HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-08 Minutes• • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, September 8, 1977 at 9 A. M., in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock, David McWethy, Wally Brt, Clayton Powell, Bill Boudrey, Donald Bunn. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Floyd Hornaday, Clyde Crownover, John Kehn. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Harry Gray, Ervan The first item for discussion was the preliminary plat of Westwind Subdivision located west of Township Road and between College Avenue and Old Wire Road. Terry, Andy Calloway, James Wimberly, Steve Krysowaty. WESTWIND SUBDIVISION West of Township Preliminary Plat This item was discussed at the September 1 meeting also. Harry Gray and Ervan Wimberly were present to represent. Ervan Wimberly said they are going to change this to a Planned Unit Development proposed street will be privately owned and maintained. and the 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said he will go down the street if he can but will need a letter giving him permission to go onto the private drives. He said he will need at least a 30 x 40 foot turnaround at the end of the street; or the owners may build a brick enclosure at the edge of Township and the City will pick up trash from there. He said the trees will need to be kept trimmed up to about 14 feet high and at least 15 feet wide for his trucks to get in. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that provided the Board of Directors approves the proposed ordinance, he has no objections to the type and width of street. He said he would encourage at least 20 foot radii at the intersection of Township so the traffic won't have to cross the centerline to go in and out. The maximum length for a dead end street would have to be waived. He also asked that they be conscious of the on-site drainage. The east side of Jimmie is totally curb and gutter. The north side of Township is asphalt curb on McGuire's property. If they alter the radii, the construction at the intersection will have to be concrete. Ervan Wimberly said that is what they are planning. He said common private drives should be labeled as "common area for drives and utilities. Ervan Wimberly said it would be designated as such on the final plat. 3. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas Company): John Kehn said they have a gas line down the east side of the gravel street. They may have to move the line if it is under where the proposed street will be. They will need a 25 foot easement for this line. Ervan Wimberly proposed to give an additional 20 foot easement along with the 50 foot easement for common drive and utility purposes. Mr. Kehn stated this would be acceptable. 4. Jimmy Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Said Ozarks Electric is already in Brophy Addition to the West. They already have overhead service across the street at the north end from four of the proposed lots. If they want underground service, the trees would interfere, but if they do want to go underground, they will try to snake around the trees as much as possible. They will serve the end lot on the • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 8, 1977 -2- South off of Township. The developer will have to supply conduit under the road. Mr. Crownover said they do want to go on the street side rather than the rear of the lots. Ervan Wimberly said they will have a 20 -foot easement on the west side of the street. 5. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked for a 25 foot easement on Lots 1-5 and half of Lot 6 on the back side. Also requested that the 25 foot building setback line on the south side of Lot 1 be designated as a utility easement. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Easements are sufficient. He said if they go underground with Ozarks Electric, Wagner Cable will need conduit under the road. Ervan Wimberly said if they locate it on the east side of the road it would be underground. Mr. Wimberly mentioned trying to get a utility easement from the property owners to the east of the property. Mr. Terry said he would feed from Township, he could also come off the existing•cable on Jimmie. 7. Don Bunn (City Engineer): No problems with water or sewer. He is showing the water and gas line on the same side of the street. If possible, he would like to have them on different sides of the street, if they are on the same side, there will need to be a separation between the two. 8. Bill Boudrey (Fire Department): Said he does not like the small street nor a dead-end 6 -inch water line. Ervan Wimberly said they plan on looping the water line at a later date. Bill Boudrey said they would have trouble getting their larger fire trucks in there. They need at least a 12 foot clearance; he agreed with Wally Brt's request. Bobbie Jones suggested they write into the protective covenants that the Home Owner's Association will keep the trees trimmed for the fire trucks and sanitation service. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Need 40 feet right-of-way from the existing centerline of Township. Street light distance needs to be waived by the Planning Commission to 340 feet from the intersection of Township Road. If there is a street light already existing at Township Road, show it on the plat. The Planning Commission will also need to waive the distance for street light spacing at the north end. Name the proposed street and label as private drive. If it is to be a public street, it must be constructed to City regulations or the street width will need to be waived by the Planning Commission. The proposed ordinance for Planned Unit Developments will be written to permit 20 foot streets without curb and gutter as long as the density does not exceed seven units per acre and the length does not exceed 1,000 feet. Dimension the easement between Lots 7 and 8 (15 feet) Brophy Addition, and the one on the south side of Lot 6 (15 feet) Brophy Addition. If electric service is along the front, will the electric company still need the easements shown between Lots 3 and 4, Lots 6 and 7, and Lots 9 and 10? Each repre- sentative indicated those easements would hot be needed. She said he may need the easement on the north side of Lot 12. Show the sidewalks as 4 foot concrete sidewalks. Ervan Wimberly questioned if side- walks would be required in Planned Unit Developments. Bobbie Jones said the Subdivision Committee had not addressed this question. In the lower left corner of the plat show the proposed use as single-family residential if that is the proposal and change the public street right-of-way to be "common easement for private roads". Add protective covenants, if any. If none, show "none" on the plat. The Planning Office will need a copy of the protective covenants. Bobbie Jones asked if there is not a transposition in the legal description in the quarters. She felt it should be -the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter. • • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 8, 1977 -3- There should be 4" x 4'"' x 30" concrete monuments at each subdivision corner. Offset monuments on Township to the new right-of-way line. Show metal stakes '" x 30" at each lot corner. The Planning Office need adjoining property owners' signatures before taking this to the Planning Commission. .This will go to the Planning Commission on September 26 if we have a revision no later than September 19. The Planning Commission must waive the dead end street length regardless of whether it is private or public. The Planning Commission may require the developer to upgrade their portion of Township to meet present City standards. If this is not to be a public street, the property to the east could not get the benefits of a public street for lot frontage purposes unless they were a part of the Planned Unit Development. This could be a very critical factor under the Zoning Ordinance. Bobbie Jones asked the sight distance along the centerline of the road. Ervan Wimberly said it would be 400 feet. Bobbie Jones said the minimum distance is 250 feet, so he is o.k. City Attorney McCord has said that the private drives are not to be referred to as "streets" in any discussions or writings. The second item for discussion was the large scale development plan. for Ralph Freeman located west of Leverett and between Lawson and Sycamore Streets. Harry Gray was present to represent. RALPH FREEMAN Large Scale Development West of Leverett 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said they would need a minimum of two six- yard containers with this many apartments. He asked that they put one at the southeast corner of the 16 units and the other at the southeast corner of the south 7 units. Pour a 12 x 15 foot concrete pad, enclosed on three sides'if they wish with the front 15 feet open. Also, submit a letter giving the sanitation trucks permission to come onto the private property. 2. Bill Boudrey (Fire Department): Said they would have a lot of trouble with the 16 foot drive at the south of the two 7 -unit apartment complexes. He said they would not be able to get in there with their larger trucks. Once in there would be no way out. 3. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Asked if Storer "no". Mr. Bunn said there is sewer on the be shown. When the street is closed, they for this. Water is available from Leverett and there Avenue has been closed and Harry Gray said north side of the property and it needs to will need to retain a 15 foot easement is a fire hydrant on Leverett. 4. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said they would need an additional 10 foot right-of-way dedication on Leverett on the east side of the Freeman property. Leverett is a collector street. Storer right of way will need to be petitioned to close. He said since the improvement- of.' Lawson Street, Storer is not really needed. He felt they could close all of Storer. Leverett does not have even the minimum storm drainage required and he hopes they will design this so the on-site drainage does not come onto Leverett. They do have curb drop inlets on Sycamore. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 8, 1977 -4- 5. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked how far it would be between the rock house and the townhouses. Harry Gray said it would be approximately 7 feet. Mr. Calloway asked that the north 20 feet of the property be designated as a utility easement. Mr. Calloway said he will need a 2 -inch PVC conduit under the concrete area on the west side of the north unit up between the two 7 -unit buildings, to the center of the north building or to the center of the fire wall. He said they would run under the patio to the units on the south side. On the 16 -unit apartment complex they will need a 2 -inch PVC conduit from the 20 foot easement under the;qdewalk and brought up under the center of the building. If there is a fire wall in:any-of the units, we will need this to come out near the fire wall and will need a 11 inch building entrance to get into the individual units. We will need this opening on either side of the property as utility easement. They will feed from the northeast corner to the east side of the building. PVC conduit is needed under any paved area as well. 6. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): No comments. 7. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Questioned if electric service would be overhead. Mr. Gray wasn't sure. He said they will bring service from Leverett along the north side. He said they wouldn't have any problems with the apartments on the north side. The 7 -unit apartments on the south side will need to be served from Leverett. The electric company will need to set one pole along the drive; or they would need 2 inch PVC conduit between the house and the apartments to put cable in there. 8. -Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Asked for 2 -inch PVC conduit to follow the telephone company. This would be down the west side of the north 7 units and turn up into the center to serve each side. They will need 2 -inch PVC conduit from the north 20 feet down to the center of the fire wall on the 16 units. 9. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): No comments. 10. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Asked how many dwelling units in the two existing structures and Harry Gray said they are single-family houses. The developer must dedicate the 30 foot right-of-way from the existing centerline before the building permit may be issued. Bobbie Jones said she needs to know the height of the buildings to see if the setbacks to the north are sufficient. The right-of-way for Storer must be vacated and that must be done before any building permits can be issued. She said he would need to contact each utility company in writing and get their written approval to close Storer. The parking area and drives must be paved before the building is occupied. If this cannot be done, contact the Planning Office at least two weeks before they are ready to occupy. We will need an as -built plot plan showing individual utility lines as well as what is presently shown on the plat before occupancy also. House numbers must be up before they set water meters. We will need a revision no later than September 19. Next for discussion was Township Terrace Subdivision, TOWNSHIP TERRACE City of Fayetteville, developer and Warren Addition, WARREN ADDITION Warren West, developer, both located North of the proposed Township $ Old Wire Road extension of Township and South of Old Wire Road. These proposed subdivision are contiguous; therefore, their discussion was combined. Frank Blew was present to represent Warren Addition and David McWethy was present to represent Township Terrace. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 8, 1977 -5- Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Felt this would be a traffic hazard with all lots having access onto Old Wire Road, an arterial street. He cited other recent subdivisions in the area which had had access to Old Wire Road prohibited. When Township is extended, Lot 3 can have its access onto Township. Clayton Powell suggested they put a common drive between Lots 2 and 3, Township Terrace, and submit Lot 1 as a tandem lot. Old Wire Road is a minor arterial. We have 60 feet right-of-way presently and both the City and Warren Addition have annotated the additional right-of-way dedication required. Clayton Powell requested they delete "sidewalks will be developed by owners" because if sidewalks are not built within 5 years, they would have;to be built by whoever owns the property. Ordinance 1725 states that on City streets abutting new subdivisions, the developer may be required to bring the street up to City standards. 2. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Suggested a private drive coming off Township from Lot 2 between Lots 3, 4, and 5, and Lots 6, 7, and 8, Warren Addition. Clayton Powell concurred with David McWethy on this. Frank Blew asked if he could also designate this as a sewer easement. Bobbie Jones said he would need to check with City Engineer Don Bunn on this. Only Lot 1 in each subdivision would then have access to Old Wire Road. The developers will need to construct Township to the east line of Warren Addition. 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No problems on either subdivision. 4. Bill Boudrey (Fire Department): No problems on either subdivision. 5. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas)-: Asked adjacent to Old Wire Road. Frank Blew said he will designate the 25 easement also along both streets in both will be sufficient. for an easement parallel and foot building setback as utility subdivisions. Mr. Kehn said this 6. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): On Township Terrace the 25 foot building setback designated as utility easement will be sufficient. On Warren Addition, the telephone company will need a 25 foot easement down the east side of Lots 1 and 2 and a 15 foot easement down the East side of Lot 8. An easement will also be needed across the north side of Lots 7 and 8 to get internally. Will also want to use the easement with the sewer. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Will follow SWEPCO poles if the developer has overhead electric service. 8. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Easements proposed are sufficient as shown for over- head service. