HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-07-17 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, July 17, 1980, in the Board of Directors 'Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: John Kehn, Kenneth Wagner, Dennis Burrack. Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart, Don Bunn, John Durham, Clayton Powell, Freeman Wood, Wally Brt. Larry Wood, J. William Scott, Ralph Gray, Rick Neal, William Webster and Al Hughes. The only item for consideration this THE ASPEN A LARGE SCALE morning was a Large Scale Development Plan, DEVELOPMENT The Aspen, submitted by Ralph Gray, Owner and Developer. WEDINGTON DRIVE The Large Scale Development is located West of Garland . Avenue and North of Wedington Drive. Ralph Gray - Owner, J. William Scott- Architect, Rick Neal - Contractor, and William Webster - Attorney, were present to represent. 1. Don Osburn (City Water Meter Foreman): Phoned his comments in to Bobbie Jones and she relayed them to the Developer. Mr. Osburn wondered if the Developer was planning single meters for each unit, or a master meter for the entire project. Ralph Gray said he would prefer individual water meters for each unit. Bobbie Jones asked when construction was scheduled to start. Mr. Gray said he hoped to start construction November 1, 1980. 2. Freeman Wood (City Building Inspector): Asked if the Development would be wood frame construction. William Scott replied that it would. Freeman asked if the structures would be three stories high. Scott replied that they would. Freeman asked the Developer if he was aware that three-story construction had to have one-hour protection. Scott replied that he was aware of that. Wood asked if Scott was aware of the State Energy Requirements that would have to be met. Scott replied that was a requirement he was not familiar with. Freeman said the State Energy Code contained requirements for heating, insulation, furnaces, air conditioning, etc. Scott asked if he could be furnished with a copy of that code. Freeman said a copy could be obtained from the State Energy Office, and that the address would be furnished the Developer. Freeman stated there could be a problem with the railing on the stairs. He said smoke detectors would be required. The bottom floor would require 2 x 6 construction. At least two exits out of each unit would be required. Freeman asked what the total square footage would be of any one building. Scott replied that the largest square footage of any one building would be 28,800 square ft. Freeman said that, under the Building Code, the maximum square footage for the first floor would be 12,000 sq. ft., for the second floor the maximum would be 10,000 sq. ft. and for the third floor the maximum would be 6400 sq.. ft. He stated that if these requirements are exceeded a four hour fire wall will Plat Review Committee Meeting July 17, 1980 Page 2 be required through the roof. Freeman said there are provisions in the code whereby more square footage can be picked up, but not a very large amount. Scott stated that as far as separation, in a typical building in the development, not connected, containing twelve units, the main wall between the units will consist of an unpenetrated, two-hour fire wall, that will extend from the foundation up to the underside of the roof sheeting. He said the roof would consist of one-hour protection four ft. inside from the two-hour fire wall. He said that in the case where two buildings are connected, the same construction will be used in a fire wall connecting the two buildings. Scott stated they were trying to avoid, if possible, a wall that goes above the roof line. Freeman stated he would study the matter and work with the Developer. He said, however, if the developer did not wish the fire wall to extend above the roof line, a four-hour wall is required. He said this might be handled by having a non-combustible roof extending either side of the fire wall. Freeman said that a one-hour fire break will be required every 3000 ft. in the attic. Scott said he understood Freeman as saying that the exterior envelope of each apartment had to be one-hour fire resistance. Freeman said that was correct. Scott asked if two layers of 5/8 fire code on one side is acceptible. Freeman said that two layers of 5/8 sheet rock on the inside of the entire structure would be acceptible. Scott said the Developers were planning to use a ply wood material for siding and asked Mr. Wood if there would be any problem. Freeman stated the specification was for one-hour fire protection assembly and if the Developers met that requirement there should be no problem.with wood siding. Gray asked Mr. Wood to elaborate on the problem with the railing. Freeman said there is a problem with the railing as drawn on the plans submitted to him. He said the railing must be 36 inches high, a curb is required 2 inches off the floor, the space between the railing and the floor must be enclosed, either horizontally or vertically, so that a 6:inch, round object will not go through the space. Freeman stated that certification will have to be furnished, on the plans, that they meet the State Energy Code, or a letter submitted with the plans certifying compliance. Rick Neal asked Freeman Wood what all was covered under the State Energy Code. Mr. Wood replied, the type of insulation required, the type of envelope of the buildings, furnaces, air conditioning system, and hot water heaters. Wood stated that anything over a four-plex was now regulated by State Law. Bobbie Jones asked Freeman Wood if