HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-15 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, September 15, 1977, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Don. Bunn, Larry Pogue UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: John Kehn, Clyde Terry, Jack Whitting, Dick Shaw, Floyd Hornaday. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Jerry Sweetser, Robert Windham, Wade Bishop, Harold Westcott. The first item for consideration was a preliminary plat of Tract C of Sequoyah Woods, Phase I located south of Highway 45 and west of Joe Fred Starr Road. Sequoyah Woods was platted as a Planned Unit Development with Tract C shown as multi -family. Jerry Sweetser and Robert Windham were present to represent. SEQUOYAH WOODS Tract C Preliminary Plat 1. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water and sewer are available.. No Problems. Jerry Sweetser said he is going to put in a 3 inch cast iron pipe and said he would master meter the lots, initially, but thought if the individual units were ever sold they would want to switch to separate meters. 2. Larry Pogue (Fire Department): Questioned if any of the buildings would be two stories and Jerry Sweetser said some of them would be --they would be a maximum of 16 feet high. Jerry Sweetser said all of the drives will be 25 feet concrete drives and no parking will be allowed on the drives. Mr. Pogue said there was no problem. 3. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Said the gas company has an existing line on the west side of Tract C to serve the three buildings. He said he would get with Mr. Sweetser later on about how to serve buildings A and B. 4. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electric): Said they have an underground line on the west side. They have an overhead line from across the road which terminates in Building C and that will have to be moved underground. He said he needs to come between Building C and D. Jerry Sweetser said for Ozarks Electric to draw up what they need and he will fur- nish them with the necessary easements. He also needs a 20' easement between buildings A and B in the Green Area along Cherokee Drive and up. Also, he needs a 4 inch PVC conduit. 5. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said they have cable on the west side. He would like to bury down Cherokee with Ozarks Electric and will drop off in the same ditch to serve Buildings A and B. He said they will serve Buildings C, D, and E from the line on the west. Mr. Terry asked for a 2 -inch PVC conduit where the line will be under concrete drives. 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said he would serve with cans. He asked for a letter giving him permission to go onto the private streets. 7. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Said he would follow Ozarks Electric • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 15, 1977 -2- and Warner Cable. He said he would need two 2" PVC conduits 30' long where he will cross the drives. 8. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said the original developer of Sequoyah Woods dedicated the additional right of way needed for Joe Fred Starr Road. The Planning Commission may require improvements to Joe Fred Starr Road since it does not have a curb and gutter. The City limits run in the middle of Joe Fred Starr Road. Mr. Broecard on the east sideof Joe Fred Starr Road was concerned about Sequoyah Woods because it increased the drainage run off. He said the storm drain- age is great but noted that they are dumping surface drainage around the spillway. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator). In R-1, the height limit is two stories plus the basement. If the buildings are over 20 feet high the setback may be increased 1 foot for each foot over 20 feet in heighth. The minimum individual private lot size will be 1600 square feet. The minimum lot width is 60% of the normal lot width with an absolute minimum of 20 feet. Townhouses are in R-2 require 24', these will fall in this ruling. Bobbie Jones said they need to list by area. the area (acreage or square footage) devoted to residential, drives, parking, green space and area of the pond, and any other uses. Jerry Sweetser said they are not building a planned unit development as such, they are building an apartment complex in a planned unit development. Bobbie Jones said the Planning Commission has proposed an ordinance to be reviewed by the Board of Directors next Tuesday in which they will clarify the existing PUD ordinance to provide that private drives rather than public streets may be used in PUD's. They have proposed a minimum 20 feet wide street so long as the density per acre does not exceed 7 units and a dead end street does not exceed 500 feet in normal terrain. She said they are