A meeting was held
August 14, 1980 in the
Fayetteville, Arkansas
of the Plat Review Committee at 9:00 A.M., Thursday
Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building,
UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: L. 0. Ferguson, Dick Shaw, Kenneth Wagner,
Dennis Burrack.
Clayton Powell, Jim Napier, Don Bunn,
Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones.
OTHERS PRESENT: Ervan Wimberly, Harry Gray, Butch Pappon,
Vic Pepper.
The first item for discussion was the
Large Scale Development and Subdivision
Plan submitted by Northwest Engineers
for property located West of Highway 71
and North of Appleby Road. Gottlieb Corporation - Owner, Northwest Engineers -
Developer. Property zoned C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial District.
Ervan Wimberly, Butch Pappon, and Vic Pepper were present to represent.
Ervan Wimberly stated that the three buildings marked retail will probably be
divided into two or three individual shops.
1. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated that on the drawing, the water line is shown
cutting across the parking lot. He said he would rather the water line was not
under the asphalt.
Bunn asked if the buildings would be individually metered. Ervan stated
that they would be. Bunn stated in that case, he would like the meters situated
in such a way that they are easy to read, preferably in a grassy area.
Bunn asked if the service drawn on the plan would be a main. Ervan
stated that they were planning on running a 6" main. Bunn said that could be
done, but that the developer may want to install a man hole.
Bunn stated that at the Western boundary line of the property, where the
existing trees and shrubs are, there does not appear to be enough room to
install utilities and still have the proper separation. Ervan asked how
much separation is desired. Bunn stated 10 ft.. separation is needed between
gas and sewer.
Don Bunn stated that it appears that Mr. Wimberly is tying onto the
line that serves Bishop Addition. He stated that when tying on to an
existing line, main extension fees come into play. Ervan stated that he is
planning on constructing a main in the front of the development.
Bunn stated that the 15 ft. water easement shown is fine, except he would
rather it did not run under the parking lot.
2. Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector): Called in his comments to the Office of
City Planning. He asked if the four large buildings would be sprinkled. Vic
Pepper replied that they would.
Poage stated there will not be any parking within 10 ft. of an entrance
or exit.
He also stated that exits should not be situated in such a way that persons
Plat Review Committee Meeting
August 14, 1980
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must exit through a storage area.
Poage stated that he appreciated the extra plugs for hydrants.
3. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that since this was a
commercial development, sidewalks would be required where the property abuts
Appleby Road and, also, where the property abuts Highway 71 North.
Clayton stated that in order to bring Appleby Road up to current City
Standards, the Developer would have to dedicate an additional 15'6" of right-of-way.
Clayton further stated that the Developer would be responsible for
controlling drainage. He said there is an existing drop inlet at the Southwest
corner of Highway 71 and Appleby Road, it drains West for a short distance then
into a street underdrain. Clayton said the drainage would have to be controlled
on future engineering. He stated that drainage would have to be approved by
the State Highway Department where drainage affects Highway 71, as it is a
State Highway.
Clayton stated he was in agreement with Don Bunn in that the Western utility
and drainage easement was not adequate for a drainage and utility easement.
A permit will have to be obtained from the State Highway Department for
any entrance or exit off of Highway 71.
Clayton said that College Avenue is a Major Arterial Street on the Major
Street Plan and that if sufficient dedication of right-of-way has not been made,
the Developer will do so and file and record such dedication as a separate
Clayton stated he was not recommending sidewalk on Highway 71 at this time,
as there is none existing.
He stated he would need engineered plans and profiles showing drainage on
Appleby Road.
4. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Asked what type of service the Developer desires. Vic
Pepper stated that they desire underground all the way around the development.
Burrack stated there is a 3 phase, underground, line coming down between
the property line of the development and the Appleby Acres Addition. He stated
the Power Company should be contacted before any digging is done there.
Vic Pepper asked if that was the line the power company was going to feed the
development from. Mr. Burrack stated that if the Developer desires power from
that line it could be done. He stated, however, there is also a three phase line
coming up Appleby Road. Mr. Pepper stated he would prefer to come from the back
Burrack stated he would get with the Developer when they have some idea
of what their load requirements will be and then the Developer would enter into
a contract with the Power Company as to the installation of power.
Mr. Burrack stated he did not see any problems, however, where the power
line is shown running under the black top, the Developer will have to run conduit.
5. Kenneth Wagner ( Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that the 25 ft.
utility easement shown along College Avenue and on the North side of Appleby Road
is in fact a Gas Company Easement. Ervan stated he was aware of that, and
if the Gas Company does not wish any other utility companies in that easement,
that will be respected.