the Energy Code did not also cover the three gallon limit on shower heads and also, regulated the heating of swimming pools. Freeman stated that was correct, there is a three gallon per minute limit on shower heads, but that it is hard to find a shower head that exceeds that limit, so he did not think it was too much of a problem complying with that. He said as far as the heating of the swimming pool, a limiting device would be required that would cut the heat off after it reaches 80 degrees. Rick Neal asked what type of requirements existed in regard to windows. Freeman said that came under the classification of the overall envelope of the building. Scott asked if it was required that an Engineer seal the mechanical drawings. Plat Review Committee Meeting •July 17, 1980 Page 3 • • Freeman stated that the City does not require it, but the. State requires they be certified and the City would prefer that the mechanical drawings are certified by an Arkansas Registered Engineer. Al Hughes (Adjoining Property Owner): Mr. Hughes stated that he was mainly concerned with safety in regard to the ingress/egress point of the Development having its centerline 200 ft. West of the centerline of Hall Avenue. Mr. Hughes stated his driveway was 145 to 150 ft. West of the centerline of Hall Avenue. Entering and exiting from his driveway is at times difficult, and he is on the level side of the street. Hughes said the State Highway Department has posted a speed limit of 25 miles per hour in this area, but that only about one in two hundred cars goes by at 25 miles per hour or less. He said that persons living in the Development will be travelling uphill, and coming into a blind area. Mr. Hughes felt that a serious accident could result from this problem. He said ingress/egress would be particularly rough during bad weather. Ralph Gray asked Mr. Hughes for suggestions. Mr. Hughes stated that he would propose moving the ingress/egress further to the West. He said that 90 percent of the traffic coming out of the drive would be turning to the East. Mr. Gray stated he would contribute to a caution light installation. Bobbie Jones stated that anything of that nature would have to be taken up with the State Highway Department, as Wedington Drive is solely under their jurisdiction. Hughes said that when he was on the Planning Commission, there had been a requirement of three points of ingress and egress in relation to a Large Scale Development. Bobbie Jones said she recalled several situations in which the two points of ingress/egress were required immediately and another point when the abutting property developed, however, that had been imposed on Subdivisions with 90 to 100 lots. Hughes said even so, there would be a minimum of 132 cars entering and exiting all day long several times per day. Hughes felt the Development needed another entrance/exit at another point. Ralph Gray said he would work with Mr. Hughes and look at the site with him and consider alternatives. 4. Larry Wood (Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission): He stated he had three suggestions: A. If the entrance is left as it exists on the drawings now, he suggested considering a right turn in on the East side of the property, and a right turn out on the West side.of the property. B. If the drive is installed as indicated.on the drawing, he suggested at least one car length level surface, so that a vehicle would be at grade with Wedington Drive. C. The island shown North of the entrance, up in the parking area, might pose an obstacle to Fire Equipment that might serve the Development, also Sanitation Vehicles might have problems manuevering around it. Wood suggested redesigning the island or eliminating it Completely. Scott asked for an explanation of Mr. Wood's first comment concerning right turn in and right turn out. Larry Wood stated his suggestion was that there be a right -turn only, into the development on the East side of the entire project, at or near the property line, so that West bound traffic could turn right to enter the development. Plat Review Committee Meeting July 17, 1980 • Page 4 • Then there would be an exit on the West property line for outbound traffic - right turn only. Scott asked Wood if he was suggesting that the drive as shown on the drawing be eliminated. Mr. Wood stated what he was suggesting, was two additional drives, restricted to one way traffic. In other words, the East drive would channelize traffic to a one way entrance, which will not require crossing a traffic lane. On the West side there would be an outlet where traffic could only turn right or West, and would not have to cross the line of traffic. The center drive would remain two-way. Scott said the Developers were planning on granting a utility easement on the East property line, and he wondered if there would be a problem building the drive over the easement. Clayton Powell stated if the utility companies had to go into the easement to service their lines, they would have to tear up the drive. Mr. Scott asked, in lieu of a right turn in and right turn out at respective property lines, if perhaps the Developer could redesign the two way entrance to channel traffic to right turn in and right turn out. Mr. Wood replied that, in his opinion, the three drives would be better. Scott said that there is an easement connecting to James from the Development, and he would explore developing that access. 5. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Wally stated that in adverse weather it may be impossible to provide sanitation service, because of the slope. Secondly, any trees that overhang on the drives will need to be trimmed a minimum of sixteen feet above ground level. Regarding the first trash enclosure, the two trees in that immediate area will have to be eliminated, along with the island North of the entrance. Wally said he would like to pick up the Southeast container first, back up, continue West, the container on the West side will have to be resituated so it faces East (it is shown on the drawing as facing North) then pick up the container on the Northwest side. Wally said the container on the North- east side of the Development would have to be resituated so that it would face West. Wally suggested four six yard containers. Wally said that any enclosures for containers will have to have a fifteen foot opening. The pads on which the containers will be placed will be twelve ft. deep and 15 ft. wide. Three sides of the container may be enclosed, but the front cannot be enclosed. Wally did not suggest enclosing the containers, as tenants sometimes throw trash into the enclosure instead of placing it in the container. 6. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Stated that he was -in concurrence with Larry Wood's comment on an East side ingress only to be channelized with a median restricting it to one-way in. Powell suggested a 14 ft. wide traffic lane to facilitate use by emergency vehicles, fire trucks, etc. He was also in concurrence with Mr. Wood's suggestion for an exit on the West property line, channelized to accomodate one-way traffic only. He said the center drive could remain ingress/egress, however, Wedington Drive is State Highway 16, it will require an Engineered, detailed drawing, to be submitted to the State Highway Department, District Engineer's Office in Ft. Smith for approval. Plat Review Committee Meeting July 17, 1980 Page 5 Usually their requirements are equal to or greater than those of the City. Wedington Drive is designated as an arterial street requiring an 80 ft. right-of-way. As best Mr. Powell could determine from the plat book, it exists as 60 ft. The Developer will have to provide one half of the additional right-of-way to bring the right-of-way up to 80 ft. (10 ft.). This dedication will have to be filed and recorded as a separate instrument. The topography of the property shows a consistent 10 percent grade from the South side of the property abutting Wedington Drive to the North property line The West side of the property reflects an existing hillside, natural drainage ditch. The topo also reflects a 24 -inch underdrain of Wedington Drive at about the West property line, which will have to be preserved. Any drives will have to meet the minimum of 150 ft. sighting distance. Any improvement of the natural drainage ditch on the West side is the property owner's responsibility. If the drainage pattern for this tract of land should be changed, and concentrates the drainage into one area or another, it would be the property owner's responsibility to the property owners being damaged. Clayton said,:as far as a traffic caution light, that should be discussed with the State Highway Department, District Engineer. As far as the City participating in the cost, that would have to be discussed with Perry Franklin, City Traffic Superintendent. The Planning Commission is impowered to require off-site improvements, however, they have not set a precedent of requiring off-site improvements to State Highways. They have, at times, required sidewalks along State Highways, and may require a sidewalk along the North side of Wedington Drive. Clayton said he felt, that with the number of apartments, a sidewalk would be desirable along Wedington Drive, but the topography would make one difficult to install. Mr. Scott stated that he could see a definite need for a sidewalk at least from Hall Avenue to the Central Drive of the Development, but could not see a need for a sidewalk on the West side of the Development. Scott asked Clayton to explain the additional right-of-way to bring Wedington Drive up to Master Street Plan Requirements. Clayton stated one half of the remaining dedication required would have to be dedicated by the Developers, which would be half of twenty feet. Scott asked if setbacks would be measured from the new right-of-way and Clayton replied that was correct. Bobbie Jones stated that the present legal description may measure into the right-of-way and that the Developers would have to research that. Clayton said that all maintenance of drives within the Development will be the responsibility of the owners, it will be private property. He said there will definitely be a problem traveling the roads in inclement weather. Bobbie Jones stated that if the Developers could prove that the additional dedication was less than the plat book shows, then the Developer would be required to dedicate only that portion that would be equal to half of the amount needed to bring Wedington Drive up to an 80 ft. right-of-way, but it is the developer's responsibility to prove that. She stated that the additional right-of-way requirement can only be waived by the Board of Directors. Scott inquired as to the process for dedicating right-of-way. Bobbie said that there is a form available from the Office of City Planning, and that it would have to be recorded by the City Clerk in the County Courthouse. Plat Review Committee Meeting July 17, 1980 Page 6 Scott said that according to his site plan survey, the property line varies from 50 ft. on the East side of the Development