HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-18 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, January 18, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Admini- stration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: City Manager Don Grimes, Bobbie Jones, Gail Biswell, Clayton Powell, and Don Bunn. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, John Kehn and L. 0. Ferguson. OTHERS PRESENT: Otis Stobaugh and Joe Segers. The only item for discussion was the SHANDERA ESTATES proposed informal plat submitted by Otis Stobaugh Informal - Final Plat and William Breazeale for Shandera Estates, lo- Stonebridge Road cated on Stonebridge Road, North of Highway 16 East. Otis Stobaugh and attorney Joe Segers were present to represent. 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Mr. Powell stated that, although he sympathized with the owners of this property concerning the problems they have been going through in obtaining a building permit, there were nine houses along this side of Stonebridge Road which have been built on a piece -meal basis without any public improvements being required. He stated that the basis for requiring subdivision regulations was to insure that these public improvements are constructed and that allowing a building permit for this house would simply be making "another house, another chronic maintenance problem." Mr. Powell stated that he did not feel the requirment of off-site improve- ments for this one lot would be justified, however, he said he would require 24" inside diameter drain tiles with headwalls and toewalls on the upstream and downstream sides of the road. He stated that an additional 5' dedication would be required for Stonebridge Road right<of-way and that although there is an existing sewer line in that location, the sewer easement can be contained in the street right-of-way. 2. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Mr. Shaw stated that the engineer who had scaled this plat had failed to pick up the fact that there is an existing city sewer easement in the exact location they have designated as a 25' utility easement. He stated that he had asked for the easement in that location with- out knowing about the sewer line, but that the engineer should have picked this fact up anyway. He stated that, although he already has a telephone line lo- cated here, he would need an easement dedication anyway in case the city should someday decide to widen and pave the road, making it necessary for the telephone company to relocate its line. He said that if they did not have an easement dedication made at the present time they could end up with "no place to move their line." Mr. Shaw also noted that he would request a 25' easement immediately to the east of the sewer easement in the event the City would not approve the telephone company's entrance into its easement. Plat Review Committee Meeting January 18, 1979 Page 2 3. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Mr. Bunn stated that he had no objections to retaining the 25' utility easement designation on the plat although it is coincidental with the city's existing sewer easement. He stated, however, that the 25' utility easement would have to be set back another 5' to the east in order to provide for the additional 5' street right-of-way required. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Mr. Kehn stated that his company has two high-pressure gas lines running across the property but he was not cer- tain about their exact locations. He stated that he would ascertain the locations in order that the owners would "know where not to build." He also stated that he would be willing to release the private easements if they find it feasible to locate into the general utility easement. 5. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): No comments, other than the fact that if the power companies can get in, so can they. 6. Jimmy Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Not present at the meeting, but tele- phoned a request for a 20' wide easement along the West side of the property to cover their existing line. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Add on the plat: 1. Acreage; 2. Zoning; 3. Existing gas easements; 4. Certification for the Water $ Sewer Department's approval; 5. Certification paragraph on building setbacks; 6. Concrete corner monuments and note on the legend that they are 4" x 4" x 30" in size; 7. Size of iron pins (1/2" x 30"); 8. Location of platted property on the Vicinity Map inset; 9. An additional 5' right-of-way for Stonebridge Road; 10. A 25' utility easement and building setback parallel and abutting the Stonebridge right-of-way; 11. Existing sewer easement; and 12. A notation regarding the parcel which is not a part of the plat (Also show the existing sewer easement on this parcel). Mrs. Jones also stated that she would need proof of notice to the adjoining property owners and the application fee paid. She stated that the Planning Commission would need to waive the scale requirement. of 1"=100' in order to allow the 1"=60' scale platted. Mrs. Jones also stated that the Planning Commission could require street paving, curbing, sidewalks and street lights. She stated that a revision would be needed by noon, Monday, February 5th in order to go to the Planning Commission meeting on February 12th. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting January 18, 1979 Page 3 8. Don Grimes (City Manager): Mr. Grimes stated that he was attending this meeting in order to discuss problems the City is having with lot splits. He said that this plat is only one of many which the City has been "wrestling" with, but that it was this one which brought the problem to a head for him. . He stated that he would like opinions of the various persons present in order to help him formulate a recommendation to the Planning Commission for a pos- sible revision of the Ordinance. Mr. Grimes stated that, in his opinion, the best place to begin reform- ing the system would be to stop the deeds at the courthouse before they are recorded. He stated that if the Circuit Clerk would require all deeds con- taining metes and bounds descriptions to be approved by the City Planning Office before recordation, several of the lot split problems could be elimi- nated at its source. He stated that he would be willing to "wipe the slate clean" and start over with new lot split regulations effective as of a new date (February 1, 1979, for example) since he did not feel that the hassle and work the Planning Office would have to go through to cure anymore of the present problems would be worth the time spent. A general discussion was had throughout this meeting concerning the problem. Bobbie Jones stated that it was her opinion that "the most expen- sive and most accurate" way to avoid innocent people making the purchases of land upon which they would ultimately be required to spend large sums of by hiring an engineer to make a plat and by bringing public improvements up to standard, would be to put all the courthouse deeds on computer. She stated that each new deed would be programmed into the computer at the time of its recordation and if the deed had an error in its legal description, or if the property had been split the maximum number of allowable times, the description would be "thrown out" of the computer and it would not be possible to record the deed. Attorney Segers stated that he felt the present system is "silly and unrealistic." He agreed with Mr. Grimes that the ideal place to begin soly- ing the problem would be at the courthouse. He stated that he felt the Circuit • Clerk would be agreeable to assisting them enforce a requirement that the Planning Office approve all deeds over which it has jurisdiction before recorda- tion. Gail Biswell noted that she thought a solution might be to require all building permit applicants to submit certification from an abstractor or an attorney as to the number of splits which have been made on the property since the ordinance enforcement date. She said this would put the expense of re- searching the history of the real estate upon the applicant and alleviate City personnel from this time-consuming and costly task. She stated that the Planning Office could issue a permit if the certification stated that the property had not used all its splits, but if the splits had all been used, the office would simply enforce the requirements of the subdivision ordinance which make a formal or informal subdivision plat necessary. Don Bunn commented that the way to solve the problem would be to change the ordinance. He stated that "we will be seeing more and more of these one lot subdivisions in the future" unless the ordinance is rewritten. After a lengthy discussion on lot splits, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 o'clock A.M.