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): should be designated as 4" x 4" x 30". foot concrete sidewalks. The Planning Office will need adjoining On Township Terrace concrete monuments Sidewalks should be designated as 4 property owners' signatures. The Planning Commission must waive the scale to permit 1" = 50 feet. On Township Terrace, Lot 2 cannot be built upon until street construction for Township has begun, at least. The Planning Office will -need a copy of the protective covenants, if any. If there are none, it should say "none". • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 8, 1977 -6- The Planning Commission has the authority to require upgrading of Old Wire Road. A street light will be required at the street intersection; at the east end of Township Terrace,•there should be another street light. If there are existing street lights, indicate their location. Put the date in the title block. If Township is for future construction, the plat should reflect that it is for future construction. Frank Blew felt it is for immediate construction. Bobbie Jones said the bearing following the Township Line does not coincide with Neal Albright's bearing for Old Wire Road North Subdivision :(Creekwood Hills). Mr. Blew said he could make them common but it is correct as shown and it would cause a problem in the deed if he changed it. Warren Addition: The Planning Commission would need to waive the scale. The final plat must indicate monuments. At the north end of the subdivision, dimension the area in the street right-of-way. The Planning Commission has the authority to require upgrading of Old Wire Road. Show the street lights across the street. This will require a street light at the east side. Show the 4 foot concrete sidewalks. The Planning Commission will need adjoining property owners' signatures, protective covenants, if any; if none, it should say "none" The street coming off of Old WireRoad North would intersect Township about 40 feet east of this development. Bobbie Jones asked for a revision by September 19 in order to go to the Planning Commission on September 26. 9. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Sewer will go between the two subdivisions and come up from the south. Said he would need a 15 foot easement between Lots 6 and 7, and Lots 3, 4, and 5, Warren Addition. Mr. Blew said it would be a joint sewer between the two subdivisions. Don Bunn said there is a 24 inch water line in Old WireRoad. Frank Blew said since the sewer would cross Lots 1, 2, and 3, Warren Addition as shown, the lot lines would be adjusted to follow the sewer easement. The easement requested by the telephone company would follow the relocated lot line. The last item for consideration was the final plat of Brophy Addition, located north of Township Road and west of Karyn Avenue. Steve Krysowaty was present to represent. BROPHY ADDITION Final Plat North of Township 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said they didn't show the future extension of Brophy Avenue on the preliminary plat. He felt they need to indicate where Brophy Circle stops and Brophy Avenue begins. He stated that if they do extend Brophy Avenue further north, it will require a lot of fill and a drainage structure. 2. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Easements are sufficient as shown. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said he would need a 25 foot easement between Lots 11 and 12, Block 4. This should be centered on the property line. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting September 8, 1977 -7- James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Asked for the same easement as Mr. Terry. 5. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell): Easements are sufficient as shown. 6. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): On Lot 6, Block 3, the north lot line was shown to come straight across and intersect the north line of the street on the preliminary plat. As drawn, it doesn't meet the frontage requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Lot 6 only has approximately 30 feet of frontage until the street is extended. There are three possible alternatives: 1) if there is at least 25 feet, the Planning Commission could approve this as a tandem lot, 2) otherwise, he needs at least 56 feet of lot frontage at the 25 foot building setback line. She asked if they could construct a stub back into the front of the property. 3) They might also ask the Board of Adjustment for a waiver of the amount of frontage required on an improved street That would need to be done before the plat may be filed. On 10 foot easements between lots, indicate those as being five feet on each side of the lot. On the existing platted portion of Lot 1, Block 3, the existing right of way line is only 30 feet north of the centerline of Township; however, we do need 40 feet from the centerline on this phase. Under Zoning Classification, put R-3, "High Density Residential" and R-1, "Low Density Residential". Under Plat Covenants, show "None" as Mr. Brophy has told me he doesn't propose any. Add engineer's name and mailing address under the owner and developer. Under Note #1 put "Iron Pins at all Lot Corners and Change of Alignment, 1" x 30", or show "Set Iron Pin 1" x 30". On the legend, indicate concrete monuments as 4" x 4" x 30". Add into the legend the line for easements and the line for setbacks. The Planning Commission did waive street light spacing on the preliminary plat. Will Mr. Brophy submit a contract or bond? The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 P. M.