HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-12 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, July 12, 1979, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Bill Boudrey, Bobbie Jones. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Floyd Hornaday, Ivan Bromley. DEVELOPERS AND OTHER PRESENT: Bill Mandrell, Bill Lichlyter. The only item for discussion at this meeting was a proposal to construct a new building for The New School, a pre-school, on property given to the school by Dr. Nettleship and lying North of Township Road near ANL Laboratories. The only access to the site is a private road owned by Dr. Nettleship. The City Board of Directors had previously approved the creation of this "lot" without the lot having frontage on an improved public street as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The City Planning Commission had also previously approved the conditional use for this property. Present to discuss the proposal with the Plat Review Committee were Bill Mandrell of The New School and Bill Lichlyter of Lichlyter Construction. Comments were as follows: THE NEW SCHOOL Near ANL Lab. Large Scale Development 1. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): The developer is going to meet with us later and get the conduit for the building and to the property line worked out. They need to furnish us a copy of the floor plan so we can put on it what we will need. We must have a letter from Dr. Nettleship giving us permission to bury cable along his private drive coming off Johnson Road. We will be burying a minimum distance of 6 ft. back from the edge of his blacktop. We will then need either the developer to install conduit for us or a dedicated easement from the developer's property line to the building. 2. Floyd Hornaday (Southwestern Electric Power Company): The closest electric service point is to the East by•ANL Laboratories. We have a pole by the fence along Dr. Nettleship's South property line, but it is a pretty good distance away. To get down to this we will need a 15 ft. wide easement along Dr. Nettleship's South property line and also along your South property line. In order to get to the building, we would also need a 15 ft. wide easement running North-South either betweenTracts A and B or on Tract A. The electric meter will probably be placed on the Southeast corner or the East side of the building, depending on what is most convenient for the developer. Let us know whether you want the service to the building to be overhead or underground; you furnish the cable and the ditch for underground service; SWEPCO furnishes everything for overhead service. Dick Shaw suggested making the North-South easement 20 ft. wide so that the telephone company could use it also. Bobbie Jones pointed out that they could not build over the easement and in the R-0 District their building must be kept 25 ft. from the centerline of a public easement. 3. Ivan Bromley (Warner Cable): We will bring our cable in with either the telephone company or the electric company. We will have to get together later on this. Plat Review Committee July 12, 1979 - Page 2 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Mr. Mandrell informed Mr. Bunn that the School's deed contains an easement for the use of a certain number of feet along Dr. Nettleship's private drive. Mr. Bunn said that sewer service is approximately 200 ft. to the Southwest of this property. There would have to be a sewer main extended up to this property. The developer would have to obtain an easement from the other property owner (P.J. Tobin) to cross his property. Plans and specifications for the sewer main must be prepared by the developer's engineer and approved by the City Engineer before construction can begin on the sewer main. To serve Tract A at the same time would require a manhole extended further to the East, but that could be done at a later date. There is an 8 -inch water line on Johnson Road and if you have an easement along Dr. Nettleship's private road, you could lay a service line there, but it is much closer to Township Road. You would need an easement to run a line from Township (either off Mr. Tobin or Mrs. Romans), and you would have to get the easement yourself. You may actually only need a residential type service, but there is no fire hydrant with closer access than Johnson Road This is at least 1200 ft. to the West, assuming that the fire hydrant is actually at the entrance to Dr. Nettleship's driveway. Mr. Bunn told Mr. Mandrell that in order to provide fire protection, the developer would have to extend an 8 -inch water main and install a fire hydrant, running the main up from Township Road. The developer would have to have the plans and specifications for the main drawn, approved by the City Engineer, and obtain the easement as well as pay the cost of actually installing the main. He said they could put in a private fire line and fire hydrant up from Township Road with the developer to pay the cost of installation and maintaining it in the future, but it would be better if it were a City main to be maintained by the City. Mr. Bunn asked if the toilets would have flush tanks or flushometers. They will have flush tanks. Mr. Bunn said he thought they could get by with a 1 -inch service into the building and either a 5/8 -inch or 3/4 -inch tap. If the developer extends mains, there will not be a main -extension fee, but there will be tap fees. The water tap fee currently is $70 for a 5/8 -inch tap, but it may increase to $150 or more soon. Mr. Bunn requested the easement along the developer's South property line be widened to 25 ft.; he requested a 20 ft. easement up the East side of Tract A; and a 20 ft. easement