no later than
October 6, 1980.
F. Copies of the revised preliminary plat will be submitted to the Office
of City Planning no later than October 6, 1980.