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A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday,
May 1, 1980, at 9:00 A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building,
Fayetteville, Arkansas.
CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Harold Lieberenz, Cynthia Stewart, Bill Boudrey, Wally
Brt, Clint Hutchins
UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Harry Hamilton, Dick Shaw, L. 0. Ferguson,
John Parker, Kenneth Wagner
OTHERS PRESENT: Brian Disney, Larry Wood, Neal Albright, W. D. May, and other
unidentified members of the audience.
The first item for discussion was the proposed
Arkansas Best Freight Truck Terminal on Highway
#112 and Truckers Lane, large-scale development
submitted by ABC-TREADCO, Inc. W. D. May was
present to represent.
1. Larry Wood (Regional Planning Commission ): No comment.
2. Bill Boudrey (City Fire Department): There is a 10" water line that goes down
Truckers Road and a fire plug within 1000 ft. He felt that any additional fire
hydrant should be placed at t'he entrance on either side of the driveway. Mr. May
wondered if he could run a 6" water line to the hydrant and a 2" water lineto the
building to be used for domestic purposes. Harold Lieberenz said he would check
with the City Engineer to see if a water line could be run off of the hydrant
for domestic use.
3. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Kenneth Wagner said he had asked
for a private easement, but felt that the existing 25 ft. utility easement,which
is located along the east property line would be sufficient. Mr. Wagner said that
it appeared on the drawing that half of the 25 ft. easement could be taken up if
the City requires additional street right-of-way. Mr. Wagner said that if the City
does require this easement, he would like a 25 ft. easement outside and clear of
the street right-of-way. Mr. May said there was no problem. Mr. Wagner said that
gas was available and could be put wherever preferred.
4. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Stated that he would like the
easement on the south property line to be increased from 15 ft. to 20 ft. Also,
the north -south easement along the east side (along hwy. 112) needs to be a 25 ft.
utility easement free and clear from any street right-of-way dedication to the City.
Mr. Shaw said that this utility easement will need to be dedicated and recorded as
a separate instrument being that this plot plan is only a large-scale development
plan and not an official subdivision plat. He said that the entrance conduit
to the building is fine and that he would like a copy of the floor plan and the
electrical plans as soon as they are available.
5. John Parker (SWEPCO): No comments as the property is in Ozarks Electric
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May 1, 1980
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6. Harold Lieberenz (City Planning):
(1) Additional street right-of-way is needed along part of the east property line.
The City Major Street Plan designates Hwy 112 as a minor arterial which is
to be 80 ft. in width in the future. The required right-of-way would be
40 ft. from the center line of Hwy 112. From the plot plan it appears that
such a 40 ft. width would cut into the existing utility easement along the
east property line.
(2) The Planning Commission could, under the Subdivision Regulations, also
require a public sidewalk to be constructed along the Hwy 112 frontage or
a cash bond to cover the cost of installing such a sidewalk. The City
Planning Commission has the authority to waive this regulation.
(3) The City Planning Commission could also require the property owner to
contribute towards the improvement of Truckers Drive, which could be
either immediate or cash bond.
(4) Must provide at least one parking space that is 12 ft. wide by 19 ft. long
for the physically handicapped. Mr. May reflected that he did not anticipate
hiring any handicapped persons. Mr. Lieberenz pointed out that the City
Planning Commission could grant a variance from this requirement.
(5) Check with John Dietzen, City Sign Inspector, regarding permits and informa-
tion on any proposed signs.
(6) A permit must be obtained from the City Engineer's office for the proposed
driveway off of Truckers Drive.
(7) Mr. May needs to furnish evidence that the adjoining property owner to the
west has seen this proposed development plan. This is required because of
different zoning district to the west.
The adjacent property owner can sign a copy of the plat, or acknowledge in
(8) The Building Plans must have a registered Arkansas Engineer,or Architect's
stamp or seal. Also, each page must have a separate statement.
(9) Mr. May's office must furnish the Office of City Planning an "as built"
plan upon completion of the project and prior to the occupancy of the
building. This plan should show the entrances of all the utilities into the
building, other improvements such as parking as they were actually built.
He said that in case of a time or weather problem and occupancy is desired
before the project is completed, that there was an agreement form available,
in the Office of City Planning, which would permit occupancy until such
time as all of the improvements were completed and a certificate of occupancy
is granted.
7. Wally Brt (City Sanitation): Wally Brt asked if Mr. May wished to have a Load -A11
Dumpster. Mr. May stated that he already had one at their present location and
that it would sit on the south-west side on a concrete slab Wally said that it
would be fine.