Wagner stated that the mentioned easement hosts a high pressure gas line.
He said that also, on the North side of Appleby.Road, there is a 30 lb.,
2" gas line that turns North on College Avenue for 20 to 30 ft. then goes
under the Highway, going East. He said the buildings along College Avenue could
be served with no problem. The Walmart building and the building on the West
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August 14, 1980
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side could be served from a gas line in the easement going along the Bishop
Wagner asked if the Developer would like the gas meters set up at the
buildings. Mr. Pepper stated yes.
Wagner said that the high pressure gas line runs on the North side of
the Development. He stated there is a meter and a regulator setting there. He
said that gas could be extended West from this point. Or, the line in Bishop
Addition could be tapped and extended back East.
Wagner stated he would need 60 to 90 days notice before the gas service
is needed so that the North leg could be run in. He said that this service
will be run under contract, and subject to refund.
Wagner said that caution should be used around the high pressure gas line
and there should be no digging near it.
6. Dick Shaw (MA BELL): Mr. Shaw stated that he requires a 15 ft. utility
easement inside the gas easement. He stated that if the gas easement is
released so that other utilities can be put in that 25 ft. easement he will
not require the extra 15 ft.
Shaw stated that if improvements are done to Appleby Road, there is a
buried telephone cable installed in the Road. He stated that if the cable
remains buried in dirt, it won't have to be moved, however, if the cable will
have to be covered with black top, it will have to be moved and the Developers
will have to bear the cost of relocating the cable.
Shaw stated that on the West boundary, where the Developer shows trees,
the Developer can dig the ditch for the cable and meander around the trees he
wishes to preserve. He said that if the Telephone Company has to dig the ditch,
it will be totally cleared to final grade.
Shaw said he requires sixty feet of 2 inch pvc crossing the existing
entrance on College Avenue. He stated that as far as serving the individual
stores,. the Developer will have to contact the Phone Company when he is more
aware of his needs.
Shaw stated that anywhere the phone cables are buried under black top,
conduit will have to be run by the Developer, and if there is a problem, the
black top will have to be dug up.
Shaw stated that the phone company would be entering the shopping center
between Block 2, Lot 4 of Bishop Addition. He said that there is a setting
to serve the development at that point.
Bryan asked if Mr. Shaw would need conduit run across the proposed
North entrance off of College. Mr. Shaw stated that he did. He said that
entrance would require 40 ft. of 2" pvc conduit.
7. L. 01 Ferguson (Warner Cable): Stated that there is an existing underground
cable along Appleby Road. If widening of Appleby Road causes the Cable Company
to have to move the cable, the Developer will have to pay for the relocation.
Ferguson stated that he understood that the Developer wants service to be
underground around the perimeter of the development. He stated that where the
cable will be laid under black top, he will need 2" pvc, schedule 40 conduit,
to be provided by the Developer, from the point service enters the building
back to the easement.
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August 14, 1980
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He stated that since the Developer wants service to be underground, the
Developer will notify the Cable Company before black top is installed. If
service is desired for the smaller shops along 71, service can be provided, overhead,
from the East side of Highway 71..aIf underground:service'is'desired, the Cable
Company will require 2" pvc under the driveway at the Northeast corner, and, also,
the main front entrance. Vic Pepper stated that the Developers did not want
any overhead service.
Dick Shaw requested the Developers to see that service would be made
available to the smaller stores. He stated that even though the stores are not
sold, the Developer should run conduit under the black top to the stores so that
they will be easily served when they are sold. Vic Pepper stated that the
Developers would supply the smaller stores with conduit under the black top.
7. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator):
A. Stated that the Plat Book shows Appleby Road as having a 40 ft. right-of-way.
50 ft. of right -df -way is required for the Master Street Plan. The
Developers will dedicate 5 ft. of additional right-of-way.
B. The Final Plat and the Large Scale Development Plan will identify the
centerlines of the existing rights-of-way, also the total dimension of
the right-of-way.
C. Regarding College Avenue, the
Developer should be sure that
Development will allow 80 ft.
Bobbie Jones stated that
J. B. Hays, dedicating 25 ft.
D . Permits will be required from
entrances off of Appleby Road.
the State Highway Department,
off of Highway 71.
plat book shows an 80 ft. right-of-way, the
the platted lot lines on the plans for the
the Planning Office would need a deed from
from the Centerline of Highway 71.
the City Engineer's Office
A permit will have to be
District Engineer's Office
for the proposed
obtained from
for any entrance
E. The drives proposed on the outer borders of the property will have to be
at least 12-1/2 ft. from, the side property lines.
