HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-04 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:RO A. M., Thursday, • November 4, 1977, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building. • • CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, David McWethy, Bill Boudrey, Don Bunn. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Floyd Hornaday, Clyde Terry, Dick Shaw, John Kehn. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Rick Cowdrey, Lee Boss, Neal Albright. The first item for discussion was the preliminary CEDAR CREEK SUBDIVISION plat of Cedar Creek Subdivision located east of East of Old Wire Road Old Wire Road and South of Creekwood Hills, Preliminary Plat West of Winwood Estates, and North of Winwood II Subdivision, Grady Cowden, Developer. Rick Cowdrey was present to represent. He said the proposed use is for single-family residences Mr. Cowdrey said there is a strip of land lying between this subdivision and Winwood II which this developer does not own. He understood the owner of that strip plans to divide it up among the owners of the lots in Winwood II. The utility representatives all agreed that this should also be reserved as utility easement so that they would not have to run separate lines for each subdivision. 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said they are connecting to the dedicated portion of Susan Drive. The gravel portion which was not dedicated has been closed. Clayton Powell felt there should be some connection between this subdivision and Creekwood Hills (formerly Old Wire Road North), to the north. He said we do need a better transportation pattern in this area due to the intensity of the development. 2. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Asked for another street light at the southeast corner of Lot 12, Block 1. 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked if this would be a dedicated city street and Rick Cowdrey said "yes". He also agreed with Clayton Powell that he would like to have a street connecting to Creekwood Hills Subdivision. 4. Bill Boudrey (Fire Department): Agreed with Wally Brt and Clayton Powell on the need for a connecting street. 5. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Sewer is coming from the creek to the west. He said he is showing a 10 foot separation between the storm sewer and the sanitary sewer. He also said he would like a 6" water line in case Susan Drive is ever developed further. 6. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Electric service is on the north, south, and east sides. No problems. Where street lights are located, the electric company will require a 5 foot easement on either side of the lot line (between lots 7 and 8, 4 and 5, and 2 and 3, Block 1). 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said they have underground service on three sides. He said they will -need the strip on the south side dedicated as an easement. 8. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): There is a gas line on the north and east sides. He asked that the 25 feet on the south side be identified as utility easement. Plat Review Committee Meeting November 4, 1977 -2_ • 9. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): All easements shown should be identified as utility easements. • 10. Bobbie Jones. (Planning Administrator). Asked if they could reduce the size of the easement on the north side. The utility companies agreed they would serve with a 10 foot easement since there is a 25 foot existing easement on the south side of the lots in Creekwood Hills. Bobbie Jones pointed out that Mr. Lieberenz said the flood plain is approximately 140 feet from the centerline of the creek. She explained that the owner would have to obtain a permit before doing any filling, grading, or excavating. Any house in the flood plain will have to have the floor level approximately 2 feet above the flood level. In the legal description there is one bearing which differs from the drawing. It is the last bearing parallelling the creek in Lot 8., Old Wire Road North has been changed to Creekwood Hills Subdivision. You also have two instances where the distance varies slightly from your boundary. On the call between Lots 8 and 9, I get 152.95 instead of 153 feet. Bobbie Jones said she had checked the bearings and distances against the other plats on file and he has a different bearing on Creekwood Hills on the east side coming down from the quarter section corner. The distance is the same, but the bearing is different. She also said she had checked the southeast part of this subdivision and the northeast part of Winwood II and gets a difference of approximately 111 feet from the subdivision corners to the East side of Susan. Bobbie Jones pointed out that the street name is confusing with Susan Drive and Susan Circle. She noted that stakes and monuments will need to be shown on the final plat. Also, bring in the application. The topography is shown at 2 foot intervals instead of 5 foot intervals. You will need to obtain a waiver from the Planning Commission on this. Show. the proposed use as single-family. We will need a revision by noon, November 7. 11. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. Agreed with Clayton Powell, Wally Brt and Bill Boudrey that Creekwood Hills should be extended into Susan Drive. The second item for consideration was the large scale development plan of Munchy's located on the west side of North College Avenue. Lee Boss and Howard Smith were present to represent. MUNCHY'S 2175 North College Large Scale Development 1 John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Said there is a gas line in front which they will serve from. 2. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company). Asked if the area would be blacktopped and Lee Boss said it would be concrete. Mr. Shaw said he would need conduit from the Southwest corner of the building to the south property line where the undeveloped property meets it for telephone service. Also, a 15 foot easement down the south property line going west all the way to the property line from the end of the conduit. He asked what type of service they would require and Lee Boss said they would only need one line. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 4, 1977 Dick Shaw said he would need a 1" PVC conduit and asked that the developer stake the end of it where they bring it out. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Asked if they would require cable service and Lee Boss said he didn't know. Mr. Terry said they are on the east side of Highway 71 and the only way they could get in there to serve would be to have the developer lay 1" PVC conduit from the pole where the power is coming off to the building. Lee Boss said he would check with the owner to see if they require cable. Mr. Terry said if they do not ask'.for cable now and ask for it at a later date, it will be at the developers' expense. 4. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Said they plan to serve underground from the north and asked that they put underground cable from the building to the pole, either 3" or 4" PVC conduit. The conduit and ditch will have to be furnished at the developers' expense. 