At this time Mr. May asked what the status was on the proposed City
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May 1, 1980
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Sanitary Sewer Main for this area, and that he would prefer to have a sewer than
a septic system. Harold Lieberenz said that he would make a note for Don Bunn,
the City Water F, Sewer Superintendent and would inform Mr. May of his comments.
Mr. May said that he had some fill work and preliminary site work that he
would like to commence and wondered if there would be any problem proceeding
with it. Harold Lieberenz said that the City did not have any regulations
restricting earth work on someone's property and that Mr. May could proceed
right now, prior to obtaining a building permit.
Mr. Lieberenz asked Mr. May if he was aware of the flood plain, and stated
that part of this property was shown to be in a flood area. However, the latest
FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map), did not show this property to be in a flood
hazardous area. Mr. May said that the site would be 8-1/2 ft. above what is
shown in the 100 year flood plan and that the floors of the building would be
4 ft. above that level. Mr. Lieberenz said that that would be fine because
even if he were in the middle of the flood plain, the City only required that
there be agree board/of 2 ft. above the 100 year flood. Harold Lieberenz
requested that Mr. May send a rough floor plan to the Building Inspection Depart-
ment of the City of Fayetteville so that they could check exits and wall designs.
Mr. May said that he had one with him and would leave it with Mr. Lieberenz.
Mr. Lieberenz said that he was scheduling Mr. May to come before the
Subdivision Committee on May 12, 1980 and then to the City Planning Commission
later at 5:00 P.M. on that same day.
Mr. May said that he would have a new legal description prepared including the
additional rights-of-way and that he would have a dedication prepared for the
right-of-way along the highway. Mr. May wondered that if sidewalks were required,
would he have to do the engineering on them. Mr. Lieberenz said that he would
ask Don Bunn and Clayton Powell and then advise Mr. May of their comments.
The next item for discussion was the large-scale
development plan submitted by Brian Disney for the
Mission Boulevard Baptist Church. Brian Disney was
present to represent.
1. Larry Wood (Regional Planning Commission): No comment.
2. Wally Brt (City Sanitation): Asked if the Church desired a Load -A11 type
container or if they wished to use cans. Mr. Disney replied that they would
prefer cans. Mr. Brt said he did not feel it would be necessary to set up a con-
tainer system as the Church's needs would not require it.
3. Bill Boudrey (City Fire Department): Stated that there was a fire plug in a
location where the fire department could get to the proposed church. Mr.
Boudrey said that he would work with the Church on exits and fire extinguishers.
4. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): He said that Warner Cable has a line going down
the west side of the property and that service would be no problem.
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May 1, 1980
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5. John Parker (SWEPCO): Stated that SWEPCO had an existing single phase line that
is on the west side of the property serving houses on the east side of Lisa Lane
and that they would need at least a 10 ft. easement. Mr. Disney said that this
would not effect the Church's use of the property. Mr. Parker said that when
construction begins, SWEPCO, would have to spot the meter loop. Mr. Disney said
that there was an existing power line on the property. Mr. Parker said that this
line was no longer in use and that if it served no purpose they would take it out.
6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Stated that the Gas Company had an
existing gas line on the west property line on Lisa Lane's east side. He said
that they would be able to work with the Church's plumber at any time as to the
location of meters. He stated that he would go along with whatever easements
were requested by the other utility companies. Mr. Disney asked if the Church
would be restricted to using the existing easement.. Mr. Wagner said that the
existing easement on the east side of Lisa Lane was not shown on the plot plan.
He said that any future easements would be north and south.
7. Dick Shaw (Southwestern.BellTelephone Company): Requested a 25 ft. easement
along the west boundary running north and south across the front of the lot along
Highway 45. He said that across the west end of the parking area, the Church
would need to place 66 ft. of 2" pvc for the telephone cables to be installed
in at the Church's expense. Mr. Disney asked about the cost of putting in the
pvc. Mr. Shaw said that it ran 60-70¢ per ft. plus the cost of the trench. Mr.
Shaw indicated that since this project was classified as a large-scale development,
that the easements would have to be dedicated, filed and recorded by the Church,
that he would need a copy as well as the rest of the utility companies before
they put in service.
At this time L. 0. Ferguson of Warner Cable interjected that if Mr. Disney
thought that at some future date he might wish to have television service to the
church that he should run conduit in the same manner as for the telephone conduit.
Mr. Disney asked about the expense of implicating an underground cable
Mr. Parker said that the line would be run from an existing overhead cable down
to a pedestle and run from the pedestle to the building at the Church's expense.
Mr. Parker said that Mr. Disney should ask an electrician as to the expense of
entrenching and running the cable.
Mr. Disney asked if the proposed transformer would feed the 3 buildings the
church planned on adding to this development. Mr. Parker felt that one transformer
would be sufficient.
