HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-29 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, November 29, 1979, at 9:00 A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones,: Michelle Hale, Don Bunn, Wally Brt, Don Osburn, Al Rukgaber, and Larry Poage. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: John Kehn, L. 0. Ferguson, Dick Shaw, and Jimmy Crownover. OTHERS PRESENT: Gary Carnahan, Joe Talley, and Junior Miller. The first item for discussion was UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS a proposal to vacate 2 alleys in Block 1, Mcllroy Addition; and to transfer ownership of the right-of-way of Ozark Avenue, between Dickson and Fairview Streets; and Fairview Street from Ozark Avenue through the alley East of Ozark Avenue from the City to the University of Arkansas. Prsent to represent were Joe Talley, Director.of Physical Plant, and Junior Miller, of the Property and Insurance Department of the University of Arkansas. Mrs. Jones pointed out to the Committee that the proposal was to vacate the alley between Lots 32-36A, and Lot 53, and the alley between Lot 52 and Lots 53-59. She said the other alleys in that block had been vacated previously by Ordinance. 1. Dick Shaw (S.W. Bell): Stated everything seemed O:FK. to him, even though he didn't have the authority to do anything with it. he said the University of Arkansas will need to write a letter requesting the telephone company to vacate the alleys with a legal description. He added it normally takes 2 months to get it back from Little Rock. He said the telephone's cable is in. the University's tunnel. 2. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Stated that Warner Cable's cable was in the tunnel. He said there was no problem as long as they could get service to the area. 3. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Stated he would need a 10 ft. easement to cover the existing gas facilities. There is one main on each side of Ozark Avenue. 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated he had a 4 inch water main that ran down Ozark Avenue from West Dickson to Fairview that changed to a 6 inch line somewhere. Mr. Osburn said the 6 inch line serviced Humphrey Hall... Mr. Bunn said there were fire hydrants off of it. Mr. Bunn said the City doesn't have any sewer on Ozark Avenue. He said he didn't have anything in the alleys they were proposing to close. He will need an easement for the water lines. Mr. Bunn requested the entire street right-of-way be retained as a utility easement. 5. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): Asked if the fire department has had any problem on this street. Mr. Talley said they hadn't that he knew of. Mr. Poage said the parking was a problem along the street. Mr. Poage asked if the street would be open to through -traffic. Mr. Talley said there was a possibility that the street would be closed to through -traffic at some time in the future, but the emergency vehicles:'would be better off if they did close it. Mr. Talley said it would be open to emergency vehicles. Mr. Poage said No. 1 Station would bring vehicles in through Farview and No. 2Station would bring vehicles in on Ozark Avenue. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 29, 1979 Page 2 Mr. Poage said everything was fine with the Fire Department as long as they had access to the area. Mr. Talley said the access would be maintained. 6. •Don Osburn (Meter Dept. Superintendent): Asked if the University would close through -traffic at Fairview and Buchanan and leave Ozark open from Dickson. Mr. Talley said there was no possibility of closing Fairview at the intersection of Buchanan for 2 reasons; one, the University's request does not go East of the alley, and second, the University does not own the property at the intersection. Mr. Osburn said if they do close it he would still need a way to get in to main- tain those 3 water meters up there. 7. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked if the house at the corner of Ozark and Fairview (old Mcllroy house) was the property of the University. Mr. Talley' said it was. Mr. Brt didn't see any problems because the University is in the process of changing the trash pick-up over to the University operated service rather than City operated. 8. Al Rukgaber (Street Department): Stated he didn't .have any questions. He pointed out that next year's budget is going to include an allowance for overlaying a portion of Dickson East of Ozark Avenue. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Asked the effect of having the City owner- ship of the street dead end in a street stub and not at an intersection. She said if they were laying out a street it wouldn't be laid out like that. Mr. Rukgaber said this would terminate in a parking lot. Mr. Talley said the remaining portion of Fairview that remains a City street will end in a lot. Mr. Brt stated if it was closed by a barricade, a means of turning around in the street (cul de sac) would be needed. Mrs. Jones said what she was concerned about is not having a turn around for the street. She said the question should be asked in case it was closed in the future. Mrs. Jones said she would furnish the City Manager and City Attorney with copies of the minutes. She said the Telephone Company would have to have a written concurrance. Mr. Talley asked if they could depend on the City Attorney to ask for letters from other utilities if they are needed. Mrs. Jones asked if the University Public Safey Department would be policing that area instead of the City police. Mr. Talley said the Public Safety would be doing it. Mrs. Jones asked if SWEPCO was in the tunnel. Mr. Talley said the University was serving their facilities from their own distribution system. He said SWEPCO does have night lights in the parking lot on the corner of Fairview and Buchanan. 10. Bob Jones (Police Chief): Not present, but submitted the following comments: If ownership is transferred to the University the Public Safety Dept. of the Univer- sity will be responsible for policing of the streets and it will hot be the re- sponsibility of the City Police Dept. Also, with the "public" street ending in the middle of a block, some provision should be made for vehicles to turn around if that street is ever blocked. It might be easier for emergency vechicles to get through if traffic on Ozark Avenue were one-way headed South if cars are going to be parked on both sides; however, this is only an opinion and not a recommendation. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 29, 1979 Page 3 The next item for discussion was HAZY HEIGHTS the preliminary plat of a proposed PUD Plat PUD located off of Township Rd., sub- Off Township Road mitted by Gary Carnahan. Clark & Marie McClinton and M. N. Graue, Owners and Developers. Present to represent was Gary Carnahan. Mr. Osburn pointed out the North arrow on the Plat was pointing the wrong way. 1. Gary Carnahan (Engineer of Hazy Heights): Stated these were going to be townhouses in units of 4. He asked if Lot 16, as shown on the plat, could be cut in half and make 2 lots out of it. He said there would be party walls located on the lot lines. Mrs. Jones asked Mr. Carnahan what the maximum density was or the total max- imum number of units. Mr. Carnahan said there would be 5 buildings which will con- tain up to 16 residences, in addition to the 2 that are existing. Mr. Crownover asked Mr. Carnahan if they were planning to put the utilities in the private street. Mr. Carnahan said they were. Mrs. Jones pointed out the Planning Commission would use the new PUD regulat- ions when they hear it. Mr. Rukgaber asked if this would be a private or a City road. Mr. Carnahan said it would be a private street. Mrs. Jones asked what its surface would be. Mr. Carnahan said it was a 20 ft. wide hot mix asphalt. Mr. Carnahan said the road follows the ridgeline and surface water will run off to both East and West. Mr. Rukgaber said the plat showed an existing 6 inch water line and asked if they plan- ned individual cuts to cross the existing road. Mr. Carnahan said they would try to push it.under. Mr Carnahan asked if they could put a driveway on the side lot line. Mrs. Jones said since it wasn't a City street they could. 2. Jimmy Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Stated it would be better if the utilities could come in from the back of the lots. He said it would eliminate one transformer. Mr. Carnahan asked if they should designate the two 20 ft. strips of common property as a utility easement. Mr. Crownover said yes. Mr. Crownover asked for an easement down the West side of Lot 17 (M. N. Graue's lot), across the South side of the "common property" on the West of the Subdivision, up the West side of Lots 8 through 16; the entire common property strip lying between Lots 11 and 12 and Lots 2 and 3, across the East side of Lots 1 through 6. The 20 ft. easement shown down the West side of the West "common property" is not needed. The one down the East side of the East "common property" will only be needed insofar as it covers the existing Ozarks Electric Line. 3. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present, but submitted the following comments: (1) Township Road is a minor arterial and needs an additional I5 ft. right-of-way on the North side; (2) The City needs to be a party to the covenants. He also asked how the common property is going to be maintained. 4. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Agreed with Mr. Crownover on easements. 5. Dick Shaw (S.W. Bell): Stated what Mr. Crownover asked for was fine. He also requested a 20 ft. easement North of and outside the new right-of-way of Township Road 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Stated if it was a private drive he could make it unless they used containers. He said he will need a letter not holding the City responsible for road damage. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 29, 1979 Page 4 7. Don Osburn (Meter Dept. Superintendent): Stated he needed a street sign at Township Road for Hazy Heights Drive. He said when the units are finished they will need permanent house numbers. He added they will need site cards up while they are building. 8. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): Asked if the street would be open to the Fire Department. Mr. Carnahan said it would. 9. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated if a water easement wasn't already dedicated for that line he would want one there. Mrs. Jones said to show it as a utility easement. Mr. Bunn asked how they planned to come in with the sewer service. Mr. Carnahan said the map showed the sewer was South of Township. Mr. Carnahan said what they would probably do is come in deep on the private road and then put sewer in back of the lots. Mr. Bunn said the easements will need to be at least 15 ft. Mr. Bunn told Mr. Carnahan if they cross Township he will need to bore under it. Mr. Bunn said it will need to be separate easements executed as sewer line and to be designated as utility easements. Mr. Bunn asked if they will have separate sewer service for each dwelling unit. Mr. Carnahan said they will be hooked up together but have separate billings. Mr. Bunn said it would be up to the developer to put in the sewer where it crosses the street when the main is constructed. Mr. Bunn said it was up to the builder to get the water taps when they need them. Mr. Carnahan pointed out there was an error on the location of the water main. Mr. Bunn said if they decide to go in the back of the lots with sewer, be sure the other utility companies stay clear of the sewer. He doesn't want any other utilities in the same ditch. Mr. Carnahan decided it would be best if they buried the sewer in the front. 10. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Stated this was subject to both PUD and subdivision regulations. The balance of her comments are: 1. We need a vicinity map and correct "North" arrow. 2. Show any street lights in the area and they will be required to put a street light up at the intersection. 3. The requirement of the Master Street Plan is 40 ft. North of the existing center line of the right-of-way of Township Road. 4. The Planning Commission and Board of Directors may require you to do off-site improvements to Township Road or to post a cash deposit for future use in widening pavement, installing drainage, curb 4 gutter, and sidewalks. 5. The scale on the final plat be 1"x 100'. 6. Show the proposed use and maximum density on the plat. 7. A fee and application is needed. 8. A property owners' association is to be drawn up for the maintenance of the common property. See Art. 8, Sec. 12, (D)(4)(f) for special clause on private roads. 9. The Planning Office needs a copy of the covenants with the preliminary plat. 10. The developer is required to put up a retangular sign no larger than 12"x 24" designating this as a private road 11. The drainage plan will need to be approved by the Street Superintendent. 12. Youlare required to furnish notices to the adjacent property owners by getting signatures or sending the notices return receipt requested, and giving them to Mrs. Jones before the plat can be put on the Planning Commission agenda. Plat Review Committee Meeting November 29, 1979 Page 5 13. The Planning Commission will need to waive the maximum length of a dead-end road. The will also require topography. Mr. Carnahan said it would be an expense that wouldn't be necessary. Mrs. Jones said he could talk to the Commission about it. 14. Show the proposed use of the "common property". If it's not shown now, it will have to be approved by the Planning Commission when they do decide what it will be used for. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 A.M.