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A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A.M.,
Thursday, February 14, 1980, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration
Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Wally Brt,
Larry Poage, and Michelle Hale.
UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, John Parker, L.O. Ferguson, and
Dick Shaw.
OTHERS PRESENT: Gary Carnahan, Karl Tehl, and Harry Gray.
The first item for discussion VILLAGE EAST
was the preliminary plat of Village Preliminary Plat
East Addition located South of Hwy..45 & Hwy._26S
Hwy. 45 and West of Hwy. 265. J. B. Hays
and Frank Farrish, owners $ developers. Present to represent were Harry Gray and
Karl Tehl of Northwest Engineers.
1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Stated they would have to amend the
radius on the cul de sac. Mr. Brt said 45 ft. was crowding it with a concrete
median in the middle. He said he would like the lanes of the main street to be
20 ft. so the trucks would not have to back up because the concrete will probably
end up busted and he said he would not be responsible.
Mr. Brt stated for the record that neither the City nor the Sanitation Dept.
will be responsible for any damage done to the concrete median or the curbs.
2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Stated he liked the design of the boule-
vard but the thresholds will have to be divided. He said he would like to see
the minimum width 21 ft. back -of -curb to back -of -curb which will give them 20 ft.
flow line to flow line. The divider in the cul de sac and street should be main-
tained by the developer --the City does not have the ability to maintain these.
Mr. Powell stated he has no objections to the variances of the spacing of
the street lights. Mr. Powell added he did not want to comment on the storm
drainage plans and profiles until the preliminary plat has been approved by the
Planning Commission.
Mr. Powell said if a sign was put up on the median, it would have to comply
with the Sign Ordinance. Mrs. Jones pointed out a sign can not be placed on a
median in a public right-of-way.
Mr. Powell asked that the proposed street names be shown on the preliminary
plat, rather than "Street A", "Street B", etc. He said the final names should be
resolved before the street and drainage plans and profiles are submitted for re-
view. It causes confusion when he has written comments referring to a street by
one name and the name of that street is changed on the final plat.
He also said he did not want a street to just end in a dead-end stub. If
the street is not being extended immediately, it must end in a cul de sac. He
said if a Sanitation truck got down between Lots 84 $ 85 with the median there
and no cul de sac it would have a hard time getting out.
3. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): Thanked Mr, Gray for the fire plugs as indicated
on the plat.
Mr. Poage stated he agreed with the other comments on the median in the cul
de sac, Mr. Gray asked if their truck could turn around in a regular cul de sac,
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February 14, 1980
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Mr. Poage said it couldn't without first backing up.
Mr. Poage asked about the Streets "A", "B", g "C". Mr. Gray said they will
be named on the final plat but, for now they will be submitted as "A", "B", $ "C".
Mr. Poage told Mr. Gray that the Fire Chief looks at the final plat and puts the
street names on his map at that time.
4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Asked if they were coming down Hwy. 45 8 Hwy. 265 with
the sewer Mr. Gray said they were. Mr. Bunn asked if it was an 8" line, Mr.
Gray said it would be an 8" line, but a 6" line would easily handle it. Mr. Bunn
said everything looked O.K. to him except when you get into the higher elevations,
there is not going to be a lot of water pressure and the 2" lines should be looked
at to see if they should be increased in size to handle the lots. He said they
need at least 35 lbs. of pressure. Mr. Bunn said pressure would not be good above
1425 elevation. Mr. Bunn said the sewer service street crossings needed to be done
with the development and before the street paving.
Mr. Bunn asked if this development was single-family. Mr. Gray said it
would all be single-family except Lots 1 and 2 which will be multi -family. Mrs.
Jones stated their covenants say that on Lot 1 there would be a maximum of 60
units and on Lot 2 there would be a maximum of 35 units.
Mr. Bunn told Mr. Gray if they backed up to Broadview there would be higher
pressure to service them.
5. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Stated he didn't have any comments because the
other utilities would be asking for easements wide enough for him. He did want
road crossings for the cable.
6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Stated as big as this addition is going
to be, he will need a 2 -way set. We will need a 25 ft. easement down the West
side of Lot 2 On the North side of Lot 10, the 15 ft. easement needs to be 25 ft.;
on the North side of Lots 27 $ 30. he would like a 25 ft. easement. Mr. Wagner
said he would like to see a minimum 25 ft. easement all around the perimeter of
the Subdivision. He said the East West 20 ft. easements centered along the rear
lot lines were alright with him. Where this Subdivision abuts Broadview Subdiv-
ision, a combined 25 ft. wide easement will be sufficient.
7. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Asked what was going to be developed to the South of this
addition. Mr. Gray said nothing was finalized on it yet, but he would get back
with the utility companies. Mr. Shaw said the service for this subdivision as well
as the property to the South will have to come down the East boundary of this Sub-
division, but if something was going in big, he will need to know before he installs
his service there.
Mr. Shaw said the other easements asked for were fine. He will need 5 road
crossings and he will need 70 ft. of 2" PVC. Mr. Gray pointed out that there were
enough road crossings designated on the second sheet of the plat. Mr. Shaw and
Mr. Ferguson agreed they were fine.
Mr. Shaw said the easements designated as !'utility and drainage easements"
are not acceptable to the utility companies. Between Lots 41 and 42, Lots 43 and
66, and Lots 67 and 90 Mr. Shaw wanted them to be either total "utility easements"
or total "drainage easements". Mr. Bunn stated sewer could remain there as long
as the swale is not over the top of the manhole. Mr. Shaw said if these developers
plan to develop the property to the South of this, they may dedicate a 121 ft. ease-
ment each side of the Subdivision's South boundary, but it must be dedicated when
this plat is filed and must be referenced on this plat.
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February 14, 1980
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8. John Parker (SWEPCO): Stated they were looking at the possibility of an overhead
line along the East property line, and going underground from that. He said they
could service it all from Hwy. 45. He said they will need at least 2 loops through
the Subdivision. He said between Lots 80 and 81, Lots 56 and 57, and Lots 28 and
29 he could use some 15 ft. easements as long as they are the only utility using it.
Mr. Parker said it would be helpful to get some idea of what was going in to
the South. Mr. Gray said he would let him know when it was final.
Mrs. Jones asked how he will get to the street lights on Village Drive. Mr.
Parker said the lights are shown to be.in the center of the median but could be be-
hind the sidewalk. Mr. Parker added it would be cheaper for the developer to locate
the street lights behind the sidewalk as they would not have to run so much conduit.
9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Comments are as follows:
1. There is already a Valley Drive so they will need another street name.
2. The adjacent property owners need to be notified at least 10 days prior to
the developer going before the Planning Commission.
3. Add a note on the plat as to the proposed use. Mrs. Jones told Mr. Gray it
could say "Lots 1 and 2 multi -family (maximum units ) and Lots 4-90 single-
4. On the revised plat show the easements as asked for.
5. The lots on the cul de sacs have to have a width of 70 ft., 25 ft, back of the
front property line.
6. The waiver for street lights will need to include one street light on Valley
Drive (between the second and third ones).
7. The sidewalks will require a variance from the Board of Directors. The Planning
Commission will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors.
Mr. Powell stated the sidewalks should..be.consistent throughout the Subdivision.
(either.against the.cu-rb'or-set:back to.the property. lime) .,Mi,. Powell said.if
the sidewalks are to be back against the property linep the—developer must cut,
fill, and set the grade for the sidewalks even though the builder of the struc=-
ture on the lot is responsible for the sidewalks. Mr. Powell added he doesn't
think any variances should be granted because people do want sidewalks.
8. If there are not to be any driveways proposed to Village Drive from Lot 7, 8,
13, 14, 24, 25, 36, 37, 48, 49, 60, 61, 72, 73, 84, and 85 (the ones fronting
the main street) there should be a note on the plat. Mr. Gray did not want such
a note on the plat. Mr. Gray said_the.Post Master.. hasdesignated this a.rural
route;so they will :be.using-mail boxes and he`thought.the"sidewalkshould be
back against the property line
9. Mrs. Jones pointed out the North 160 ft. has already been rezoned to Rr2, and
the remainder of Lots 1 and 2 are going before the Planning Commission to be
rezoned on February 25, 1980.
10. The Planning Commission will look at Mr. Powell's recommendation for a 20 ft.
wide street. Mrs. Jones said the way it was laid out there probably wouldn't
be any driveways cut out into Village Avenue.
The next item for discussion was the KANTZ PLACE
replat of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Block 3 Replat
of the concurrent plat of Kantz Place, Concurrent Plat
James E. $ Nita Lindsey, owners and developers.
Present to represent was Gary Carnahan.
Mr. Carnahan stated this was not a PUD anymore. They are going to ask the Board
of Adjustment for a waiver on the lot width for a townhouse development.
1. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): No comment.