down to 25 ft. on the West side.. He said that the setbacks are sufficient on the East side, but there may be a problem on the West side with meeting setback requirements. Bobbie Jones said the Highway Department had already obtained additional right-of-way East of the proposed Development, when they made the connection from North Wedington across Garland. Ms. Jones suggested checking with the Highway Department to see if they have obtained any right-of-way. Neal asked if there was any requirement as to sidewalk elevation. He asked if a sidewalk could be installed lower than the elevation of the street. Bobbie said the sidewalks will probably be in the Highway Department right-of-way and that should be checked out with the Highway Department. Bobbie Jones said that Clayton had not been particularly concerned about installation of sidewalks on the East side of the Development only. She said that if the Highway Department tears up a concrete sidewalk in their right-of-way they will replace it. She said the Planning Commission had recently waived the sidewalk requirement on a State Highway and their decision had been overturned by the Board of Directors. She said the Board of Directors currently has very strong feelings about sidewalks. Bobbie said that for construction of a sidewalk within Highway right-of-way a permit would have to be obtained from the State Highway Department. Scott asked what his setback requirements would be from the Highway Department right-of-way, Bobbie Jones replied that they would be 25 ft. 7. John Durham (City Fire Inspector). Stated he would like to reinforce comments pertaining to maneuverability of City Emergency and Sanitation vehicles, especially in reference to the removal of the island North of the central drive. He was also in accord with the additional drives, and felt they were well worth studying. Durham said some of the fire protection equipment has a 75 ft. turning radius, some of the buildings being three stories high would require this equipment (snorkel) if there was a fire. He said in order to use this equipment effectively, they would need to get as close as possible to the structure. He said parking areas are situated in such a way that the equipment would probably have to pull up onto the lawn to get close enough to the buildings to be effective. Durham said there is one building where the reach on the equipment would be 51 ft. and felt that would be too great a distance for the equipment to be effective. In regard to floor plans, he said he could not see adequate exits, that only one entrance to each unit was shown. He said that windows can sometimes be considered a secondary means of exit. Scott stated that in all apartments, the windows would be sliding glass type, with an area that would be sufficient for exiting. Durham stated in that case, the minimum window opening size would be 5.7 sq. ft. Durham asked if the doors in the club house would be sliding glass type. Scott replied that they would. Gray stated that in each apartment there would be a sliding glass door going out. onto the deck, from the living room. Scott asked if the one additional fire hydrant, centrally located was Plat Review Committee Meeting July 17, 1980 Page 7 acceptable. Durham replied that it was Scott inquired as to requirements regarding smoke detectors. Freeman Wood stated detectors are •required, and that a combination battery/electric smoke detector was recommended. 8. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Asked Mr. Gray if there would be a laundry room. Gray replied there would be, it would have nine washing machines and five dryers. Bunn said it would also require a separate meter. Scott stated that the laundry room would be part of the Club House Facility. Bunn asked Gray if he would be the owner after the development was completed. Gray replied that he would. Scott stated that the Developers would like to bring water service into the Development from the 12 inch water line along Wedington Drive. He said the Developers would be supplying an additional fire hydrant that would be centrally located. Scott asked if there were any other special requirements. Scott asked if the Water Department would be bringing water service into a certain point and having the Developer take it from there. Bunn replied the Developers were proposing allot of apartments, and he suggested having water service or a main go into the area. He said the Developer's would be responsible for constructing the main into the apartment complex. The Water Department would then make taps off of that main, and set the meters for each block. The Water Department will set two meters in one box. Regarding the fire hydrant, the Developers would have to run an eight inch line from Wedington Drive to the point where the hydrant will be set, but may use a smaller main beyond that. Bunn said service could be tapped from the eight inch line run for the hydrant. He stated that the eight inch line could also be tapped at certain points on the way into the development. Scott asked if the Water Department would do the construction from the hydrant to the units. Bunn repeated that the Developer would do all the construction except the setting of the meters. Bunn said the Developer would run the main which would include the fire hydrant, plus any small mains that might be required to serve the development. The Water Department will make taps on that main and set the meter boxes, the Developer will go from there into the different apartments with service lines. Neal asked how large