HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-08 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, November 8, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Michelle Hale, City Manager Don Grimes, Clayton Powell, Police Chief Bob Jones, and Marion Doss. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Dick Shaw, and Floyd Hornaday. OTHERS PRESENT: Rodney Wallis, Dave Chapman, Bob Cochran, Karl Weiss, and Al Coltrane. ' The first i::em for discussion was AM'FANE the proposed large-scale development Large Scale Development plan submitted by Amtane, Inc. Armstrong Ave. Property located on Tract A, Lot 16, Fayetteville Industrial Park. Present to represent was Rodney Wallis, with Amtane, and Dave Chapman, with Structural Systems, Inc. 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present but submitted the following comments: He asked if Amtane proposed to use a trash container. He said, in his opinion, the container wasn't needed, the cans should do the job well enough. Mr. Wallis said they weren't going to use a container. Mrs. Jones said they should check with Mr. Brt on how much overhead clearance from power lines they will need for the sanitation trucks. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Stated we have got 80 ft. of right-of- way on Pump Station Road West of Armstrong Avenue, and only SO ft. on the East side. He said we were already having trouble with tractor trailers which have to turn on to that road; a standard residential street radius will not accomo- date tractor trailers. In the Industrial Park the City has been including the cost of an amount that is equal to the cost of materials and construction to upgrade the streets when they sell a parcel of property. He hopes this was done for Pump Station Road in this case, because it is only a gravel road They have extended Arm- strong Avenue to industrial standards to the existing City limits. Mrs. Jones asked him if he was suggesting that a 50 ft. right-of-way was not enough for an industrial area. Mr. Powell said he was, because the tractor trailers are breaking up the curbs at the intersections and on driveways. Mrs. Jones asked if the intersection radius should be 50 ft. Mr. Powell said to start at the SE corner of the lot, and come down West to match the NW corner of the intersection of Armstrong and Pump Station Road so they can put a 50 ft. radius on it. Mrs. Jones asked if their South driveway onto Armstrong was far enough from the intersection of the street rights-of-way. Mr. Powell said it was supposed to be 40 ft. Mrs. Jones said on the South driveway it looked like 29 ft. from the radius of the intersection to the radius of the driveway. Mr. Powell said it should be 40 ft. from the radius of the street intersection to the driveway where it crosses the property line and he could not tell if it met that requirement or not. Mr. Powell contacted the Planning Office on November 9, and stated that he and Mr. Chapman had made a visit to the site. After visually surveying the lot) Plat Review Committee Meeting November 8, 1979 Page 2 Mr. Powell did not feel that any additional right-of-way was needed to enable trucks to negotiate the turn from Armstrong onto Pump Station Road or vice versa. Also, the location of the driveway was determined to be 45 feet from the intersection of the street rights-of-way; therefore, Mr. Powell's earlier comments on these two matters are not applicable. 3. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated sewer is under contract, and construction should start within the next week or so. He asked about the water usage. Mr. Wallis said all they had was a bathroom Mr. Bunn said he will need a standard 3/4" domestic tap which will cost $70.00. Mr. Wallis said they wouldn't have a sprinkler. Mr. Bunn asked if they would need temporary water for construction, they said they wouldn't. Mr. Bunn told them all they would need for the tap is a plumbing permit. He added in order to get the meter set they would need a permanent house number set on the property. Mrs. Jones stated they should use the house number which will be issued to them when they get a building permit. 4. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Asked if they have determined the electrical service they will require. He said depending on where they need to have their station, they can have service from either location (East side of Armstrong Avenue or the South side of Pump Station Road). He asked if they were considering an underground service. Mr. Wallis said no. Mr. Hornaday said it will be 140-240, 3-phase service. He said if they use an overhead service, they will have to maintain an 18 ft. overhead clearance. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Asked if Amtane was going to use natural gas or their own propane. Mr. Wallis said they were going to use their own pro- pane. Mr. Wagner had no further comments. 6. Dick Shaw (S.W. Bell): Stated he would need a 25 ft. easement along the South property line. Put in a 1" PVC conduit and run it out to an electric.pole, he said it shouldn't be direct buried or, within a year they will be without service. He said they should put it below the SB -2 base or the trucks driving over it will break the PVC. Mr. Chapman said they will probably want to run their radio line through the conduit with the telephone line. Mrs. Jones asked if they understood what Mr. Shaw was asking for. She added that the easement should be shown on the plot plan, but that it must be given in a written instrument. She asked for a copy of the written easement. 