HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-17 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville May 17, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. stration Building, Fayetteville, A Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, in the Board of Directors Room, City Admini- rkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Gail Biswell, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Larry Poague, Donnie Osburn and Don Bunn. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: L. 0. Ferguson, John Kehn and Dick Shaw. OTHERS PRESENT: Chester House and Ervan Wimberly The only item for discussion was the proposed preliminary plat of Cedarwood Addi- tion, property located North of East Oaks Subdivision, West of Highway 265 and South of Old Wire Road. Chester House, owner, and Ervan Wimberly, engineer, were present to represent. CEDARWOOD ADDITION Preliminary Plat W. of Highway 265 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Stated that the plat looked good. Stated that the right-of-way on Highway 265 is adequate, but that a permit for the entrance cuts would have to be obtained from the State Highway Department. Stated he would like a copy of the plans and drawings after they have been approved by the Highway Department. Stated that the East Oaks plat shows a large drainage ditch across the roads that intersect with 265. Noted that there is considerable controversy about the location for the Township Road extension, but that dedication for the street right-of- way as depicted on this plat will continue to be requested until the Master Street Plan is changed. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that he had no problems with the plat, but he hoped the developer didn't get in any big hurry. 3. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): Questioned whether the streets would be named something other than A, B, C, D, etc. Ervan Wimberly stated that they would be named before the final plat is submitted. 4. Donnie Osburn (Meter Superintendent): Asked that they be careful to not name the new streets anything similar to City streets already named. 5. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water and sewer are available. Discussion ensued between Mr. Wimberly and Mr. Bunn concerning possible tie-in locations therefor. Mr. Bunn noted that either 2" or 6" lines would be sufficient for the short cul-de-sac streets instead of the 4" lines platted. 6. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Stated that the only easements he needed were sure to be asked for by the telephone or power companies. 7. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Stated he would need either a 20 or 25 ft. easement adjacent and parallel to the Township Road right-of-way. Plat Review Committee Meeting • May 17, 1979 Page 2 • • Mr. Wimberly stated he would be glad to go ahead and give 25 ft. since he already has a 25 building setback along there and won't be able to do any- thing else with the other 5 ft. anyway. Mr. Wimberly stated he would like to be on record as objecting to the 25 ft. building setbacks required for lots having double frontage, even if access would be from one street only. He noted that lots 102 through 111 are subjected to double frontage setback requirements and he stated he felt this was unfair. He told Mrs. Jones that he would like to see that requirement changed. Discussion ensued concerning the fact that the easement running North of Lots 3 through 19 is platted as 20 ft. in width when the easement needs to be increased 5 to 10 ft. along some of the lots because of topo problems, etc. Mr. Wimberly stated that it would be difficult to increase the width of the utility easement on some of those lots since they have setback and lot shape problems. Mr. House owns the property to the North of the subdi- vision and he agreed to dedicate by separate instrument an additional 10 ft. of property lying North of the subdivision boundary line for use as a utility easement only. The additional 10 ft. would not become a part of the subdi- vision. 8. Dick Shaw 1. 10 ft 2. 20 ft 3. 20 ft Mr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.. 8. Shaw Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots (S. W Bell): Stated he would need easements as follows: . parallel to the West side of Lots 112 through 123; . between Lots 119 and 120; and . between Lots 79 and 80. stated he would need conduit crossings and 60 ft. of 2" PVC between: 18 and 21; 19 and 20; 1 and 2; 41 and 42; 119 and 120; 79 and 80; 103 and 110; and 104 and 109. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): 1. .Will need a copy of the deed dedicating the additional 10 ft. utility easement North of the subdivision. This easement should also be noted on the plat. 2. Planning Commission has been requesting curbs and sidewalks along Crossover Road (Hwy. 265). 3. Notation should be made on the plat that there will not be any driveway access permitted to Township and possibly none to Crossover Road. 4. Vicinity Map should show the Major Street Plans for streets in and around the subdivision. 5. Show proposed use of lots on preliminary plat (single family residential). 6. Will need copy of covenants, if any. If none, please note on plat. 7. Will need proof of notification of adjoining property owners before putting this item on Planning Commission agenda. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting May 17, 1979 Page 3 8. Several of the street light spacings exceed the minimum requirement although many of the lights are located in the most realistic places. A waiver should be requested for the street lights as platted. Also noted that one of the lights might not be required (between Lots 21 and22) and that lights would be required at the intersection of streets B $ E and at the intersection of street F and Township Road. Sidewalks should be installed and noted on the plat as going all the way around the cul-de-sacs. 10. Flood plain information should be noted on the plat. 11. Add a North Arrow to the vicinity map. 12. Some of the lot widths are too short. Note that lots located on the ends of cul-de-sacs have no minimum width at the right-of-way line but do have a minimum of 70 ft. at the setback line. On lots other than cul-de-sacs, the minimum width is 80% of the 70.ft. at the right-of-way line with the full width required at the setback line. 13. Will need 10 copies of the full-size plats to send to the Planning Commission members. No longer will be giving them reduced copies. 14. Ozarks Electric and Swepco should be contacted regarding easements. they will need. 15. Waiver should be requested for the length of tangents between reverse curves (minimum is 100 ft.) and sight distances at center lines (250 ft.) if you cannot meet those requirements after having double-checked distances. 16. The sum of the individual lot widths do not add up to the total length of the subdivision in certain places. Please recheck before submitting revised plat. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 o'clock A.M.