the meter boxes are. Bunn said they are 18 inches and they are round. Bunn said that Plans for the water mains would have to be submitted to the City Engineer's Office for approval prior to construction of the mains. The plans must also be approved by the State Board of Health before the construction is begun on the mains. Bunn said he would furnish the Developer with a list of materials that would be allowed in the construction. Bunn said there is an existing six inch sewer line coming down James Street which is 170 ft. more or less, from the Northeast corner of this property. He said this could be used with gravity. He said there is also an eight inch line available on the South side of Wedington that could be tied on to, but there would have to be a lift station to pump into it. Bunn said that he would like to get some idea of how large the load on the sewer system would be before getting too technical. Rick Neal asked how large the line was on Garland. Don Bunn replied that the line serving Garland was also six inch, and it actually drains back into the same system to the North. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting July 17, 1980 Page 8 Gray asked if there were any plans to enlarge the sewer lines in this area in the future. Bunn replied there were not. Scott asked Bunn that based on the load calculations requested by Mr. Bunn if it may be acceptable to go all gravity. Bunn said that was correct, but that decision would have to be reserved until he is given some indication of volume. Bunn said he was interested in checking the data the Developers had which had been instrumental in their determining that half of the sewage be pumped and half gravity. Gray asked what would happen if the load from the Development was too large to be handled by the existing sewer service. He asked about possibly contributing to a new lift station. Don Bunn said he was not prepared to tell the Developer what it would cost in the way of system improvements. Scott asked if the Developers put in a lift station and pumped the sewage out, if it could be turned over to the City for maintenance. Bunn stated that the City would not accept that sort of arrangement, that it would be a private lift station and must be privately maintained. Bunn said that in the event that the City's sewer could not accept the Development, the City would ask the Developer to make improvements to the existing system, to allow it to accept the Development. He said the City would contribute, and the Developer would be required to contribute. The improvements could consist of additional main or a lift station. Rick Neal asked how near capacity the sewer service was at this time. Don Bunn said the problem lay in the main sizes rather than the lift station. He said there are a number of lift stations which pump sewage from this entire part of the City back to the treatment plant on the White River East of the City. Gray wanted to know what to expect as far as improvements. Bunn said he needed the load data before he could comment. He stated that if the Developers would get the expected load data to him he would supply them with his comments. Gray asked if he would be penalized for a problem that everyone in the area is contributing to. Bobbie Jones said that there are several reasons that the Subdivision Committee can use to turn down a Large Scale Development, and one of them is if there is not water and sewer available, and no provision is being made to extend them. This can be appealed to the Planning Commission, and a Planning Commission decision can be appealed to the Board of Directors, if it is appealed within .'ten days Bunn said that if it was determined that the sewer was inadequate, it would probably be a matter of negotiation between the City and the Developer as to what improvements should be made. Don Bunn stated that any water mains would require fifteen ft. easements. If any other utilities are to be in the same easement as the water or sewer lines, the easement will have to be widened to accomodate them. Plans for any water or sewer lines will have to be submitted to the City Engineer's Office for approval, in addition, they will have to be submitted to the Arkansas Department of Health for approval. He further stated that any plans for water or sewer lines would have to be prepared by an Engineer registered in the State of Arkansas. If a sewer main is required to be run from James Street, it will be installed at the expense of the Developer. A main extension fee will be charged for connection to the sewer. The fee will run $.03 per square foot of development area. He said this does not • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting July 17, 1980 Page 9 apply to the portion of the development where the Developer extends the main to serve the Development himself. Since the Developer is extending the water himself, the main extension fee on water service will not apply. 