HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-10 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, May 10, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Admini- stration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Gail Biswell, Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Wally Brt and Bill Boudry. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Kenneth Wagner and L. 0. Ferguson. OTHERS PRESENT: Carl Russell, Larry Smith and Bob Crafton. The first item for discussion was the proposed large scale development plan sub- mitted by Smith $ Russell, Architects, for office facilities for N. W. Arkansas Radi- ology Associates, P.A.; proposed location Lot 13, Block 1, Colt Square Subdivision. Carl Russell and Larry Smith were present to represent. N.W. ARK. RADIOLOGY ASSOC. Large Scale Development Colt Square 1. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Easements as shown are sufficient. We will work out the exact locations for conduits entering the buildings when construc- tion is ready to start. 2. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): No problems. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Stated that he was disturbed that the only access drive to the property was located on a 90 degree curve. He stated that this presented a dangerous and hazardous situation, but that he could understand how the shape of the lot might preclude the layout from complying with the safety zone requirements. 4. Bill Boudry (Fire Inspector): No comments. 5. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water and sewer are available to the site. 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Location of dumpsters looks good. 7. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): A line is presently being built to serve the area. Developers are asked to install conduits out of each building in order to easily tie onto the line which will soon be availble. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Not present at the meeting, but submitted comments as follows on the next page. May 8, 1979 • Review on proposed large scale development for Northwest Arkansas Radiology Assoc. on Lot 13, Block 1, Colt Square Subdivision: • • The subject property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. The property to the West is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial & Light Industrial. The property to the South is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. City ordinances require that the developer provide proof of notification to owners of other property having a different zoning district prior to consideration by the Subdivision Committee. Proposed use: Doctors/ clinics is permitted. There is no additional right-of-way required for Colt Square Drive. Setbacks as shown are more than required from any property line. 56 parking spaces required for development shown; 101 proposed. Location of parking areas, size of parking spaces, and surfacing shown complies with code requirements. Maximum permitted driveway width is 40 ft, with a minimum safety zone of 25 ft. between individual driveways. Driveways shown do not have a 25.ft. safety zone. I would like Clayton Powell's comments and recommendations:on this. The Planning Commission may vary the requirement. Would he recommend that they do so in this case? A permit for each driveway must be obtained from the City Engineer. ADDITIONAL CON ENTS: 1. There is to be no division of the land (Lot 13) without -obtaining a lot split approval. Any new lot created must meet the Zoning regulations bulk and area requirements, including frontage on public street and maximum buildable area. 2. A view -obscuring fence or view -obscuring vegetation, or a combination of the two, shall be required between R-1 zones and all nonresidential uses. This must be in place before occupancy of the building. If vegetation is used, it must become view -obscuring within 2 years, or a view -obscuring fence must be installed. The Planning Commission may grant a variance from the screening requirement, but landscaping of 10% of the open area along the South property line would then be required with plants having a height of at least 18 inches when planted. Plot plan should show this fencing or screening. 3. .Before the building can be occupied, the parking areas must be paved, striped off and have wheel stops installed; permanent house numbers must be placed on the building; and an as -built plot plan filed with the Planning Office. The as -built plot plan shall show the location of individual service lines for each utility service, as well as the location of buildings, parking areas, signs, etc. If the development is done in phases, an as -built plan should be submitted at the completion of each phase unless the periods of construction overlap in time. 4. Each page of the construction plans must have the paragraph on them and be signed and stamped by an Arkansas -registered engineer or architect, if construction costs will be $50,000 or more for each building. Plumbing and gas riser plans must be approved by the Building Safety Division of the State Board of Health before a building permit can be issued. 5. There is no Subdivider's Contract on this lot. (Only Block 2 of Colt Square has a lien on it.) Plat Review Committee 411 May 10, 1979 Page 2 • • The second item for discussion was the pre- KANTZ DRIVE liminary plat submitted by Bob Crafton for a Preliminary Plat proposed new street (Kantz Drive) to be construc- Crossover Rd. ted between East Oaks Drive and Crossover Road; E. J. Ball Trust, owner and developer. Mr. Bob Crafton, consulting engineer, was present to represent. Mr. Crafton explained that the reason this plat was being brought in for review at this time, without any definite plans for development of the property abutting same, was to allow the developer to get the feelings of the different committees concerning the proposed new street. Mr. Crafton stated that the developer's contractor is presently clearing land for the new East Oaks Drive which will be built from East Oaks Subdivision down to Highway 45 and that the developer would like to get all necessary land for proposed Kantz Drive cleared at the same time, if possible. 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Stated that a permit,would be re- quired from Calvin Peevy, District Engineer, Arkansas Highway Department, Fort Smith, for the intersection of the street with State Highway 265 (Cross- over Road). Mr. Powell also stated that the radii for the intersections of Kantz Drive with both E. Oaks Drive and Highway 265 are shown on the plat to be 25 feet when the minimum allowable is 30 feet. Mr. Powell stated that he had just received engineering plans and profiles for the street at the beginning of the meeting and had not yet had time to review same. 2. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Service is not available in this area, but a line can be put in whenever service for the area becomes desirable. 3. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Arkansas Western has two high pressure gas lines on the West side of Hwy. 265. Please notify before any backhoe work is begun in order that those lines can be located and flagged. 4. John Kehn (S. W. Bell): Stated that since there were no definite plans for the usage of the property on either side of the proposed street he was unable to ask for any definite easements, or say what type of service lines would be needed. 5. Don Bunn (City Engineer): No comments. 6. BillSBoudry.(Fire Department): No comments. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Not present at the meeting, but 'submitted comments as attached hereto on the following page. • • • • May 8, 1979 Review of Preliminary Plat for Kantz Drive: Article V, Sec. D of the Subdivision Ordinance reads: "No dedication of streets shall be accepted by the City unless the use of the adjoining affected land is shown; if the purpose of opening the street is to make the affected land available for sale as a subdivision, the street may not be accepted until accompanied by the required plat." The lands bordering on both sides of this proposed street should be platted in connection with the construction of this street. Utilities should be extended to serve these lands bordering the new street. A 4 -foot sidewalk is to be built along one side of the proposed street. Street lights are to be placed at intersections with other streets and at intervals of no more than 300 feet between. This would require 5 street lights. Information not contained on the plat which should be shown is: A subdivision name. Lots and blocks of property to be subdivided with dimensions of lots and legal description to match the land to be subdivided. Building setback lines, sidewalk lines, street lights, easements. Proposed use of all land in the subdivision. Protective covenants. When Crossroads East Subdivision plat was approved, the developer signed an agreement stating that upon call of the City Manager he would install sidewalks on the West side of Crossover Road on some property he owned. The property on either side of this proposed road is covered in that agreement. The distances shown from the NW corner of the Fractional NEI -,of Section.2 do not agree with the City Plat Book notations as to the size of that fractional quarter section. Confirm. Also, would this leave a depth of only 130 - 140 feet on the North side of the proposed street? It scales out to be more than that, but thatts what the dimensions would indicate. I question whether the descriptions of the two roads agree East-West also. (�)