HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-01 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, March 1, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Admini- stration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Gail Biswell, Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Donnie Osburn and Wally Brt. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Kenneth Wagner and L. 0. Ferguson. OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Crafton and Tom Hopper. The only item for discussion was the proposed preliminary plat of EAST OAKS, a subdivision located West of Crossover. Road, South of Brookside East Subdivision and East of Jerry D. Sweetser Subdivision; Northwest Financial Services, Inc., owner and developer; property zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District.' Bob Crafton and Tom Hopper, engineers, were present to represent. EAST OAKS Preliminary Plat W. of Crossover Road 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present, but submitted the following comments: (a) The layout should be recesigned in order to eliminate the double front- age lots along Township Road; and (b) The plat should carry a notation on these lots that they will not have access to Township Road 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Commented as follows: (a) Agreed with Mr. Wood that the single -tier lots do not look'good. Stated that even if access is limited to one street only, something should be done to insure that future property owners will not construct drives to both streets. Bob Crafton asked whether screened fences built along Township Road at the time house construction is begun would alleviate the problem. Mr. Powell agreed that it would help. Dick Shaw requested that the fencing not be put in until all the utilities have been placed. (b) Wanted to know what "hold" the City would have to insure that the develop- ers would constructthe proposed extension of Township Road He stated that the Planning Commission and Board of Directors should address that situation: (c) Stated that the Master Street Plan recommends collector streets at 1/4 mile intervals. Stated that a north -south collector street is needed somewhere about the middle of the subdivision, and said: "If the rest of the area around Hwy. 265 develops at the same density as development around Highway 45 E. or MissionBlvd., Highway 265 won't be able to carry all the traffic." (d) Stated that city street specifications state that off -sets at intersec- tions are to be 150'. He said that the off -set of Bois De Arc Lane is only 75' from radii to radii and recommended that the street either be aligned or off -set to the required 150'. Mr. Crafton replied that he Plat Review Committee Meeting • March 1, 1979 Page 2 had always interpreted off -sets to be measured from centerline to center- line and that, assuming this interpretation, the off -set would be very close to 150'. Mr..Powell responded: "My interpretation is that this is a traffic hazard." Mrs. Jones commented that the off -set of the two minor streets (Twin Oaks Court and Golden Oaks Drive) entering East Oaks Drive is only 100' radii to radii. She and Mr. Powell agreed that the Planning.Commission should make a determination as to whether the off -sets should be interpreted as from radii to radii or from centerline to center- line. (e) Stated that he would like a cul-de-sac at the end of East Oaks Drive. Mr. Crafton replied that the developers plan to develop East Oaks south- ward to connect with Highway 45. He stated that the extension of East Oaks was made a part of the property purchase agreement and that the extension will be constructed as a part of Phase I of the development (two phases areproposed--PhaseI being all the property East of East Oaks Drive, as well as Blocks 5, 6, and 7 which lie adjacent to East Oaks Drive). Mr. Powell stated that if this extensionis constructed that it would solve the problem of not having a collector street running through the subdivision, however, he felt that East Oaks should be widen- ed to 60' and would like a Bill of Assurances that the extension will definitely be constructed. (Mr. Crafton later stated that he would add to the plat a description of the property which will be used to construct the extension and dedicate it together with the other streets. A Bill of Assurances would not be needed in that case.) (f) Stated that Big Oaks Drive should tie into East Oaks Drive and requested the engineers to try a layout which would achieve that tie-in. He stated that the tie-in would be necessary as there would be additional traffic from the subdivision to the West flowing into this subdivision by way of Bois De Arc Lane. He said that Big Oaks Drive could not handle the additional traffic which would be flowing through this subdivision to Hwy. 265, Hwy. 45 and Township Road. (g) Stated that he would not permit any swales across streets, but that drainage would have to be handled in some other manner. (h) Stated that he would not approve any drainage easements until he has seen the street engineering plans and profiles. Also stated that the only above ground drainage facilities he would approve of would be either concrete lined ditches between lot lines, or gunnite lined ditches. He stated he would want at least a one year's maintenance bond'if gunnite is used instead of concrete. 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Agreed with Clayton Powell that Big Oaks should be connected to East Oaks and that East Oaks should be made a collector street. Other than that, he stated that he did not see any prob- lems. 4. Donnie Osburn (Water Meter Superintendent): Stated that he would like the name of Oaks Manor changed, as the City already has a street with that name. Bob Crafton replied that they had already caught the error and would rename the street. Mr. Osburn stated that he could not determine the size meters needed until he knew what type and sizes of houses would be built Plat Review Committee Meeting • March 1, 1979 Page 3 • • 5. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated that he had discussed the sewer layout with the engineers and felt that the other utility companies should be aware that the City's sewer will have to run along the back of the lots. He asked that any taps that would need to cross streets be put in at the same time the sewage system is constructed. He stated that the developers have proposed an 8" water line to come into the subdivision and then use 6" lines to distribute thereafter. He stated that he might ask that the 8" lines be used throughout the system. He added that the City would bear the additional cost between the 6" and 8" lines should they decide to ask for the larger lines.. 6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Stated that they have a line which runs North of the subdivision to the SE corner of Azalea Terrace and that they would like to be notified before construction begins in order that they may mark the line. Tom Hopper, representing the engineering company of Crafton & Tull, stated that they proposed to submit two copies of the plans to each utility company and ask each company to plat out the locations and sizes of easements they will require on both copies and then return one copy to Crafton f Tull. After they receive the plats back from each company, he stated, they would put to- gether an overall plat showing where each utility would be installed and then submit copies of those plats to each company. In light of this procedure, Mr. Hopper stated, it would not be necessary for each utility company to commit themselves to specific easements at this meeting. Also, he stated, since they may have to rework the plat and change some of the lots and streets, it would be best to hold off on asking for specific easements. 7. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Stated that, although most of the easements would have to be worked out later, he would still like to request that the 25' building setback shown along Hwy. 265 be labeled both a utility easement and a building setback. He also asked whether he could be given a 25' ease- ment down the East side of the entire extension of East Oaks to Highway 45. Mr. Crafton agreed that this could be done. 8. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Stated that the closest trunk line they have is located in Brookside East subdivision, but that they would be able to extend it by using whatever easements Swepco will use. Bobbie Jones stated that the engineers should check to see if Ozarks Electric has an easement in the NE corner of the subdivision, since Ozarks' territory abuts the subdivision in that corner. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Commented as follows: (a) The City Manager may have some comments to make concerning construc- tion of the proposed extension of Township Road. (b) Needs the $10.00 application fee paid. (c) On final plat they will need to add to the legend. (1) 4'x30" concrete monuments at subdivision corners; and (2) 1/2" x 30" iron pins at each lot corner. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting March 1, 1979 Page 4 (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (1) (J ) (k) (1) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) A more up-to-date street map should be used as a vicinity map (a copy of such map can be obtained from the City Engineer's drafting department). Show the easements in the abutting subdivision. Show the abutting subdivision. Planning Commission will have to decide on interpretation of off -sets. Planning Commission will have to decide the course of action to take in requiring paving and other improvements for the extension of Township; Sidewalks in the subdivision should be on the same side of the streets as sidewalks along Azalea Terrace and Bois De Arc. Sidewalks will be required on Twin Oaks Court 4 Copper Oaks Plaza, unless waived by the Board of Directors. Will need notation on plat that the sidewalks are to be built by the individual property owners at the time houses are constructed, or if the lot lies vacant for 5 years, the sidewalks should be constructed by the end of the 5 -year period. Planning Commission may require curbing, sidewalks, street lights and such improvements along Crossover Road. Will need copy of Protective Covenants, if any. Streetlight spacing for approximately six different streetlights exceed the minimum interval allowed; however, some of the lights are at inter- vals less than the minimum lengths. Planning Commission may waive the intervals required to allow the proposed locations. Will want a note on the plat prohibiting driveways to be cut onto Township or Crossover Roads. Will want a note on the plat referring to the fact that East Oaks will be constructed to intersect with Highway 45 --or else include a descrip- tion on the plat of the property which will be used to construct the street extension and for its right-of-way. Show a distinction between the phases to be constructed. After the words R-1 in the legend, add "Low Density Residential District." Show the proposed usage on the preliminary plat (doesn't have to be on the final plat), i.e. Single -Family Residential. Show total number of proposed lots, i.e. 142. Add acreage, i.e. (60.9'acres). Add a brief location description of the property, i.e.: West of Crossover Road, South of Brookside East Subdivision, and East of Jerry D. Sweetser Subdivision. Dimension the right-of-way for Crossover Road (assume 80'). Contact Clayton Powell regarding the width of paving he will require for East Oaks Drive as a collector. Mrs. Jones noted that the developers plan to revise the plat and resubmit it at next week's Plat Review meeting for final approval. This plat will be reviewed by the Planning Commission and Subdivision Committee on March 12th if the revised plat is submitted to the Planning Office no later than noon on Tuesday, March 6th.