5. Donald Bunn (City Engineer): Water is available on the west side of Highway 71 but Mr. Bunn was not sure if they could hook on. He said there is also sewer behind them but he was not sure of the exact location. Mr. Bunn said he would locate it. 6. Bill Boudrey (Fire Department). They have a fire plug on the north and on the south. No problem. 7. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Lee Boss asked if they could move the container to the southwest corner and Wally Brt said "yes". 8. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): There is adequate right-of-way on College. On the south driveway, there should be a 12.5 foot setback for the driveway. Change the 20 foot road easement to read "private driveway easement" to correspond with the legal. description. The Planning Commission may grant a variance on the driveway abutting the south property line but Mr. Powell said he would like to see some separation between the driveway and the property line. He said the Ordinance requires a 25 foot separation between driveways and the Planning Office usually requires a driveway to be at least 121 feet from the property line. Lee Boss questioned if they obtained a statement from the property owner to the south saying they would not have larger than a 24 foot driveway or would have a 25 foot separation between their driveway and Munchy's driveway, would that be sufficient, and Clayton Powell said "yes". He pointed out that the maximum size for a commercial driveway is 44 feet so the owner to the south could possibly have a 24 foot drive. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Put a note on the plat that the parking will be paved. You will have to pave the parking area and drives before the building may be occupied. We must have an as -built plot plan which, in addition to what the plot plan contains, will show where individual service lines for utility companies are located. Add on the drawing how far the closest point of the roof line will be from the street right-of-way. The minimum distance is 50 feet. Bobbie Jones explained the new fencing ordinance to Mr. Boss. David McWethy said they have a list of plants used. in that area previously which he would give to Mr. Boss. Bobbie Jones said to change the Township in the legal description to 14. She asked for a revision by noon, November 7. • • • Plat Review.Committee Meeting Novemher 4, 1977_ The last item for consideration was the large scale development plan of Butterfield Plaza located on Old Wire Road, south of Old Missouri Road. Neal Albright was present to represent. BUTTERFIELD PLAZA Old Wire Road 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent). Said the 36 foot driveway on the north end should have some separation from the property line. Neal Albright said there is an existing driveway on the property to the north which is 32 feet from the property line. Clayton Powell asked if the east/west easement for future street connects to Oak Cliff and Neal Albright said "yes". Clayton Powell said he feels the developer should be required to post a perpetual bond with an escalator clause to extend his half of Oak Cliff Drive from his west property line to Old Missouri Road and this should also be imposed on the property owner to the south. Bobbie Jones said the land to the south has already been developed and they have given a 25 foot easement for street extension. Clayton Powell said he would like to have this street put through now, if possible. Neal Albright indicated he might be willing to share the cost of putting the street in with the City. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked Neal Albright what type of offices he is proposing and Mr. Albright said it would be professional offices. Wally Brt asked that they put the 12 x 15 foot container pad on the northwest corner between parking A and the 13 spaces on the west. 3. Bill Boudrey (Fire Department): No problems. 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Sewer comes up from the end of Oak Cliff so they have sewer to this property line. Water is available from Old Missouri Road on the west side. Don Bunn asked if this would be master - metered and Neal Albright said "yes". 5. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Asked if they would individually meter each office and Neal Albright said "yes". He said they have service out there, and.. they will be able to serve them with underground service. 6. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Said he would have to serve from Old Missouri Road. He said they would go to the front of the building —and run 2" PVC conduit under the slab to the back (north side) between units 1 and 2 and then to the west side between units 3 and 4. Mr. Shaw said he would also need access to a ground wire. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said he would also have to feed from Old Missouri Road. He said he would need a 2" PVC conduit to follow the tele- phone. He said if they have a fire wall, they will need to work with the owner on that. 8. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Asked for a 15 foot easementon the northwest side 9316 ft. length) parallel and adjacent running from Oak Cliff to Old Missouri Road. They have service just south of Oak Cliff. Neal Albright asked if he could have this easement on the other side of the property line and John Kehn said that would be o.k. • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 4, 1977 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said to check with Mr. Lieberenz about where fire walls will be required. She said he has adequate parking spaces Bobbie Jones asked if they would be developing the parking in phases and Neal Albright said "yes". Neal Albright said the only driveway he would be developing now is the one shown in Phase A. She said he should notify Wally Brt that this is being done in phases. Bobbie Jones said he will need to notify the adjoining property owners with a different zoning district. She said he may do this 1) by certified letter, return receipt requested; 2) publish a notice in the newspaper; or 3) have them sign a copy of the plat. Take out the words "preliminary plat" and put in "large scale development". Omit the protective covenants, and certificate for recording. She said we will need a full 60 foot right-of-way on Old Missouri Road. However, the survey in the rezoning file indicates sufficient right-of-way. Bobbie Jones said to show that the parking will be paved. Bobbie Jones explained the new fencing ordinance to Mr. Albright and gave him a copy of this. She said he is required to have a view -obscuring fence or vegetation or a combination of the two between this property and the residentially zoned property. This will apply to the north property line. She said he would need to either decrease the size to 30" or stop the view -obscuring fence or vegetation 25-30 feet from the street right-of-way. Between the drive and street, you must have vegetation not over 21 feet high occupying 10% of the land area She said we will need a revision by noon, November 7, in order to go to the Planning Commission on November 14. • The meeting adjourned at 11 A. M. •