up the West side of Tract B (possibly on Dr. Nettleship's property). Off-site easements needed to extend water and sewer services should be at least 15 feet wide. 5. Bill Boudrey (Fire Department): Reviewed a copy of the floor plan showing proposed exits with Mr. Mandrell. Asked that the fire hydrant be placed up near Dr. Nettleship's private drive as the truck must have access to it. Agreed to work with Mr. Mandrell on the number of and location of smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Since there is no way we can get a sanitation truck around behind the building, the location of the trash container will need to be moved. Mr. Brt asked that it be moved up to within 20 ft. of the front of the building. He also stated that he could not maneuver the driveways as shown and asked that they be widened to have a 20 ft. radius and widened in the driving lane also to at least 20 feet. The pad for the container should be concrete at least 15 feet wide and 12 feet deep. You may fence the back and 2 sides but must leave the front open. If Dr. Nettleship's drive is only 12 feet wide and asphalt, our sanitation truck will tear it all to pieces. We are presently serving Dr. Nettleship with cans; that truck weighs about 6 tons empty. With about 90 kids you must have either a 4 cu. yard or 6 cu. yard container or have about 10 cans emptied about 3 times a week. The truck that serves the • • • Plat Review Committee July 12, 1979 - Page 3 containers weighs 18 tons empty and 36 tons when full. 7. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I don't see how you can begin to build and operate a commercial institution such as this without a public street. The easements along Dr. Nettleship's private drive will lock in the position of any future street. A public street would have to be built to the North of any easements given. Once the easements are established and utilities are placed in them, any relocation is at the property owner's expense. This private drive is not eligible for any public maintenance and must be noted as such on the plat. If Dr. Nettleship is going to start severing off pieces of his property and selling them, he needs to subdivide his property and put in the improvements. Mr. Mandrell stated that the property had been given to the School and that they could not afford to go elsewhere and purchase other property. He said they had planned the location of the building in order to save trees, but acknowledged that it might prove necessary to move the building farther to the South and East. He said they had not encountered any problems when they were located in the ANL Laboratory building in 1971 and 1972. 8. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Not present, but submitted the following comments later: There is gas service on the West side of Dr. Murray's former clinic, maybe 100 ft. up Johnson Road North of Township Road. There is also gas on the South side of Township Road serving Fayetteville Plumbing, monument works, and Pennington Construction, then it dead ends in that area. We do serve Dr. Nettleship's clinic. Check on whether you can get an easement from Dr. Nettleship to tie into that line and if you can get back in touch with me. The only other way we could serve them, would be if they obtained other easements and a main was extended to them. 9. Harold Lieberenz (Inspection Superintendent): The extreme Southwest corner of Tract B lies in the flood plain. Before doing any excavation or filling or making any changes in the contours of this area a development permit must be obtained from the Inspection Office. 10. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): We must process at least one lot split on this transfer of property from Dr. Nettleship to you. With the A-1 zoning on the eastern portion, we really cannot approve it as two separate parcels of property. Dr. Nettleship is permitted no more than 3 lot splits before he must process a subdivision .plat. Your lot area, outdoor play space area, and number of parking spaces proposed is sufficient. The parking must be paved with at least a minimum double chip and oil seal, striped off into individual spaces, and have curbing or wheel stops so that no car extends beyond the parking area by the time the building is ready for occupancy. You must have letters from the State Board of Health: Building Safety Division on the floor plan and plumbing riser diagrams; Sanitarian Services on food preparation and serving areas; and also on the swimming pool before a permit can be issued for the structures. Check with the Sign Inspector, John Dietzen, on signs. You are limited as to size, type and location. The entire West property line is required to be screened by a view -obscuring fence, view -obscuring vegetation, or a combination of the two. This may be waived by the Planning Commission, but would then require that 10% of the open area along that line be landscaped with plants having a minimum heighth of 18inches. The waiver would have to be requested in writing. • • • Plat Review Committee July 12, 1979 Page 4 Future expansions may be made to the development without reprocessing a large scale development if: (1) the additional floor space is less than 1Q,000 sq.ft.; no more than 25 new parking spaces are required; and no new driveways are required. You must furnish us proof of notification to adjoining property owners of the property South of you before July 23. A revision is needed on July 16 if you wish to be on the July 23 Subdivision Committee agenda. (You might call and make arrangements to get it in first thing on the morning of the 17th). There being no further'business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 A.M.