HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-12-20 MinutesJ • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, December 20, 1979, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Don Osburn, Don Bunn, Bobbie Jones. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: L. 0. Ferguson, Kenneth Wagner, Nick Nance. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Tom Hopper, Kent Clement.' The first item discussed was the proposed Final Plat of KANTZ PLACE Kantz Place, a subdivision located North of Highway 45 East and Final Plat West of Crossover Road; E. J. Ball Family Trust, Developer. Present to represent was Tom Hopper with Crafton, Tull F, Associates. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell,(Street Superintendent): Plans for the streets and drainage have been approved and construction is underway. The curbs and gutters are poured, but the streets have not been paved yet. They will need to enter into a contract or providesome form of assurance that the balance of the improvements will be completed to City standards. I think 50% of the lots with a lien on them would be sufficient to cover the balance of the improvements. Construction has advanced to the stage that building permits can be issued as soon as the plat is recorded. Approval must be obtained from the Arkansas State Highway F, Transportation Department, District Engineer's Office for individual driveways and access, as well as for street intersections onto Highways 45 and 265. Tracts 4 and 5 are noted as tandem lots. They could be broken up into smaller lots at some future date -with further subdividing and with the extension of Kantz Lane as a public street. When the improvements to streets and drainage are completed, I will need 2 sets of as-builts, estimates of the total cost of the work, and certification that the work was done to City standards and that there are no outstanding liens against the cost of the work. 2. Don Bunn (City Engineer): The water and sewer improvements are all completed. We have as-builts on water and sewer and the cost estimates, but we still need a letter confirming that there are no outstanding liens against the improvements. Have all the off-site easements been recorded? Mr. Hopper advised that the easements have either already been recorded or he has the easement prepared and ready to record. 3. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Asked if the road crossings have been put in prior to the paving of the streets. Mr. Hopper stated that he had contacted each utility company by letter and that the road crossings requested by each utility company has already been put in. Mr. Ferguson had no other comments. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): We only had one road crossing • required --eat the beginning of Kantz Lane. Everything else will be served from the back. 5. Nick Nance (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Believe everything we need is already in. So far as I know, everything is fine. • • • Plat Review Minutes December 20, 1979 - Page 2 6: Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Asked if the developer wished to enter into a contract with the City in lieu of the required improvements. Mr. Hopper said they would. Mrs. Jones asked that the developer advise her in writing of any lots which they wished to have omitted from the contract We need at least 3 more copies of the plat by January 7 in order to be on the Planning Commission agenda for January 14, 1980. The next item for discussion was the FAYETTEVILLE CENTER SUBDIVISION proposed concurrent plat of the Concurrent Plat Fayetteville Center Subdivision located Highway 62 West at Highway 71 By -Pass at the Southeast corner of Highway 62 West and Highway 71 By‘Pass; Troy Parnell and Parnell Group, Inc., Developer. A large scale development plan had previously been submitted for this and other adjoining property sold to K -Mart. The purpose of this plat was to further divide the property beyond the three lots splits permitted by the Subdivision Ordinance. Kent Clement was present to represent. Comments were as followst 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Asked about the notation for "future highway acquisition" shown along the South side of Highway 62. Mr. Powell said if the Highway Department has entered into some agreement to pay for this dedication fee simple, that will be fine; but he felt the City should have some assurance that this has been made available. Mr. Clement said that the Highway Department has surveyed what will be required and they have made Mr. Parnell an offer on it, but that Mr. Parnell has not accepted their offer yet. Mr. Powell said that if this additional right-of-way is needed to meet the Master Street Plan requirements, then it should be shown on and given by this plat. If this is in addition to the Master Street Plan requirement, he thought the negotiations with the Highway Department should be resolved before the plat is recorded. - Mr. Powell said that the City's -regulations permit commercial driveways of 40 ft. in width;and if -there is: more than one driveway then there must be 25 ft. safety zone between the driveways. -Mr. Clement said that the AHTD had limited their driveway -widths to 30 ft. Mr. Powell expressed concern over the narrowness of the access into Lot 2, Block 2. He questioned whether it would be wide enough to get vehicular traffic into it if the other lot owners built to their side lot lines. He thought it should be wider._ Mr. Clement said this was omitted from the Triangle development site. He said it is part of the old railroad right-of-way which they had difficulty clearing the title to. Mr. Clement thought it would probably be used in conjunction with the Triangle Home Center. Mr. Powell suggested that if the 60 ft, right-of-way for a street stub (shown on the plat as "closed") leading to Hollywood Avenue has not been actually vacated by the City, that it should be done. He said it had been his intent that this developer