HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-07 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, February 7, 1980, in the Board of Directors Room, Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Don Bunn, Clayton_Powell, Bill Boudrey, Bobbie Jones, and Michelle Hale. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Jimmy Crownover, and Kenneth Wagner. OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Lindsey. The only items_for discussion KANTZ PLACE $ SWEETBRIAR ADDITION were the replat of a Planned Unit Informal Plats Development in Block 3 of Sweetbriar Replats Addition and teplat of Lots 2, 3,;4, and 5 Block 3 of Kantz Place. James $ Nita Lindsey, owners and developers. Present to represent was Jim Lindsey. 1. Bill Boudrey (Fire Dept.): Stated he didn't have anything to complain about. The water lines providing fire protection are existing in both Subdivisions. Mrs. Jones asked if the water, sewer, and street lights were in in Kantz Place. Mr. Lindsey said the water and sewer were in but the streets weren't completed. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Kantz Place: Stated he understood it that the reason this is being replatted is because of the Planning Commission's action in revising the PUD Ordinance. Mr. Powell asked if this is going to be multi -family, where are the people going to park? Mr. Lindsey said in the front. Mr. Powell pointed out that there had to be a 25 ft. safety zone between driveways. Mr. Lindsey said the driveways will go into each unit which will require 2 spaces per unit or 8 per structure. Mr. Lindsey stated these parts of both Subdivisions are zoned R-2 and he can submit it under a replat of the PUD or submit it under the R-2 Zoning with a waiver of the 24 ft. lot width for townhouse development Mr. Powell asked if it is going to remain developer's owership. Mr. Lindsey said he was proposing these to rent, but wanted the option to sell the,units as condominiums at a later date Mr. Powell stated on a 17 ft. lot you can build a 1 -bedroom unit in a PUD. He added that a POA will be required. Mr. Powell stated he didn't see any problem with Kantz Place other than driveway safety zones. Mr. Powell stated the curbs and gutters needed to be in before street work proceeds any further and utility crossings must be in before curbs and gutters are poured. Sweetbriar Add.: .Mr. Powell stated that due to single-family structures already existing in this Subdivision, a public hearing should be held. Mr. Powell stated the 20 ft. driveway at a 90° curve (on the end of Sweet - briar Drive) doesn't conform in a high density area. He said in Sweetbriar where a service line needs to go in, they need to make one street cut where they are replatting it into individual lots, so they will not have a multiple cutting of the pavement for utility lines. He added maybe they can make one street cut for all the utilities. • Plat Review Committee Meeting February 7, 1980. Page 2 3. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Kantz Place: Stated he needed a small cable ran to the back of each building. He told Mr. Lindsey when they got ready to build they could work together. He added that a terminal needed to be placed at the back of the building. Sweetbriar Add.: Mr. Shaw's comments are the same as on Kantz Place. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas); Khntz Place: Stated they already had a job to go in there. He wants 4 meters. Mr. Lindsey said everything will be metered separately. Sweetbriar Add.: Mr. Wagner stated they were in back and have already relocated their line in connection with the earlier PUD replat. 5. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Kantz Place: Asked if the water and sewer were completed. Mr. Lindsey said the Water and sewer were completed but the streets were not completed yet. Mr. Bunn stated the service lines will need to be in before the streets are paved. 6. Jimmy Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Sweetbriar Add.: Stated on the West side of the old Lot 9 where the 15 ft. ease- ment is they have an electric line already in there and he thought Mr. Lindsey should know about it. 7. -Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): —Khntz Place: Stated if he did go with the regular R-2 Zoning, he could get about 8'2 -bedroom units per lot. She said each townhouse lot would have to be 24 ft. wide, and he could get approx. 4 townhouse units to each platted lot without a change in platting. Mrs. Jones said the last call before you get to the point of beginning did- n't add up. Mr. Lindsey will need to check it. She said the note on the plat that the Board of Adjustment granted a variance does not apply on this plat of Kantz Place. Mrs'. Jones said the new PUD Ordinance does require a public hearing at the time the concept plat goes to the Planning Commission. Mr. Lindsey asked if it would be simplier for him to approach it from the townhouse point of view and re- quest a variance on the minimum lot width rather than do it as a PUD. Mrs. Jones said the Ordinance requires the property owners within 100 ft. of the PUD to be notified by certified letter return receipt requested or by direct contact and obtain their signatures. This must be done by the developer at least 10 days be- fore the meeting. Mr. Lindsey asked if each lot was 24 ft. wide or more would there be a neces- sity for a PUD. Mrs. Jones said everything except these 17 ft. wide lots complies with the townhouse requirements (lot area, total townhouse development area). Mr. Lindsey said he would rather ask -for a variance on the lot width and still contact the property owners. Mrs. Jones pointed out the Board of Adjustment is the one who can grant this variance. Mrs. Jones asked if they planned any common or recreational facilities. Mr. Lindsey said no. Mrs. Jones said the PUD Ordinance requires 30% of the total area to be set aside as usable open space. Mrs. Jones pointed out that in a PUD there isn't a minimum lot size or front- age anymore. She said on both Subdivisions, with the new PUD regulations, there is a 100 ft. setback from the perimeter property line (from the West on Kantz Place) and with a 2 -story building you increase that 1 ft. for each 1 ft. of height • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting February 7, 1980 Page 3 in excess of 10 ft. She did point out that the new PUD Ordinance permits the Planning Commission to vary any requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision, or PUD regulations. Mr. Lindsey asked if they could bring the 2 plats back next Thursday. He said they would decide where the parking will be for Clayton Powell. Mrs. Jones said that would be fine. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 A.M.