HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-11 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, October 11, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Michelle Hale, Clayton Powell, Larry Wood, and Don Bunn. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: L. 0. Ferguson, Dick Shaw, and John Kehn. OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Lindsey, Tom Hopper, and Gary Carnahan. The first item for discussion was UNION SPECIAL SUBDIVISION the preliminary plat of the Union Special Hwy. 112 Subdivision located on the East side of Preliminary Plat Garland Ave. (Hwy. 112) approximately i mile North of Sycamore Street. Union Life Insurance Company; Owner and Developer. Present to represent were Tom Hopper, Gary Carnahan, and Jim Lindsey. 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): The Major Street Plan calls for an 80 ft. arterial street along the North property line and it is his recommendation that the plat be redesigned to show the 80' right-of-way. Bryan Street could then come off it and cul de sac into the property. On Highway 112, show the additional right-of- way dedication (10 ft.) for a principal arterial street (80 ft.). The legal de- scription should be changed to also show that this is a replat of part of Evans Farm, Block 4, Lot 4. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Stated that he agreed with Mr. Wood, with the addition:of the following: Mr. Powell did not think it necessary to preserve the old dedications of the Evans Farm. He proposed that the City vacate the 20 ft. East-West alley on the South side of this property as well as the North-South Evans Farm alley (or easement) on the East side of the Subdivision, and it can be a deeded easement. It should be retained and designated as an easement for drainage and utilities. The Planning Commission should address whether any portion of the arter- ial street should be constructed by this developer. He would like a copy of the revised drawing. The drainage, sidewalks, and street light systems should be added to the plat. Mr. Lindsey asked Mr. Powell if it was possible for this developer to dedicate a 50' right-of-way, build a street in that 50 ft., and for the City to require the other 30 ft. from the property owner to the North at some future date. Mr. Powell said the City should permit this if they cannot get the entire 80 ft. right-of-way at this time. He said he feels it i§.not reasonable to prohibit or restrict this developer simply because the other property owner is not ready or willing to dedi- cate the property at this time. He indicated that there would be times when the City might have to condemn property for the Major Street Plan. Mr. Lindsey said the lots were designed to accomodate a certain style and size of building. Mr. Powell said he agrees with Mr. Lindsey that some consideration should be given. Mr. Powell feels we should take part of the right-of-way from the property to the North. - .... - Mr. -Lindsey asked Mr. Wood if they could move the -street to that side. Mr. Wood said they could if the City would condemn the building. Mr. Wood added that because the property to the North is so narrow an arterial street would be making it very difficult for future development. Mr. Lindsey said the proposed street would abut the property to the North and any request for a building permit on that property would require a right-of-way grant of 30'. Mrs. Jones said in this case the owner- ship of the property has been this way for a long time. Mr. Wood added the City was on record by letter from Mr. Grimes of moving the arterial street to the South of • • Plat Review Committee Meeting October 11, 1979 Page 2 Mr. Mayes. Jim Lindsey asked if Mr. Powell would approve of: this developer dedicating a full 50 ft. right-of-way across the North; constructing a street only to the point where Bryan Road would intersect it; construct Bryan Road. Mr. Powell said he was agreeable to this if the Planning Commission is, provided: 1. The developer to the North or East would have to construct the arterial street each of its intersection with Bryan Road; 2. He did not want just a curved street at the intersection. He wanted a 90° street intersection. Mr. Powell said the Board of Directors would have to decide whether or not the City will participate to the extent of paying the difference in cost between a minor and an arterial. street. 3. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Stated that along the West side of the property the building setback line needed to be a utility easement and it needs to be extended across that lot that is excepted. He said they did not want their services in a drainage easement. Mr. Carnahan said no real drainage would come through there. Mr Shaw said if the easement along the East side of Garland for the sewer was written to the City for sewer he wants it released and a new easement given for all utilities. Otherwise, he will have to have a separate ease- ment:outside the City's sewer easement. Mr. Shaw said he would prefer to have the front building setbacks be shown as building setbacks and utility easements so he could put his services in along the streets for 2 reasons: 1. To: stay away from drainage easements; 2. Multi -family will be easier to serve that way. 4. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Stated all of the easements asked for and shown on the plat were fine. He does want an easement along Hwy. 112. He added he would really like service along the new road in the from instead of the back, the same as Mr. Shaw 5. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Stated all of the easements shown and asked for were fine. He doesn't want a concrete drainage swale constructed in the easements with utilities. 6. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated there is an 8" water line along Garland. The water line to be extended into the cul de sac must also be an 8" since it will dead end and we will need a fire hydrant on it. The property owner has already extended a sewer main to serve the duplex and it can be extended to serve the rest. of the subdivision. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Asked if the proposed lots are for duplexes. Mr. Lindsey told her there is one duplex shown and it is existing; however, the future buildings would be multi -family dwellings with 12 to 16 units per lot. Mr. Lindsey asked if an alley could be eliminated by a replat. Mrs. Jones said it would be better if the City Board of Directors should take specific action on it and vacate it by ordinance. Mr. Lindsey said in this case they will show the 10 ft. as an alley. Mrs. Jones said they need to talk with Jim McCord, City Attorney, about it because it needs to be clarified as to what it is. She added if Mr. Thomas, to the East, insists on calling it a street, the responsibility might be a 3 -way im- provement responsibility. Also, there would be additional right-of-way dedication plus setbacks. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting October 11, 1979 Page 3 Mrs. Jones additional comments are: 1. The final plat needs to be on 1" to 100' scale. 2. Change duplex to multi -family and have the maximum density included. 3. We will need an application and a fee. 4. 7heyneed to dimension the existing right-of-way and the proposed right-of-way dedication for Hwy. 112. 5. The Planning Commission may require another street light on Garland. Also, Mrs. Jones would suggest the spacing!.be changed by moving the one to the end of the cul de sac and moving one to the curve in the street. 6. Sidewalks will be required along Garland and they need to be shown on the plat. 7. They need to furnish to the Planning Office proof that adjacent property owners had been contacted before the Planning Office will put the plat on the Planning Commission agenda. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 A.M.