HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-16 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:00 AidM., Thursday, August 16, 1979, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Wally Brt, Larry Poage, Bobbie Jones. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: John Kehn, Floyd Hornaday, John Parker, Dick Shaw, L. 0. Ferguson. COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bud Allen, Gen. Bruce Kendall. DEVELOPERS AND ENGINEERS PRESENT: George Faucette, Jr., Doug Hemingway, Calvin Edens. The first item for discussion was the proposed Final Plat of The Meadows, a subdivision outside the City but within the Fayetteville Planning Area. Developers are: George Faucette, Jr., Rosemary Faucette, James McDonald II, Ann Marie McDonald, G. Harrison Butler, Patricia Butler, George Shelton, Carole Shelton, Edgar Piper and Jane Piper. George Faucette, Jr. and Doug Hemingway (Milholland Engineering 4 Surveying) were present to represent the proposal Comments as follows: THE MEADOWS (Outside City) Final Plat were 1. Gen. Bruce Kendall $ Bud Allen (Washington County Planning Board): Mr. Allen inquired what is happening with the question of improving State Highway 156. Mr. Faucette said that he was still having a problem getting any extra right-of- way from the other property owners along State Highway 156 to pave the Highway. Mr. Faucette said these developers are providing for 40 ft. of right-of-way East of the centerline of the existing right-of-way, but to his knowledge that was the only right-of-way given. Mr. Faucette advised that when the preliminary plat was approved, a condition of that approval was that the developers would double chip and seal coat the new road being platted and constructed. He said that they wished to let it settle some more before sealing it. Mr. Allen reminded Mr. Faucette to be sure that his road contractor have the County Road Superintendent inspect this road as it is being built. Mr. Faucette said that there has already been some base and some SB -2 put on the road and the ditches have been swaled, but it will need to be fine - graded before it is sealed. General Kendall said that they should be sure to let the Road Superintendent check the base and drainage both before it is sealed. He advised Bobbie Jones that the County does not require a contract or bond for unfinished improvements at this time, but they do require a signed letter from the developer agreeing to the road improvements. This has already been given. 2. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Requested that the 25 ft. wide utility easement along the South side of Sagely Lane and half way around the cul de sac be extended all the way around the cul de sac and also along the North side of Sagely Lane. Mr. Faucette objected, saying that he was sure Andy Calloway had requested it as shown when the preliminary plat was reviewed. He did say that he would be willing to provide whatever Mr. Calloway had requested at the preliminary level. Mr. Shaw agreed with this also. (Planning Office Minutes records indicate that Ozarks Electric had requested a 25 ft. easement along the South side of the proposed road and all the way around the cul de sac, but had only requested a 15 ft. wide easement along the North side of Sagely Lane. Mr. Calloway had voiced his agreement with that easement request ) Mr. Faucette advised Mr. Shaw that one house has been started on Tract 2 already. Plat Review Committee Meeting August 16, 1979 Page 2 • 3. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Service to the lots has already been installed. There are no problems. • • 4. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): This is outside the City. There is presently a charge of $150.00 or more for runs made outside the City. It is possible that at some time in the future we will cease to make fire runs outside the City. 5. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): We do not have service available to this subdivision at this time. 6. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Not present, but called the Planning Office to request that the 15 ft. wide easement shown between Tracts 2 and 5 be widened to 20 ft. (10 ft. on each side of the lot line). All other easements are satisfactory. 7. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Easements are satisfactory as platted. Mr. Bunn was not present. Mr. Faucette advised Bobbie Jones that the water line for this subdivision has already been installed. Sewer is not available. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Asked if the creek on the South side of the subdivision has a name; if so, put the name of the creek on the plat. Mr. Faucette informed her that he had heard the creek referred to by two different names and that was why no name was shown on the plat. The balance of Mrs. Jones comments are: L11, When it comes time for the mylars to be signed, be sure that all signatures are done with permanent or india ink. Regular ballpoint pen ink will fade off the plat. (214 Submit a copy of the covenants for review. 3. Correct the engineer's address. 4. Add a caption to reference the location of the property. NOTE: This is on the plat but was overlooked earlier. 5. In the legend for monuments, show the sizes. Mr. Hemingway advised her that although the subdivision ordinance requires 4" X 4" X 30" concrete monuments, they have been unable to purchase them locally. However, they can purchase monuments having a diameter of .37 of a foot rather than 4" square. Mrs. Jones thought this would be acceptable, as long as the plat shows the monument size on it. 6. Property pins need to be placed on Tract 2 and Tract 4 where the cul de sac begins. 7. In the legal description: correct the reference to the right-of-way of Arkansas Highway 156 to read "the East right-of-way line of. . ." Also in the legal description, the last bearing should be S 89-48-45 E, not N 89-48-45 W. 8. On the plat itself, correct the bearings on the North and West sidesof the subdivision to agree with the legal descriptions (the bearings are reversed here, too). 