would actually contact the owners of the two lots on either side of that right-of-way and offer to submit the petition for them to have that right-of-way vacated (if those owners would sign the petition) and the right-of- way divided between those property owners. Mr. Powell said that unless this is done, there will be problems with this right-of-way similar to those in other parts of town. No one wants to maintain them and the neighborhood kids use it to ride motorbikes on and such. If it were vacated the lots owners on each side could fence it in and protect themselves. Mr. Powell expressed concern over the public street which the developer is building off Hollywood Avenue which will dead end into Lot 5, Block 2. He said he did not want another "Oak Plaza" situation developing with unlimited traffic congestion. He said this will be a public street going into a central parking area; there should be some way to be sure it is kept open. He asked if the • • Plat Review Committee December 20, 1979 - Page 3 large open spaces would be striped off into parking spaces, would it have curbs to regulate parking, or what? He thought there should be something more distinct at the end of the public street stub where it ends at Lot 5, Block 2. Mr. Powell asked about the service road notation alongside Lot 4, Block 1. Mr. Clement said that the property line as shown here represents what is left after the AHTD took additional right-of-way for the service road. Mr. Parnell has already settled with the AHTD on the service road right-of-way. Mr. Powell asked that the plat reflect that the service road right-of-way is outside this subdivision and not included in it by dimensioning the service road right-of-way. Mr. Powell also suggested that the 25 ft. wide partial street stub which dead ends into the Southeast corner of Lot 5, Block 2, should also be vacated and retained by the City as a utility easement only. He thought if a public street is needed in this area at some future date, the entire 50 ft, right-of-way should come off the property to the South of this. Upon completion of the construction of the street stub off Hollywood Avenue, submit to the Street Department 2 copies of as-builts plans and profiles on the street and drainage, estimates of the cost of the work done, and certification that the work was done to City standards and that there are no outstanding liens against the cost of the improvements. 2. Don Osburn (Water Meter Foreman): No comments. 3. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Easements are satisfactory. We don't have cable in yet, but we will have it on the South side. Any future occupant of the proposed buildings who want cable must let us know before this project gets too far gone. Anyone who wants underground cable service will have to furnish the conduit. We don't want the entire area blacktopped before we bury cable. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Easements are satisfactory. I think we have just about everything serviced, except for the future bank building and we can get to that and to Lot 5, Block 2. 5. Nick Nance (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): I think everything as far as easements is covered on this except Lot 1, Block 2. going into that bank. We won't have any way to serve that lot if it is concrete on the Triangle lot across the easement. We will need conduit into Lot 1, Block 2. If they are going to concrete across these easements, we will need a conduit going to the back of the easement. 6. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water and sewer are already in. We need as -built plans on the water and sewer, final cost broken down separately for water and sewer, and certification that all bills are paid on the work done. Concerning vacating the 60 ft. street right-of-way, when Consumer's Pharmacy went in we alloyed them to go down that 60 ft. right-of-way with a pump line into sewer. An easement needs to be kept for this if the street is vacated unless it has already been switched over to the sewer line Mr. Parnell put in. • • • • Plat Review Committee December 20, 1979:- Page 4 We probably need to go ahead and make some of the water and sewer taps for these individual lots if we can determine where would be the best place to make them. We need the service put in where we expect the area overthe water and sewer lines to be paved. This really needs to be done if we can get them in at a reasonable location. If you bring water service into Lot 5, Block 2 from Hollywood Avenue, you will need to stay inside the dedicated rights-of-way and it will need to be extended as a main. If the Planning Commission doesn't waive the dedication on the additional right-of- way, they may want to resolve this before the final plat is filed. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): You have a note on the plat concerning the common use agreement for the parking and access drives. Add to that note the Book and Page numbers on which the agreement is recorded in the Court House. Some of the dimensions on the plat need to be darker and more legible. Mrs. Jones gave Mr. Clement a paragraph from the Subdivision Regulations which he may send to the adjoining property owners to notify them. They must be notified before January 7, in order to place this item on the agenda for January 14. Mrs. Jones had 2 questions she wished to confirm with the City Attorney. (1) If the City could close the 60 ft. and 25 ft. wide street rights-of-way since this developer does not own the property on each side of them. It may be necessary to retain some of these rights-of-way as utility easements. (2) Whether or not the City can require the developer to give more right- of-way for the widening of Highway 62 than the City's Master Street Plan requires. We need 6 copies of the revision plus proof that the adjoining property owners have been notified before January 7 in order to get on the January 14 agenda The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 A.M.