7. Bob Jones (Police Chief): No comments. 8. Marion Doss (Fire Department): No comments. 9. L: O. Ferguson (Warner Cable): No comments. They do not need TV Cable service. 10. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Stated the questions Clayton Powell was talking about needed to be resolved and she needed to be advised of the outcome. She said it.`wouldimove the building back further into the property because the minimum setback is 50 ft. from the street right-of-way. The turn is now sharper than a 90°:angle. She asked if the setback is shown from the roof overhang to the street right-of-way. It is. They will need to get permits from the City Engineer for each driveway. The driveway on the SW corner is supposed to be 40 ft. from the radius of the street intersection. They will need separate permits for each separate structure, in - A • • • • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 8, 1979 Page 3 cluding the tanks, and for signs to be put up. The tanks must meet the 50 ft setback. Upon completion of the project and by the time they are ready to occupy the building, the parking area should be paved,striped into spaces, and curbs or wheel guards installed around the parking area. An as -built plot plan showing also individual utility services needs to be submitted by the time they are ready to occupy the building. She added that if the construction is not finished by the time it is supposed to be, they should check back with us for an extension of time. will have Mr. Bunn asked if they/any above ground storage. Mr. Chapman said every- thing was above ground. Mr. Bunn asked if they were aware of the EPA require- ments. Mr Wallis said they were governed by the LP Gas of Arkansas, and they would make sure everything was fine. Mrs. Jones said it would be their respon- sibility to get any EPA clearance. - Mrs. Jones asked other than propane, did they have any gas pumps or gasoline tanks. They didn't. Mrs. Jones read the screening requirements from the Ordin- ance Art. 8, Sec. 10 (d)(1):. Mrs. Jones said the Planning Commission may dis- agree with her about the tanks being screened from view but she didn't think screening was necessary on the large tanks, but any smaller tanks stored outside will have to be screened. The tanks need to meet the 50 ft. setback from the street right-of-way line. . Mrs. Jones informed them about the new Ordinance which states that "sub- dividers" will be required to make off-site improvements. This includes ex- tension of water and sewer lines and a contribution toward widening the street and making curbs and gutters. Bobbie Jones said that Clayton Powell will have to make an"estimation of the cost that is involved.and make a recommendation to the Planning Commission. Mrs. Jones asked what the area within the fence will be. Mr. Chapman said it would be gravel. Mrs. Jones said that needs to be shown on the plat. Mrs. Jones said we will need a revision back by November 19 to be on the November 26 meeting, i;t;will need to have the requested easements shown, which will have to be given by separate written instrument. Also, the parking area will need to be shown on the plat as "paved". The next item for discussion was the GOLD KIST, INC. proposed large scale development submitted 1140 Beechwood Avenue by Gold Kist, Inc. to construct a hatchery, Large Scale Development to develop the North part of 40 acre, more or less, tract lying North of Fifteenth: Street and East of Beechwood Avenue, 1140 Beechwood Avenue Present to represent was Bob Cochran, Karl Weiss, and Al Coltrane. The initial construction phase will be for 21,000 sq. ft. of building. The future expansion is shown for 16,000 sq. ft. plus possibly an additional 4,800 sq. ft. 1. Marion Doss (Fire Department): Stated the Fire Inspector had noted that they would need automatic extinguishers to meet NFPA Code 101. Mr. Coltrane asked if it was a local requirement because this is Class 1 construction. Mrs. Jones gave them Mr. Poage's number so they could get in touch with him. 2. Don Grimes (City Manager): Said the East side of this property is stacked with utility easements. He said the City is expecting Razorback Road to go through there. The Arkansas Highway Department will ask for an 80 ft. right-of-way. Mrs. Jones asked if the utilities will have to be out of the 80 ft. street right-of-way. Mr. Grimes said he thought the utilities could be in the 80 ft. right-of-way su long as they are outside the curb line. He said he thought the • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 8, 1979 Page 4 easements for the existing electrical, gas, and water line had been purchased by the respective utility companies some time ago. Mr. Bunn asked if Razorback Road was going to be maintained by the state. Mr. Grimes said they will if the street is given a state highway number. He has suggested they relocate Hwy. 16 up Razorback from 15th to Hwy. 62 then West to the By-pass. Campbell Soup has in excess of 200 to 250 tractor trailers using 15th Street in addition to the people working for them. He added they will need a total of 80 ft. right-of-way. If Gold Kist will give a 40 ft. right-of-way off the East side of its property, subject to the existing utility easements in place there, that should be sufficient. Mrs. Jones said we will need a definite recommen- dation for the Subdivision Committee to look at. Mr. Cochran asked if a water and sewer line were already through there, which there was. Mr. Grimes said he was going to expect Gold Kist to work with the City in view of the fact that the City will sell some Act 9 bonds for construction of the hatchery. Mrs. Jones said the Subdivision Committee will also expect a recommendation for Beechwood Avenue. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Stated the Master Street Plan calls for the extension of Razorback Road as an 80 ft. arterial street. Normally, we try to get half of the right-of-way from each property owner. The street right-of-way standard is 40 ft. on each side. We are talking abbut utilizing 59 ft. for actual street improvements on that right-of-way. He said in all probablity something will have to be relocated. We would like at least the easement for the 40 ft. for Razorback Road. Highway 16 is designated as a minor arterial. We have sufficient right-of- way here,no off-site improvements have ever been required for a State Highway. Mr. Powell said at this time he didn't see a need for a aidewalk on Hwy. 16 as much as the need to upgrade Beechwood. Mrs. Jones pointed out that the new ordinance did not require construction on a State Hwy. except for requiring a sidewalk. Beechwood is becoming commercialized and it is going to have to carry heavy traffic, so we should ask the Planning Commission to impose the new ordinance to bring Beechwood up to City standards with widened pavement, curbs and gutters, and storm drainage. He said a sidewalk will be required on one side of Beechwood. Mr. Cochran asked how much additional right-of-way would be required for Beechwood. No additional right-of-way is needed. We have 50 ft. and it is designated as a minor street. Mr. Powell said he recommends Gold Kist bring Beechwood to current City standards East of the centerline of the right-of-way. Mr. Weiss told them there will be no semi -trucks coming out of the hatchery at all. He said they will have a "school bus" taking trays of baby chicks to the farm and picking up eggs. He added the heavy traffic in the future would be generated on to Razorback Road not Beechwood. Mr. Powell asked the weight of the bus, Mr. Weiss said he could get it to him. Beechwood presently has a 22 ft. wide pavement with no curb and gutter. Mr. Powell explained that he is asking for Gold Kist to widen the pavement to 15 ft, 6 in. East from the center of the right-of-way (not the centerline of the pavement), install drainage and curb and gutter. He asked that the widening be: 8 inches of SB -2 base, 4 in. of black asphalt base with 2 inches of surface. He asked that this run the full North-South length of the Gold Kist property. Mr. Powell said if the Planning Commission imposes the widening of Beechwood, the SB -2 should extend 4 inches inside and 4dinches outside the curb and gutter. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 8, 1979 Page 5 Mr. Cochran said the Garden Center was not in operation anymore and the building would probably be used for offices. Mrs. Jones asked Mr. Weiss what happens to the chicks after they are grown. He said they take the baby chicks down to the farm and that's where they are grown, then they are taken to Bentonville from the farms. Mr. Grimes pointed out they could get in touch with Baldwin Piano and see if Baldwin is interested in using the same contractor to do both sides sides of the road at the same time, since:he understands they have an expan- sion in mind and will meet the same requirement when they expand. 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Asked the representatives how much water usage were they going to expect. Mr. Weiss said 4500 gallons per day. Mr. Bunn asked if they were going to have a sprinkler, they said they weren't. He said the total cost for both the water and main extension fees would be around $5,000, in add- ition to the tapping fees. ',sewer Mr. Coltrane:asked if there was any problem with tapping as shown on the drawing. Mr. Bunn said it should come off of Beechwood Avenue. Mr. Bunn said they would be classed as an industrial user by the;EPA because of the waste. He asked what was contained in their waste. Mr. Weiss said there was some fuzz and cracked shells that goes down the drain. Mr. Bunn said it is important that they furnish him with an analysis of their typical waste BOD and suspended solids. Mr. Bunn said they will use a standard sized meter. Mr. Weiss asked when they should pay for the water taps and sewer. Mr. Bunn told him it should be paid when it is tapped. Mr. Bunn told them if they needed temporary water to contact Don Osborne. They said they would not need it. He added that before a meter can be set, the building will have to have a permanent house number. Mrs. Jones said she had already given them a house number, 1140 Beechwood Avenue. Mr. Bunn pointed out that self monitoring of their waste may be a require- ment,in the future, by the EPA. He also asked about the soil washing away and asked what the organic soil material disposal area was. Mr. Weiss said there wouldn't be any trouble with the washing away of the soil. 5. Floyd Hornaday:(SWEPCP) Stated they would need one or two underground conduits of 4 inch PVC Schedule 40 with elbows turned up at the poles and at the pad. It