Mr. Disney asked why the telephone company has asked for a 25 ft. easement
in addition to the 15 ft. easement. Mr. Shaw replied that if Mr. Disney brought
him proof that there is an existing 15 ft. easement on adjacent property, he
would require only 10 ft. off of the Church's land in addition to the 15 ft.
existing for a total of 25 ft.
8. Harold Lieberenz (City Planning):
(1) Harold Lieberenz asked if Mr. Disney knew if this property had been split off
of any other property since June 29, 1970. Mr. Disney replied that this pro-
perty had been split off from the Lisa Lane Project. Harold Lieberenz
told Mr. Disney that he should check the abstracts on this parcel to see if
any other lots or property besides Lisa Lane properties had been split off
since June 29, 1970.
(2) Harold Lieberenz told Mr. Disney that there was another matter to be
considered and that was, that Mr. Disney was proposing a non-residential use
in a residential district. He asked Mr. Disney whether or not the proposed
buildings were to be air conditioned. Mr. Disney replied that he was
aware that he would have to apply for some variances. Mr. Lieberenz suggested
that Mr. Disney submit these variance requests so that they could be sent
out with the agenda for the Planning Commission Meeting so that the
members might be able to consider them before the May 12 meeting.
(3) Mr. Disney would need 2 parking spaces for the handicapped or physically
disabled, that these spaces would have to be 12' x 19' and identified by
above grade signs.
(4) Since Highway 45 is a State maintained highway that he would have to obtain
a driveway permit from the Arkansas State Highway Department.
(5) The City Planning Commission could require sidewalks along highway 45, or in
lieu of the Church installing the sidewalks, they could put up a cash bond,
and that Mr. Disney might give this some consideration before the May 12,
(6) Mr. Lieberenz stated that Mr. Disney should see John Dietzen, the
Sign Inspector regarding identification sign regulations.
(7) Mr. Disney would have to have his plans reviewed and approved by the
Arkansas State Board of Health, Building Safety Division, more commonly
called the Plumbing Division, and, if he was planning to have a kitchen,
that it would also have to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration
as well.
(8) That the Church's plans needed to be stamped by an Arkansas Registered
Engineer or Architect, and that he would need a statement on each page of the
plans stating that the Architect prepared them.
That the parking area would have to be set back from the front property line
and the west property line. And that curbs or bumper guards would have to be
installed, and the parking area would also have to be paved and striped.
(10) Mr. Lieberenz said that screening would be required along the east and
west property lines consisting of a view obstructing fence, vegetation or
both, but that the Planning Commission had the power to waive this, but
would then require at least 10% of the open area to be landscaped with vege-
tation having a minimum height of 18". If Mr. Disney desired to get this
waived, he would need to submit a request in writing. Mr. Lieberenz told
Mr. Disney that care must be taken if he wished to put in a fence as the
minimum height is 5 ft. and the maximum height is 8 ft., and where the property
joins the highway, there may be some problem with visibility of on -coming
traffic. Mr. Disney asked if screening was in fact required in his situation.
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410 May 1, 1980
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May 1, 1980
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Mr. Lieberenz quoted that screening was required between any R-1 zone
and any non-residential uses which was Mr. Disney's case. Mr. Lieberenz
suggested that the Church request a waiver in order to set the screening back
from the highway.
(11) After completion of the project, Mr. Disney would need to submit an
"as built" plot plan to the City Planning Department prior to occupancy
of the sanctuary. This should show all utilities entering into the
building along with all other improvements exactly as they are built. If
occupancy is desired before completion of some parts of the project, there was
a temporary certificate available that would allow use of the facilities before
such improvements were completed.
(12) Mr. Lieberenz suggested that Mr. Disney get together with Freeman Wood
to work out whatever requirements were now in effect in regards to the new
energy laws and regulations.
(13) Mr. Lieberenz requested 10 copies of a revised plot plan by noon May 5,
showing easements required by the utility companies, and any other revisions
discussed at this meeting.
The last item for discussion was the
proposed Butterfield Plaza P.U.D. located
north of Old Wire Road and south of Rolling
Hilts Drive. Neal Albright the owner and
developer was there to represent.
A P.U.D.
Neal Albright
1. Wally Brt (City Sanitation): Asked where Mr. Albright planned to put his waste
container. Mr. Albright stated that it was in the south-west corner, on a
concrete slab and that he already had service, and that he was using cans. In
the future when all offices become active he said he would probably go to
container service.
