HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-06-26 Minutesa • • -74 MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee Board of Directors Room, City Administration UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: .40 111 was held at 9:45 A.M.,in the Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Kenneth Wagner, James Crownover. Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones, Clint Hutchins, Don Osburn, Don Bunn and Clayton Powell. Gary Carnahan. The first and only item of discussion was the Concurrent Plat, a Replat of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, $ 6 of Lewis Estates, located South of Howard Nickle Road, and East of Salem Road. This proposed subdivision lies outside the City, Gary Carnahan was present to represent. LEWIS ESTATES CONCURRENT PLAT REPLAT LOTS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 but within the Planning Area. 1. Don Osburn (Water $ Sewer Meter Foreman): Asked if the development would be strictly single family residential. Gary Carnahan replied that it would be. Don Osburn stated that in that case he had no comments. 2. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Stated that the easements on the replat were adequate. Gary Carnahan asked if there was any power into the back of the lots. Mr. Crownover stated that there would be no new power lines run in unless a need for them arose. He said there is existing power on Howard Nickle Road, and also on North/South Salem. 3. Don Bunn (City Water $ Sewer Superintendent): Stated that no sewer was available as this will be outside the City Limits. Bunn said that water was available with a 6" water line on Howard Nickle Road, a 4" line on North/South Salem Road, and a 2" line heading East on East/West Salem Road 4. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent) Clayton Powell asked for clarification of the terms "concurrent, replat". Gary Carnahan stated that Lewis Estates had originally been platted into Lots 1 thru 7, with no Lot 8. He stated that there had been a Concept Replat submitted including Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 F, 6 as well:as a Lot 8, but that Lots 1, 7 $ 8 have been deleted. He stated that this concurrent plat was what would have once been called an informal replat for Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, F, 6 in Lewis Estates, and that the only thing that was being changed was the lot lines. He said some people only wanted 2-1/2 acre lots instead of a 5 acre lot. Clayton Powell asked Bobbie Jones, Planning Administrator, what the Planning Commission action had been on the Concept Plat submitted for Lewis Estates. Ms. Jones stated that the Concept Plat had been approved provided that the Developer and Owners have a covenant with the City on the plat that any further division of property would be by an approved Plat and not by Lot Split. She stated that one of the Commission Members had been concerned about the number of driveways coming on to the County Roads. Clayton asked Bobbie if the Planning Commission had required any off-site improvements. Ms. Jones replied that the Commission had not. Clayton stated A • Plat Review Committee Meeting June 26, 1980 Page 2 it was his understanding that any developments contiguous to the City would have streets to City Standards or be required to contribute to the improvement of streets. Gary Carnahan stated that he believed that Howard Nickle and North/South Salem were asphalt streets. Clayton stated that the County had never used asphalt paving to his knowledge, and, if anything, these streets were probably chip and seal. Clayton stated that he believed the County would rather have easements for street purposes rather than dedications for street right-of-ways. He said that he would like some clarification of property lines as the fence that designates the property line along the street meanders. He asked that the full street easement be dimensioned. Mr. Carnahan said that the property line falls beyond the Centerline of the road. He said that more right-of-way would be required from Lewis Estates property than the property across the road. Bobbie Jones asked if there was a full 60 ft. of road easement. Mr. Carnahan stated that he would research this problem and label the drawing appropriately. Clayton stated that he believed that 8 to 10 ft. extension would be required outside the Plat of existing road right-of-way. Clayton said he believed this portion of land would be annexed into the City in the future. Gary Carnahan stated that the Developer did not own the property across the road and asked Clayton if they would be responsible for dedicating the full 60 ft. of road easement. Clayton replied that Lewis Estates would have to dedicate 30 ft. from the Centerline of the Road. Clayton said that this would apply to Howard Nickle Road, South Salem Road, and East/West Salem Road Clayton expressed some concern over the names of the roads. Bobbie Jones suggested that Mr. Carnahan go to the County Street Superintendent and get the numerical designation of the County Roads if they have any. Clayton stated that Mr. Carnahan should research the problem of street right-of-way, and if the right-of-way falls behind the fence line that it should be fixed on the plat, and the fences relocated. Clayton felt that with the increased density that would be created by this development and the number of driveways that would be coming out on to the roads, that some off-site improvements were in order. He stated that if the existing road bed was 20 ft. wide, and improved that he would recommend a 2" chip and seal surface on top of the road. He stated that if the existing road is gravel, that he would recommend a 6" SB -2 base with 2" asphalt top. He stated that if the existing road bed is wider than 20 ft., that he will recommend improvement for the whole width. If it is less than 20 ft. wide, he recommended widening to 20 ft. Gary Carnahan stated that he could not continent on this as he would have to get with the owner and see if he was willing to make these improvements. Clayton stated that the original plat was for five acre tracts, he understood that Lot 7 and Lot 1 had been sold, and wondered if the buyers of those lots were aware that the developers were splitting the lots up further. Mr. Carnahan said that one buyer was aware. Bobbie Jones suggested that Mr. Carnahan notify the other buyer. Bobbie Jones asked who the owners of Lots 1, 7 $ 8 were. Carnahan stated that Jasper McClane owned Lot 1, General Bruce Kendall owned Lot 7, and Mrs. Lewis owned Lot 8. Bobbie stated that she did not have any proof of notification of Mr. McClane. Mr. Carnahan stated that he believed Mr. McClane had been notified, J Plat Review Committee Meeting June 26, 1980 • Page 3 • • and would check with his office and confirm notification. 5. Clint Hutchins (City Police Department): No comment. 6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Stated that there are existing gas lines on the North/South Salem Road, along the West side of this property. Gary Carnahan asked if this gas line went to Lot 1 and Mr. Wagner replied that it did. Wagner stated that there was also an existing gas line on East/West Salem Road. He stated that there was not a gas line on Howard Nickle Road, that it stops approximately 200 ft. East of Lot 4A, on the North side of Howard Nickle Road. He stated that the Gas Company has an easement to go across Benny Shreves' property (where the gas line ends on Howard Nickle) if additional service is required. Gary Carnahan asked if the Gas Company was planning to tie these gas lines together. Mr. Wagner replied that they were planning to tie them together. 7. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): A. Submit a revised drawing showing existing street easements. B. County Planning Board approval is required. Mr. Carnahan stated that he planned to go before the County Planning Board on July 7, 1980. Carnahan said he would get with Bud Allen and General Bruce Kendall. C. Bobbie stated that Mr. Carnahan should make notes of the Lots that are not'part of the replat on the revised plat. D. Mr. Carnahan would include the new certificate of dedication prepared by the City Attorney on his revised drawing. E. A special covenant would have to be filed by the owners of the lots covenanting to the City that any further division of property would be by an approved plat and not by lot split, and the covenant to the City is to be on the Plat itself. F. The building setback dimensions will not be signed by the City Building Inspector. Does someone from the County need to sign it. G. Dead line for receipt of the revised drawing for the Agenda for the July 14, 1980 Subdivision and Planning Commission Meetings will be July 7, 1980. H. The statement about covenants needs to call attention to the covenant on the plat. I. Does the County Judge have to sign this plat? Bobbie Jones advised Mr. Carnahan that in the future, subdivision plats for inside the City must include a statement about sidewalks on the Certificate for streets and drainage.