HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-26 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Plat Review Committee met at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, July 26, 1979, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. The first matter reviewed was a preliminary plat known HIGHWAY 112 ADDITION tentatively as "Highway 112 Addition" to develop 47.4 acres Preliminary Plat outside the City Limits, but abutting the City Limits, on the East side of State Highway 112. Developer was shown as Dr. J. B. Hays. Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers, Inc. was present to represent the developer. Comments were as follows: 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): This is outside the City and we do not provide trash service outside the City. Mr. Gray said the developers do not plan to annex this into the City. He said there will be a drive-in theatre on Lot 8, Ozark Windows is on Lot 7, and Tomlinson Asphalt is on Lot 1. 2. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): There is a charge made for runs which the Fire Department makes outside the City. 3. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Will you run a water line down that County Road to Tomlinson Asphalt? A 6 inch main ought to be large enough. There is an existing 6 inch main in a 15 ft. wide easement along the East side of Highway 112. I would rather see the line along the County Road in a private easement off the Road easement; however, if it is in the Road right-of-way, I want it on the outside edge. I would like to discuss further with you the possibility of showing a 25 ft. wide easement along the South and East sides of the subdivision now for the future possibility of putting sewer out there. 4. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): We do not have any service in that area at this time. Easements requested by other utilities will be enough for us if we ever do get service to that area. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): We have a 2 inch gas line we took across Highway 112 directly in front of Ozark Windows. I have already talked to Mr. Gray about running one across 660 feet North of the Southwest corner to serve the theatre. I have been in the process of getting an easement on the East side of Highway 112, but could you give us a 25 ft. wide easement across the West side of the subdivision and along the North side of this property. I think I already have an easement off Hushpuppy's North property line. Mr. Wagner clarified that he was not asking for an easement along the North side of Lot 4. The easement requested would be one for public utilities and for cable TV. I also need a 25 ft. wide easement down the West side of Lot 1 and 1211 ft. off the East side of Lots 4, 5 and 6 and 1211 ft. off the West side of Lot 3. 6. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Unless the City releases its existing easement along Highway 112 and another 25 ft. wide public utility easement is dedicated in its place, I need a 25 ft. wide easement back of, and in addition to,the City's easement along Highway 112. The other easements requested by the Gas Company will be sufficient for us except add a 25 ft. easement around the cul de sac on Lot 3. Mr. Shaw asked for a copy of the revision that will be made before this is considered by the City Planning Commission. Mr. Bunn stated that he would recommend to the City Board that the City's existing 15 ft. wide easement be released in favor of a 25 ft. wide public utility easement. Plat Review Committee July 26, 1979 - Page 2 7. Don Osborn (Water Meter Foreman): What will the proposed use in this Subdivision be? Mr. Gray said that it would all be either commercial or industrial. 8. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): How will this affect the new right-of- way the Arkansas Highway $ Transportation Department is getting? Not only for the widening of Highway 112, but also for the interchange they are now showing between Highway 112 and Johnson Road. It is getting pretty close in there. Is the existing County Road to be brought to City standards? What about the proposed new street? It is adjacent to the City Limits and I would like a definite ruling from the City Planning Commission recorded in the minutes on this as to what is to be done. Article III, Sec. A(2) requires: Street grading, base, and paving according to existing City standards and specifications as adopted by the City Board of Directors; curbs and gutters according to existing City standards and specifications as adopted by the City Board of Directors; and a storm drainage system approved by the City Engineer. Article III, Sec. A(3) allows exceptions to this with minimum County standards (double seal coat in the Planning Area) to apply in a suburban subdivision which is not adjacent to the City's corporate limits, where the installation of said improvements is not necessary to conform with existing development in the general neighborhood of the proposed subdivision. 9. Jimmy Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Not present but stated that the easements requested by the other utilities were satisfactory with him. He said .he' already has an easement up the East side of Highway 112 on this property. 