9. Dennis Burrack (SWEPCO): Stated that he needs some type of load information before he couldocomment;on what type'of system would be put in. Service will be underground. The Electric Company will be reimbursed for a certain amount of the cost of the difference between the overhead and underground service, He said cost is running about $65.00 per meter (one time cost) or, an experimental rider of $1.15 per month on each individual customers billing with no expiration date on this monthly fee. It is the option of the Developer which type of reimbursement is preferred. Scott asked what cost would run as far as installing service. Burrack replied the Electric Company will invest up to $.40 per ft. for installation, as far as ditching and back fill. Any excess cost will be paid by the Developer. He stated that if telephone and television services are in the same ditch, they willialso share some of the expense. Scott asked if there would be a transformer at each building. Burrack replied that he would need load information before he could comment. He stated that the Development would be served from a loop type feed. He said if the load justifies it, they could place a transformer for each unit. Burrack said the Electric Company will install the primary cable, transformers and pedestal, and, if need be, a secondary pedestal. Anything past the pedestal will be run by the Developer. He stated the Electric Company will furnish meter sockets or reimburse the Developer so much perohole, if approved units are used. Meters will be furnished by the Developer. Meters will be installed by the Developer. Developer will provide the service wire. Scott asked if the meters will be near the transformer. Burrack replied the meters will be on the building. Upon the Developer furnishing load information, the Electric Company will designate where easements are required. All easements will have to be filed and recorded as separate instruments. Any easement for utilities will specify that it is an utility easement and which utilities will be in the easement. Scott asked if the easement dedications would have to be done prior to coming before the Subdivision Committee. Bobbie Jones said they would have to be filed and recorded prior to issuance of a Building Permit. She said that the Developer would have to be in agreement to furnish the easements as requested by the Utility Companies at the time of the Subdivision Committee Meeting. Burrack stated that all easements must be cleared to final grade by the Developer. He stated that an easement for the Electric Company alone would be fifteen ft. wide. He said that if other utilities were going to utilize the same ditch, the easement would have to be twenty five ft. wide. Dick Shaw from the Phone Company suggested that in a case like this, where the Developer is trying to preserve trees, that the Developer provide the trench. He said that if the Phone Company has to supply the trench, they will clear the easement (however wide) of everything, to grade level. Burrack stated where the electric line goes under a sidewalk or any kind of pavement, it should be installed in pipe so that the pavement would not have to Plat Review Committee Meeting July 17, 1980 Page 10 be torn up. 10. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): Stated that Gas service would be provided from the two inch gas line on the South side of Wedington Drive. He stated that this line is up in Al Hughes' yard. He stated the line is about 20 to 25 ft. from the ditch line of Wedington Drive. Wagner stated there is a road crossing which is approximately 625 ft. West of the centerline of Hall Avenue, and about 100 ft. West of the property. Scott asked if there would be a problem of getting to the Gas line on Mr. Hughes' property. Wagner said there could be if he objects to the Gas Company digging in his yard. Mr. Wagner said that getting gas to the Development would be no problem, but tapping the line on Mr. Hughes' property would be the easiest alternative. Wagner requested a 25 ft. utility easement along the North side of Wedington Drive, off the right-of-way dedication. Service would come from the extension of a line on the West and on the East from the Easement on the North side of Wedington Drive, and run service on either the North or the South sides of the buildings. Or, the line could be run down the center of the Development, with service lines teeing off in either direction. Scott replied that the Developers would prefer to run the line down the center and feed off that point. He said that the only gas required may be to the laundry room. If this was so, would the 25 ft. easement be requiredalong the whole length of the Development. Wagner stated that if service comes from Hall Street, and service is only required to the laundry room, the 25 ft. easement would only have to come as far as the center ingress/egress, on the North side. But, if service comes from the West, an easement would be required along the North side of Wedington and on the West side of the Development. Wagner said that since this will be privately owned, the Developer will be responsible for all charges in getting the gas line into the Development. If the Gas Company has to bore under Wedington Road, there will be a road boring charge, which would have to be determined at a later date, and would depend on what problems the Company had boring. Wagner stated that the Developer would be responsible, financially, for running the main, but the Gas Company would run the service to the individual meters. 11. