HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-10-13 Minutes• • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, October 13, 1977, at 9:00 A. M., in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. The only item for discussion was the final plat of Miller's Addition, located north of Willoughby Road; Arthur Miller, developer. MILLER'S ADDITION N of Willoughby Road Final Plat 1. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Not present. Easements are sufficient as shown. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent). If they decide to put a turn -around in, he will need a letter from individual property owners permitting him to go onto the private drives. Otherwise, they will need to build masonry garbage can holders on Willoughby Road. He suggested they build four holders, which will hold 8 cans each. Bobbie tones said these must be screened with a masonry wall. 3. Bill Boudrey (Fire Department): Said they will need additional fire plugs and said he will work with the engineer and developer. They will probably put one at the common corner of Lots 1, 2, and 15 and 16, and one at the common corner of Lots 5, 6, and 11, and 12. 4 Don Bunn (City Engineer): Show on the plat that all private drives will also be utility beasements. Also, an easement between Lots 1 and 2. 5. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Easements are sufficient. If Swepco goes underground, he would like to be notified ahead of time in order to get his cable. If they go overhead, he will follow them overhead when the cable company is able to serve them. He said there is cable approximately 4 mile from this development and they plan to serve this subdivision at some time but may not be able to serve it in the beginning. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Bobbie Jones said the Planning Commission did waive any requirement for improvements on Willoughby Road. She said she will have to ask the Planning Commission about sidewalks and street lights. Clayton Powell said he feels this is a gross exploitation of the tandem lot ordinance. He said he understood it was not the intent of the tandem lot ordinance for an entire subdivision to be tandem lots. He said if the owner and developer don't want to go to the expense to develop public streets, they could go with a Planned Unit Development. Clayton Powell said Willoughby Road is designated as a state highway. It is also designated as a principal arterial on the Master Street Plan. The plat reflects an existing 40 foot right of way. Arterial streets require 80 feet. The plat has annotated 40 feet each side of the centerline up to between Lots 13 and 14. There should be an annotation at the west end of the subdivision to dedicate additional rightof way and a separate deeded document conveying the needed right of way for street right of way. If the Planning Commission and the Board of Directors want to go along with 66 acres, 16 lots subdivison on tandem lots, that is o.k. but all the driveways should hot'be.less than the driveway width (35 feet). If • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting October 13, 1977 -2- corrogated metal pipe is used, it shoudl have 4" thick concrete headwalls. The plat should contain a note that there is to be no public maintenance for the private drives. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said the date to be shown for approval of the tandem lots by the Planning Commission should be June 13, 1977. Mark each private drive on the plat as "private drive and utility easement". Someone at Plat Review in the preliminary stage asked that the 25 foot building setback from Willoughby Road be labeled utility easement also. This should be done. There are three places where you need iron pins. Between Lots 5 and 6; and 6 and 7; and 7 and 8. At the upper left corner of the drawing, pinpoint the Point of Beginning and quarter section corner. If there is more than one quarter section corner, it should be identified and designated with concrete monuments. There should be a quarter section corner on the east side of Lot 9. We do not need the certificate for the mayor and city clerk to sign. We do need the application and final plat fee ($16). Steve Krysowaty said the highway department does have the full 80 feet right of way now. Bobbie Jones said she would need a revision by October 17th at noon, in order to go to the Planning Commission on October125.