10. Bobbie Jones ( Planning Administrator): I have heard that Hushpuppy's septic tank system has been giving them problems. I wonder if it is just not sufficient to the needs or is it the type of soil. Mr. Gray said that he had already run a couple of perc tests before they started on the subdivision. The soil (?) is marginal on the drive-in theatre part of the property. It will take a good lateral field on the upper end, but it will perc. Mr. Gray said that each lot has at least 11 acres in it and that he would get the perc data run through the State Board of Health. Mrs. Jones said that Larry Wood had advised her that he had requested the AHTD to advise him how close this comes to their right-of-way requirements in that area but had not heard from them yet. Is the County Road paved? It is not. That could be a requirement unless it is waived by both the City and County Planning Boards. If that road has a name or number put it on the plat. The proposed street should be named, too. It can be required to be built to City standards. Show the radius on the cul de sac right-of-way. We will have to check to see that the name of the proposed street does not conflict with an existing street. Mr. Gray indicated they would have a different name for the subdivision later, but he doesn't yet know what it will be. Where the plat shows A-1 Zoning District, remove that notation, and add a note that it is outside the City. The City Limits must be shown on the plat. We need the addresses of the owners and developers shown on the plat. Also add a graphic scale, the proposed use, whether there will be any covenants, and a signature block for the Planning Commission. Before we will put this on the Planning Commission agenda, we must have: the application; the fee; proof that the surrounding property owners have all been notified; and between 5 and 10 copies of the revision. To be on the August 13 Planning Commission meeting, we need those things by August 6. An 80 ft. right-of-way should be allowed for Highway 112. Mr. Gray said that he had not talked to the AHTD in Little Rock, but he has been in contact with the resident engineer and he doesn't know anything on their future plans. • • • Plat Review Committee July 26, 1979 - Page 3 11. Bud Allen (County Planning Administrator): Not present. The next item discussed was a proposed large scale development HARRISON DAVIS APTS. plan for Harrison Davis to construct 26 two-bedroom Deane Street apartments on property on Deane Street between Lewis Avenue Large Scale Development and Sang Avenue. The property is zoned R-3, High Density Residential. Harrison Davis, Developer, and Wayne Jones of McClelland Consulting Engineers were present to represent the proposal. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): The Northeast corner of this plan shows a street right-of-way dedication of 30 feet from the centerline of Deane Street. It does not look like the centerline and the property line run true to retain a 30 ft. from the centerline on the Northwest end of the plan. We need to be sure we do have a 30 ft. right-of-way from the centerline all across this property. Wayne Jones said that he did not know if Deane Street was constructed centered in the right-of-way. Mr. Powell said that he feels that Deane Street should be built to current City street standards across this property with this increased density. He said he could not tell from the plan whether the developer plans to install curb and gutter out to the street pavement with medians between the driveways. Mr. Powell said that sidewalks are also needed and desirable across this property. Mr. Jones said that it was not the intent of Mr. Davis to upgrade Deane Street with curb and gutter at this time. He only plans to take the curb and gutter out and cut it off close to the existing edge of the pavement. Mr. Davis remarked that none of the other properties there have curb and gutter along Deane Street. Mr. Powell asked what size drain tile they have planned under the driveways. Mr. Jones said he thought a 15 inch diameter would be enough for no more water than is coming down there. The natural fall of the land is to the South and it is not far until the contour starts falling off to the West. There is not a lot of water to carry according to Mr. Jones. Mr. Powell agreed that a 15 inch tile should be large enough. Mr. Powell requested that the Subdivision Committee address specifically the off-site improvements to Deane Street. He recommended upgrading along this property because of the high density nature of the development and the way it is developing. He said that unfortunately if the City doesn't get the improvement in piece -meal increments, the City won't get it at all. The driveways are more than 121 ft. from the property line, and do have enough separation between them. He asked again that the Northwest corner of the property be annotated to show 30 feet of dedicated right-of-way the same as on the East end; the City Plat Book does indicate a 60 ft. right-of-way. 2. Wallace Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Mr. Brt did not like the location of the trash container as shown on the original plan. It was shown so that he would have to pull straight in off Deane Street toward the building, empty, then back out into the street. He said the driver has vision obstructed on one side and he would not permit him to back out into the street. He also said that they will need at least two 4 cu. yard containers to serve this number of units and he would not recommend cans under any circumstances. He said there is a worse problem with cans than there is with containers as far as rats are concerned, besides it would require 52 cans. There was considerable discussion of other locations on the property the containers could be placed, but it was felt by all that the sanitation truck would be unable to negotiate the drives to get down to the South side of the property. Mr. Jones commented that the developer was trying to figure out a way to get • • • Plat Review Committee July 26, 1979 - Page 4 maximum utilization of the land and this had been complicated by the City's sewer line cutting through the property. Mr. Brt commented that developers are going to have to realize someday that they may