2. Bill Boudrey (City Fire Department): No comments.
3. Larry Wood (Regional Planning Commission): No comments.
4. L 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): In order to get service to lots 3 and 4, Mr.
Albright would have to run 2" pvc from the existing pole at the corner of
Oak Cliff and Old Missouri Road, on the south side, to the middle of lots
3 and 4.
5. John Parker (SWEPCO): Stated that there was an existing single phase trans-
former that is presently serving the area and he's planning to serve the whole
area with the existing transformer.
6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Kenneth Wagner Said gas service
appeared to be no problem as he could tie on to an existing line. He wondered
if there would be enough room for the required meters. Mr. Albright proposed
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May 1, 1980
- Page .7
that he would run another line along the south end of lot 2 and put another bank of
meters on the south side of lots 3 and 4. Kenneth Wagner said that would be no
problem as there is an existing gas line along the west side with a 5 ft.
easement and he could tie into the line about 70 ft. north of Oak Cliff.
7. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Stated that for his purposes
the existing conduit line wwas . sufficient.
8. Harold Lieberenz (City Planning): Harold wondered if persons owning property
within a 100 ft. perimeter had been notified. He told Mr. Albright that
these persons must be notified 10 days before his concept plat came before the
Planning Commission for review. Mr. Albright said that he was in the process of
notifying the property owners and that 2 had already been notified. Mr.
Lieberenz said he could make no further comments as he was not sure Mr. Albright's
project could be considered a P.U.D., but it is his understanding that Mr. Albright
and Mrs. Bobbie Jones, City Planning Administrator, had discussed this briefly
before her leaving on vacation. Also, it is possible that Mrs. Bobbie Jones had
requested an interpretation from the City Attorney regarding the matter. Mr.
Albright said he would come before the Planning Commission to request various
waivers. Mr. Lieberenz said that he would get Bobbie Jones' comments and
include them in the minutes.
The meeting adjourned at 11:02 A.M.
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May 1, 1980
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May 1, 1980
ABF Truck Terminal
1. It is my understanding that ABF is participating in getting sewer across
Highway 71 and will be tying onto the sewer line. The cost of a sewer
connection will have to be determined after a definite location is set for the
proposed sewer line. No main extension fee will be charged.
2. Water is available on the east side of Highway 112 and ABF can be served from
this line.
The cost of a 1 inch water service is:
Main Extension Fee
1 inch Tap w/crossing
- $3000.00
- 120.00
3. There is a 25 ft. utility easement along the east side of this property
(west of 112) and this easement should be shown on the plat. Easement as
No comment.
1. The street known as Truckers Lane was originally nothing more than an
access easement to the radio tower on the mountain to the west. Then a lot
split occurred in which another trucking line bought a lot and used this access
easement as the primary driveway. At the time of the lot split, the Realtor
(Bryce Davis $ Company, Inc.) dedicated street right-of-way for access to this
truck terminal. Mr. Davis then approached the Board of Directors to give.a name
to an existing City street and it was Truckers Lane, to which no public improverm
ments had ever been made. Subsequently, the gravel access easement, street
right-of-way became a nuisance to the trucking company and they had a contractor
chip -seal the street which still did not bring it up to City standards.
Now, another freight terminal is being built on a street that was never improved
to City standards, therefore I strongly recommend that Arkansas Best Freight
be required to bring Truckers Lane up to full City standards for the entire
length of the lot which abuts Truckers Lane.
Plat Review Committee Meeting
May 1, 1980
Page 9
1. I concur with Harold Lieberenz on obtaining an % iWRITTEN''COMMENTS
Arkansas State Highway Department permit for the
2. I recommend that sidewalks be constructed along Highway 45 East at the
property line extending the sidewalk from the property line toward the
3. 12-1/2 ft. set back from property line for all driveways.
4. Dedicate right-of-way to meet requirements of Master Street Plan, which is
Principle Arterial and requires 80 ft. of right-of-way. We want 40 ft. from
center line into the property. According to the Plat Book, the City will
need 10 additional feet of right-of-way into the Church's property.
Since this Butterfield Plaza was initially platted, the Planning Commission
required the developer in Butterfield Plaza to participate with the Church
on the south side of Oakcliff and the City to construct Oakcliff from its
existing terminal point, which is Stage Coach Drive to Old Missouri Road.
It was decided to eliminate the sidewalk along Oakcliff Drive and have the
sidewalk put along the west side of this development, which would extend
a sidewalk from Oakcliff to Old Missouri Road. This plat does not reflect
any easement for this sidewalk, the sidewalk on Old Missouri Road already
existed. This developer did not contribute anything to the sidewalk or
improvements to Old Missouri Road since they already existed. Therefore,
I recommend this developer be required to construct a sidewalk across
the west side of this property beween Oakcliff Street and Old Missouri Road.