F. Bobbie asked Ervan if he would be widening the existing drive on Highway
71. Ervan stated he would be narrowing it. Bobbie Jones stated that
Ervan would have to get State Highway Department approval for any changes
to the existing drive.
G . Appleby Road will be widened 15'6", and curb and gutter will be installed
along with sidewalks on the North side of the street, all by the Developer.
H . The Final Plat will be drawn to the correct scale, 1:100.
I. The intersection of Appleby Road and Highway 71 will have the proper radius
and will be so noted on the plat..
J . The Developer will contact John Dietzen, Sign Inspector in regard to the
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August 14, 1980
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existing drive-in sign.. Also, the Developers will work with Mr. Dietzen
on requirements for any future signs in the Development. Permits
will have to be obtained for any proposed signs.
K . Any lease agreements will limit outside storage.
L. Truck berth requirements will be one 10 ft. wide by 40 ft. long berth
with a minimum 14 ft. overhead clearance for the larger four buildings.
The smaller retail stores will have a requirement of one 10 ft. wide by
25 ft. long with a minimum 14 ft. overhead clearance. Berths must not
block parking or drive areas. The Planning Commission can waive the
number of truck berths required. Truck berths are required to be set back
50 ft. from any Residentially zoned properties.
M. The Planning Commission can waive screening requirements. The Developer
has asked for a waiver of the screening requirements.
N. The Developer has asked for a waiver from the maximum buildable area
requirements, this must be appealed to the Board of Adjustment.
O . The waiver from sidewalk requirements must be appealed to the Board of
• P. Plat will show existing and proposed street lights. Street lights should
be placed at intersections of all streets and, also, at 300 ft. intervals.
Show sidewalks on plat.
R. Property owners within 100 ft. of the boundaries of the Subdivision
will be notified prior to consideration by the Planning Commission.
S. Prior to issuance of any permit, each page of the plans for any building
which will exceed a cost of $50,000.00 will have a paragraph, along with
the signature and seal of an Arkansas registered Engineer or Architect.
T. Certification that the building plans comply with State Department of Energy
Regulations will be required.
U . Any building in which the installation of water, sewer, gas or plumbing
amount to more thait $2500.00, the Building Safety Division of the Arkansas
Board of Health will have to approve the plans. This approval will
be required before issuance of a Building permit.
V. Anything relating to food handling will have to be approved by the State
Sanitarian of the State Board of Health.
W . Separate buildings or structures will require separate building permits.
• X. Each tennant will be required to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy. New
tennants will be required to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy when they
change the use of a building.
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August 14, 1980
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Y. Sub -contractors and person doing actual construction, will be required
to obtain a business license.
Z. Only Arkansas licensed plumbers and electricians will be permitted to do
respective work.
8. Harold Lieberenz (City Inspection Superintendent and Flood Plain Administrator):
A. There is a huge septic system for the consession stand, which runs East
of the old consession stand building. No structures can be erected over
this system.
B. This property is in the 500 year flood plain.
The next Planning Commission date is August 25, 1980, the cut off date for revisions
submitted to the Office of City Planning is August 18, 1980. The next meeting after
that will be September 8, 1980. Cut off date for that meeting will be early morning
September 2, 1980.
The next item for consideration was APARTMENT COMPLEX
the Large Scale Development Plan submitted LEVERETT AND SYCAMORE STS.
by Northwest Engineers, Inc. for CALVIN EDENS
property located at the corner of Leverett and
Sycamore Streets. Calvin Edens - Owner, Northwest Engineers - Developer.
Harry Gray was present to represent.
1. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that one six yard
container would be required at the Northwest Corner of the Development, and another
at the Southwest corner of the development.
2. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Leverett is designated a collector
street on the Master Street Plan and requires 60 ft. of right-of-way, the developer
will be required to dedicate an additional 10 ft. of right-of-way.
Sycamore Street is also designated a collector street and requires
60 ft. of right-of-way, it also is 40 ft. and an additional 10 ft. of right-of-way
dedication will be required.
According to the Master Sidewalk Plan, sidewalks are required on both sides
of Leverett and Sycamore Streets.
The Developer will not empty any on site drainage onto the streets. He
stated there is a massive drainage system in Leverett and Sycamore streets and
there is a drop inlet at the Southeast corner of Leverett and Sycamore Streets.
Other drop inlets are spaced along Sycamore Street abutting this property.
The entrance drive to the Development should be 50 ft. from the intersection
of Sycamore and Leverett Streets.
Clayton did not propose widening Leverett at this time as the length of the
Development is so short.
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• August 14, 1980
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3. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated that the only water line not in the
pavement at this time is on the South side of Sycamore Street. Bunn proposed
coming off that line for water service.