must be a minimum 42 inches deep or encased They will need 1; pieces of con- duit from the transformer to the building. The transformer needs to be 5 ft. away from the building. He said if they go with overhead service it will require 2 poles to support the transformer platform. Mrs. Jones asked what the clearance would be if they went overhead. Mr. Hornaday said a minimum clearance of 18 ft. He said they would probably use 40 ft. or 45 ft. poles. Mr. Shaw asked Mr. Hornaday if the telephone company could bury their line in SWEPCO's easement on the extreme East portion of the property. Mr. Hornaday said they could use it. Mrs. Jones asked if the easement on the East property line goes all of the way to the North property line. Mr. Hornaday said it should go all of the way up. Mr. Hornaday said if it does not, it should; and it should be given by a separate written instrument. 6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Stated the gas line looks good. He said Plat Review Committee Meeting November 8, 1979 Page 6 they will set the meter up on a high pressure line, which will require a 3 ft. 2 in. square for the meter to be set up on. The meter will need to be set 3fft. or 4 ft. out from the line. He asked if they were planning on using a plastic or a steel pipe. Mr. Weiss said they will use a steel'pipe. Mr. Wagner said they will have a 2 inch line with 5 lbs. of pressure to the building. He added that at the future railroad spur if the gas line has to be moved it will be at Gold Kist's expense. 7. Dick Shaw (S.W. Bell): Stated permission was given from Mr. Hornaday to utilize existing easements on the East side for their telephone lines. Mr. Weiss and Mr. Cochran also gave verbal permission for this. Mr. Shaw said he will need a 15 ft. utility easement South of the existing easements paralleling the North property line, the total depth of the property; a 25 ft. easement going North and South outside of the Beechwood right-of-way, which will be a public utility easement; a 15 ft. easement North of SWEPCO's easement paralleling 15th Street, with the understanding that no other utility will be getting in there. A conduit will be needed from the inside of the building from a 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 3/4 in. thick plywood mounted under the stairway extending to the property line. A 110 watt light and electric line to the ply- wood panel should be on its own circuit. He added that these easements will have to be dedicated in writing but should be shown on the plot plan. He asked what the time element was for construction. Mr. Weiss said it would be early spring before telephone service was needed. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present but submitted the following comments. Mrs. Jones read his comments which were that he wanted at least a 6 cu. yd. container at the rear (NW corner) of the proposed hatchery on a 15 ft. wide x 12 ft. deep concrete pad. He also wanted a big enough space for the trash truck to back up. Mrs. Jones pointed out that the truck was approximately 37 ft. long and will need at least 21 ft. overhead clearance when it dumps the container. The pad may be fenced on the sides and rear, but the front (15 ft.) must be open. Mr. Weiss wanted to locate the container near the pump house on the East side of the hatchery building. Mrs. Jones requested they contact Mr. Brt.to be sure he would have no trouble getting the sanitation truck in and out of that location, to check on overhead clearance required, and determine gross weight of thectruck. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Stated the parking area was shown as being paved;;!and_it will have to have wheel stops or curbs. She said they can get at least 40 parking spaces, which is more than required. She said the spaces must be striped off and a percentage of the:spaces may be needed for the handi- capped and a percentage may be designed for compact cars She added that it will need to be paved and striped by the time the building is occupied. Mr. Weiss asked her what color the striping should be, she told him no certain color was required. Mrs. Jones asked how many large capacity vehicles will be parked in the parking area at any given time. Mr. Weiss told her around 4 at one time. She said she would also like to know where the buses will be parked. She said upon completion of the project they will need an as -built plot plan. She stated that with a large scale development they do not have to come back through the review process if the additional construction does not exceed 10,000 sq. ft.; if no more than 25 new parking spaces are required; or if no new drive- • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 8, 1979 Page 7 way is required. Mrs. Jones told them they would need a driveway permit from the City Engineer. She said the pump house and tanks would also need separate permits. Mrs. Jones asked wh t�they would do with dead chicks or rotten eggs. Mr. Cochran said he would toN e Brt about it going to a sanitary land fill; or, another alternative would be to reprocess them. Mrs. Jones asked about the Bill of Assurance. It included a clause about the odor and other pollution. Mr. Cochran said there shouldn't be any odor. Mrs. Jones said she would like 7 copies of the revision by the 19th of November.showing all of the changes on the plat. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:25 A.M.