HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-18 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville August 18, 1977, in the Board Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock, Wally Brt, Clayton Don Bunn. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Clyde Terry, James Crownover. OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Battenfield, Ron selby. The first item for consideration was the preliminary plat of Mathias Subdivision, located south of Township Road and east of Juneway Terrace. Bob.Battenfield was present to represent. Powell, MATHIAS SUBDIVISION Preliminary Plat South of Township Rd. 1. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Asked if all the easements would be 25 feet and Bob Battenfield said "yes". He noted that there is an existing 10 -foot utility easement down the North side of Northridge Subdivision and a 10 -foot easement in Rolling Hills Subdivision on the east line of the proposed subdivision. It will really give them a 35 foot easement on Lot 5 and part of Lot 6. Mr. Terry said the easements would be sufficient for him. He said they have cable on the south side of the subdivision and on the east side of Briarwood to Lot 2 which they can continue on with. Mr. Terry asked if they would go underground or overhead and Bob Battenfield said they don't know yet. He felt they would probably go underground. • Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Said the easements are sufficient as shown. He said they would need a piece of 2 -inch PVC conduit across the south end of Briarwood. 3. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Said they have overhead service on the south side and across Township. Unless the developers specifically request underground, it looks like overhead service would be adequate They would only need two poles to go overhead. He said if they go underground the developer would have to dig the trench, pour the pads for transformers, and close the trench. Mr. Crownover also asked that they designate the 25 -foot building setback as building setback and utility easement. If electrical service goes down the West side of the street, the street light between Lots 5 and 6 will be moved across the street and will probably be between Lots 3 and 4. 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water and sewer are available. He said he would like to see the water line go on out to Township and tie back into the existing line on Township. Bob Battenfield asked if he would have any objection to both water and sewer going down the west side of the street. Don Bunn said it would be all right if they maintain at least a 10 -foot separation between the two. 5. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. Plat Review Committee Meeting August 18, 1977. -2- • 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said he likes the revised preliminary plat. He said Mr. Burris and the person owning the property to the south of him paid to pave the street to the north property line of Lot 1. He said he would like to see the engineering plans and profiles for street construction to begin on the southwest corner of the intersection of Peel and Briarwood since there is no storm drainage and there is a considerable amount of drainage running from Township south to the property line. He said by starting on the southwest corner of Peel within the existing radius with a concrete swale and then widen that portion to city standards all the way through, we can live with the drainage. No other storm drainage exists until about four blocks south. Clayton Powell said the policy now is that before any curb and gutter is constructed all utilities must be constructed, including street crossings. Bob Battenfield asked if they could tie into the existing sidewalk on the east side and Clayton Powell said they could, but noted that on the east side they don't own the lot abutting Township so the Planning Commission may want them to construct the sidewalk on the west side so they can go all the way to Township. Bobbie Jones said the developer may put the responsibility for putting in the sidewalk onto the person applying for a building permit on Lots 5, 6, and 7, and the developer could construct the sidewalk himself within the street right of way between Lot 7 and Township Road. • 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said to show on the plat that the sidewalk would be a four foot sidewalk. She said the street light shown on the south side of Lot 1 should be at the intersection of Briarwood and Township. She said they do have proper spacing between street lights. Add the 25.foot building setback on the north side of Lot 1. She noted that there would only be a 53 foot buildable area on Lot 1 and a 46 foot buildable area on Lot 7. Mr. Shaw said they would not need the 25 foot setback on the north side of Lot 7. This would give them a buildable area of 63 feet if the gas company doesn't need this easement. Bobbie Jones said there will need to be concrete monuments at each corner of the subdivision (4" x 4" x 30") and iron pins 1/2" x 30" at each lot corner. The ones along Township should be set at the back of the new street dedication. Indicate the monuments and pins on the final plat with a legend. She asked for a revision by Monday, August 22, in order to go to the Planning Commission on August 29, 1977. 8. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. 9. Tom Halk (Community Development): No comments. 10. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Not present. Next was the large scale development plan for a branch bank of Fayetteville Savings and Loan Association located at Millsap Road and North College Avenue. Ron Shelby was present to represent. FAYETTEVILLE SAVINGS F, LOAN ASSOC. Large Scale Development • • Plat Review Committee Meeting August 18, 1977 -3- 1. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Asked if they would request TV cable and Mr. Shelby said "no". Mr. Terry asked him to check for sure and let him know. If they do request cable, Warner Cable. will need 2 -inch PVC conduit from the power pole on the southwest corner of the development under the pavement and into the utility room, then a conduit from the utility room up to overhead. Run a 3/4" conduit down with a plug into each individual room. 2. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked what wall would be for the telephone backboard. Mr.Shelby said it would probably be the south wall. Mr. Shaw said he would need a 4 foot by 8 foot 3/4 inch plywood backboard. He also said he would need 2" PVC conduit from the power pole on the southwest corner to the southwest corner of the backboard, with 110 outlet on the backboard. 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said he would need 16 feet between the driveway curb and the overhead canopy. He asked that they change the location of the container so it will open to the west and will still set on the southwest corner of the property as shown. He said they would need a 12 x 15 foot pad in case they decide to go to a container. The 15 feet width should face west. If they start with cans they can put a gate across the front which would have to be removed if they change to a container. 4. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Water and sewer are available from Highway 71. There is an 8" water line in the highway right-of-way. The sewer line is on the property in a private easement. The four foot brick wall is shown to be over the sewer line and they would prefer it not be over the sewer line. 5. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): The 5 foot additional right-of-way required on Millsap Road is shown. Said the drainage is shown to go from the driveway onto the public street and they should put drop inlets or catch basins on the property to catch this drainage and pass it on to the nearest storm drainage (at the southeast corner of Millsap and College). 6. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): The parking spaces shoudl be 10' x 20'. The west driveway on Millsap should be 40 feet from the intersection of right-of-way lines. Clayton Powell said he wouldn't object to his leaving the driveway as it is with only 25 feet since this is almost directly across from the Frontage Road. Bobbie Jones said he may want to ask the Planning Commission for a waiver on this. She suggested he verify the location of Frontage Road. She said he would need to check with the sign inspector on the sign. She said to show the width and location of the easement on the sewer line. The developer needs to notify the owner of any property having a different zoning classification and common boundary. She thought this may pertain to the property to the east. Mn Shelby said the East 20 feet of the developer's property is zoned R-1. Upon completion of the project, the Planning Office will need an as -built plot plan showing individual utility service lines as well as what is shown now. The parking must be completed before the building can be occupied. She asked for a revision by August 22, in order to go to the Planning Commission on August 29. 7. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. • 8. John.Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Not present. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 A. M.