9. In Tracts 4 and 5 add pins (offset from the centerline of the creek) where the bearings change. 10. In the Certificate of Approval of Water System, change "meet" to "meets". We will need 6 copies of the revision back to the Planning Office no later than Monday, August 20, 1979, in order to put this on the Planning Commission agenda for August 27, 1979. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting August 16, 1979 Page 3 The next item for discussion was a proposed CALVIN EDENS $ APEL APARTMENTS apartment complex on a large scale development Cleveland $ Hall plan for the Northwest corner of Cleveland Street and Large Scale Development Hall Avenue. Calvin Edens was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Not present. His assistant, Al Rukgaber, had advised Mrs. Jones that he knew Mr. Powell has talked to these developers and he thinks they have arrived at some agreement on some improvements to correct a problem which the Street Department has with this intersection. Mr. Powell is to further advise the Planning Office on August 20 when he returns from vacation. Mr. Edens said Mr. Powell had agreed to put in storm drainage if the developer would put in curbs and sidewalks; however, he did not know whether anything had been discussed on paving. 2. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Not present, but requested to know if the apartments would be master metered on water service. Mr. Edens advised that they will master meter the apartments since this is what Mr. Bunn preferred. Mr. Bunn had already advised the Planning Office that water and sewer service are available on Cleveland Street and on Hall Avenue. Main extension fees will be: Water $1,000; Sewer $1500; (both $2500). 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): One trash container will not be large enough to serve this number of units; you will need at least two 6 cubic yard containers. The location of the one shown is satisfactory; however, I would like to cut out the parking space South of it along the drive. Suggested the second one be placed in the planter area to the Southeast of the most Northerly building. The pads for the containers should be 15 ft. wide and 12 feet deep. They discussed the radii on the driveway entrances and where the North-South driveway will turn to go back East to Hall Avenue. (Bobbie Jones advised Mr. Edens that a new ordinance has been passed concerning the size of parking spaces and access drives. Under the new ordinance he could rearrange his parking to allow more room for the Sanitation trucks to maneuver. Mr. Edens said that he would also like to move the two spaces shown South of the two Southerly buildings to within the main parking lot and eliminate those at the entrance off Cleveland Street.) 4. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector):Will each apartment have an exit directly to the outside? Yes. There will be no inside hallways. The apartments will be two-story, and will be back-to-back. A separate building is planned for the laundry. Mr. Poage said that they will require either: (1) Two 10-1b. fire extinguishers for each landing of each building (8 per building). Each fire extinguisher should be installed in a wall cabinet. Or, (2) one 5 lb. fire extinguisher kept in each apartment unit. A 10 lb. fire extinguisher will also be required in the laundry. Mr. Poage questioned if these structures will be required to have fire walls; he felt they might, but Mr. Edens understood that they would not. 5. Freeman Wood (Building Inspector): The buildings could not have more than a 20% opening in the walls with the setbacks shown. Mrs. Jones advised Mr. Edens to get with Mr. Wood the first of the week to discuss these comments further and also to check on whether fire walls will be required. 6. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): We have a gas line on the North side of Cleveland and another one on the West side of Hall Avenue. We will need a 3 inch P.V.C. conduit to cross the North side of your parking lot between Hall Avenue and the laundry; then we will branch out toward the South end of the building North of there and toward the North end of the building South of there. We will not need an easement since this will be the developer's private service line. • Plat Review Committee August 16, 1979 ' Page 4 7. Floyd Hornaday $ John Parker (SWEPCO): We have electrical service on both streets. We can serve the building on the Southeast corner from either street. We will hang a transformer on one of the poles with a pedestal at the base and can then run underground to the building, if you wish. We have another pole almost on your Southwest property line. We may have to reset it slightly to the East, hang another transformer on it, with a pedestal at the base of the pole and serve underground from that location. We could serve the North building from the same point with a pedestal on the South corner but that would be a long way to run underground. Or, we could come off Hall Avenue overhead in the 5 ft. North of your parking lot, setting a pole in the corner where your property turns back toward the North. You could then take it underground from there to your two buildings. (Mr. Hornaday thought this a better location for a pole than the Southeast corner of the Northerly building, because the latter location would conflict with the Sanitation service). Conduits for gas and electricity can be in the same ditch, but they must have at least 1 ft. separation laterally from each other. Mr. Edens did not yet know whether the kitchen ranges would be gas or electric, but the water heaters will be gas and each unit will have a 11 ton air conditioner (with condensers on the roof). 8. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Mr. Shaw asked where the electric meters would be placed on the buildings. Mr. Hornaday said that they will be on each end of the two South buildings and on the South end of the North building. Mr. Edens did not think they would want phone facilities in the laundry. Mr. Edens also said they plan to have a small chase running the length of the buildings, behind each unit. Mr. Shaw said they plan to come off the pole at the Southwest corner of the property. He asked for the developer to install conduit (2 inch P.V.C. with pull wires and sweep elbows) from the pole to the South end of the Southwest building. They willput a pedestal there; from that pedestal they want a conduit run around and to the West end of the Southeast building, put_3=_pedestal there, continue the conduit through the center of the building to its East end and place another pedestal there. From the pedestal at the South end of the Southwest building, continue the conduit through the center of that building, place a pedestal at its North end, then swing a conduit around the East side of the laundry to the South end of the North building and put a pedestal there. If the buildings have fire walls, they must find some other way to serve the North half of the North building. The pedestals need to be put in place before the sidewalks are poured. I will need a #6 grounding wire brought out somewhere at each of our terminal locations and tied to an electrical neutral. We would like to have our pedestals as close to the electrical service as possible for this reason. If you use "gang" meters, we could probably set our pedestals against the wall just under the meters. Mr Hornaday said that they do not want any gas meters set under their electrical meters because it makes them too difficult to read and service; however, he had no objection to the pedestals for telephone and TV cable being set under the electrical meters. 9. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): We also want a 2 inch P.V.C. conduit paralleling the Telephone Company's. We also want sweep elbows and pull wires in the conduit. Telephone and TV cable can be in the same ditch. We will also set pedestals in the same areas as the Telephone Company. • 10. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Gave on parking which will permit smaller parking too narrow, but he could put in some compact Mr. Edens a copy of the new ordinance spaces. However, his aisle widths are car spaces and correct this. • • Plat Review Committee August 16, 1979 Page 5 Mrs. Jones' other comments were as follows: 1 The property is zoned R-3 and does permit at least this many one -bedroom units (60). 2. Hall Avenue has a right-of-way of 40 feet; 50 feet is required; we need a written street easement for an additional 5 ft. off this property. 3. Cleveland Street has a right-of-way of 50 ft. The Planning Commission has recommended that the Major Street Plan classification of Cleveland be reduced from 80 ft. to 60 feet, but I don't think the Board of Directors has ever acted on that. If it is required to be 80 feet, an additional 15 feet of right-of-way will be needed to be dedicated off this property. I will have to check with the City Manager's Office as to why this was never acted upon by the Board of Directors. Mr. Edens said that even if the Major Street Plan is amended to require 60 feet, he understood that Clayton Powell wanted the entire 10 feet additional off their property to correct a drainage problem. He indicated the developers were agreeable with this. 4. Setbacks shown are adequate if no more than 10 feet additional right-of-way is needed for Cleveland. 5. Will the height of the buildingsexceed 20 feet? Mr. Edens said it would not. 6. Sufficient parking is shown, but suggest you try to rearrange it to meet the new ordinance which will become effective 30 days after it is published in the newspaper. 7. You have shown vegetation shown for the screening between your parking property to the North. This must become view -obscuring within 2 years constructed. However, I would like for the height of the screening or to be reduced to 30 inches maximum between the East end of the parking Hall Avenue. 8. 10% landscaping will Hall Avenue. 9. Setbacks for parking and the widths and safety zones for driveways appear adequate. 10. A permit will be required from the City Engineer's Office for each driveway and for any sidewalk, curb, etc. 11. Submit proof that this property has not been divided off a larger parcel since June 29, 1970. 12. Since all the property owners having a common property boundary with you are of a different zoning classification, you must submit proof to the Planning Office that they have been advised of your development plans. Mrs. Jones provided Mr. Edens with a copy of the ordinance listing the 3 methods of notifying these other owners. 13. I will furnish you information on the approval needed from the State Board of Health and also the paragraph which must be on each page of the plans if the building costs will exceed $50,000 per building. 14. Before the building(s) can be occupied: the parking lot must be paved and striped, wheel stops or curbs must be installed around the parking areas, landscaping and screening must be in place, house numbers must be on the building, and an as - built plot plan must be filed with the Planning Office. If the permit has already been taken out for the next building at the time the first one is finished, the as -built plot plan can wait until all buildings are finished; but if the permit(s) have not been taken out, I want the plan when the first building is completed and a revision as each building is completed. 15. We need 6 copies of the revision no later than August 20 to be on the August 27 Subdivision Committee agenda. and the or a fence fencing area and be required between the East end of the parking areas and The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 A.M.