HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-04 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, January 4, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Admini- stration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Gail Biswell, Clayton Powell, Larry Poague, Don Bunn and Wally Brt. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, L. 0. Ferguson and Dick Shaw. OTHERS PRESENT: Carl Russell, Al Sexton, Jim Lindsey, Gary Carnahan and other unidentified members of the audience. The first item for discussion was the ARKANSAS SOCIAL SERVICES proposed large-scale development plan submitted Large Scale Development by Smith $ Russell, Architects, for office Stearns Road facilities for Arkansas Social Services. Prop- erty located east of Frontage Road and North of Stearns Road. Lindsey Family Trust (represented by Jim Lindsey) and Dr. Al Sexton, owners, were present. Also present was Carl Russell, architect. 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Stated that he appreciated not having the parking lot drainage emptying out under the street. Stated that the plat did not show the drives and if they wanted 40' drives they would need a 121 ft. setback from the property line. 2. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): Stated that he assumed the building met the fire codes since it would have to be approved by the State. Questioned Mr. Russell as to whether the building would be one story, windowless, and whether or not it would have emergency lighting and exit lights. Mr. Russell responded that the building would only be one story, that it would have some windows,.and that there would be emergency lighting in the corridors and that there wouldibe two exit lights on the south end of the building and 2 exit lights on the north end of the building. Mr. Poage stated that the building would not need to be sprinkled. 3. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water and sewer are available. He asked Mr. Russell what size water meter they would need. Mr. Russell responded that the size of the meter had not been determined. Mr. Bunn replied that if they decide to install a 2" or larger meter that his department had standard plans for instal- lation. Mr. Bunn requested that the meter box be set in an area that is not designated for parking. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Stated that gas service could be brought in from the North or from the West off Stearns Road. Stated that there is a private gas line in the area which he would have staked out in order to determine which direction service should come from. He stated that he presently felt the best direction would be from Stearns Road. • Plat Review Committee Meeting January 4, 1979 Page 2 5. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Stated that the sidewalk, trash dumpster and some parking spaces are situated on top of a dedicated easement (along the North side of the plat). He said that he would like the record to reflect that in the event any repair work would need to be performed in any dedicated easement anytime in the future, the telephone company would not be responsible for any damage to sidewalks, blacktop, etc. which would occur during repair. He stated that this policy would be true also for the South 20' easement and the utility easement on the East side. He stated that there is a 20' dedicated utility easement located between lots 6 and 6A of the previously platted lots which is not shown on this plat. He said he would like that easement shown. Mr. Shaw questioned Mr. Russell as to the place of entry the telephone com- pany should use. Mr. Russell replied that entry could be made into a storage room or janitor closet in the NW quadrant of the building. He said a backboard would be supplied for their use. Mr. Shaw requested a 3" PVC line to be brought from the equipment room to at least 5' beyond the sidewalk on the North side of the plat in order that they would not have to break up the sidewalk to enter the builidng. He stated he would need a 110 duplex outlet on the backboard, as well as a #6 ground wire to be run to the electrical entrance. He also noted that any cutting for grading purposes on the North or East side of the building which might occur within 24" of their cable would cause the telephone company the necessity of relocating its line. He stated that the relocation would be at the customer's expense. 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Stated that he liked the location chosen for the dumpster and that if they desired to enclose it, the enclosure should be 3 -sided and 12' deep by 15' wide. 7. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Stated that he would like a 2" PVC underground cable taken into the building for their use. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Stated: 1. The 20' easement Mr. Shaw mentioned should be shown on the plat. 2. The sidewalks must be installed by the time the building is completed (builder is responsible for installation). 3. Parking should be paved and wheel -stopped before occupancy of the building. 