also subject to the subdivision regulations. When this is finishe they will need to file a plat that will denote lot areas for each dwelling unit and an as -built plan. Bobbie Jones said they need to dimension the setback for the buildings from Cherokee, and the width of the drives at the street. She said to show the 100 ft. minimum as a setback from Phillips. Bobbie Jones felt they should contact the adjoining. property owners with a copy of the plat. She said if they don't want to contact them personally, if Mr. Sweetser will furnish the Planning Office with names and addresses, we will send them a copy of the agenda. Jerry Sweetser said he would prefer not to do this. He felt you are creating problems when there are not any problems. Next was a concept sketch for Regency North located North of Appleby Road Wade Bishop and Harold Wescott were present to represent. REGENCY NORTH Appleby Road Concept Sketch Bobbie Jones explained that Mr. Bishop will need to show the proposed use for the land. She said the utility companies need to know from the preliminary level where multi- family will be and the number of living units. Wade Bishop said the lots on the E of the south are R-0 and the rest is Rt2. Mr. Bishop said Block 11, and the lots on the other side of that street are proposed for duplexes and triplexes to serve as a buffer between the drive-in theatre and the single-family. l._ Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked how wide the street will be. Wade Bishop said it will be 31 feet back -of -curb to back -of -curb. Wally Brt said he would not have any problems. 2. Larry Pogue (Fire Department): Asked if he has planned 1,000 feet spacing for fire plugs and Mr. Bishop said they p'_anto place the fire hydrants according to the • • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 15, 1977 Fire Department Regulations, No Problems. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said the Planning Commission may require abutting streets to the subdivision to be brought up to City Standards, however, Wade Bishop has been before the Board of Directors on three separate occasions concerning -the section of Appleby Road between College Avenue and Bishop Drive under the amended street maintenance ordinance, he has agreed to pay for the reduced standard off-site, beginning at his southeast property line to the north radius point of Bishop Drive. Mr. Bishop has submitted engineering plans and profiles to install curb and gutter and streets as outlined by the Board of Direc- tors. He said he can complete paving of Appleby to Bishop east property line but there is a utility delay in relocating cable for the street widening. From Bishop Drive to the north point of Appleby Road where it does a 90 west'%urn the Board of Directors did not address this segment of Appleby Road and the Planning Commission may require it to be brought up to city standards. He said the standard established for the divided lanes at the south side of the property is 20 feet wide, one-way streets on each side of the median. The median may be green space, asphalt or concrete. Mr. Powell noted that there are 109 interior lots which will only have two access points to Appleby Road and it may get congested. 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Asked that the water and sewer be in the front. He said there is a 16" water line running across the property. He said he would prefer to see it relocated. He said they need at least 10 feet either side of the 16" line for easement. He noted that it would be very difficult to build on some of the lots with this line running across the property. Don Bunn questioned what size easement the City has over the water line and Mr. Westcott said it is a 2 -foot easement. Mr. Bunn said he would strongly recommend that the line be moved. He asked that Mr. Bishop get with him to discuss this. 5. Harold Westcott said there is already a written 20 -foot easement along the north line of Blocks 1 and 2. The utility companies requested the following easements: 25 ft. each side of the two high pressure gas lines running through the property; 20 ft. along the North side of Lots 1 throughe4, Block 1; and 20 ft. down the East side of Lot 4, Block 1; 20 ft. along the North side of Lots 1 through 8, Block 2; and 10 ft. down the East side of Lot 4, Block 2: Redesign Block 3 to delete the cul de sac, divide Lot 7 between Lots 5 and 6, make Lots 8 and 9 into one tandem lot having only 25 ft. of the lot extending out to Appleby Road (flag lot), and possibly redivide Lots 1 and 2 in an East-West direction rather than a North-South direction to get more buildable area. Easements then requested in Block 3 are: 121 ft. down the East side of Lots 1, 3, and 4, Block 3; 20 ft. off the West side of the new tandem lot and running between Lot 2, Block 2 and Lot 10, Block 3 (as shown on the original submittal). 