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked that all utility easements be specified "utility easements" on the plat and on the dedication instrument. The Telephone Company will require a 20 ft. utility easement along the East property line, the total length of the property. He stated that if the Gas Company plans on using this easement it will have to be 25 ft. wide. Mr. Shaw stated that if the Developer wants to save trees in this easement, he will have to supply the ditch. If the Developer does not furnish the ditch, the easement will have to be totally cleared to final grade. Scott asked if there would be a problem with the Drive that had been recommended on the East side of the Development. Shaw replied that he would stipulate running steel pipe under the drive. Mr. Shaw stated he would have to have a minimum of three inch steel pipe. SWEPCO stated he would have to have two inch steel pipe. Shaw stated the Developer would furnish conduit for running • • Plat Review Committee Meeting July 17, 1980 Page 11 • service from the line to the buildings. Wagner stated that in a case where sewer easement, there must be a ten ft. separation. Shaw stated there Phone Company along the Developer should advise this area. Shaw also stated that if the Developer changes the plans he would like to be furnished with copies. and gas are in the same is an existing underground duct system belonging to the Developer's South property line. He stated that the the Phone Company before they do any excavating in in any way, 12. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. A complete legal discription will be submitted by the Developer. B. A permit for sidewalks and driveways along or connecting with Wedington Drive, must be obtained from the District Engineer's Office of the State Highway Department in Ft. Smith. C. There will be a thirty ft. separation between driveways. Drives along side property lines will be 12 and 1/2 ft. from side property line. D . Any waiver of the requirement of sidewalks along Wedington Drive will have to be requested in writing to the Office of City Planning. The Planning Commission has the right to waive it. The Board of Directors can overrule a decision by the Planning Commission. As to location of sidewalks (inside Highway right-of-way) it should be discussed with the District Engineer's Office of the State Highway Department in Ft. Smith. E . All utility and right-of-way easements will have to be dedicated before the issuance of a Building Permit. Each structure will have a separate Building Permit, including the swimming pool. Construction is to begin within six months of the date of issuance of the Building Permit, and to be completed two years after issuance. F. Parking will need to be completed, paved striped with wheel or bumper guards by the time the building it is intended to serve is ready for occupancy. If improvements cannot be made by the time the building is ready for occupancy, there is an agreement form, that can be signed to extend the time limit on these improvements, available in the Office of City Planning. If the Developer wishes to delay these requirements, the Office of City Planning should be contacted a week or two prior to the date occupancy is desired. G. Upon completion of the entire project, the Developer is required to submit back to the Office of City Planning, an "as built plot plan". It will show all easements, all utility services, including individual services to each unit. H . Plumbing and Gas riser diagrams must be submitted to the State Board of Health, Building Safety Division, for approval prior to issuance of permit. Plat Review Committee Meeting • July 17, 1980 Page 12 The swimming pool must be approved by the State Board of Health, prior to the issuance of a Building Permit to build it. It will also have to n, meet State Department of Energy Regulations and have all required inspections performed. Some pool contractors have failed to get these inspections lately and this is necessary. J . If a kitchen facility is installed in the Community Club House, the plans will have to be submitted to the State Board of Health for approval, Sanitarian Division. K . Where the property is adjacent to C-1, to the East, and to the Northeast, the property owners will have to be notified prior to the meeting of the Subdivision Committee. Furnish the Office of City Planning the names and addresses of property owners that are contiguous so that they can be furnished with an Agenda. L. The situations in which a Large Scale Development can be denied are as follows: 1. If it is not submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance. • 2. If it would violate a City Ordinance, State or Federal Statute. • If the Developer refuses to dedicate street right-of-way, utility easements, or drainage easements required by the Ordinance. 4. If it creates or compounds a dangerous traffic condition. S. If City Waternand Sewer are not readily available to the property within the Large Scale Development, and the Developer has made no provision for extending such services to the Development. M. A state Contractors License is required on.:this project. N . Check with Gary Goff, City License Enforcement Officer, to see if the Developer will need a City Business License. O . Regarding the proposed Area Identification Sign, the Sign Inspector, John Dietzen, has advised Bobbie Jones that it will be legal so long as there is five acres in the Development and it does not exceed 32 sq. ft. in. size. A permit will be required. Placement of the sign will be determined by the Sign Inspector. P . There will be no obstructions within the front yard setback that might impede vision of vehicular or pedestrian traffic coming in or out of the driveways. Nothing between a height of 30 inches and 10 ft. above ground level. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting July 17, 1980 Page 13 Q. Parking spaces will be 9 x 19 with some compact spaces allowed. One out of every twenty-five parking spaces will be accessible to the Physically Handicapped. R. There is no R-1 zoned property with a common property line, therefore, no screening is required.