4. Setbacks along the North should be 20' from the center of the public easement. She said she would check to see if they could use the center of the Ozarks easement for measuring purposes of this requirement. Mr. Russell commented that he felt the reason for the 20' from the center requirement was to insure sufficient room for equipment to work. He said that the two easements combined totalled 30 feet and that he felt that amount of space should be adequate. Mrs. Jones replied that the Ozarks easement was not considered a "public" easement and so she was not sure it would be acceptable to measure the 20' from its center. 5. The parking area should be 5' from the East property line instead of the 1' shown since the adjacent property is zoned commercial. 6. Permits for the drives and sidewalks should be obtained from the City Engineer's office. • Plat Review Committee Meeting January 4, 1979 Page 3 7. She was concerned that the south part of the lot should not be sold separately. Mr. Lindsey responded that he understood that any further development on the south half would have to be done by the owner and could not be sold separately. 8. That if they had plans to put up any signs, a permit would need to be obtained from the City Sign Inspector. 9. Because of the zoning to the East (and possibly to the South), the property owners must notify the adjacent property owners before bringing the plans back to the Subdivision Committee. She stated that notice could be given either by certified mail, newspaper advertisement, or by obtaining signatures. 10. As -built plot plans should be submitted showing any signs, the individual' service lines for each utility company (showing the location of their main line into the building) at the time of occupancy of the building. As-builts should also be submitted to the Building Safety Division of the Department of Health 11. A revision would be needed by noon on the 15th in order to go to the next Subdivision meeting on January 22nd. The last item for discussion was the final plat of Colt Square, located south of Township Road and North of Green Acres Road; Johnie Bassett, owner Gary Carnahan, engi- neer, was present to represent. COLT SQUARE Final Plat South of Township g North of Green Acres 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Final looks fine. Will want a copy of as-builts when they are ready. Would like to recommend that the cul-de-sac be renamedas its name is confusing direction -wise. Stated that Colt Drive might be better than "E. Colt Square Drive." 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked if all streets were dedicated. Mr. Carnahan responded that they were. 3. Larry Poage (Fire Inspector): Asked for clarification as to which part of the street surrounding Block 2 was Colt Square Drive. Mr. Carnahan responded that all surfaced street areas except those noted as Green Acres Road (and except the cul-de-sac street) are Colt Square Drive. He agreed with Mr. Powell that the cul-de-sac should be renamed according to his recommendation. 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated that he would need a copy of the as-builts when ready and also would need certification that there are no outstanding liens on any improvements. Clayton Powell noted that a maintenance bond or a contract should be re- quired to cover all public improvements that are not paid for. He stated that, to his knowledge, the 2 -year maintenance bond has never been enforced by the City. S. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Gas available No other comments. Plat Review Committee Meeting January 4, 1979 Page 4 6. Dick Shaw (S. W. Bell): Will need: 1. A 25' utility easement off the North side of Lot 9; 2. A 30' utility easement off the East side of Lot 9; 3. A 20' utility easement of the West side of Lot 7; 4. The 25' around the cul-de-sac identified as a utility easement. 5. The call on Lots 22 $ 23 labeled "Utility Easement"; 6. The 15' drainage and 25' utility easements along the North line of Lot 22 labeled. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): 1. Label streets on each side of square in order to avoid confusion; 2. Add word "Final" to plat; 3. Change zoning notation from C-1 to C-2; 4. Remember that Block 2 cannot be split into more than 4 lots without a plat; 5. Add 5' sidewalks on the legend and plat on both sides of the commercial streets (will not need to show on the fronts of the park areas and the areas over the creek); 6. Note the ownership of the "Reserved Areas" and note that the City is not responsible for construction of any proposed streets therein at any future or present time; 7. Note ownership and maintenance responsibility of the Park areas; 8. Show section corners of Lots 3 F, 4; 9. Note on the legend that the stakes (iron pins) are 1/2" x 30" and that the monuments are 4" x 4" x 30"; 10. Show the street lights on the plat and add to the legend; 11. Submit copy of Protective Covenants; 12. Fill out an application form and pay the fee; 13. Although I have not yet checked the legal description or certifications for accuracy, I will do so and let you know of any discrepancies. 14. Will need a revision by noon January 15th in order to go to the Subdivi- sion meeting on January 22nd. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 o'clock A.M.