HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-04-05 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, April 5, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Admini- stration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Gail Biswell, Donnie Osburn and Don Bunn. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Jim Crownover and John Kehn. OTHERS PRESENT: Richard Mayes, Frank Blew and Bud Allen. The only item for discussion was the pro- posed preliminary subdivision plan for OAKWOOD SUBDIVISION, located East of Wheeler, Arkansas, and West of Salem Community approximately 11/2 miles West of Fayetteville City Limits. Richard Mayes, owner and developer, and Frank Blew, surveyor, were present to represent. OAKWOOD SUBDIVISION Preliminary Plat (Outside City) W. of Salem Community 1. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Sewer is not available. Water is available from two directions. A 4" line runs to the South of the property and a 2" line is about 1800 feet east of the NE corner of the property. 2. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Gas lines are being constructed to this property and gas will be available soon. 3. Jim Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Everything looks fine. 4. Bud Allen (County Planning Administrator). Acknowledged a letter from Mr. Mayes stating that he will build the road to county specifications. Noted that present regulations call for a hard surface finish on the road and questioned Mr. Mayes as to whether he intended to install such a surface. Mr. Mayes stated that his property is located about 11 miles from the city limits on a gravelled county road and that he had not planned to surface the new extension thereof with anything other than hard -packed gravel. Mr. Allen responded that the County has in the past agreed to waive the hard surface requirement in favor of hard gravelled roads in certain cases when the other surrounding county roads were only gravel. Mr. Allen stated that he felt it would be best if Mr. Mayes would bring his plat to the next County Planning Board meeting and ask for a waiver of the hard surface requirement. Mr. Allen also noted that the radii of the cul-de-sacs are only 40' in- stead of 50'. Mrs. Jones questioned Mr. Allen concerning what the "constructed" radius of a cul-de-sac on a SO' right-of-way measures and Mr. Allen stated that he did not remember off -hand and would have to check his regulations. Mr. Blew stated that he felt Mr. Allen was incorrect and that 40' radii are all that are required on county roads outside the city limits. Mr. Allen questionedwhether it would be possible for Mr. Mayes to in- stall fire hydrants in the subdivision even though the county does not re- quire them at this time. Don Bunn stated that the largest water line which would be available to the lots would be the 4" and that a 4" water line is • • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 5, 1979 Page 2 not large enough to serve a fire hydrant. .Mr. Bunn also stated that the City does not place fire hydrants outside the city limits, and even if it could, the water lines would not be large enough to service them. 5. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Easements are fine. 6. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): Stated that her question re- garding the measurements of "constructed" radii of 50' right-of-way cul-de- sacs came up as a result of comments made to her by Wally Brt, City Sanita- tion Superintendent. Mr. Brt stated to her that city sanitation services would not be available since the subdivision is outside the city limits, however, he noted that if the lots were ever annexed to the city that he would not have any problem serving them as long as the "constructed" radii of the cul-de-sacs were at least 40'. Mrs. Jones noted that the word "completed" printed in the Certificate of Approval for the County. Judge should read "completes" instead. She also stated that the minimum lot size for lots without city sewer is 11 acres. She noted that 3 of the lots are very close to being.l1/2 acres, but that 2 others are much closer to only 1 acre. She stated that only the City Board of Directors can waive the 1i acre requirement. She said that she has received the perc test results for the lots and that the State of Arkansas has approved the septic tanks as a result of those tests. Even still, she said, the lots did not meet the city regulations. Bud Allen, County Planning Administrator, noted that in the growth area the County does not own road rights-of-way and that the property owners are considered to own their .property to the center of the road They are also taxed on the property to the center of the road, therefore, he stated, he would assume that those strips of roadway could be counted as part of the lots. He said that several of the lots could meet the 11/2 acre requirement using that formula. Mr. Blew stated that the lots had been divided by taking into considera- tion the natural topography of the land, such as natural hollows and ditches. He said that these hollows and ditches created natural dividing lines for the lots. Mr. Blew also displayed an optional lay -out of the lots which gave each lot the full 11 acres required, but he pointed out the fact that several of these lots had ditches and hollows running through the middle of the lots and therefore building sites would be difficult to find on those lots. He also noted that the perc tests were made taking the natural drainage features into consideration and that if the alternate lay -out were used that the perc tests would show unfavorable results since septic tanks won't function properly "located at_the bottom of a hollow." Mrs. Jones commented that the Planning Commission might be willing to recommend to the City Board that the lot sizes be waived if it would take into consideration the fact that the 11 acre requirement was made to insure proper septic tank drainage and that the smaller lot layout would have better percolation than the alternate proposal. A lengthy discussion ensued concerning possible replatting of the lots and Mrs. Jones stated that the ultimate decision as to whether to replat the subdivision or whether to ask for a waiver of the lot sizes would be up to Mr. Mayes and Mr. Blew. In any event, she noted, a revision would be needed by April 16th to go to the Planning Commission on April 23rd. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 5, 1979 Page 3 7. Donnie Osburn (Water Meter Superintendent): Noted that the road "Oakwood Drive" was unacceptable to him since Fayetteville already has an Oakwood Street. Mr. Blew stated that they would be agreeable to changing the name of that drive, and even possibly the name of the subdivision if necessary. Mr. Osburn also stated that he would make the final decisions as to house numbers for the lots after the developers have decided as to the exact layout of the lots. There being no further business to come before the meeting, said meeting adjourned at 10:00 o'clock A.M.