Bunn requested that water meters be placed so that they could be read
easily, preferably in a grassy area.
Bunn stated that the last building in the development is 720 ft. from
a fire hydrant at the Northwest Corner of Leverett and Sycamore Streets. Bunn
suggested another hydrant. Harry Gray said they were planning on running
a main and a hydrant could come off that. Bunn said, in that case, the Developer
should run a 6" main.
Bunn said the only sewer service available would be a 6" main off
of Leverett Street. He said there is a 1S inch main in the intersection of
Leverett and Sycamore Streets::. Bunn said that if the Developer does not
put in a main, the cost of main extension will run about $2800.00.
Bunn stated that a 15 ft. easement will be required on both the water
and sewer lines, if they are alone in the easement. If they are in with other
utilities, the easement will have to be wider. Bunn stated the Developer
should anticipate load and check to see if the 6" line will be overloaded.
If it will be, the Developer will have to use the 15 inch sewer line in the
intersection of Leverett and Sycamore Streets.
4. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Felt that the utility easements requested by
• the phone and power companies would be sufficient.
Ferguson asked the Developer if he would use overhead service. Harry
Gray replied that would be fine. Ferguson stated in that case he would not
request conduit.
5. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Requested that the 20 ft. typical designated on the
plan on the West side of the apartments be filed and recorded as a separate
instrument designating it as a utility easement.
Burrack stated service would be from an overhead line on Sycamore.
Burrack requested a 20 ft. easement all the way down the West side of the
6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Requested a 25 ft. utility
easement along the South side of the future development area. Wagner stated
there is gas along the North side, on Sycamore Street, it is a high pressure
gas line. An above ground setting would have to be built. As the parking
lot will be located near the setting and could result in a car burning.
Wagner stated he would rather feed the apartments off of Leverett
Street rather than tapping the high pressure gas main. Wagner stated that
if no other utilities go in the requested 25 ft easement, the Gas Company
could get by with a 15 ft. easement. He stated that service could come in
between the two North buildings and the two South buildings. He said a
service line could be run between the parking and the North building and that
an easement would not be required.
Wagner stated that the 20 ft. typical on the West side of the buildings
would be sufficientLfor utility easements.
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• August 14, 1980
Page 8
7. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Requested that the 25 ft.
building setback for the future development be made a 25 ft. setback and
utility easement, all along the property.
Requested that the 20 ft. typical be noted as a utility easement and
be filed and recorded as a separate instrument.
Shaw stated that conduit will be as specified by the telephone company
and that he would work out each individual piece with the Developer.
8. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator):
A. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential District which allows
for apartments if the property can meet the density requirement of 2000
square feet of land area for each two bedroom unit. She stated that Mr.
Gray should double check this because her calculations do not add up to
the land area requirement.
B . Confirm dedication of right-of-way on Sycamore Street, and on Leverett.
Each street requires a dedication of 30 ft. from the centerline.
C. Sidewalks will be required where the property abuts Sycamore and Leverett,
as designated on the Master Sidewalk Plan.
D . The City Street Superintendent has recommended not widening Leverett
Street at this point, as a jog in the road may be created.
E . The legal description does not match the drawing, but that can be corrected
by dedication of right-of-way.
F. Proof must be furnished the Office of City Planning that this has been
a lot of record since June 29, 1970.
G. Certification must be furnished that the plans meet the State Department
of Energy Regulations.
H. Each page of the plans must have a statement, seal and signature.
I. State Department of Health approval is required on the plumbing and gas
J . State Board of Health approval will be required on the swimming pool.
All inspections of electrical and structural work must be done before
anything is covered.
K. If any portion of this property is sold, a lot split will have to be
performed which will require Planning Commission approval due to the size
of the tract.
• L. All setbacks will be shown to building overhang, stairs, deck or any other
structure built on to the building. Anything having a height of 30"
above ground level must meet setback requirements.
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August 14, 1980
Page 9
M. If the height of the building is over 20 ft., there will be increased
N. Allocate required number of parking spaces for the Physically Disabled or
0. 15 ft. setback required from street right-of-way to paved parking area,
with 10% landscaping between parking and street.
P. Parking area must be set=back:at least 5 ft. from the side property
Driveway permits must be obtained from the City Engineer's Office
for both drives.
Sidewalk permits must be obtained from the City Engineer's Office for
R. There is a possibility of the flood way being fifty feet from the
centerline of the creek, there can be no filling, parking or anything
else in the flood way.. Mr. Lieberenz, City Flood Plain Administrator,
will get in touch with the Developer on this.
• S. Revisions must be submitted to the Office of City Planning one week before
the Developer wishes this to go before the Planning Commission.