HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-25 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, January 25, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Gail Biswell, Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Larry Poage $ Wally Brt. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Kenneth Wagner F, L. 0. Ferguson. OTHERS PRESENT• Bruce Kendall, Bud Allen, Sterling P. Anders, Wayne Jones and Gary Carnahan. The first item for discussion was the proposed Large Scale Development plat submit- ted by Sterling P. Anders for a bookstore (Stage A) and future office/retail rental space (Stage B) to be located. on the North side of Sycamore Street. Mr. Anders was pres- ent to represent. STERLING P. ANDERS Large Scale Development N. of Sycamore St. 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Show the existing right-of-way of Sycamore Street. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Location of dumpster looks good. Do you plan to asphalt the drives? Mr. Anders replied that he intended to only double coat and seal the drives and parking area. He questioned whether this would be a problem. Mr. Brt and Mr. Powell both replied that the sanitation trucks, as well as delivery trucks, would "tear apart" that type of surfacing. They both strongly suggested that he consider concrete or asphalt surfacing. Bobbie Jones noted that a minimum of 18' overhead clearance is required over trash dumpsters and that this should be kept in mind when locating the dumpster, especially if the dumpster might be under a utility line. 3. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): Either a 1 -hr. or a 2 -hr. rated firewall will be required. Have you planned for them? Mr. Anders replied that he had already contacted the Building Inspector and had been informed that a 1 -hr firewall would be necessary between the two stages. Mr. Poage also stated that the square footage of the entire project called for a sprinkling system and that portable fire extinguishers on a ratio of one for each 1,250 square feet would be needed. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): We have a 6" high pressure line on the South side of Sycamore. Would like the gas meter set in the SE corner within the planting area between parking spaces. Plat Review Meeting January 2S, 1979 Page 2 5. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Would like easements as follows: 1. 25' across the south side of the property (parallel to Sycamore St.); 2. 1211' across the east and west property lines (running north -south). We will also need a 2" plastic conduit running from the individual units as they are built in order to get into the utility easements. 6. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): We have service on the South side of Sycamore and hooking onto that will not be any problem. We will set a pole on the North side of Sycamore and from that pole to the building Mr. Anders has the option of either underground or overhead service. 7. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Service available, no problems. 8. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water and sewer are available. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): 1. Permits will be needed for any signs. Check with the Sign Inspector for details 2. Permits will be needed for the driveways. Obtain from the City Engineer. 3. Show the right-of-way width of Sycamore Street. 4. Note that the easements asked for by Mr. Shaw should be labeled "public utility easements" and not just telephone company easements. 5. Mark on the plat what type of surfacing will be done on the parking and driveway areas. 6. Parking for each phase will need to be completed, paved, striped and wheel -stopped before occupancy. 7. An as -built plan will be required at the time of occupancy showing the entrances of the utilities into the building, as well as all other improvements exactly as built. 8. Before renting out the additional office/retail spaces the prospective renter or Mr. Anders should check with the Planning Office to determine if the prospective use is allowed in this I-1 zone. The nature of the business will also effect the parking requirements. Neighborhood type services require less parking than regular retail businesses. Although Mr. Anders' plat proposes 61 parking spaces, some retail businesses would require 130 spaces according to the square footage provided for on the plat. 9. Will need a revision no later than noon, Feb. 5, in order to go to the Subdivision meeting on Feb. 12th. The second item for discussion was the proposed preliminary plat of Shalott Acres, a subdivision located on County Road 649 one mile south of Highway 16 West of the Fayette- ville City Limits. Wayne Jones, engineer, was present to represent. SHALOTT ACRES Preliminary Plat County Road 649 S. of Hwy. 16 West • • • Plat Review Meeting January 25, 1979 Page 3 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): The 30' road easement noted to be dedicated by a separate easement should be included with this plat. That road should end in a cul-de-sac. Since this subdivision is in the City's growth area but not contiguous to the city, County chip and seal standards should apply. Planning Commission could require off-site improvements of County Road 649 as abutting this subdivision. Mr. Jones replied that the additional 30' was to be dedicated by a separate easement since it is not a part of this platted subdivision, although it is still owned by the developer. He also stated that the road had not been planned for a cul-de-sac termination since future development to the west is planned. Mr. Powell replied that the cul-de-sac should be planned for, anyway, and any excess street dedication left over at the time the road is extended would revert back to the abutting property owners. 2. Bruce Kendall (County Planning Board): Will require the double seal coat for the new road, but will not require the cul-de-sac since plans are made for future extension. Will require some kind of turn -around, however. 3. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Easements as shown are fine. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Easements are fine. Our line is 1260' to the North of the North line, not directly on the North line as I previously thought. We have a line 650' from the South of the property and 1460' from the West. We will need a contract to take the gas line in. 5. Don Bunn (City Engineer): We have an 8" water line at the Northeast corner of the property. Sewer is not available. Bobbie Jones noted that she would have to have a determination made as to whether lots 2 and 3 can be approved (without sewer service) since they are 11 acres only if you include the land dedicated for the road. 6. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Cable not available in this area. 7. Bud.Allen (County Planning Administrator): Will need a letter to the County from Mr. Johnson stating that he will build the new road 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Will need: 1. Application form filled out and fee paid. 2. Copy of protective covenants,7if any. (Wayne Jones replied that cove- nants will be set forth in the individual deeds only.) 3. Proposed use of the lots noted on the plat (single-family, etc.). 4. Location of property noted on plat. S. Certificates for the City Planning Commission and County Planning Board. 6. Percolation test and septic tank permit for each lot (check with Jim House to see if these should be shown on plat). 7. Proof of notice of adjoining property owners (both contiguous to and across the street from the property). Very important! 8. Revision needed by noon Feb. 5th to go to next Subdivision and Planning Commission meetings on February 12th. • • • Plat Review Meeting January 25, 1979 Page 4 The last item for consideration was the final plat of Canvas Mountain Subdivision, located outside the City limits on Starr Drive, Jim Lindsey, developer. Gary Carnahan, engineer, was present to represent. CANVAS MOUNTAIN Final Plat (Outside City) 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Note that the handle to Lot 3, Block 2 (which crosses the top of Lot 2, Block 2) is the tandem lot access drive to Lot 3, not just a utility easement. 2. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated that if no other utility companies wanted in his water line easement that he would like the easement renamed as a water line easement only. 3. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): The notation at the North end of Starr Drive which reads "20' dedicated as a public and utility easement subject to approval by Swepco" should read "SO' dedicated as a utility ease- ment subject to Swepco." Gary Carnahan stated that he would change the notation in that manner. ' 4. Bud Allen (County Planning Administrator): Would like to ascertain that 60' is the correct right-of-way needed for Starr Drive before he okays that item. Gary Carnahan stated that he felt the 60' was correct. Mr. Carnahan questioned Mr. Allen whether a note should be added to the plat stating that Health Department approval had been given. Mr. Allen replied that a letter to that effect attached to the plat would be sufficient. 5. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): 'Easements are fine. 6. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Cable not available in this area. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Will need: 1. A contract for the incomplete improvements. Mr. Carnahan stated that he would like the contract written for all the lots except Lots 18-22, Block 1, and Lot 5, Block 2. Those lots he would like released. 2. Write in the words "Block 1" on Lot's 23-26 and make the demarcation line between Lots 16, Block 1 and Lot 5, Block 2 much darker in order to make the Block separations more distinct. 3. Show pins at the corner of each lot. 4. Certificate for County Planning Board approval. 5. Protective Covenant certificate omitted as it is not necessary. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 o'clock A.M.