HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-31 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, May 31, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Admini- stration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Gail Biswell, Don Bunn, Larry Poague, Clayton Powell and Wally Brt. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, L. 0. Ferguson and Nick Nance. OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Herrin. The first item for discussion was the proposal submitted by First National Bank to allow the bank's new building to have ventilation grates (4' x 20') installed at grade level with and upon the sidewalks on Center Street and Mountain Street. The ventilation grates would be used to exhaust the mechanical rooms located in the basement of the building. Mr. Jim Herrin, a Vice -President of The Bank, stated that the engineer had assured him that only minimal air would flow from the grates and that no forceful gusts of air, hot or cold, would emit therefrom. Mrs. Jones stated that she wanted comments from the utility representatives as she did not want this proposal to conflict with any lines or easements which might be in the area. None of the utility representatives had any comments to make, other than to state that there were no underground utility lines in those areas. They noted that the closest underground lines all lie in the alley lo- cated behind the proposed new building. The only City representative who had any comment to make was Clayton Powell, City Street Superintendent. Mr. Powell stated that he felt the mechanical rooms should be exhausted from the top of the building rather than out the sidewalks. He asked that the following comments be made a part of the minutes of the meeting: "We don't have anything like this in Fayetteville. I can't see setting such a precedent now. I think a structure of this magnitude could be planned better. I'm not getting a fee to redesign it for them. I think it should be exhausted out the top of the building. I'm the man who is going to get the complaints about the inconveniences from now on. I realize it will cost a lot more money to run it out the top of the building and that's why they don't want to do it that way. I do not have the staff to conduct the engineering and architectural studies to determine the total ramifications of the adverse effects." Proposed Building For FIRST NATIONAL BANK E. Side Square Sidewalk Ventilation Grates Mr. Herrin asked Mr. Powell for his reasons for objecting and also asked what might be done to satisfy his objections. Mr. Powell replied that he had already explained his reasons and that he did not need to comment further. Mr. Powell gave no further explanation for his disapproval of the location of the ventilation grates. Mrs. Jones noted that the Board of Directors would have to approve the locations and suggested that Mr. Herrin have his architect or engineer present at the Board Meeting to explain the situation to the Directors. • Plat Review Meeting May 31, 1979 Page 2 The second item for discussion was the proposed apartment complex submitted for Leon Edens, owner, by Northwest Engineers, Inc.; property containing 2 acres and located on Wedington Drive between Cabinet Lane (shown as Giles Road on the Vicinity Map) and West End Avenue. No one was present to represent. LEON EDENS Apartment Complex Wedington Drive 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): (a) Plan indicates dedication has been made for street right-of-way 40 ft. from centerline of Wedington Drive. This road is a State Highway and a permit from the Highway Department District Engineer will be neces- sary for the intersection planned. (b) They intend to install a culvert. The State's standard minimum culvert is 18" inside diameter. Developer may be required to compute the drain- age run-off and solve accordingly. (Bobbie Jones noted that the east property line is a creek and therefore a larger culvert may be required.) (c) Plan indicates a 20 ft. wide driveway. For the number of apartments proposed and the amount of traffic this 20 ft. may not be adequate. Drive could be made as wide as 40 ft. (d) No public improvements other than the additional right-of-way for Wed- ington Dr. are required. Since there are no other sidewalks along the road I cannot see proposing construction of a section of isolated sidewalk here. A street light at the intersection might be advantageous. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that the locations of the two proposed trash pads will be fine IF a turn -around is provided. He stated that he would not back his big trucks down that narrow, curvy drive and re- wuested that the developer contact him before proceeding any further with the plans. Mr. Brt stated that he would request a turn -around, or perhaps the developer could work out something with the adjoining property owners to get an easement or access to West End Avenue or Giles Road (Cabinet Lane). In any event, he stated, the present plan was not suitable with him. 3. Donnie Osburn (Water Meter Superintendent): Questioned whether the complex has been formally named, and whether it will be master -metered or single - metered. Mrs. Jones replied that a name has not been designated and that she did not know how the apartments would be metered. Mr. Osburn requested a sign, visible from the road, stating the name of the apartment complex and also asked that house numbers be posted on or near the doors of the indi- vidual apartments (if the water is single -metered). 4. Larry Pogue (Fire Inspector): Stated that each apartment would need two exit doors unless the upper level apartments exit onto a balcony or landing out- side the building. Stated that the laundry room would require a fire ex- tinguisher and asked that the developer contact him about providing fire ex- tinguishers on the landings. He stated that it was best to either provide fire extinguishers behind glass cabinets or assign an extinguisher to each apartment and make each tenant responsible therefor. Smoke detectors will be required. • • Plat Review Meeting May 31, 1979 Page 3 S. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water and sewer are available. There is an 8" water line running parallel to Wedington Drive along the south end of the property. There is an 8" sewer line running north and south along the east property line. There will be main extension fees for water and sewer (approximately $2,200.00 for both) UNLESS developer decides to install his own lines. There will not be a water extension fee for the existing build- ings, but there will be a sewer extension fee if they are not hooked to the sewer system already. 6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Will need a 20 ft. utility easement extending from Wedington Dr. up the west property line to the point where the clearance between Phase 4 parking and property line decreases to 10 ft. From that point northward the easement can be 10 ft. Mr. Wagner noted that Mr. Edens has in the past run his own gas lines and built his own service. If Mr. Edens plans to do that with this project, he stated, it would be immaterial to the gas company whether they have the ease- ments or not since the lines would be privately owned. 7. Nick Nance (S. W. Bell): Stated that the easement asked for by Mr. Wagner would do for them also Asked that the 25 ft. building setback along Weding- ton Drive be labeled as both a building setback and utility easement. 8. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Stated that Mr. Wagner's easement would do for them and asked that the developer run conduit out the intersection point of the 20 ft. and 10 ft. easement in order to install cable 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): (a) Parking as shown equals exact amount of spaces required. Size and loca- tion of parking is fine although required size of parking spaces may decrease in the near future. (b) Maximum driveway width permitted is 40 ft. with a minimum separation of 30 ft. Obtain permit from Highway Department. (c) Property may not be split further. (d) Provide Inspection Superintendent Lieberenz with Flood Plain data. (e) Parking areas must be paved, striped $ wheel stopped before occupancy of buildings (f) As -built plot plan must be submitted at completion of each phase unless construction periods of phases overlap in time. (g) Will need a registered architect's signature, stamp and statement on each page of the plans if cost per building is over $50,000.00. (h) Plumbing & gas riser plans must be approved by State Board of Health. (i) Easements must be given by written instrument. (j) Planning Commission may require off-site improvements such as sidewalks, curb & gutter, street lights, etc. (k) Must furnish proof of notification to owners of abutting property that is zoned differently from this property (almost all abutting property). (1) Screening or landscaping must be provided down the West side of the North parking area and down East side of drive and parking area because R-1 property abuts those areas. Developer may ask Planning Commission to Plat Review Meeting May 31, 1979 Page 4 (m) waive the screening requirement (6 ft. high view -obscuring fence or vegetation) and substitute a % of landscaping instead. I feel the Planning Commission would prefer the landscaping. There is an error in names of two streets on the Vicinity Map. The street noted as Giles Road is actually Cabinet Lane. The street West of Highway 71 is Giles Road. Names of these streets were changed several years ago by City ordinance but have evidently not been re- flected on most newer maps. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 o'clock a.m.