HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-08 MinutesA • • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, March 8, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Admini- stration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Gail Biswell, Clayton Powell, Larry Poague, Don Bunn and Wally Brt. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner and Dick Shaw. OTHERS PRESENT: Gary Carnahan, Bob Crafton and Tom Hopper. The first item for discussion was the proposed Chestnut Apartments large scale development plan submitted by Lindsey $ Associates, Inc. (Tract A only). Property located north of Poplar Street and east of Chestnut Avenue. Gary Carnahan, engineer, was present to represent. 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Stated that the developers have volunteered to build Chestnut north to the north point of Tract C and have agreed to dedicate the additional 5' right-of-way needed along the north side of Poplar (in connection with the development of Tract 8). He noted, however, that only Tract A is at issue with the large scale develop- ment application. Mr. Powell referred to letters from Mr. Lindsey assuring that he would build Chestnut to minimum city street standards and assuring that he would comply with the wishes of the Planning Commission regarding improvements they might require for Poplar Street, although he contended that improvements along Poplar Street should not be pertinent. Mr. Powell stated that he felt Mr. Lindsey should be required to improve Poplar Street from Chestnut Avenue east to the northwest corner of Skull Creek Bridge, and possibly even improve Skull Creek Bridge up to flood plain capacity. standards. Mr. Powell stated that he would want the street improved from the middle of the right-of-way northward and that this would require 12' of street improvements since the street was not originally built centered on the right-of-way. Mr. Powell stated that sidewalks should be required on one side of Chestnut (preferrably on the west side) and on one side of Poplar (prefer- rably on the South side since lots on the South side of the street are mostly smaller than one acre and would not require a LSD plan before develop- ment --therefore sidewalks could not be required). Mr. Powell stated that he felt the property owner on the west side of -Chestnut should participate in the cost of sidewalks and Mr. Carnahan replied that such participation had been discussed with the property owner and he felt that the man would be agreeable to participate in the cost. Mr. Carnahan stated that, from the developer's point of view, improve- ments could really not be required for Poplar Street (or even Chestnut Street for that matter, although Mr. Lindsey had wanted to make the contribution) since neither street actually abutted the large scale development (Tract A). CHESTNUT APARTMENTS Large Scale Development N. of Poplar Street A • • Plat Review Committee March 8, 1979 Page 2 Mr. Carnahan noted that Tracts B and C are less than one acre in size and had been split from the larger tract in order to enable the developer to immediately obtain building permits. (Mrs. Jones stated that it was her understanding that the developer planned to try to sell each tract separately in the future.) Mr. Powell stated that the developers should be required to widen the Skull Creek Bridge at the same time they are required to re-establish and improve Poplar Street at the center of the right-of-way. Mr. Carnahan stated that to improve and widen the bridge would mean construction of a completely new bridge and that he felt this should not be required since the property line of Tract A did not abut the entire length of the existing bridge. Mr. Powell replied that he felt that developers should not be allowed to use lot splits, etc. as a means of circumventing regulations requiring off- site improvements. He noted that this was simply his own interpretation and did not want any argument with Mr. Carnahan or Mr. Lindsey since he appreci- ated the fact that they have always been very cooperative with the City and had always stood by whatever they said they would do. He said that he was sure that if the City would require the street improvements that Mr. Lindsey would "come through" and make the improvements. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that he liked the location of the container as shown on the drawing, but that he would need two 6 -yard containers and suggested that the second one be placed beside the proposed container. It was noted that Mr. Brt would also need a letter from the property owners permitting the City's service trucks to use the streets within the developments since the streets are private drives. 3. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): Mr. Poage noted that he had discussed the plans with Mr. Carnahan and had been assured that all exit doors would open to the outside. He statedthat the plans looked good and that he would recommend that built -in -the -wall, glass -enclosed fire extinguishers be used. Mr. Carnahan questioned whether one extinguisher for every four apartments on each level (upstairs and downstairs) would be sufficient and Mr. Poage replied affirmatively. 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water and sewer are available to the site. Stated that he would need a 15' easement for the proposed three-year sewer line and that he would like that easement labeled as solely for use of water and/or sewer, as long as none of the other utilities needed in it. It was determined that none of the others would be using the easement. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): No comments. (Apartments will be total electric.) 6. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Stated that the 15' utility easement shown on the plat would be fine, however, he would want a 2" PVC line extended from the west side of Buildings B and C to the easement, and from the northwest side of Building A to the easement. He asked that the ends of the conduits be staked. • • • Plat Review Committee March 8, 1979 Page 3 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): (1) Will need the additional 5' right-of-way for Poplar Street officially dedicated (submit copy of the document to her for her files); (2) Parking will heed to be paved, striped and wheel -stopped by the time the apartments are ready for occupancy; (3) 10% screening will be needed in the three areas between Chestnut Street and parking spaces; (4) An as=built plot plan will be needed as soon as possible showing the locations of the service lines and entrances into buildings of all utilities, etc.; (5) Building permits couldbe issued for Tracts B and C but not for Tract A until the Planning Commission approves the large scale development; (6) The Subdivision Committee or the Planning Commission would need to determine whether street widening and improvements would be required for Poplar Street and whether sidewalks should be required along the south side of Poplar Street. (7) Noted that this plan will be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee (and possibly the Planning Commission should the Subd. Committee decide to refer it on.to them) on the following Monday, March 12, 1979. The next item for consideration was the revised preliminary plat of East Oaks, a sub- division located West of Crossover Road, South of Brookside East Subdivision, and East of Jerry D. Sweetser Subdivision; Northwest Finan- cial Services, Inc., owner and developer; prop- erty zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. Bob Crafton and Tom Hopper were present to represent. EAST OAKS Revised Preliminary Plat W. of Crossover Road • 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Stated that this revised version contained all the corrections he had requested earlier, other than no pro- visions had been made in order to assure that improvements would be made to Township Road's extension. He stated that he felt that some type of provision to assure that the extension would be constructed should be made -- either by trust, escrow agreement or bill of assurance, etc. He stated later on in the meeting that it had been brought to his atten- tion that the owner of the property abutting the proposed extension of E. Oaks Drive southward to Highway 45 had plans to develop his property in the near future. Keeping those plans in mind, he stated, he felt that East Oaks should be built 44' wide back-to-back (as a collector street) instead of the 31' for a minor street. He stated that the City would pay the differ- ence in costs between the 31' and the 44' of street. Mr. Crafton responded that he did not think the City would want to expend a large amount of money for the wider street at this time when it could be as long as ten years before the collector street would be needed. He stated that he felt a collector would not be needed until Township is extended to Crossover Road; until Azalea Terrace is connected to Township; Plat Review Committee • March 8, 1979 Page 4 • and until both phases of this development are completed and connected to Jerry Sweetser's Addition. He said that it could be several years until all- those connections are completed and that he was sure the City could find some better use for its money at this time. He also noted that he did not really want a 4 -lane street running through his subdivision. 2. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): No comments, other than that he felt the street names were too much alike --too many "oaks". 3. Don Bunn (City Engineer).: No comments, everything has already been discussed at the previous meeting. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Stated that gas is available from the northwest or from the east. Said that he would like the 25' building setback on the south side of Lot 14, Block 11 to be labeled as both a build- ing setback and utility easement; and that he would like a 15' gas easement (71' each side of the lot line) between Lots 13 and 14, Block 16. He also noted that they have a high pressure line approximately 5' with- in the utility easement running along the west side of Crossover Road. He stated that they require a 25' building setback from any high pressure gas line, and therefore, there should be a 30' building setback along that side of the road. Mr. Wagner said he would like to give these developers "a gold star" for separating drainage easements from utility easements on their plat. S. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Stated that he had several easements he would like to request, but would submit them in writing to the engineers. A copy of such list is attached hereto as a copy of the minutes hereof. 6. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Questioned whether they had made a definite decision as to the division line between the two phases. Mr. Crafton replied that the decision "was still up in the air," adding that they would not be able to decide definitely on the dividing line until plans are com- plete for drainage and sewer structures (the deciding factor being the loca- tion of such structures). Mrs. Jones noted that the Planning Commission would need to decide: (1) Whether to require East Oaks Dr. to be built 44' wide back-to-back as a collector street; (2) Whether to require curbing, sidewalks, street lights, etc. along Crossover Road; (3) Upon an interpretation of off -sets as being either centerline to centerline or radii to radii; (4) Whether to waive the street light spacing; and (5) Upon some type of assurance as to extension and construction of Township Road improvements. She stated that she would like some input from the City Manager's office on the matter. Mr. Crafton noted that the developers had researched the City's policies regarding requirements of off-site improvements before they had submitted these plans and had come to the conclusion that the City had previously only required that sufficient right-of-way for construction of the extension be • Plat Review Committee March 8, 1979 Page S dedicated. The City had not required other developers to put up any money for construction. He stated that if the Planning Commission decided to re- quire that money be set aside for construction of the approximately 1/2 mile of road across the north side of the development that this "would kill the project." He stated that if they interpreted this off-site improvement requirement to be a hard and fast rule (as Clayton Powell had inferred) he would contend that Township Road should not be considered a part of the subdivision since no driveways or lots will front on it. Clayton Powell rebutted that he was in sympathy with the expense this would cause the developers, however, he felt that the attitudes of the City had changed dramatically since the last development was begun in the area and that he did not think the Planning Commission or City Board would be satisfied with receiving only the dedicated right-of-way and without receiv- ing any assurances that the developers would participate in the construction costs of extending Township. After further discussion, Mrs. Jones noted that this plat would also be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee and the Planning Commission on the following Monday, March 12, 1979. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 o'clock A.M. Oc3o - a�3 • •