121 ft. off the West side of Lots 5 through 12, Block 4. 25 ft. centered on the rear lot lines between Blocks 5 and 6, running all the way through the blocks. 15 ft. off the North side of Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 7; 15 ft. easement down the West side of Lot 3, Block 7 as far South as the Northeast corner of Lot 2, Block 7; 10 ft. off the South side of Lots 6 and 14, Block 7; 25 ft. centered on the lot lines between Lots 6 and 7 and Lots 13 and 14, Block 7; 10 ft. off the North side of Lot 13, Block 7; 15 ft. off the South side of Lots 9 and 10, Block 7; • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 15, 1977 -4- 15 ft. up the West side of Lot 10, Block 7 as far North as the Southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 7; 20 ft. centered on the lot line between Lots 8 and 9, Block 7. 15 ft. off the South side of Lots 1 and 2, Block 8; 10 ft. off the North side of Lot 3, Block 8; 15 ft. off the West side of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 8; 10 ft. off the East side of Lots 7 and 9, Block 8; 25 ft. centered on the lot lines between Lots 7 and 8 and Lots 9 and 10, Block 8; 25 ft. off the West side of Lots 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 8; 15 ft. off the North side of Lot 15, Block 8 with the SUBDIVIDER to install three PVC conduits within this easement, OR, 20 ft. easement off the North side of Lot 15, Block 8. 25 ft. easement centered along the back lot lines between Lots 1 through 9 and Lots 10 through 18, Block 9; 20 ft. easement centered along the side lot lines between Lots 2 and 3, Block 9. 25 ft. easement off the North side of Lots 1 through 13, Block 10. 25 ft. easement off the East side of Lots 4 through 16, Block 11; 25 ft. easement off the North side of Lot 16, Block 11; 25 ft. easement centered along the side lot lines between Lots 5 and 6, between Lots 7 and 8, and between Lots 13 and 14, Block 11. Call the Telephone Company before the SB -2 goes in on the streets so that they can install cable crossings between Block 11 and Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 9. 6. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): I feel the Planning Commission should look at this carefully and realistically before deciding whether to exercise its power to require the existing Appleby Road to be brought up to full City street standards. With this proposed development and the future development potential this street will, of necessity, become a major collector even though it is not on the Major Street Plan as such. It will be heavily used and not some minor residential street that doesn't go anywhere. It seems surprising to have this Appleby Road improved to less than the full minimum City street standards when all the streets in the Subdivision will be required to come up to minimum street standards. (Mr. Halk was not present at the meeting, but submitted these comments later.) 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): The revision of the plat should also include the following information not presently on the plat: The Plat must be 18" x 23" on a scale of 1" s 100' or 1" = 200'. It may be finaled in phases but show the proposed phases on the preliminary. Also, you may have more than one sheet per final but each sheet must have all certificates, etc. Need name and mailing addresses of the owner and developer and engineer. Need graphic scale and annotated scale. Show acreage, zoning districts, which losts are zoned now, and proposed use of land. Add the legal description to the Plat. Dimension all lots, and Show setback lines on frontof'lots. Add section, range, township lines. Add vicinity sketch; add topography at 5 foot intervals. If it is not drawn at 5 foot intervals you will need to get a waiver from the Planning Commission. Add the names of all streets, existing and proposed. Obtain the adjoining property owner's signatures. This may be done by having them sign a copy of the preliminary plat. Add "Protective Covenants". If none show "none". If there will be covenants, the Planning Office will need a copy of them. Add the signature block for the Planning Commission Secretary. Street lights must be located at all intersections and at 300 feet intervals. It must be shown on the plat. Show sidewalks on plat (on one side of street and completely around cul de sac) i• • • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 15, 1977 and designate in legend af4 ft. concrete sidewalks. Show and designate all easements and rights-of-way widths. The Planning Commission has the authority to require upgrading of Appleby Road. In order to go to the Planning Commission on October 10, we will need a revision by September 30. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 P.M.