HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-29 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, September 29, 1977, at 9:00 A. M., in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock, Clint Hutchens, Donald Bunn, Bill Boudrey, Wally Brt, Clayton Powell. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Floyd Hornaday, Dick Shaw, Clyde Terry, James Crownover, John Kehn. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Jim Lindsey, Larry Smith, Neal Albright, Loris Stanton, Gary Carnahan. The first item for consideration was the preliminary plat of the remaining three phases of Hyland Park located east of Crossover Road, Jim Lindsey, Developer. Jim Lindsey and Gary Carnahan were present to represent. 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. HYLAND PARK Remaining Phases Jim Lindsey 2. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Asked that they designate the 25 -foot front yard setback as building setback and utility easement around all lots. 3. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked for a 25 foot easement on Phase IV between Lots 59 and 60 and Lots 62, 63, and 64 in order to get back into Lot 61. Also, he asked for a 25 foot -utility easement between Lot 52 and Lots 53 and 54 in order to serve Lot 53. 4. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Noted that the service would be split on some lots.between Ozarks Electric and SWEPCO. He said Ozarks Electric would serve Lot 65 and SWEPCO would serve Lot 61. Mr. Crownover said Ozarks Electric would bring 3-phase in from the east. He said he is not sure, but thinks they will probably come into the southeast corner of the property and split the three phases and run them from that corner. He said it would be underground service from the east from Joe Fred Starr Road. They will need to work this out at this time because they must cross Phase VI to get to Phase IV. Bill Boudrey (Fire Department): No comments. 6. Donald Bunn (City Engineer): Jim Lindsey explained that there would be a problem in serving Lot 21 with sewer service. Don Bunn said he would not have any objections to having a septic tank on Lot 21 if the Planning Commission approves it. He said there is no way to serve this with sewer and said if at all possible, do not put a lift station there. An individual grinder -pump was discussed. Don Bunn asked for a 15 -foot easement through the back of Lots 50 and 51. Also, a 15 -foot easement through the back of Lots 20 and 22 through 28 or 29 where the sewer will go. 7. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said they would need a waiver from the Subdivision Committee to extend the maximum length of a dead-end street on Rock Cliff Road running from the west to the southeast. Cliffside Drive also exceeds the maximum length for a cul-de-sac street and they will need a waiver on this. Clayton Powell suggested they change the name of Rock Cliff Drive to Cliffside Drive and Mr. Lindsey agreed to do this. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 29, 1977 -2- 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said the lots on the cul-de-sac must have 70 feet of width at the setback line. She was concerned about Lots 19, 80, and 83. She suggested they either change the lot lines to give those lots more frontage or extend the cul-de-sac back further, or make the tandem lot drive a public street. Bobbie Jones said to put a note on the plat that Lots 17, 18, 81, 82, and 21 were approved by the Planning Commission as tandem lots on a certain date and will have a minimum setback from any property line of 20 feet. She said the tandem lots will need to furnish Wally Brt with a 30 x 40 foot turn -around or put a masonry garbage can holder at the street line. She said if they build a turn -around, it will need to be at least SB -2 and no parking will be allowed on the turn around or the tandem lot drive. Designate the Point of Beginning as to Section, Township, and Range to agree with the legal description. Bobbie Jones said if they submit this as separate phases, they will need to furnish a legal description on each phase:. She pointed out several calls in the description which needed to be corrected. She noted that they would need to put the dimension on the inside of the west line of Lot 65 and move the dimension for the lot plus the road to the outside of the lot.line. Bobbie Jones said to show sidewalks as 4 -foot concrete sidewalks. Jim Lindsey said he may have a problem putting sidewalks in because of the terrain and Bobbie Jones said he would need to obtain a waiver from the Planning Commission on those lots where he could not install sidewalks. She asked that he submit a letter on what he proposes if he seeks a waiver. Show street lights at each intersection, at the culs-de-sac and at 300 -foot intervals in between. Add a graphic scale, north arrow, and legend. Submit an application and fee. Bobbie Jones questioned if this would be divided into blocks in the different phases; if so, show the block. On the final plat show 4" x 4" x 30" concrete monuments at each subdivision corner and each quarter section corner. Also, show iron pins 1/2" x 30" at lot corners and points of curvature. On Zoning Classification, add Low Density Residential. Put standard certificates on final plat. We will not need the certificate for mayor and city clerk. The Planning Office will need a revision by October 3 in order to go to the Planning Commission October 10 or October 17 in order to go to the Planning Commission on October 25. 9. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. Suggested they extend the cul-de- sac on the east to about halfway north through Lot 18 on the east side in case there is a possibility this could be extended to connect with Joe Fred Starr Road at a later date. Next was the Final Plat of Azalea Terrace, located south AZALEA TERRACE of Old Wire Road on Colette extended and North of the Final Plat creek; Jerry Sweetser, Developer. Jerry Sweetser Neal Albright was present to represent. 1. Harold Lieberenz (Inspection Superintendent): Said to show the flood plain on the map. 2. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Said they would need a 25 foot easement to tie Lot 33 to Lot 34. Neal Albright agreed to run an easement straight from the southeast corner of Lot 34 to the southwest corner of Lot 33. John Kehn said they would go down Azalea. He asked for a 10 foot easement either down Lots 13 and 27 or 14 and 26 and along Azalea Terrace (street) to get back to Brookside East. Plat Review Committee Meeting September 29, 1977 -3- • • Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Asked that the easement all the way along the south be made 25 feet instead of the 20 feet shown. 4. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said to add "Note 1" on the plat. Street plans and profiles have been approved. 5. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. 6. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Asked that they reserve the remaining right-of-way on one side of the street for sewer between the subdivision and Old Wire Road. 7. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Asked that the easement on the north side of Lots 1 through 7 be changed to 25 feet. Asked for a 5 foot easement on either side of each lot where the street lights will be on the street.. 8. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): Said Jerry Sweetser could give a 121 foot easement on either side of the south lots if he would submit a letter to them giving them a 121 foot easement on the adjoining property: He said this would eliminate a 25 -foot easement off of these lots. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Show street lights and sidewalks. Designate the sidewalks as 4 -foot concrete sidewalks. Sidewalks need to be on the north side of Magnolia and all the way around the cul-de-sac, on the east side of Colette and 1 the west side of Azalea Terrace There is a transposition in the word "Legal Description". Show that there will be a permanent utility easement on both ends of the culs when they revert back to the property owners. Asked how much property there is between Brookside East'and Azalea Terrace. Mr. Sweetser had told the Planning Commission that area would be platted. Show the description and deed for right-of-way onAzalea Terrace out to Old Wire Road. Submit the same thing on the portion south of the subdivision if this is not taken back to Brookside East. Asked if he would have a contract or bond. On the legend, show iron pins '.1 x 30 inches and 4" x 4" x 40" concrete monuments. Bobbie Jones said she would like "Final Plat" in larger print. Asked for a revision by October 3 in order to go to the Planning Commission on October 10. Next was a large scale development plan for Dr. Singleton, located on Green Acres Road. Larry Smith was present to represent. DR. SINGLETON Green Acres Road 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said they need an additional 5 -foot 'dedication for the street on Green Acres Road. He said they probably need to make a document dedicating the 25 -feet from the centerline of Green Acres Road so it will show up on the abstract. He said he would require head walls on the driveway tiles and said to empty the drainage into the ditch rather than the road. Clayton Powell said Dr. Singleton would need a minimum 24" drainage tile. He suggested the Planning Commission require storm drainage and curb and gutter for the full width of the lot abutting Green Acres Road. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked that they make the radius on the drive coming off Green Acres Road a minimum of 20 feet with a 20 foot drive. He suggested that it would be better to go with containers than cans. He explained that there is a problem with children getting into the cans and the health department may make them convert to a container at a later date. Plat Review Committee Meeting September 29, 1977 -4- 3. Bill Boudrey (Fire Department): No comments. • 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Said there will need to be at least 10 feet between water and sewer lines. • 5. Floyd Hornaday (Ozarks Electric): Said they have service on Green Acres Road and could come in along the property line and also asked for a 15 foot easement all along the north side. They can serve underground or overhead. 6. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked for a 15 foot easement on the north side. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Asked if they would request t.v. service. Larry Smith said he did not know, but they would want to stub conduit for it. Mr. Terry said he would follow SWEPCO pole or if they.go underground, he would request the developer to furnish conduit. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Correct the scale to be 1" = 20'. Asked if the building lines as shown are from the roof overhang and Larry Smith said "yes". Bobbie Jones asked that he dimension the overall building sizes. She said to add a note that the parking will be paved and what it will be paved with. She said there may be some landscaping required on the south and east sides between the parking and the lot lines. Bobbie Jones said we will need a revision by October 3 in order to go to the Planning Commission on October 10. Bobbie Jones said the Planning Commission does have the authority to require upgrading of Green Acres Road along this property. She said the Planning Office will need an as -built plot plan submitted and the parking lot paved before the building will be occupied. She said they will need house numbers on the building before the water meters are set. She said they will need to show proof that this has been a lot or record since before June of 1970. Next was a large scale development plan for B 8 W TV located on South School street, Julian Watts, Developer. Larry Smith was present to represent. B$WTV South School 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Adequate right-of-way is shown on Highway 71. Said they will need a permit from the State Highway Department engineer in Fort Smith for the driveway. The State Engineer will determine the size of tile needed. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said to make sure he would be able to get to the container. 3. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): There is a high-pressure gas transmission line on the north side running east and west. There is a line running north and south parallel to the highway which they will serve from. 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water is on the east side of School and sewer is on the west side. He said to check to see if he can hook onto the sewer. 5. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Said he would need a 20 foot easement running east and west the entire depth of the south side. Furnish PVC conduit under the south turn -around. Plat Review Committee Meeting September 29, 1977 -5- 5. Bobbie 'Jones (Planning Administrator): Show parking as paved parking and it must be surfaced with at least double -chip and oil seal. Submit an as -built plot plan reflecting parking, individual service lines for utilities, and what is shown on the plat now. We will need a revision by October 3 in order to go to the Planning Commission on October 10. Submit proof that this is a lot of record. Also, check with Harold Lieberenz about the flood plain. The last item for consideration was a revision to the final plat of Country Club Estates. This revision was satisfactory with all utility companies. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 P. M. COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES Loris Stanton Revised Final Plat