have to buy more land. Mr. Jones and Mr. Davis discussed the possibility of deleting two of the units and substituting one townhouse in its stead. This would reduce the parking requirements by two spaces and he thoughtthe trash could be placed near the South building; however, it was felt that this would be very difficult for the sanitation truck to negotiate. Finally Mr. Brt agreed that they could alter the driveway on the East end of the property so that the' truck could enter there, turn West and drive between the building and street and pick up the two containers sitting side by side, then exit back out a driveway on the West end of the property. Mr. Davis commented that he had a lot of pine trees across the front he was hoping to save. Mr. Brt said he saw no way to save the trees and get that many units on the property. Bobbie Jones stated that the apartment occupants would be parking in the driveway for the sanitation truck unless it was striped off in yellow for no parking, had a sign that any vehicles parked there would be towed off, and then enforced by the apartment manager. Mr. Brt asked that the drive to the containers be 12 ft. wide with a 20 ft. radius on the entrance and exit driveways; the pad for the containers be 20 ft. long (between the building and the street) and 15 ft. deep. Stripe and mark the driveway that there is to be no parking on it. You may screen the North and West sides of the containers, but do not screen the East or South sides. 3. Larry Poage ( Fire Inspector): Discussed the problems of trying to get fire trucks down between the buildings. It was revealed that there will be 30 ft. of clearance between the extreme edges of the two front buildings and that there will be no fences or obstructions behind any of the buildings. Mr. Poage noted that it would be difficult to fight a fire in more than one building at a time because there was not enough room to get two trucks through between the buildings. He said the more space you can have to surround a building, the better it is for fighting a fire. Mr. Poage advised them that fire extinguishers and smoke detectors and also fire walls must be installed to meet the Building Code. Mr. Jones and Mr. Davis said that all the units will have outside exits; there will be no doors opening to the rear of the buildings; there will be no laundry building; each unit will be heated by its own furnace. Mr. Poage told them to build the closet around the furnace no larger than required as he did not want it to be large enough for the tenants to store things in. He said two 10-1b. ABC dry powder fire extinguishers recessed into the wall with a glass door over them should be sufficient for each structure. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Determined that they plan to "master meter" the complex at the Northwest corner. Noted that they have shown all the other utilities in the existing 15 ft. private water easement as well as in the 15 ft. easement down the West property line. He said they should check with the other utilities as this will be very close working in. Mr. Bunn said it was agreeable with him for all the utilities to be in the water easement, but that Mr. Davis will have to give a written easement to the other utilities. He quoted main extension fees of $12,000 on sewer. and $8,000 on water based on 40,000 sq. ft. of land. 5. Don Osborn (Water Meter Foreman): The building permit site card must be posted on the property before we will set a construction meter. Also, I would like to see something on the end of the building identifying the name of the apartments and the street address. Permanent house numbers must be up before the final (permanent) water meter will be set.and before the building is occupied. A 11 inch water meter should be adequate. Plat Review Committee July 26, 1979 - Page 5 6. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): I want a separate 2 inch conduit installed from the pole line on the North end of the property and down the West property line to the middle of the 12 unit building with a pull box there; then continue the conduit down past the South end of 12 units with another pull box there; from that point take one conduit on down to the middle of the end of the 8 unit building; take another conduit across the north end of the South parking lot to the South end of the 6 units. Bring the conduit up right against the end of the 6 and 8 unit buildings. Put sweep elbows on every bend. 7. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): I have already talked to Wayne Jones on this. We request a 2 inch PVC conduit from the Northwest corner of the property South along the West property line to a pull box directly West of the middle power entry shown on the 12 unit building. From the pull box run a 2 inch PVC across to the building and turn it up. Also from the same pull box run a 2 inch PVC to another pull box at the Southwest corner of the 12 units. Run conduit from there over toward the East and turn it up to serve the 6 units. Also from the second pull box run a 2 inch PVC on down the West property line and turn it up to serve the 8 units. The pullbox should be 3 ft. by 3 ft. by 2 ft. deep. The box must be in place before the sidewalk is poured. Mark the end of the conduit at the Northwest corner of the property. We don't require an easement if we bury conduit; otherwise, the easement must be 25 ft. wide. 8. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): The gas line on the road is a 2 -inch, steel, high pressure gas line with approximately 130 to 140 lbs. pressure on it. We will have to tap it and put a single main line setting somewhere near the fire hydrant. You have pretty narrow utility easements and it will be close especially if the power is buried and they have to set 3 ft. transformers; however, I think we can work with it if the TV cable and telephone are in conduit. There is no way we can all get in an 8 ft. easement on the West side of the 8 units. I recommend coming down the West property line to the Southwest corner of the 12 units, turn and cross the property in the 15 ft. wide sewer easement, then come down the East side of the property (with gas only going here) and behind the 8 units. We will need 8 ft. easements up behind the 6 units, down the East property line along the end of the 8 units, and a 20 ft. easement along the South behind the 8 units. When the plumber pipes out of the building, we want the loops marked as to the apartment number. It will save you money if the meters are set at the building. Mr. Jones advised those present that there would be one fire wall in the attic only of the 12 unit apartments building. 9. Jimmy Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Not present, but reported no problem. 10. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Are the setbacks shown to the roof? Yes. Furnish this office proof that this lot has not been split since June 29, 1970. Check and confirm that the 8 units on the South will meet the side setbacks the way it is turned. It looks questionable to me. The parking areas must be paved, striped and have curbs or wheel stops to keep the cars in the parking areas before the building is occupied. Your parking as shown is one space short. If the Board of Directors amends the size of parking spaces on August 7, you can use these sized spaces, but you have shown more than 20% of them as compact car spaces. Compact car spaces will have to be marked on the space. Your maneuvering room around the South parking lot looks tight to me. You must be able to furnish 52 parking spaces The layout for the trash may meet some objections from the Subdivision Committee. I don't believe you will be able to keep people from parking in those drives to the trash containers. The parking is supposed to be 10 ft. from the front • • • Plat Review Committee July 26, 1979 - Page 6 property line with. 10% of the area between the parking and the street planted withplants at least 18 inches high and maintained at no more than 30 inches high. The plumbing and gas riser diagrams must be approved by the Building Safety Division of the State Board of Health. If the cost of a building is $50,00 or more, each page of the plans must have the paragraph on them and the signature and seal of an Arkansas Registered Architect (or Engineer?) Upon completion of the project, an as built plot plan showing all improvements bothabove ground and underground must be submitted before a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued. If this is done in phases it may be done when the last building is finished provided the construction dates of the different buildings overlap. If you build one building and want to wait 6 months or a year to start another, we want the as built plan at the end of the each buildin g. We want 6 copies of the revision back by August 6 for the August 13 Planning Commission Meeting. Bobbie Jones pointed out some revisions made to the proposed plan for the New School in which the building had been moved Southward and in which they wanted to move everything to the West 80 ft. with part of a circular driveway on Dr. Nettleship's Large property. On the revision they proposed to locate the fire hydrant at the South end of the property near the end of the circular Comments were as follows: THE NEW SCHOOL Revisions North of Township Scale Development driveway. 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Make the radii on the West side of each driveway 30 ft. Unless they are planning to widen the existing private drive to ANL Laboratories it is still not wide enough. Our truck will be running off the pavement. 2. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Increase the easements on the South and East property lines to 25 ft. wide. I still feel we need an easement up the West property line for the possiblity of a future extension of a water line. 3. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): I would also like an easement up the West property line for future use. We were told that Dr. Nettleship might dedicate a 25 ft. wide easement along his South property line all the way out to Johnson Road as well as the 25 ft. on the South side of this property and the South side of Dr. Nettleship's property to the East of this site. We must either have this easement all across the South side of both properties or one alongside the private drive coming off Johnson Road. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): We will either: (1) set a meter wherever the existing line is on Dr. Nettleship's property and let the School worry about their own easement from there to the building; or (2) If they want the meter set at the building, we will stake out the line and they will have to get us an easement from the existing line to the meter location. Mr. Mandrell was not present at the time these comments were made, but came in just as everyone was leaving. He objected to the easement up the West property line and questioned the need for the one up the East property line. Mrs. Jones advised him to personally contact each of the above people and have them advise her of the result of their discussion. She said a copy of the proposal had been referred to Harold Lieberenz for him to check the flood plain, but she had not heard from him yet. 5. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present, but said he agreed with the 25 ft. easement all along the entire south property line of both the School and Dr. Nettleship. The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 P.M.