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February 14,, 1980
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Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Stated he has left it up to Mr. Carnahan as to where the
easement will go instead of putting 4 individual loops from the back lot line to
the structure. He added the easement could be rather small.
3. John Parker (SWEPCO): Stated they will have a pedestal out in the back easement.
And it will be up to Mr. Carnahan to run an easement or service through the back
of the lots (from the pedestal to the building).
4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Stated he will need a double loop on every -
other lot. He said the problem was using the North South lot into the building.
5. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Stated the driveways were fine as long as
their joint usage was covered in the covenants. He said he wished they would loop
the utilities into all of these individual units instead of cutting into the curb
and gutter separately for each one.
6. Don Bunn (City Engineer): No comment,
7. L.O. Ferguson (Warner Cable): No comment.
8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Stated Sanitation trucks will pull in from
the South driveway and leave by way of the North one on East Oaks. He added the
trash pads should be 12 ft. deep x 15 ft. wide.
9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Comments are as follows:
1. We will need a copy of the covenants giving the common access for the driveways.
2. The note on the plat about a waiver should be changed to "Board of Adjustment".
3. A note on the plat and in the title of the covenants that these are townhouse
4. She and Mr. Carnahan are to get together to see if the last call before the
point of beginning is correct.
Mr. Carnahan asked when he should submit this to the Board of Adjustment. Mrs.
Jones said the deadline is February 18 for the March 3 meeting.
The next item for discussion was the SWEETBRIAR ADDITION
Concurrent Plat of the replat of Block 3 Replat of PUD in Block 3
of the Sweetbriar Addition, A Planned Concurrent Plat
Unit Development. James E. & Nita Lindsey;
owners $ developers. Present to represent was Gary Carnahan.
Mr. Carnahan stated this is a PUD and he would like to submit this for a public
hearing. Mrs. Jones stated the setback from the North and East property lines will
have to be waived by the Planning Commission,
1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Asked if the terrain was affecting the
storm drainage. Mr. Carnahan said the drainage would move to the South end. Mr.
Powell said he could use a 8" plastic pipe and tie it into the storm sewer. Mr.
Powell said the spacing on the driveways was fine but he didn't want improved park-
ing lot drainage running out into the street. Mr. Carnahan said they may just let
it run into the creek.
Mr. Carnahan told Mr. Powell there was nothing he could do with the driveway
in the 90° curve. Mr. Powell suggested he put up caution signs, preferrably metalic
so they could be seen easily at night.
2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Mr. Carnahan said they would be using cans.
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February 14, 1980
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Mr. Brt asked if they were going to use masonry garbage can holders out front.
Mr. Carnahan asked if it could be wood. Mr. Brt said it could just as long as
the cans were enclosed.
3. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Stated they will do whatever has to be done to
get in.
4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated the existing water line was on the South side
of Sweetbriar. He said they could bore across the street with water service with-
out cutting the street. He said you could probably serve one building with a
single line crossing the street. He said the water wasn't a particular problem.
If you do that the line should be set to City standards.
Mr. Bunn said if the sewer was on the South side it presents a problem
because he can't bore the street for a sewer. He said there could be some sewer
taps already in there. The sewer is what should be worried about, not particularly
the water. (They might have to cut the street to cross it with sewer).
S. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Stated when they get started on the 2 units
on the East the line will need to be extended on down.
6. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Stated he is going to leave it up to Mr. Carnahan but
they need to get to the back of Lots 117-124.
7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Adminstrator): Mrs. Jones comments are as follows:
1. The Planning Commission will need to vary the setback from the North and East
property lines, and maybe from the West. Mr. Carnahan said the property to
the West is a PUD zoned R-2, and the property to the North is R-1.
2, The setback from the North and East is 100 ft. plus an additional 1 ft. setback
in excess of 1 ft. over 10 ft. in height, but the Planning Commission can
waive or vary this.
3. A public hearing will have to be held. The Planning Office will have to ad-
vertise, put up a sign, and the fee will need to be paid (the same as rezoning
$60.00). The adjoining property owners need to be notified at least 10 days
prior to the public hearing.
4. The plat should be called a Concurrent Plat to Replat a PUD.
5. Mrs. Jones has to check with City Attorney McCord on whether they can omit
Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12 of the original PUD plat.
6. The revisions and proof that the adjacent property owners have been notified
will have to be in the Planning Office by February 18 to be on the March 10
meeting of the Planning Commission.
7. Mrs. Jones stated she had given Jim Lindsey some flood plain material prepared
by Harold Lieberenz at the previous meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 A.M.